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December 05, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-05

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Brown Tells Of


Cars Are Stalled By Drifts As Big SnoIw hits Midwest

Development Of
Michigan's Oil

Allen Stresses
Federal Forest
HelpTo State:
Points Out Aids Given To
Local Conservation By
National Government

Cardinal Elevate d

Describes Advances In
State Production During
Past Six Years

"Within the past six years Mich-
igan has become an important oil pro-
ducing state," said Prof. George G.
Brown of the chemical engineering
depai tment in the eighth of the 'Mich-
igan, My Michigan' Series given at 2
p.m. yesterday over Station WJR.
According to Professor Brown,'
Michigan has a daily potential pro-
duction of 130,000 barrels of oil and
an actual production under prora-
tion of about 30,000 barrels of oil per
day. "Although this may seem small,"
he continued, "when compared to the
total production from the United
States of about two and a half mil-
lion barrels per day, most of which
is. produced from Texas, Oklahoma,.
and California, 30,000 barrels of oil
per day is a lot of oil."
55,000 Barrel Consumption
As an automobile state, the average
daily consumption of gasoline in
Michigan alone amounts to about 55,-
000 barrels, which by ordinary pro-
cesses of refining crude oil would take
practically the whole potential pro-
duction of 130,000 barrels of crude oil
per day, said Professor Brown.
Tracing the history of oil in this
state from its discovery in 1834, by
Elisha H. Smith, a few miles north-
west of Howell, through the begin-
nings of oil refineries until the pres-
ent, he pointed out that until 1927
there was no commercial develop-
ment. Then in the past six years, well
drilling proceeded rapidly and oil re-
finers sprang up throughout Mich-
igan, making it an important oil
producing state.
"At present," Professor Brown
stated, "the Pure Oil Company, the
Sun Company, and the Standard Oil
of Ohio are refining some Michigan
crude in their refineries in Ohio. Other
out-state refineries have tried various
quantities of Michigan crude from
time to time but generally with only
fairly satisfactory results. It seems
that Mihigan crude may best be re-
fined by itself when its own peculiar
problems may be solved in the most
efficient manner." .
Should Not Build
He explained that if additional re-
fining capacity is to be built locally
to handle the Michigan crude, it must
be built in the face of the present
over-capacity of the country as a
whole, most of which, however, is at
a distance from Michigan. "Any re-
finery constructed in the interor or
on the coast of the south peninsula
of Michigan will find an economic
boundary between its location and the
refining centers of Toledo, Detroit,
and of the East Chicago area, be-
yond which it will not be profitable
to ship gasoline or fuel oils unless
Michigan crude is sold for a lower
price than mid-continent crude can
be laid down in these refining centers.
Shipments into the upper peninsula
and into Canada will be correspond-
ingly regulated by the cost of trans-
portation. As compared with shipping
gasoline into Michigan from the mid-
continent refining center, the Mich-
igan refiner enjoys a rate advantage
of about three cents per gallon."
In concluding, Professor Brown ad-
vised that no more refining plants
should be built unless sound eco-
nomic reasons exist which will en-
able the new plant to serve the public
more cheaply than existing refineries,
because, although there is at present
a great over-capacity in relation to
consumption, they are not all eco-
nomically located or operated.
Talk By Edmonson1
Continues Lectures
(Continued from Paze 1)
Association, State Teachers' Associa-
tion of Michigan, National Society of
College Teachers of Education, Na-
tional Committee on Research in Na-
tional Education, of which he was
chairman from 1925 to 1931, and the
Schoolmaster's Club, of which he is
ex-president. Among the honorary
societies to which he belongs are Phi
Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Kappa
Phi Kappa, and Pi Gamma Mu.'

He has written, among other books,
"Problems of the High School Teach-
er," with Prof. Raleigh S. Schorling,
several books on secondary education
with E. E. Lewis, books on problems
of citizenship and occupation with
Arthur Dondineau, "Problems of the
Teaching Staff," with Guy M. Whip-
ple, and numerous articles for educa-
tional periodicals.
He is an associate editor of the
High School Quarterly and the Mich-
igan Educational Journal.
- --- - 6
=s --

rtressing five major ways in which
the Federal government is giving
Michigan a hand in forest conserva-
ticn, Prof. Shirley W. Allen of thef
Schocl of Forestry spoke at 8 p.m.
yesterday in the League before the
members of the Ann Arbor Garden_
The Federal government has aided
Michigan in the creation of national
to .sts in this state, asserted Pro-
fIcssor Allen. "This has been under'
way since 1905 when the old Mich-
igan National Forest was withdraw-,
ing fragments of the public domain
near East Tawas in the lower penin-
sula and Raco in the upper. There
are now five national forest units -Associated Press Photo
in Michigan: Huron, Manistee, Hia- 'Eutrnic Cardinal Pacelli (above)
watha, Ottawa, and Marquette. wa1s 'rpo4tee to have been designated
"Under the Clark-McNary Act of Cardinal Camerleng by Pope Pius,
1924." he continued, "More than succeedirg the late Cardinal Gasparri.
$100,000 is given to Michigan each In the event of the Pop 's death the
kiennium by the Federal government C rdinal Camcrlengo cxereises the su-
for the maintenance of an efficient preme funstionis pending the con-

Extra Activities
A r e Criticized
By McCormick
(Continued from Page 1)
thought, if any. There is not only
little opportunity for students to dis-
cuss their courses among themselves
but almost none for getting together
,-th the faculty. This deadens stu-
dent interest in academic subjects
and in much that may be related to
those subjects, she feels, so that stu-
dents turn to outside activities of a
different type for relief.,
As to the benefits of participating
in camus activities, Miss McCormick
points out that the experiences gained
in outside activities are frequently
valuable asets when applying for a
po ition. The employer often asks
first if the person ."gets along well
with people" and if he can "adapt
himself easily." His scholarship ree-
ord is usually of secondary impor-
tance. "Not that I mean to belittle
scholarship," she explained, "but I
wish to emphasize the fact that high
scholarship alone is in most cases not
a suflicint qualification for a job.
"Working on various projects here
in the League," she continued, "the
women get a great deal of experience
in directing others under them. Noth-
ing is harder either than to get people
to work on a voluntary basis. I have
seen innumerable persons who were
clever and industrious fail to make
the grade because they had not
learned how to be tactful, intelligent
The student also develops the abil-
ity to adapt themselves to wholly new


I ---Associated Press Photo
Trains and busses were delayed and hundreds of metorists were stalled by snowsto'ms which have
affected wIde sections of the Middle West. In this picture, the dome of Iowa's capitol in Des Moines looms
dimly through flakes of snow which blanketed the state. In the foreground is the car of an unfortunate
motorist who was caught in a drift.
Cities Vie For Honor Of Being Economist Will
'HoneTown'Of Famous Singer' Speak Be f or e
It is always difficult to determine Rochester Symphonies besides touring ' Club i ursday
the true 'home town' of people who Wales, England, and France in con- _
have risen to fame when they are cert work. For several years at'
claimed by several different places. Easter time he has returned to Chi- Visiting Professor Is An
Such is the case of Barre Hill who cago to sing the cantata "Seven Last Ex r On Agricultural
is a graduate of the School of Music Words of Christ," over the NBC net-
of this University, and has four cities work. Barre Hill is also known for Aspects Of New Deal
in Michigan claiming him. his work in one of George White's
Reading, his birthplace, puts the revues. Dr. Holbrook Working, visiting
first demand on him; as, does Hills- Nelson Eddy, '20M, is remembered professor in the economics depart-
dale where he studied both violin in Ann Arbor for his appearances ment, will address the meeting of the
and voice; Ann Arbor, where he stud- in the May Festival. At the present Student Economics Club at 8 p.m.
ied at the School of Music and grad- time Mr. Eddy is under contract to tomorrow in the Union on the sub.
uated; and Detroit, where he sang Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to make sev- iect of "some Theoretical Aspects
in one of the large churches. Barre's eral films with Jeanette MacDonald, of the New Deal."
musical career has been varied, hav- the first of which will be Victor Her- Professor Working, who will re-
ing sung in grand opera, musical bert's Naughty Marietta. Within main at the University for the pres-
comedies, and churches. the past few weeks he has sung in ent school year, is a member of the
During this past week he has ap- te Los rn elnyn opera sea ovie i faculty of Stanford University' and
peared at the head of the cast sup- "Secret of Suzanne." A coast critic is well-known by economists for his
porting Fannie Brice and Willie and says, "Nelson Eddy has a robust bari- work with the food and research
Eugene Howard in this year's "Fol-'s ,Ne lspriy aspers a ri- institute there. He is considered one
lies" which has been featured atth tone, a droll spirit, a personal magne- f the major authorities in the
t tism rro heoertcftge"thnie Saesonathricul iturl eo
Cass Theater in Detroit. Barre Hill. United States on agricultural eco-
had four seasons .with the Chicago nomics, and has specialized in the
Civic Opera before it passed away ; }onai FT itsi study of factors determining produc-
along with other Insull enterprises. tion and price of wheat.
His debut was made in "Pagliacci." ;; ELe t Pged catwn> j It was announced yesterday by
In addition he has also sung with the committee of the club that Nelle
the Philadelphia, Montreal, Cincin- After Staff IalO!4 Nordstrom, '35. will preside over the
nati, and American Opera companies.;__ meeting as chairman. Miss Nord-

fire control system."+
Professor Allen said that another
important aid that the national gov-
ernment tends the state is its coop-,
eration in forest research, which is
particularly marked in the partial
support of Michigan Forest Fire Ex-
periment Station located at Ros-
common, the only station of its kind
in the world.
According to Professor Allen, the
assignment of some 40 civilian corps;
camps to be supervised by the State
Conservation Department has con-
tributed permanent improvements in
pest control and fire hazard reduction
in the Michigan conservation pro-;
gram. There are approximately 20j
camps, also started by the Federal
government, which are operated in
national forest units and state parks.
"The operation of codes of fair
competition under the NRA for the
lumber and oil industries," he con-
cluded, "will have lasting effects up-

New Plan Laid For
Studen tovern nent
(Continued from Page 1)
sembly, and nine other League com-

mittee heads. situations when they set out on proj-
The object of the proposed Council ects that have not been attempted
will be similar to that of the League, before, she added. Likewise contacts
that is the Men's Council will have and> friendships made through such
jurisdiction over all matters per- associations, she finds, broaden the
taining to the men students. Provis- individual socially.
ion for independent students will be Campus activities are also helpful
made to correspond to the representa- in developing hobbies, she said, for
tion of the Independent Assembly of many students enjoy dramatics, for
the League. If there are less than example, but do not have the time
two independent men on the Council, to pursue it seriously. "We try to
two shall be elected. provide outlets for such interests," she
If the plan should be approved by stated, "by encouraging everything
the president and the faculty com- from costume design to publicity
mittee it will go into immediate effect, work. With the gradual increase
replacing the Undergraduate Council in leisure time such hobbies are be-
which included the presidents of the coming necessary to a well-rounded
honorary societies, life."


on conservation of these two natural
resources in Michigan."
Faculty Committee
Favors Orientation
(Continued from Page 1)
were other points brought up for con-'
sideration by the committee.
"A clearing house" to adjust the
things to be thrust before the fresh-
men was one of the final suggestions
of the committee.
Freshman opinion, as indicated by
questionnaires sent out by the com-
mittee and by the dean's office, tallied
with the adviser's opinions for the
most part. Favoring Orientation, they
at the same time insisted that too
much was thrust upon the freshmen.
More satisfactory explanations of sor-
orities, and a postponement of the
formal rushing season came as sur-
prising requests from many. Fresh-
men, too, criticized faculty advisers
for their lack of interest.
Contrary to the popular belief of
freshmen habits, the requests for
more extensive and more immediate
lessons in how to study were numer-


Last summer he sang
performances of operetta
Louis Municipal Opera.

in outdoor BATON ROUGE, La., Dec. 4 -(I-
for the St. After a lapse of two issues, the Rev-
Ann Arbor'1eille, Louisiana State University stu-

strom is on# of the six members of
the program committee of the group.
Professor Working said yesterday
tlh t in hii cnh hP will dlicic af

I -- i-11. I_-. - v --- 1-4- 4-1---- A r - -

l .

rememoers nim for nis rnree May dent publication, appeared on the trda i1n s s iBeen neiicuss er
Festival performances -1926, '27, campus today under the editorship fcits that have been made both by
and '29. He has been the soloist with of Miss Grace Williamson, of New former-President Hoover and by the
the Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, Orleans, and a new staff. present administration to bring about
Cleveland, Minneapolis, Dallas and Miss Williamson, a member of the recovery. The monetary and agri-
! original staff. that resigned because cultural program, with respect to
their possibilities as permanent re-
final Fresof censorship of articles criticiinge forms will b ehe basis of his speech,
with the faculty on the ground that he declared.
0Of F und Drive the students were not fighting cen- A tents ndthe ecoominte-
F uiindtD rive. ,orship, but faculty supervision. l: rt ment anrd those who are inter-
"shebuetioatyisuersheon.idested in thxe subject are invited to at-
The question at issue, she said' tend the meeting, members of the
Ow Increase "has not been so much one of press cnmrnittee announced yesterday.
freedom as of responsibility that ac-
-- companies such a privilege. Certain-
Final figures for the 1934 Com- ly. there can be no complete freedom -Associations head
munity Fund drive reveal that the of the press without complete respon-
subscriptions for this year exceed sibility." T Sk Tt
those of the 1933 campaign. Pledges sWilge 22 of the original signers of I ______
totaled $44,345 as compared to$4a4 etiton2pofteiginerfierecwihf
224 subscribed a year ago. a petition protesting interference with Mrs. Clara G. Stewart of Saginaw,
student press activities returned to; state president of the Parent-Teacher
Although the formal Community class today under a reinstatement or- satidnt of the ahr
Fund campaign closed more than a der of James M. Smith, L. S. U. presi-
week ago, the volunteer solicitors are dent, following temporary suspension tenaw County P.T.A. Council at 8 p.m.
still contacting prospects. The Com- for "gross disrespect," four other today in Lane Hall.
munty undoflce illconinu tosigners of the petition were under Mrs. Stewart will speak on "School
munity Fund office will continue to Aid," before the council, and plans
receive contributions, indefinite suspension. to make other addresses while in
Plans for the reorganization of the They are Sam Montague, of New Ann Arbor.
fund association were announced yes- Orleans, president of the student body The county council will elect off i-
terday by Hal Haylor, campaign di- of the school of journalism; D. R. Mc- cers for the coming year, Harrison
rector, in a conference with the fund Guire of New Orleans; Stanley Shlos- Harwood, president, announced.
board. .A surveyof the association man, of Marshalltown, Ia., and L. Rea --
agencies to determine the scope of Godbold, of Brookhaven, Miss.
the work and to clearly define the In a joint statement the first three
social service program for Ann Arbor charged that Dr. Smith would not=
will be one of the first steps taken, it grant them a hearing and asserted;G a lens C hri
was reported. Residents of the com- they would carry their case to the!
munity will be asked to aid in the college board of supervisors, to which
work. Senator Long recently was .appointed.


"It should be made possible for thc.
intellectual, social, and cultural life
to be integrated and definitely point
to life after college" was the conclu-
sion reached at the end of both the
advisor's and the freshmen recom-
The League having sponsored the
Orientation project for women, and
planned the eight-week lecture series
for the freshmen and the round
tabletdiscussions for the student ad-
visers, will continue to plan the proj-
ect next year, according to present
First three places in the lecture
series were according to questionnaire
results given Prof. O. J. Campbell for
his lecture "College Life's Intellec-
tual Adventure," to prof. John Muy-
skens for his talk on "Your Future,"
and Miss Lloyd for her discussion of
"College Conduct."
stm as Drive



M AYBE you are one of those who haven't
seen the folks since school started two
months ago. Why not enjoy a telephone visit
with them today or tonight? Talking with the
folks back home is next best to seeing them.
Note the low rates shown for Station-to-Station
calls from Ann Arbor. For rates to other points,
see page two in the telephone directory, or ask
"Long Distance."


1934-35 World's Threc-Cushlon
John ny Layton
Billiard Champion

n AY
(4:30 a.r,-
7:00 pim.)




(7:00 pin.-
8:30 pi.mn
1.15 ..
. . .85 .

(8:30 p.m.-
4:30 a.m.)




Help a Bit

- Help Two Bits




o Day and Evening Classes in ||

I Imazine seeing an exhibition and receiving instructions on I

I i IInh OftRTR', A'TU l'P.. ZT'TT

I 111

FLINT ........... .45 ..

. . .


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