E TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 I LATE IREW NEWS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. g i , E. R., 4:10; MacDonald, H. E., 4:20; Morris, R. A. M., 4:30; Norton, C. F.. 4:40; Orkin, S., 4:50; Puglisi, E. A., 5:00; Sarwold, A. N., 5:10; Smith, M. C., 5:20; Stone. K. H., 5:30; Varga, G.' J., 5:40; Zebrowski, J. H., 5:50. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY i LAUNDRY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 which were attributed to cigarettes.I VOL. XLV No. 63 To be effective, the rule must neces- sarily apply to bringing lighted to- Notices bacco into or through University To The Members of the University buildings - including such lighting Council: just previous to going outdoors. With-! The next meeting of the University in the last few years a serious fire{ Council will be held on Monday, Dec. was started at the exit from the 10, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009, Angell Pharmacology Building by the throw- Hall. ing of a still lighted match into refuse- Louis A. Hopkins, waiting removal at the doorway. If Secretary the rule is to be enforced at all its enforcement must begin at the build- Notice To All Mefnbers of the Uni- ing entrance. Further, it is impos- Pre-Medic-l Students: The apti- A D -4 x d tude test for students expecting to LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. apply for admission to a medical Careful work at low prce. 4x PERSONAL laundry service. We take FOR SALE: Ladies swagger raccoon individual interest in the laundry coat. Excellent condition, beautiful problems of our customers. Girls' skin, cost $485. Call 5772 for par- silks, wools. and fine fabrics guar- ticulars. anteed. Men's shirts our specialty.,--- _ _ school by t en in Roo to 5 o'cloc ccipts shop fee must1 Be on tim Ac Changes In Banking Laws Will Receive. Opposition WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. -(UP) - A cross-section of banking opinion was1 revealed today to show a definite op- position to any further radical chang'es in the Federal banking laws. Chairman Fletcher of the Senate the fall of 1935 will be giv- STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- Ia Call for and deliver. Phone 5594 WANTED m 25, Angell Hall, from 3 sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 611 E.Hoover.2x ~--- ~~- k on Friday, Dec. 7. Re- 9x- WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW ving payment of the dollar - L T AN FUNsuits. Will pay 3, 4 5, 6, and 7 dol- be presented at the door. 6, in the Natural Science Auditorium, - lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- e. sponsored by the Student Christian LOST: Large turquoise Indian ring. cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 Ira Smith, Registrar Amsociation. No admission. Faculty Between Library and fourth floor North Main. 7x members, students, and the general Anell Hall. Reward. Phone 4541.NOTICE 'demic Notices public are cordially invited to attend. FOR SALE _- _ FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- ry 65: Because of the con- Conceit : FOR SALE: Attention medics. A fine possessed and repurchased cars. the medical aptitude tests, set of surgical instruments Kny- Many 1934 cars with low mileage quiz section will meet on Twilight Organ Recital: jscheerer) $25 cash. See A. M. Steber, included. We will trade and extend t 4. Palmer Christian, University Or- Room 3048. Museum of Zoology, convenient terms. Open evenings. ganist, will play a special program of ------- 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. 10x Lectures Christmas music, on the Frieze Me- LADIES SHOP FOR SALE: Campus -------------- mcrial Organ, Hill Auditorium, Sun- location, well established and doing NASH-Custom Tailored clothes. versity: The following is an extract ! sible that the rule should be enforced Chemist of a By-Law of the Regents (Chap- with one class of persons if another flict with ter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which class of persons disregards it. It is a the Friday has been in effect since September, disagreeable and thankless task to Monday a 1926:- "enforce" almost any rule. This rule "It will hereafter be regarded as against the use of tobacco within the contrarv to Universitv policy for any buildings is perhaps the most thank- k 9 C t x k 2 t banking ommitteereportedthisnasDec. 9, at 4:15 o'clock. banking committee reported this as one to have in his or her possession i less and difficult of all, unless it has University Lecture: day afternoon, "the drift of opinion" of half of the any key to University buildings or the willing support of everyone con- Sir Herbert B. Ames, formerly Fi- The program is as follows. 40 bankers, economists, and students parts of buildings if such key is not cerned. An appeal is made to all per- nancial Director of the League of prody is as fol o isanestionnaireothfaepeed pof sfpe dinsi uh esntRhapsody On Old Carol of finance who have thus far replied stamped as provided (i.e. by the sons using the University buildings - Nations, will lecture on the subject Melodies .................. Lester net fiscal legislation. Buildings and Grounds Department). staff members, students and others - "The Saar Plebiscite and What It Three Choral Preludes from new fiscal legislaon. If such unauthorized keys are found to contribute individual co-operation Means For World Peace," Thursday, the Orgelbuchlein..........Bach Fletcher subscribed to this feeling the case shall be referred to the Dean to this effort to protect University Dec. 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the Natural (Each Choral will first be played by his correspondents, but added that or the proper head of the University buildings against fires. Science Auditorium. The public is through in four-part harmony, as his committee would grant hearings division involved for his action in This statement is inserted at the cordially invited. sung in the Lutheran service.) on all new banking and monetary pro- accordance with this principle. Any request of the Conference of Deans. University Lecture:a. Puer Natus in Bethlehem posals, incudng those of a central watchman or other proper repre- c ns Pe t reD(Mediaevel Cradle Song) bank and unified banking system. sentative of the Buildings and University Broadcasting: expril etureohe Dai a. Der Tag, Der Ist So explorer. will lecture on The Eski- Fednec GIbunds Department, or any Dean 9:15-9:30 a.m. -Laboratory Pro- mos As I Know Them" illustrated Freudenreich WO l sR tvd etnt Dead rtme thoranyoDean oc.s Wino Christenustreut Walntsley Is Removed department head or other proper gram for Speech Students. Talks on with slides and moving pictures), on University official shall have the right the life and interests of the men and Monday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m., in the Walloon Christmas Lcng to inspect keys believed to open Uni- Iwomen attending the University. By 'Natural Science Auditorium. The Rhapsody...............Ferrari BATON ROUGE, La., Dec. 6.- versity buildings, at any reasonable students. public is cordially invited. Two Familiar Hymns PubicLetur ySutpS.a.cith- a. As with gladness men hfold -Senator Huey P. Long today had ti For any individual to order2:00-2:30 p.m.- Oral Interpreta-A ithe gladins mehofold; Mayor T. 5emmes Walmsley, his "lv made . or any idvduto order, tinof Poetry, Louis M. Eich, Asso- Public Lecture: Supt. S. C. Mitch- Dido t the gudigorldhod New Orleans enemy, removed as have made, or permit to be ordered ciate Professor of Speech. Speech ell of the Benton Harbor school sys- b. Joy to the World chairmah of the Democratic State or made, any duplicate of his orher Series). tem will give a public lecture on the C The Lord is come Central Committee and then University key, through unauthorized topic Supervised Correspondenceommunion for the Midnight himself elected to the post. Walmsley ca nd lfu diregard ofth Student Loans: The Loan Commit- Study for High School Students," on Choral Prludes.....Brahm protested vigorously. safety of Unversity property." tee will meet on Monday, Dec. 6, at Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 7:30 p.m., in the T Es ist ein 'Ros' entspringen "I can't let a man head the Demo- Thesesaf fregulationsare.called t 1:30 p.m., in Room 2, University Hall. auditorium of the University High bhAuseveinesHerzensGrude cratic party in this state who has said Tes ti on caled o the Students who have filed applications School. Mr. Mitchell will show 1200 b~A meins Herzen "In he doesn't give a damn abbot the attention of all concerned, for their, eappicamdeicin ionseato Choral Improvisation o I information and guidance. Any per- with the Office of the Dean of Stu- feet of film depicting the operation ment in Washington,saidin dents should call there for an ap- of the plan as used in his school. The dulci Jubilo.........Karg-Elert Walmsley. son having any key or keys to Univer- dentholcathereofortaneap-lecture is being sponsored by the (onfLnued on Page 6) Jha i s .cay (. +ha nCnoti.J.LL4 A..nL sity buildings, doors, or other locks, pointment with the Committee. Affl±U Zhi1,ii~hkJ7 of U fine business. Completely stocked Measured by C. Krug, expert tailor. Illness compels sale. Box 31, Mich. Office 214 E. Washington. Phone Daily. 2-1910 for appointment. 6x - ASCFilGAM - -' . llily 1 it ict. l 'rdG ll i1c4U1V11i41 1./f;Si1- i A RnrclPv Chnirmn.n i C ocratic party." WidowQf 'Baby Face' To A'ppear In Court WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-UP)--The, Justice Department said today that Mrs. Lester M. Gillis, widow of George (Baby Face) Nelson, will appear in Federal Court at Madison, Wis., to- morrow to answer charges of having violated probation. Roosevelt Makes New Call For Cooperation NEW YORK, Dec. 6.- (P)-A Roosevelt administration call for co- operation speeded the congress of American indus~try tonight into its final effort to consolidate prosperity planks of 70,000 industrialists into a 'platform for recovery." Daniel C. Roper, secretary of com- merce, plumped a six-point coopera- tive program 'into the laps of the business men at the congress, and every point was applauded. contrary to the provisions recited - a ' ""'e' "" "n""r above, should promptly surrenderthei same to the Key Clerk at the office Applicants for Marsh and Mandle- of the Superintendent of Buildings baum Scholarships in the College of and Grounds. Literature, Science, and the Arts. The Shirley W. Smith following students are requested to1 meet the Scholarship Committee in Smoking in- University Buildings: the office of the English Department, Attention is called to the general rule 3221 Angell Hall, on the afternoon of that smoking is prohibited in Uni- Friday, Dec. 7, at the time indicated. versity buildings except in private of- Clifford, A. F., 3:00; Edmonds, R. fices and assigned smoking, rooms H., 3:10; Etkind, B., 3:20; Goedicke, where precautions can be taken and V. A., 3:30; Goss, B., 3:40; Hirsch, V. control exercised. This is neither a E., 3:50; Kasley, M. J., 4:00; Kuhne, mere arbitrary regulation nor an at-'__ tempt to meddle with anyone's per- sonal -habits. It is established and enforced solely with the purpose of preventing fires. During the past two' years there have been twenty fires TODAY - SATURDAY ----- in University buildings, seven of DOUBLE FEATURE EXPERT PRINT ING LETTERHEADS - ENVELOPES PROGRAMS - BIDS I Euca Uon uu of ne oow oz iu- cation, but the public is cordially invited to attend. No admission charge. "The Next War," is the title of a lecture to be given by Dr. Francis S. Onderdonk at 4:15 Thursday, Dec. BAZAAR AND CHICKEN SUPPER at FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Price 40c FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1934 5:30 to 7:30 11 I I1 I I PLAY PRODUCTION AND THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC Gilbert and Sullivan Comic Opera T n Tr MATINEE SATURDAY Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre Tickets $1., 75c, 50c Reservations, Call 6300 V. I lIhe AInM rN rKEb 206 N. Main - Downtown (Next to Postoffice) V- A r ' " 1 -.. "T- T T MNTGOMERY NT M4UREN CYSWVAN EDWARD ARNOD -and-- "Death On The Diamond" Sunday - Monday - Tuesday MAE WEST "BELLE OF THE NINETIES" I CHARLIE CHASE PETE SMITH CARTOON "Something Simple" on "RUGBY" AND NEWS Lo R ytliM11 -Starts Sunday! ;A rran er Ro,,,OLgh Cut F . DECEMBER IS JOY MONTH MAJ ESTIC MATINEES 30c EVENINGS 40c --Ending Tonigit - Two FRANCHOT TONE e "STRAIGKT IS ThE WAY" May Robson Herbert Mundin Showing at 2 - 4:26 - - 7:13 - 9:390 First-Run Feotures Franz Schubert's Love Story "LOVE TIME" Pat Patterson Nils Asther Showing at 3:13 - 8:13 TOMORROW-- NSTEAD of cutting Granger fine - they cut it like they used to whittle tobacco off a plug-in big flakes. Sort of gets back to the old principle-the slower tobacco burns the cooler and sweeter it smokes. ...in a common - sense --L...... I -/ -!~ - 1%U "A UN'.WtI9 WIMMS U