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December 06, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-06

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Pub i;ed eery rnornng except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
f 5odatd ltgliat Vres
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.0; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11
West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4925
CITY EDITOR . ..................JOHN HEALEY
WO N'S'EDITOR ....................ELEANOR BLU(
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald.
JXn M. O'Connell, R oert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Par-
ker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson. Josephine McLean,
Margaret D. Phalan, nosalie Resick, Jane Schneider,
lMarie Murphy.
REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton
B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Rich-
ard flershey Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W. Neal, Robert
Pulver , Baoyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Donald
Sm itl, Brnard Wesslan, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard
L ick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins,
Fre4 DeLano, Robrt J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
Dorothy .Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
HIele Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein,
hiVe Griffith, arriet athawy, Marion Holden, Lois
Ing, Sefa LeiH, Elizabeth iller, Melba Morriso,
1si Pierce, Charlotte Ruger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly
Splomon, Laura Winograd, Jewel Wuerfel.
Teephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og-
den; Serice Dep rtmnt, BernardRoseuthal; Contrat ,
J~eph;othbard; 4Acunt, Cameron Hall; Circlation
and Natignala dvertisng, Davi4 Winworth; Cassined
Advertiin e dnd Publicat ons,_George Aterton.
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: illiam Jackson, William
BUarndt, Ted ohlgemuith, Iymn Bittman John Park,
F. Allen Upson, Wilfs Tomlinson, H mer L.athrop, Tom
Clarke, Goron Cohn 1 errell Jordan, Stanley Joffe,
4ichard E. Ch ddock.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
rorie Turner,, Betty Cavender, Betty Gr v , Helen
a land, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margarett
l? ig, Ruth Clarke, Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke,
u FIa Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker Jane Heath, Maernar-
dllte Field, Betty B 1om'an, -July Trosper, Marjorie
ILangenderfer, Geraldine Lehipan, Betty Woodworth.
Fr terlj, Jes Vote
To Cooperate - .-
Interfraternity Conference held
last week in New York City, 66 delegates of fra-
ternities voted in favor of a policy of complete
cooperation with college administrators as a means
of increasing the prestige of national college fra-
ternities. The delegates declared that "only such
a policy would restore to the undergraduate so-
cieties prominent positions once held by them on
American campuses."
Thatsthe fraternity system as it exists in some
colleges and universities tday must undergo a
transformation unless it expects to be supplanted
by dormitories and eating clubs is a fact that
cannot be avoided. Fraternities here are under-
going just that sort of a change through the
integration of action and purpose between the
fraternities and the administration.
During the past three years University admin-
istrators have taken three important steps with
this idea of cooperation in mind.
First, in 1931 the replacement of the old "knock-
down-drag-out" method of rushing, which, al-
though it gave some houses many pledges, .left
others with few. The present system of rushing,
whereby the clerical work of the rushing period
is done by the University, although not fool
proof, has nevertheless cleared up the situation
very adequately.

Second, in 1933- came the instigation of a co-
operative buying association among fraternities
and the setting up of a new Interfraternity Coun-
cil. The. most pertinent example of fraternity-
University cooperation is found in the Executive
Committee of the Council.
Finally this year came the biggest step in the
cooperation idea when the University passed rul-
ings concerning the financial conduct of fraterni-
ties and sororities on this campus. Rumblings of
discontent followed the announcement of these
rules, because houses claimed that due to the
stringency of the financial regulations, practically
every one of them would be forced to close by the
University officials however, avowed that the
purpose of the legislation was not to weed out
houses with the d.efinite end in view of replacing
them with a dormitory system but rather to force
fraternity men to pay house bills so that houses,
in turn, could pay due accounts. In fact, a promi-
nent University official predicted not long ago
"that not one hons would he forced to close when

'Now We Shall
Hear From Youth'...
N YOUTH," optimistically headlines
the Detroit News editorial page, as it considers
the first Michigan Youth Conference, to be hel
in Ann Arbor Dec. 14-16.
Upon reading that, more than one reader sits
back benignly and considers what a fine thing it
is that old age is occasionally kind enough to
listen to callow youth, and how equally fine that
youth should take an interest in the serious things
of life.
Quite a number of people take consoation in the
philosophy that the coming generation could not
make a more colossal failre of things than their
predecessors have. They especially must like the
prospect of a Youth Congress, for in youth rests
their only hope. "Now We Shall Hear From
Youth" must sound sweetly in their ears.
Those who are the first to say a hon eyed word
for the Youth Congress or any other youth groups
are apt to also be the first to view with alarm
any tendency on the part of youth to espouse any
liberal or radical cause, and the last to grant youth
an opportunity to deal with its own affairs, un-
hampered by paternalistic restrictions that credit
youth with the abilities of a 10-year-old.
Michigan's Youth Congress will be successful
in many eyes not if it expresses the things youth
might think, but only if it agrees to the thoughts
gray-beards like to believe. The News believes that
the conferences are certain to follow the precedent
set by American youth in its organized activities
- a precedent of being sober, serious, and con-
structive. "It will give an opportunity for young
people to express themselves and for older lead-
ership to give some good advice on long-accepted
principles and approved experiences."
We don't know what hope there is for Michigan's
first Youth Congress. But if it really spoke the
thoughts of youth. be they ever so unorthodox, it
would be immeasurably more valuable to youth and
society as a whole than all the idealistic mouthings
it would do our old hearts good to hear.
As Others See It
Inzvestigation Of Union Cafeteria
7HE ANNUAL FLOOD of criticism of the Minne-
sota Union cafeteria has started. Year after
year students have pointed out faults in the cafe-
teria management only to have investigations
dwindle away into inconclusive silence.
This year the Vederal aid students are first to
take up cudgels against the Union. They contend
that for the $15 a month per person which the
Union receives for their board, they could obtain
more and better food elsewhere. Other students
who frequent the cafeteria feel that in view of
prices prevailing in nearby eating places, condi-
tions at the Union cafeteria might well be im-
proved. Many believe also that a less monotonous
selection of food at moderate prices could be
Another major criticism is voiced by student
groups holding luncheon and dinner meetings in
the Union. They complain that regular meetings
are shifted from room to room, even when reser-
vations are made well in advance, and that or-
gaiizations are often crowded into rooms with
wholly inadequate seating accommodations. Many
consider the prices excessive and are already mak-
ing plans to hold their meetings elsewhere unless
their complaints receive attention.
Something can doubtless be said on both sides
of the question. Food costs have been rising this
year, a fact which may account in' part for in-
creases in the price of meals. This alone, however,
cannot explain the difference in prices at the
Union and at other campus cafeterias where, in
spite of higher overhead expenses, low prices are
offered in addition to a varied menu.
If the contentions of the various complaining
groups have any basis in truth, certainly some
action should be taken to remedy conditions. On
the other hand, if the Minnesota Union cafeteria
is operating as economically as possible, evidence
of that fact should be laid before the student

It is generally understood that the cafeteria
operates on a non-profit basis. Obviously it should,
and if it does, the student service department
has only to open its accounts to demonstrate it.
An investigation by a committee selected from in-
terested groups could easily set at rest the price
question; other necessary changes must be left
to the cooperation of the cafeteria management.
-The Minnesota Daily.

In a recent unofficial poll conducted by a certain
advertising agency, Radcliffe, Wellesley, and Bar-
nard girls were questioned. They revealed that
Harvard men knew at least one-third more about
sex than the boys from Columbia. As the result of
this poll the agency placed a three-column ad-
vertisement in the Spectator and a two-column ad
in the Harvard Crimson, believing that the lesser
sex knowledge of the Columbia students necessi-
tated a larger advertisement. Which goes to prove
something or other.
Here's a poem contributed by M.V.V.:
Sitting, shaking
Side looks taking
At the prof of mine-
Whisp'ring, wond'ring.
Classmates blund'ring:
Damn -what was that line!
Hoping, praying;
What's he saying?
Ob, don't call on me!
Never knowing,
But not showing
Lest I let him see.
Hlands are waving;
Mine I'm saving:
Mebbe HE can tell -
Whoops° .He skipped me,
Gosh, where is that bell?
The dean of the Columbia School of Journalism
probably is just a bit disappointed in Sigma Delta
Chi, the national journalistic fraternity.
The dean spoke at a meeting of the group during
its recent convention at DePauw University. He
talked on the tendency of Americans to forsake the
serious things and to turn to amusements such as
radio, movies and sports. He finished to great ap-
The toastmaster then arose and announced, "I'm
afraid fellows, we will have to cut this meeting
short now in order to get to the football field in
time for the Hanover game."
Then realizing the pointedness of his remark, he
colored. A titter arose, fell, rose higher to a general
giggle, then zoomed off-key to an awkward death
as the dean stared straight ahead.
Among the delightful words of wisdom coming
from the lips of collegiate authorities, none recent-
ly was better put than a statement made by a
middle-west college official, commenting on a new
system for controlling fraternity finance in his
college. We quote:
"Adherence to the plan is not to be compulsory;
it is strictly optional with the fraternities; how-
ever only those fraternities which subscribe to it
will be given the administration's recommenda-
A Washington
r'HE VAST SILENCE with which administration
officials greeted the shot-gun charge of TVA
"unconstitutionality" fired by Thomas M. McCar-
ter, president of the Edison Electric Institute, may
be susceptible to more than one interpretation.
Lacking the text of the Baker-Beck opinions
on which McCarter founded his statement, ob-
viously no discussion of the legal issues raised is
now possible. There is merely the McCarter as-
sertion that the two lawyers "in substance" hold
the whole business to be "palpably unconstitu-

The implication is, of course, that soon or later
a broad challenge resting on that contention will
come in the courts. Since the administration ap-
pears to be just as confident of the constitution-
ality of its TVA procedure as it is about other New
Deal activities, it may be that President Roosevelt
and his lieutenants would welcome a test carried
to the Supreme Court.
THERE HAS BEEN much speculation as to just
why Mr. Roosevelt stressed so emphatically in
speeches during his inspection tour of TVA activ-
ities his hope and expectation of its "yardstick"
values on a national scale. Otherwise the admin-
istration generally just then was backing the idea
that now was the time for business to take over the
recovery job without fear of further government
tinkering. Yet the President took the 'opportunity
to call TVA and its doings - its accomplishments
in the way of lower domestic power rates, in
extended domestic use of power -most dramati-
cally to national attention.
Within a brief time the report of the national
resources board on the studies ordered by the
President will be out. Such previews as are avail-
able indicate it will recommend an expansion of the
TVA idea on a national scale. In any event, the
President's TVA speeches and McCarter's hinted
constitutional bombardment of TVA are serving
advance agent purposes of making sure of wide-
spread public attention for that report when it is
made public.
SECRETARY ICKES heads the board. However
much the Ickes-Moffett views have been
brought into harmony on housing, the fact re-
mains that Ickes has declared for a new and large-
scale nublic works effort to accelerate the recovery



f .

By Long Distance telephone, a sales executive
recently "covered" more than 153,000 miles in
three business days. He spent a total of eight
hours in talking with his agents in 194 cities -
using Sequence Calling Service.
This service enables subscribers to place with
the Long Distance operator any number of calls
on which they wish to talk, consecutively. Con-
nections are comnpleted
rapidly with a minimum
wait between calls.Ws
Sequence Calling isf g
just one of the manyp ?
services developed to s so-
gear the telephone more s s f
and more closely to: .
business needs.

h Es TE EtiN S ST4


Boston Symphony Orchestra



Choral Union Series



Campus Opinion

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
No Poetic License?
To the Editor:
I wish to submit a correction to the editorial,
"Perhaps the Answer Is Too Obvious." Reference
is made in this editorial to "a Negro having killed
a Detroit storekeeper whom he was robbing when
interrupted by police." If the case in point is that
of the Negro whose name is Ferrell, I believe the
man who was killed was not the storekeeper but a
customer by the name of Jones who happened to
be present when the hold-up was attempted. In ad-
dition, as I recall upon last reading, the bullet
which killed Jones was from the policeman's gun.
I heartily agree with the substance of the edi-
torial and offer this only in the interests of ac-

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