The Weather
Cloudy, occasional snow to-
day; tomorrow partly cloudy;
little change in temperature.
zr oil r
zt igait
Fraternity Vote To
Cooperate .. .
Now We Shall Hear
From Youth .. .
Will Speak
Sir Herbert Ames To Give
Lecture At Union Open
Forum Dec. 14
little Entente Is
Subject Of Speech,
Retired Canadian Banker
Was First Treasurer Of
Ieague Of Nations
Sir Herbert B. Ames, the first man
to hold the position of treasurer of thi
League of Nations, has been secured
to speak at the second open forum to
be conducted by the Union student or-
ganization, which will be held at 3'
p.m. Friday, Dec. 14 in the north!
lounge of the building.
Negotiations to obtain Mr. Ames,
were completed late last night, ac-
cording to Robert P. Cole of the
Union student house committee,
which is arranging the program.
Mr. Ames will address the forum
on "The Role of the Little Entente
in Present Day European Policies."
Recognized as a leading authority
on present day conditions in Europe,j
he has been speaking on European!
affairs and the League of Nations for
the past seven or eight years. He is at
present on a speaking tour of the
country, which includes addresses be-3
fore various international clubs. He is
appearing here under the auspices of
the Carnegie Endowment Fund.
It is expected that Mr. Ames will;
supply considerable authoritative in-
formation on present conditions in
the Balkan countries.
Cole announced last night that, as
has been customary in the past at.
these forums, the meeting will bel
thrown open to public discussion and'
the speaker will answer the ques-
tions of his audience at the conclu-I
sion of his address.
This is the second of a series of!
monthly forums which the house
committee has planned for the cur-
rent year. In October Sen. Gerald P.
Nye (Rep., N.D.) addressed a large I
crowd of students and townspeople on
the munitions question and the in-
quiry which is now being conducted
by a special committee of the United
States Senate.
Dean Lloyd Scores Resistance
To Education As Basic Evil
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth of gradual improvement of each suc-
a series of six interviews with prominent ceeding generation. Several years
members of the University faculty, dis- after the present students have left
cussing means of stimulating intellec- the University, she suggests, many of
trial life on the campus. Others in the t
series will appear during the coming h wl egret the opptunities
week. they have thrown away. This group
will be anxious that their children!
By MARIE MURPHY enjoy the same advantages that they
i I I
Public School
Crisis ited
By Edmonson,
Problems Of Secondary
Schools Discussed In
Student s, Faculty
10 SWOpinions
In 'gull Sessions'
The series of student-faculty "bull
sessions," begun last spring as a part
of the program for achieving a closer
relationship between the faculty and
student body, will be resumed today
with the first discussion scheduled
for 4:15 p.m. in the north lobby of
Buesser Is Named
Sophomore Head;
L-ight Vote IsCast
To Speak Tonight Mann Is Elected Chairman
Of Prom; Other Schools
Pick Officers
Oyler And Reichert
Lose In Soph Race
Far too many students resist educa- did, but they will be better prepared, jUniversity Lecture Puo.
tion, according to Dean Alice C. Lloyd. perhaps, to get more value out of _Prof. William A. McLaughlin of
They bolt, take "pipe" courses, choose their four years.. the French department will conduct
lively professors, and put little inter- During the last few years the de- Explains Work Of the first session. According to William1
est into their subjects. "As a result," pression had much less effect in .mo R. Dixon, '36, Union student execu-
she said, "we have the paradox of the changing the carefree student atti- Joint Con nission tive councilman, the "bull sessions"
real student lonely in a university tude than might be expected, Miss will be held three times each week
community." Lloyd brought out. "On the whole, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thurs-
In many cases so far as the student I should say that the depression had Says Handling Increased days.
developed intellectually, she believes, practically no effect in making those Enrollment Is Greatest Dixon explained that the discus-
his college education is not worth the students in college at the time more sions, as the name implies will be
money expended by the family and serious-minded. Last year's graduates Obstacle Of Educators "strictly informal," with no formal
the state. "I do not believe, however, were still spoiled by the era of pros- speeches. Coffee will be served to!
that the situation is as discouraging perity that preceded their entry into. The present crisis in education students in attendance.
as it appears. In examining condi- college. But the new class this fall is iOther prominent faculty members
tions more dlosely," she explained, one of the best that we have had for consists of increasing responsibilityI will be obtained for "bull sessions" to
"one realizes that many of the stu- years. They are healthy, courteous i the face of decreasing support, be held in the future, Dixon stated.
dents come with little cultural back- sensible, and I hear good words from Dean James B. Edmonson said yester- I These discussions were held daily for
ground, and that, if their eyes are I all sides. It is difficult to generalize on! day in speaking on "What Is the several months at the conclusion of
opened a little to an understanding! such broad observations, yet it seems .-~ the last school year.
of what education means, that is to me that this group, which has been Crisis in Public Education" in the i
something. Many of them are the through the depression at home, has third faculty lecture on the Univer-
first generation to enter college." seen the situation more ceritically, has sity Lecture series. conomics O
Miss Lloyd places her hope in the (Continued on Page 2) Among the new responsibilities
-whichshave been assumed by the Recovery Act
schools, the speaker named theI
Announce Two December Gargoyle handling of a greatly increased en- T
I S VIZSal Z'dll rollment, work as a relief or welfare Is D isc ssed6
Is On Sale Today agency, and maintenance of the mor- -
Cast C an soyle will be placed on sale today, He mentioned two main factors Prof. Working Lectures
For lolanthe Joseph E. Horak, '35, business for the striking increase in e*Ill- A t Econcentric C ub
manager, announced yesterday. ment in the past four years. Firstcncnrc
Copies will be sold by staff sales- is the employment situation, which Meeting Yesterday
Operetta To Continue Run men who will be placed at promin- has not only driven thousands of un-
A y .ent points on the campus. employed young people back to the Economic experimentation by thej
At Lydia Mendelssohn Horak stated that this is the schools, but has held many others government has reached its peak in
For Three Days largest December issue which has from venturing out into already over- the last few years of the depression,
been published in the last seven crowded fields. The speaker claims and although tangible results of these
Two changes in the cast of "Iolan- years. Although in previous years that the schools can claim credit for recovery and relief plans cannot bel
the" have been made for tonight's this issue has been cut down con- holding more than 2,000,000 young seen as yet, the time is fast approach-
siderably, this year the Gargoyle is people out of the struggle for em-; ing "when we can see whether we die
performance at Lydia Mendelssohn Isetting a new precedent by putting ployment. or get well," declared Prof. Holbrook
Theater, Valentine B. Windt, direc- out a 40-page Christmas issue. Child Labor Decreasing Working last night at the Union.
tor of the production, announced last Novel Christmas features are in- As a second cause for the high Professor Working, who is visiting
night. cluded in this number, and, as us- enrollment Dean Edmonson mention- member of the faculty of the eco-
Jane Rogers, '36, will appear in the ual, another Preposterous Person ed the decrease in working-certificates nomics department here and who is
role of the fairy queen, which was is caricatured. issued for child labor. Commenting regularly on the teaching staff of a
played last night by Bertha Bright Another prize-winning story in on child labor, the speaker said, "It Stanford University, spoke at the t
Knapp. Helen Haxton, '36, is re= the Gargoyle contest, which was is estimated that there are approxi- ! meeting of the Econcentrics, the new- i
placing Clarawanda Sisson, '36SM, wiritten by Jean Keller, '35, author mately another 2,000,000 child work- ly-named student economics club.
as Phyllis. The remainder of the Iof last, year's J.G.P., is also a fea- ers under 18 years of age who' are PoesrWkigmdnopitv
cast is the same which appeared last ture of this issue. now employed. With the decreasing statement concerning his belief in
.ht In th tati demand for child labor itis antici- tthe correctness or lack of correctness
"Iolanthe," one of the Gilbert and + pated that a considerable fraction of in present policies. He concentrated
Sullivan operettas, is being presented txrlairon Dance those will eventually be returned to his discussion on the economic data
by Play Production in conjunction! sthtibencoltd the schools for further training." hti en olce as a result oft
with students of the School of Music. Ticket Sell-hut The increase necessary in facilities the experimentation of the govern-
In addition to tonight's performance,I and personnel, and the expense in- { ment in the fields of money and bank-v
which is the second, shows will be T 1 1 volved, brought up the matter of sup- ing and agriculture. '
given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Sat- IS t' e U1 t d f port, and of the payment of teach- He did say, however, that many
urday evening and at 3:15 p.m. Sat- ers. "In spite of the increasing re- economists are not in agreement with
urday afternoon. sponsibilities, the recent downward the President's policies. These critics
The title role of "Iolanthe" is be- Herbie Kay's Orchestra To trend of teachers' salaries has been claim, Professor Working pointed out,
I~erble Kayd krhsr ocamPo okn
Howland Will
Give Whaling
Lecture Today
Son Of New Bedford
Captain To Speak
8:30 P.M.
In past years other prominent
speakers have been secured for these
programs, including the late Henry T.
Rainey, former speaker of the House
of Representatives, Frank A. Picard,
and State Senator Robert Clancy.
Cole stated that the general public
as well as students and faculty is in-
vited to attend the forum and that
arrangements are now being made to
accommodate nearly 2,000. No admis-
sion fee will be charged.
McLauohhin Is
Appointed To
Faculty Board
Will Serve On Board In{
Control Of Publications;
ReplacesProf. Angell
Prof. William A. McLaughlin of
the French department has been ap-
pointed to the Board in Control of
Student Publications as a faculty
representative, according to an-
nouncement made yesterday by Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven. The ap-
pointment takes immediate effect.
Professor McLaughlin replaces Prof.
Robert C. Angell of the sociology de-
partment, who has served on the
Board for several years. Professor
Angell was at one time chairman of
the group.
The new Board member has taken
an active part in student affairs on
the campus. H, is now a member
of the board of directors of the Mich-
igan Union and is also serving on the
Union committee on Student-Faculty
Relations, which drafted the pro-
posed plan for student government
now awaiting the approval of the
university administration.
The Board supervises the issuing
of the official publications of the
University, in addition to appointing
their managing editors and business
Its membership includes four facul-
principals include Henry Austin, God- Play At Sigma Delta Chi
dard Light, '35, John Silberman, '35, Dance Saturday
Mark Bills, Grad., and Frederick
Staffmaster, '35. A sell-out for the Gridiron Dance,
O c l possibly by tonight, was visioned yes-
Union Officials Will ' terday by committeemen who foresaw
Attend Convention the possibility of repetition of the
ticket shortage for the 1933 Frosh
Allen D. McCombs, '35, and Douglas
R. Welch, '35, president and recording
secretary, respectively, of the Union,
left Ann Arbor last night to attend
the Annual Convention of College
Unions, which is being held today and
Friday and Saturday at Indiana Uni-
versity, Bloomington.
Frolic, when four and five times the
price of tickets was asked and re-
ceived the afternoon of the dance.
More than 300 couples are ex-
pected to attend the formal, accord-
ing to Robert S. Ruwitch, '35, ticket
chairman. Although tickets were is-I
sued originally only to an invited list
of camus leaders reuests for them
The officers of the college unions were reived by members of Sigma
will be addressed, during the three- Delta Chi in such large quantities
day session, by Gov. Paul McNutt of that the supply is nearly exhausted,
Indiana, President William Lowe according to the committee.
Bryan of Indiana University, and Carl Tickets reserved in advance but
Lauterbach, director of the Todd Un- not yet paid for will be disposed of'
ion at the University of Rochester. after today to satisfy the demand for
The discussions of the conference them, Ruwitch announced. Any tick-
will centre about business problems ets left unsold after today will be
as related to student unions and the placed on open sale to the student
use of government funds in aiding body at $2 each Friday and Saturday
union buildings. at the Union desk.
Saturday the delegates to the ses- Herbie Kay and his 15-piece or-
sion will go to. Lafayette, Ind., where chestra, featuring Memo Loa, singer,
they will inspect the Purdue campus. will play for the dance.
Gertrude Stein Writes Of Close
Friendship With Avery Hopwood'
Gertrude Stein, noted author and ican friends at that time, she writes,
lecturer, who will speak here Dec. 14 "the first and perhaps the one she
under the auspices of the Hopwood likes best was Avery Hopwood."
Award committee, was an intimate Mr. Hopwood was graduated from
friend of the late Avery Hopwood, the University in 1905. He spent much
donor of the award, Prof. Roy W. of his time in Europe where he is said
Cowden, director of the Hopwood to have conceived the idea for the!
contest, disclosed yesterday. Hopwood contest. His friends state
While Miss Stein wrote Professor that he always attempted to encour-
Cowden that ' Mr. Hopwood never age writing and draw out genius, as
told her of his intentions to donate he did in the case of Gertrude Stein.
a fund for the encouragement of He was drowned in 1928 while swim-
writing, she states that he always had ming in the Mediterranean Sea.
"great personal ambitions." Miss Stein has refused to speak be-
Miss Stein, who has lived in Paris fore a group that is larger than 500.1
for the past 30 years, met the Hop- Tickets are now on sale at the Hop-
wood award donor in that city. In wood committee room, 3227 Angell
seakerisaa' that something is wrong with a sys-
citing a report that salaries of one- tem that follows out a policy of de-
fourth of the American teachers are struction of food in an attempt to
below the NRA minimum for un- re-establish agricultural prices while
skilled factory workers. 1absolute need for these same products
Last year, Dean Edmonson re- is present in a portion of the popula-
marked, was probably the financial. tion. The policy that these critics ad-
low in the history of education, but vocate, he continued, is to substitute
although there has been a slight rise for this policy of destruction of cot-
this year, at the present rate of- ton and wheat and other products,
gain it will take 25 years to regain the direct purchase by the govern-
the 1930 level. j ment of all surpluses and their re-
Discusses Work Of Commission distributed to people in need.
The speaker viciously condemned Advocates of this plan, the speaker
the recent attacks on free public, declared, lose sight of the historic
education. These attacks have had failures of the government in its
some baneful effects, he said; how- policy of buying up surplus farm
ever, "the facts show that public products, and also fail to see the like-
schools on all levels have suffered lihood of similar failure should the
heavily, but public education is not government again adopt any such
destroyed and it is not wrecked." policy.
Dean Edmonson then took up the
work of the Joint Commission on the SELECT THREE GOPHERS
Emergency in Education, of which he EVANSTON, Ill., Dec. 5. -(R) -
is a mehiber. "The primary function Three stars from Minnesota's chami-
of the Joint Commission is to serve pionship team, Pug Lund, Frank Lar-
as a center around which every or- son and Phil Bengston, today ac-
ganization interested in protecting cepted invitations to play in the East-
the educational interests of American West charity football game at San
Children may rally and contribute to Francisco New Year's Day.
a unified program of defense."
While the commission has not set'
up any new machinery it has enlisted Dainty Ruffles F
the support of a group of 750 consult-
ants representing state and national R gs O
which the commission is defending is!u g d e s0
organizations. One of the chief points R g r desfw i ht ec m iso sd f n i gi
the principle of equal educational op- B
portunity for all. "Those who would By JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN
use the depression to make education! Clothes may make the man, but
the privilege of the few should be g
sharply challenged," the speaker said. gons ullnot make thn a wom-
Chester Scott Howland will deliver
an illustrated lecture on "Whaling in
the Seven Seas," at 8:30 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium, as the fourth lec-
ture program of the Oratorical Asso-
Mr. Howland's talk will consist of
a ,moving picture story of an aactual
whale hunt in the Indian Ocean. He
will supplement his lecture with ex-
planations of the various phases of
the hunt.
Born the son of a New England
whaling captain, Mr. Howland "knows
his subject and tells it in an extreme-
ly interesting fashion."
The pictures of the whale hunt
were made by expert cameramen at a
cost of $50,000. The reels begin with
views of the ship "C. W. Morgan"
leaping the harbor at New Bedford,
Mass., and show every phase of the
whale hunt, concluding with a scene
of the master of the vessel writing
the events of the voyage in his wea-
ther-beaten "Log Book."
Tickets for the lecture will be on
sale at Wahr's Bookstore. After 5 p.m.
however, they will be placed on sale at
the Hill Auditorium box-office. They
are priced at 50 and 75 cents.
Albert Howson, director of censor-
ship of Warner Brothers Pictures,
Inc., said of Mr. Howland's lecture: "A
most engaging personality, his slides
and motion pictures, especially the
latter, are truly remarkable. His au-
dience was enthralled."
"His slidesntere very interesting
and his motion pictures were positive-
ly thrilling. He wove in with his ex-
pert knowledge of whaling a great
deal that possessed much historic and
literary interest," says Dr. Walter
Haviland, headmaster of Friend'sj
School, Philadelphia.
The fifth speaker on the lecture
program of the Oratorical Association.
will be Lowell Thomas, radio com-
mentator, who will speak here Dec. 13.
Council Declares Lack Of
Interest Due To Change
In Electoral System
Frederick Buesser, Delta Tau Delta
was elected president of the sopho-
more class in the literary college yes-
terday in what was termed by elec-
tion officials as one of the lightest
votes in the history of the college.
Buesser defeated Tom Oyler, Beta
Theta Pi, 40 to 23.
John Mann, Trigon, was elected
chairman of the Soph Prom with a
25-vote majority over Eugene Reich-
ert, Independent, 43 to 18.
Members of the Under1graduate
Council last night attributed the light
vote to the fact that members of the
class evidently were not interested in
the officers of the class except under
the old system by which jobs were
distributed as a reward for voting.
Carl Hilty, president of the Council,
said that some further statement
would be made in a few days.
John B. Spriggs was elected presi-
dent of the junior class in the Col-
lege of Pharmacy in the election held
yesterday afternoon. Other officers
of the class who received majorities
in the seven-vote election are Don
Hill, vice-president; Jean Kelso, sec-
retary; and Richard H. Gerkensmey-
er, J-Hoprepresentative.
Medical School freshmen elected
Carl Savage president of the class by
a 14-vote majority over Rod Howell,
54 to 40. Louis Doerr, Jr., was elected
vice-president of the class over Sol
Selevan by the same vote. L. R. Bur-
ton beat out John Pierpont for the
secretaryship 49 to 45. Emil M. Is-
berg received a majority of 32 to get
the class office of treasurer over Ed
Stein, 63 to 29. The first-year posi-
tion on the Honor Council went to
Richard Ashley, who defeated his
rival, Slaw, 57 to 37. An 11-vote ma-
jority gave the second year position
on the Honor Council to Godfrey
Stobbe. He received 52 votes in the
election and Ken Berkaw, running for
the same office, got 41 votes.
At a meeting of the Forestry Club
held last night officers of the senior
and junior classes of the school were
unanimously elected. In the senior
class, Willard Hildebrand was chosen
president, John Langenbach, vice-
president; Norbert Gormann, secre-
tary; and Warren Roberts, treasurer.
The officers of the junior class for
the year will be Robert Edgar, presi-
dent; Ralph Meavis, vice-president;
Dean Roland, secretary; Horace Nix-
on, treasurer; and J. Kirkwood Whal-
ey, J-Hop representative.
Le S U. Editor
And Assistant
ail To Obscure
f Opera Chorines
Boston Orchestra
an. Hence, the nusky chories in
"Give Us Rhythm," the 1934-35 Un-
ion Opera, will wear feminine attire,
IsFifth In Se swhich will retain, even exaggerate,
their ruggedness.
"The only woman we shall attempt
The Boston Symphony Orchestra, to imitate is Charlotte Greenwood,"3
numbering more than 110 musicians, declared Russell McCracken, director
will present the fifth concert of the of the production. Miss Greenwood,;
1934-35 Choral Union series, Tuesday comedian in "Flying High," and other'
evening in Hill Auditorium. musical successes, is renowned for her
Dr. Serge Ko'ussevitsky, one of the gawkiness.
nation's most distinguished conduc- Blond wigs arranged in elaborate
tors and long a favorite among Ann culls and silver slippers with precar-
Arbor concert-goers, will direct the iously high heels will not prevent the
organization for the tenth time here. actresses from striding across stage,;
ed evening gowns of pastel shades!
dispel the intellectual atmosphere at I
Dean Windjammer's reception when
they boom forth "Piscatorial Mania"
in loud bass voices..
Organdie picture dresses proclaimed
by Vogue to be the height of fashion
will be worn by the chorines in the
spring scene. The billowy skirts com-
pletely envelop their dance partners
and when the actresses spread the
skirts at arm's length the dresses re-
semble tents.
Costumes do not make for hilarity
in all scenes, however. Stylized out-
fits are in harmony with the dancing
and the scenery composed of angles
and curves in the "Good For Nothing
Baby" number. Slack will appear in
a gown duplicating a costume worn
BATON ROUGE, La., Dec. 5 -(A)-
Jesse H. Cutrer, 19-year-old journal-
ism student at Louisiana State Uni-
versity who resigned as editor of the
Reveille, campus paper, after being
told that the paper must not criticize
Senator Huey P. Long, was dismissed
from college today by Dr. James M.
Smith, president of the university.
Out with Cutrer went David R. Mc-
Guire, of New Orleans, a suspended
student. Cutrer and McGuire yes-
terday made public in sworn affidav-
its their accounts of the censorship of
the Reveille which has embroiled the
campus in a dispute between the col-
lege heads and the school of journal-
ism for about three weeks.
Two editorial assistants of Cutrer
and three other students of the school
of journalism were announced sus-
pended by the college head for their
part in issuing the affidavits and pro-
testing the censorship of the Reveille
in other channels during the row.