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September 27, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-09-27

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy, rain in south-1
east, colder Thursday; Friday
partly cloudly, slightly warmer.

C, r

Sir igau*


How To Build A College ...,
A Stitch In Tme...



Find Body
Of Missing
Lillian Gallaher Is Found,
Head Battered, Stuffed
In Small Trtnk
Suspect Is Former
Inmate Of Asylum
Police Believe Child Was
Kept Prisoner H o ur s
Before Killing
DETROIT, Sept. 26. -(T)-Stran-
gled, criminally assaulted and her
head crushed by a blow from a ham-
mer, Lillian Gallaher's body was
found today stuffed into a small
trunk in an apartment six blocks
from the home where she had been
missing since Thursday.
The blood-stained hammer was
found this afternoon in the apart-
ment, which had been occupied since
July 10 by a couple registered as Mr.
and Mrs. M. W. Goodrich, respectively
about 25 and 26 years of age.
A medical examination established
that death was caused either by a hole
in the skull or by strangulation, and
that an assault had been made before
she died.
Late today, a man who answered
Goodrich's appearance was detained
briefly in Adrian, Mich., until he es-
tablished his identity.
With his release, Mr. and Mrs.
Goodrich - the former said by police
to have been committed to an Ohio
asylum after molesting women and
girls in Youngstown, O., became the
objectives of a search even more in-
tensive than the one for the child,
which ended on her twelfth birthday.
In the trunk with the body were
newspaper clippings telling of the
search for the child, some of them
from papers of Friday.
Clyde Burgess, janitor of the apart-
ment building, said that Goodrich was
seen about the apartment. house on
Saturday. Police advanced that as an
indication that Lillian might have
been held a prisoner there for many
hqurs, perhaps days, before she was
killed. The possibility also was noted
that someone with access to the apart-
ment might have placed the trunk
and its gruesome contents there with-
out the knowledge of the tenant.
Many Freshman
Colleges Under
U. Of M. Rule
Michigan Will Handle 22
Of 70 Federal Schools
Throughout The State
At least 22 of the 70 freshman
colleges set up throughout Michigan
by the Federal Emergency Relief
Administration will be handled by the
University, Dr. Charles A. Fisher, as-
sistant director of the extension divi-
sion, announced yesterday.
The plan, which is being handled
through the State Emergency Welfare
Relief Commission and headed by
Orin W. Kaye, director of Emergency
Education, provides for teachers to be
hired by the federal government in

every community where 40 or more
persons are desirous of enrolling. The
onlyecost to the student of attending
these colleges is that of laboratory
fees and books. t
Different sections of the state are
under the supervision of various edu-
cational institutions, among which
are Michigan State College, Michigan
State Normal College, Wayne Uni-
versity, Central, Western, and North-
ern State Teachers Colleges. The Uni-
versity's territory includes the coun-
ties of Huron, Tuscola, Sanilac, La-
peer, Genesee, Alcona, Oscoda, Craw-
ford, Kalkaska, Grand Traverse, Ben-
zie, Leelanau, Antrim, Otsego, Mont-
morency, Alpena, Presque Isle, Che-
boygan, Emmett, and Charlevoix.
Teachers in these federal schools
are paid $15 per week. The hiring of
those from the University, while nom-
inally under the extension division,
is being handled by Dr. T. Luther
Purdom, director of the University
bureau of appointments and occu-
pational information.
The curricula in these college units
will include the following subjects:
Vnamic mnthamonn..nnlitical sci-

Body Found


University To
Of f er Special
Field Courses
Education School Makes
New Subject Available
In 7 Michigan Cities
A new field course in education,
to be offered this year by the staff
of the School of Education, will be
made available to students in seven
cities in Michigan through the Uni-
versity's extension division, according
to an announcement made recently
by Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education.
The advanced field course is de-
signed especially to provide an op-
portunity for critical appraisal of
significant studies of selected educa-
tional problems and to assist field
workers in the application of .find-
ings to the improvement of practice.
in the schools.
The subject will be administered
through the extension division in
Jackson, Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids,
Saginaw, Flint, Pontiac, and Wyan-
dotte. In each of the seven centers
there will be eight meetings for the
course with afternoon and evening
The course consists of four units,
each of which will be presented by a
committee of two members of the
staff of the School of Education,
and each unit deals with a problem
of teaching in primary and secondary
schools. The units are Improvement
of Reading in Elementary and Secon-
dary Schools, Diagnosis of Behavior
Problems of Pupils; Technique of In-
struction for Slow Normal Students,
and Appraisal and Redistribution of
Extra-Curricular Activities.
Prof. L. W. Keeler and Prof. Clif-'
ford Woody will teach the first unit,
with Prof. W. C. Olson and Prof.
W. C. Trow conducting the second.
The problems of the Slow Normal
Students will be discussed by Prof.
Raleigh Schorling, and Prof. F. D.
Curtis, while Prof. Calvin O. Davis
and Prof. Edgar Johnston will have
the fourth group.
Beginning November 6, the classes
will meet four times before the Christ-
mas holidays, and four times during
March and April. In the interval the
members of the class will make sur-
veys on problems outlined during the
early meetings.

NRA Guidance
Is Assumed
By Roosevelt
Boards Will Be Used For
Management Instead Of
Individual Supervisors
President To Make
Refuses To Comment On
Hugh Johnson, Former
WASHINGTON, Sept. 26. - (P)-
President Roosevelt personally under-
took today the guidance of NRA to-
ward a new era of business control
-a method of management by boards
instead of individuals.
In sharp contrast with the still ab-
sent Hugh S. Johnson's original swift
marshaling of the Blue Eagle emer-
gency batalion, he moved guardedly
toward the goal of permanency. There
was intent watch for, but no indi-
cation of whether the reshaping would
be done along more liberal or con-
servative lines.
Mr. Roosevelt, within a matter of
minutes after his return from Hyde
Park, N. Y., told newspapermen that
the process was underway but that
it would be evolutionary rather than
sudden. Immediately thereafter he
conferred at length with Donald R.
Richberg, newly risen to the post of
chief co-ordinator of New Deal re-
covery activities.
The President demonstrated clearly
that he would disclose his course only
when his plans were in shape.
Won't Answer C. of C.
Asked whether he would answer
the recent requests of organized busi-
ness for a clarification of his policies
on budget financing, NRA and fi-
nances, he turned a jest, then said
clearly that he would not. He added
more leadership toward the recovey
a belief that industry should exert
As for -his own aniti-deression
team, which he once likened to a
football eleven with himself at quar-
terback, Mr. Roosevelt would discuss
none of his projected 1934 plays. He
remarked with a smile that the squad
still seemed to be scoring.
Nor would he comment on the loss
of that dynamo of the old first team
line-up - Hugh Johnson. The where-
abouts of the resigned administrator
remained something of a mystery. His
friends here thought that he was in
New York, but no one knew where.
At NRA it was said that he would be
back at his desk tomorrow to wind
up odds and ends before departing
Oct. 15.
One of the points most marked
about Johnson's quick submission of
his resignation last night was the lack
of comment by official Washington.
Privately expressed theories were
many, but no one seemed to know
the real reason for the move being
made at this time.
New Dealers Are Silent
His fellow New Dealers had little
to say even in private. Several of
Johnson's opponents did speak up,
among them Senator Lynn J. Fra-
zier, North Dakota Repubican, who
said, "There might now be a chance
to revise NRA in some manner to give
the small business man a little more
Richberg, whose split with Johnson
over NRA reorganization was gen-
erally considered one vital factor in
the General's retirement, spent sev-
eral hours with the President today.

Hauptmann Is
Indicted In
Kidnap Case
Colonel Gives Testimony
Which Brings About The
- Grand Jury's Decision
Suspect Is Slowly
Losing His Nerve
New Evidence Includes
Bills And A Revolver
Found In Garage
NEW ORK, Sept. 26- (A) -Bruno
Hauptmann was indicted today for
extorting $50,000 ransom from Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh, soon after the
famous flier had testified before the
Bronx County grand jury against the
alien ex-convict linked by damaging
evidence to the abduction and death
of the Lindbergh child.
Swiftly, dramatically, this climat-;
ic day brought forth more startling;
disclosures. More ransom bills and
a small caliber revolver, loaded, were
found cached in secret cubbyholes of
Hauptmann's garage.
With Lindbergh's direct entrance]
into the case against Hauptmann, the
steel-like nerves of the prisoner be-
gan to crumble. The stoic qualities1
dominant since his arrest a week ago
seemed to be vanishing. Hauptmann
wept almost all night in his jail cell.
Throughout the day there was un-
easiness where before was only tight-'
lipped stolidness.
It seemed possible that he would
be confronted by the dead baby's
father. But that did not come today.
Lindbergh Testifies
Lindbergh, accompanied by Col. H.
Norman Schwarzkopf, chief of the
New Jersey State Police, speeded to
the Bronx Courthouse from the Mor-
row home in Englewood, N. J. Mrs.
Lindbergh remained at home with
their second son, John.
With hundreds of curious crowd-
ed about the Courthouse, Lindbergh
-hatless as -usual dressed in a grey
suit, no vest, his tie flowing in the
breeze-hurried into the grand jury
He was in there for 17 minutes-
giving the final testimony for the
indictment of Hauptmann as the man
who wrote the ransom notes, the man;
who guided the payment of the ran-
som, the man who made a promise
to return the baby alive, a promise
that could not be kept-for the baby
was already dead.;
As Lindbergh gave his testimony,
the squad of carpenters and police;
searching the Hauptmann premises1
discovered the new evidence.
In the garage, they found a loose
two-by-four, set in the side supports.
Five holes had been drilled in the
board. In each was tucked a wad of
bills-$840 in all. Glistening in a
little cubby-hole below the two-by-
four, the police found the revolver,
evidently of German make.
Identified As Ransom Cash
With this discovery, the investigat-
ors have located $15,590 in ransom
bills from the garage. District At-
torney Samuel Foley, of the Bronx,
after checking the bills with the list
of ransom notes, said:
"Every one of the bills is a Lind-
bergh certificate."
Notified of the latest discovery,
Hauptmann admitted to possession of
the bills and said the revolver was
given to him by a friend.
Investigators placed high signifi-
cance on the finding of the revolver.
They recalled that "John," the Ran-

som recipient had indicated to "Jaf-
sie" (Dr. John F. Condon) in St.
Raymond's Cemetery that he carried
a small-sized revolver in his pocket.
Coupled with the garage discover-
ies, additional identification was
made of the ransom notes.
Charles Appel, Jr., handwriting ex-
pert of the Department of Justice,
brought to New York new samples
of Hauptmann's handwriting and said
he was "convinced beyond question"
that it was the same as on the ransom
School Of Education
Staff Revision Made

Britain's New Liner Is
Named "Queen Mary"
CLYDEBANK, Scotland, Sept. 26.
-(,P)-Queen Mary of England, defy-
ing precedent, today gave her own
name to the Cunard-White Star
liner which King George described
as "the stateliest ship now in being."
Christened the "Queen Mary" by
the Queen, the 40,000 ton hull -
Britain's bid for supremacy of the
seas - slid smoothly, majestically, al-
most noiselessly down the ways into
the basin of the river Cart.
The roar of pelting rain on thou-
sands of umbrellas and the volley of
cheers from the throats of 250,000
spectators echoing from the hull red-
and-gray sides made the Queen's1
christening words almost inaudible.
Quickly, however, the word went
round that she had given her name
to the vessel destined to be the world's
largest passenger ship and renewed
cheers followed.
King George, whose brief address
preceded the launching dedicated the
ship to "revival of international com-
merce" and "better trade on both
sides of the Atlantic" and the Prince
of Wales, in his naval uniform,
watched as the queen pressed the
button that sent the huge hull gliding
swiftly down the way.
Law Topic Of
Dr. Rudolf Laum, the winner of the
Patxtot prize in international law, re-
garded as one of the highest awards
for achievement in that field, will lec-
ture in the political science depart-
ment this year.
A member of the Austrian legation
which signed the treaty of St. Ger-
maine with the Allied governments,
and later rector of the University of
Hamburg in Germany, Dr. Laum's ca-
reer shows a period of activity in both
educational and governmental fields.
Dr. Laum received his education
at the University of Vienna and at
the Sorbonne in Paris, and later was
appointed professor of public law at
the Vienna institution. Having served
with the Austrian army from 1914 to
1917, he was recalled by the govern-
ment to draft a new constitution,
which, however, was never put into
effect because of the fall of the Haps-
burg regime.
He did not retire from public af-
fairs when the monarchy was de-
stroyed, but entered the ministry of
foreign affairs by the invitation of
the new government.
After serving with the legation that
signed the peace treaty in 1919, Dr.
Laum was invited to take the chair
of public law at the University of
Hamburg, where he become rector
five years later.
He was lecturer at the Nobel In-
stitute of Peace in Oslo in 1923, and
in 1926 lectured in The Hague at the
National Academy of Law. The Patx-
tot Prize which Dr. Laum received
last year was awarded by a jury com-
posed of two members of the World
Court and other international jurists.

Taken By Death

University Mourns Death Of
Prof. Samuel Moore, Noted
English Language Authority

Big Enrollment
Af f ects Classes
Hurried Readjustment Of
Faculty Teaching Hours
Is Necessitated
The University enrollment increase
of more than 1,000 over last year has
necessitated a hurried readjustment
of faculty teaching hours and the
opening of new sections to accommo-
date the larger number of undergrad-
uates, according to announcement is-
sued from the office of the President
Following a deans' conference held
yesterday, it was indicated that half
and other part-time members of the
faculty will be placed on longer hour
schedules and new sections will be
formed. The situation in the literary
college was characterized as particu-
larly acute inasmuch as there are
already approximately 500 more stu-
dents enrolled there than there were
at any time last year.
Reduced budgets since 1932, neces-
sitated by a lower enrollment, brought
about a general scaling down of the
number of teaching hours of numer-
ous members of the faculty during the
past two years. The marked decrease
in the size of the student body sim-
plified the execution of this measure,
it was said.
It will now be necessary, according
to University officials, to make fur-
ther budget adjustments to compen-
sate -faculty members whose hours
are increased because the income
from student tuition payments is ap-
propriated for other purposes.
Official figures, released at the con-
clusion of the formal registration pe-
riod Saturday, reveal that in 11 of
the 13 schools and colleges of the
University, enrollment is higher than
at a corresponding time last year.
It is reported that the law school al-
ready has more students enrolled
than at the conclusion of registration
in 1933 with the medical school and
School of Education now nearing
their total enrollment marks of last)

Internationally Known As
Middle English Scholar;
Was Dictionary Editor
Faculty Member's
Funeral Is Friday
Dies Suddenly Following
Operation; Had Been Ill
For Only A Short Time
Prof. Samuel Moore, a member of
the faculty of the University of Mich-
igan since 1915, and editor of the Mid-
de English Dictionary, died at 4 a. m.
yesterday of a heart attack while in
the University Hospital for a minor
Five minutes before he died, Pro-
fessor Moore appeared to be regain-
ing strength from his operation, but
was still in an exhausted condition.
He told the nurse that he would like
to rest for awhile, and she left the
room. A few minutes later she re-
turned and found that he had suc-
cumbed to a heart attack during the
short time she had been away.
The esteem in which Professor
Moore was held by his many asso-
ciates was expressed by Prof. Charles
C. Fries of the English department,
editor of the Early Modern English
Dictionary. Professor Fries said of
him, "He ws one of the foremost
cholars of the English language in the
country. He was the most rnorough-
ly intellectually honest man I have
ever known."
Professor Moore had just returned
from a three months' stay in England,
where he conducted a research inves-
tigation in connection with the Mid-
dle English Dictionary.
Professor Moore was born in Lan-
caster, Pennsylvania, April 4. 1877.
Educated at Central High School,
Philadelphia, he received his A. B. at
Princeton. He took graduate work at
the University of Chicago and Harv-
ard, receiving his Ph.D. at the latter
place in 1911.
He was married in 1903, and receiv-
ed a position in the English depart-
ment of Bryn Mawr College. He
taught at the University of Kansas,
and at the University of Wisconsin,
where he became an assistant pro-
fessor of English. In 1915 he came
to the University of Michigan as an
associate professor, and received his
full professorship in 1921.
Professor Moore was appointed edi-
tor of the Middle English Dictionary
in 1930 by the American Council of
Learned Societies, under whose aus-
pices the work on the Middle English
Dictionary has been progressing. His
plans in regard to the dictionary have
all been perfected, and the work will
proceed according to the program
which he had worked out.
Professor Moore was a former presi-
dent of the Modern Language As-
sociation of America, and had een a
member of the editorial board of
Linguistic Society of America since
1926. He has also been associated
with other national and English
language societies.
He was the author of two books;
"The Elements of Old English" and
"The Historical Outlines of English
Phonology and Morphology." He has
contributed to numerous English and
German journals and his name has
been mentioned in Who's Who since
Professor Moore has taken an ac-
tive part in the affairs of the Univer-
sity, and devoted much of his time
to the work of his department. His
social life included membership in
the University Club and Huron Hills
Golf Club.
Prof. Moore is survived by his wife,
Margaret Gibbs Moore, and four sons;
Samuel, Jr., Los Angeles, Calif.,

Kingsley, Sewickley, Pa., Henry,
Pensacola, Fla., and Edward, Hoosack,
N. Y.
The funeral will be held at 4 p. m.
Friday at St. Andrew's Episcopal
Church, Rev. Henry Lewis officiating.
Burial will be in Forest Hills ceme-
City Offices Close As
m ,.i . mT A T Tb

University Gliding Club Takes
Third Place In National Meet

H. J. Heneman Notes Changes
In Foreign Political Se t-Ups

As in previous years, members of
the University Gliding Club carried
off several honors in the National
Soaring Meet held during the past
summer in Elmira, N. Y. Five mem-
bers of the club were at hand for
the contests, each of whom contribut-
ed in compiling the points which won
for their group third place for the
greatest aggregate time spent in the
As the result of his efforts, Floyd
Sweet, '36E, won the position of num-
ber two ranking glider pilot of the
United States. Others who repre-
sented the University in the contests
were Nelson Shapter, '36E, Henry
Wightman, '36E, Constantin Lhe-
vinne, '34, and Nicholas Sestock,-'37E.
Sweet placed first in two of the
threee vents in the itility glider

pilot while flying for the Univer-
sity in the 1933 contest, represented
the South Bend, Indiana, Club in this
year's meet, flying his craft to second
place in distance and altitude in the
utility glider class.
The meet was held during the two
weeks of June 23 to July 9. and
included events in duration, distance
and altitude for two types of glider
craft, the secondary or utility glider
and the sailplane. Since the Uni-
versity club's ship is of the utility
type, the club entered only the utility
glider contests.
The sailplane is a much lighter
and more fragile craft, being designed
to fly the maximum in distance, alti-
tude and duration of time. Because of
its egg-shell fragility, however, it is
not suithle for student us. Plvina a

Many interesting changes which
have taken place in the political set-
ups of England, France, and Germany
during the past year were noted by
Mr. Harlow J. Heneman, of the politi-
cal science department, who has just
returned from a three months' tour
through those countries.
One of the most striking changes,
Mr. Heneman said, which has occur-
red since his residence in England
during the years 1931-33 is the growth I
of the Fascist party under the leader-
ship of Sir Oswald Mosely. One in-
dication of the growth of the party,
at least in importance, if not in actual
numbers, thinks Mr. Heneman, is the
fact that while the English press used
to ignore entirely the activities of the
group, a part of the press is now sup-
porting the movement and another

workers are urged to unite with the
supporters of democratic institutions
tend to indicate, Mr. Heneman
thinks, that the new movement is
causing the present English govern-
ment some worry.
In Germany, Mr. Heneman found
less enthusiasm among the people of
the country for Nazism, he said. He
added that there is more scepticism
toward the official explanation of
some of the activities of the party
leaders. However, there is no sign of
open opposition to the government
and the citizens speak in guarded
tones about politics even in their own
homes and private offices, he said.
Mr. Heneman's explanation of the
cause of the Nazi activities that start-
led the world on June 30, is that for
13 years Hitler's program appealed

Announcement was recently made
by the School of Education of the
following changes in its staff for the
school year 1934-35.
Dr. Louis Ward Keeler was pro-
moted by the Board of Regents from
assistant professor of education psy-
ohlnnou- tn nonoiate nrofsso of ng v-

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