SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1934 ~- I 100,000 Surplus On Petitions For' County Ref orm Signatures Mount In Effort To Amend Constitution Of State Favored By Bromage Explanation Of Move To Give Home Rule Made By Professor A surplus of approximately 100,000 names has been piled up on the peti- tions to amend the State constitution as regards county government, ac- cording to Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the political science department. Professor Bromage served on the sub- committee of a state-wide, non-par- tisan committee on county reorgani- zation which drafted the amendments which appear on the petition. Professor Bromage characterized the movement as one which is seeking to institute an enabling amendment to the constitution of the state, an amendment which will permit those counties which choose to do so to change their form of government. He emphasized the fact that the amend- ment will not force any particular form of government on any county and that those counties that wish to retain their present form of govern- ment may do so. To Be Voted On Soon The amendment, which is to be submitted to the people at the general election in November, is popularly known as the county home rule amendment but it is divided into three parts. The first section of the amendment provides for the optional law system of county government. Under this system, the legislature is permitted to pass general laws pro- viding alternative forms of county government which any county may adopt through approval of a majority of the qualified voters of the county. Professor Bromage stated that this is ,not a new or theoretical system of county government but that North Carolina, Virginia, Montana, and Ne- braskarhave been using the system for years. The second setion of the amend- ment provides for the home rule sys- tem of county government. Under this plan,tthe board of supervisors of any county, by a two-thirds vote of its members, may submit a plan of gov- ernment for their county for approval by a vote of the people. A plan of government may also be initiated by petitions containing the names of ten per cent of the voters 'who voted in the last preceding general election for governor. ' Has Been Used This form of county government has been used in California, Texas, and Ohio. The amendment to the Michigan constitution would give the state a form of county home rule very similar to that which exists in Ohio, Professor Bromage said. The third section of the amend- ment states that any plan of govern- ment adopted either under the gen- eral law system or the home rule sys- tem may do away with any consti- tutional county office and may pro- vide for the number and manner of selection of the county board of su- pervisors and of all other county offi- cers and employees; may fix salaries, powers, duties, and terms and provide for the creation, abolition, and or consolidation of county offices, as long as any form of government pro- posed and adopted under the home rule plan provides for the exercise by county officers of all duties and obli- gations now imposed on them by law. The amendment to the Michigan constitution follows very closely the model state constitutional provision on county government, Professor B'romage said. Reflector C ast For University Called Success Giant Telescope M i r r o r Viewed Near New York By Local Astronomers The casting of the giant reflector for the University telescope is now apparently a success, according to Dr. Heber D. Curtis of the astronomy de- partmnent. Dr. D. B. McLaughlin, Dr. H. M. Losh and Dr. R. M. Petrie as well as Dr. Curtis attended the recent meet- ings of the American Astronomical Society on Sept. 12 at New London, Conn. .En route to the meetings, Dr. and Mrs. Curtis stopped at Corning, New York, where the rough disk of the proposed new reflector was cast last May. "The top of the mold," Dr. Curtis stated, "had been removed in pre- paration for this visit, and the disk is certainly an impressive mass of Abductor Is Held 'Elmer Ottaway, DAILY OFFICIAL Pa st President BULLETIN 4 I 1 I i '! i I Of Alumni Dies' Was Prominent Figure In Publishing Business And Newspaper Work Elmer James Ottaway, '94, a former president of the Alumni Association and one of the outstanding newspaper publishers of Michigan died Sept. 7, at Harbor Springs. After his graduation from the lit- erary college of the University Mr. Ottaway joined the staff of the De- troit Free Press. In 1900 he went to Port Huron and with Louis A.Weil, established The Daily Herald. He en- gaged in several newspaper enter- prises in Michigan during his life and at the time of his death was presi- dent of the Port Huron Times Her- ald Company., Mr. Ottaway became president of the Alumni Association Jan. 1, 1927 and served until June 21, 1930 when he was succeeded by Dr. C. Carl Hu- ber, dean of the graduate school. Since 1926 he had been a director of the ninth district of University clubs. It was Mr. Ottaway who formulated and put into operation the 10-year program of the Alumni Association. This program is designed to give the various University clubs the opportu- nity to make contributions to the Uni- versity. More than $100,000 has been given through this medium.l Mr. Ottaway was director of the 10-year program at the time of his death. He was one of the organizers of the Michigan Press Club; an organization of Michigan publishers formed to pro- mote closer co-operation with the University and in particular with the i ~r.,,rvml _.nn~r.~n+t ' (Continued from Page 2) class will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 1:30 in room 401 R. L. to select= a class hour. Reading Examinations in French:1 Candidates for the degree of Ph. D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirements oft a reading knowledge during the cur- rent academic year, 1934-35, are in- formed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Lan- guage Building, from 9 to 12, on thet following Saturday mornings: Oct. 6, Jan. 19, May 18, and Aug. 10. It will be necessary, in each case, to register3 at the office of the Department of Romance Languages (122 R. L.) at least one week in advance. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible, date. A brief statement of the nature. of the requirement, which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and further inquiries may be addressed to Mr.' L. F. Dow (100 R. L., Wednesday at 2). This announcement applies only to' candidates in the following depart- ments: Ancient and Modern Lang- uages and Literatures, History, Economics, Sociology, P o 1 i t i c a 1{ S c i e n c e, Philosophy, Education, Speech. Reading Requirements in German for Ph. D. Candidates: Candidates' to all fields except those of the natur-1 al sciences and mathematics must ob- tain the official certification of an adequate reading knowledge of Ger- man by submitting to a written ex- amination given by a committee of the Department of German. Such examinations will be held once each semester and towards the end of the Summer Session. For the first semes- ter the examination will be held Wed- nesday, Oct. 24, in Room 203 U. H. Students who intend to take the ex- amination are requested to register their.names at least one week before the date of the examination at the office of the German Department, Room 204, University Hall, where de- tailed information with rcgard to introductions of studcnts and staff examination requirements will be giv- to each other and for some aimounce- en. ments. Assignment of Desks in General Scabbard and Blade: Meeting to- Chemistry; Chemistry 3, 5 and 5E: night at 7:30, Michigan Union. Room Each student must obtain two $5 posted. Uniform required. Chemical Coupons at the office of the University Treasurer, and then Freshman Glee Club: All men re- report at the first possible laboratory port at Glee Club rooms, third floor, period assigned to his section after chigan Unon, dnesday, 5 p. m., the opening of the University. No for tryouts and first rehearsal. Here is Bruno Richard Hauptmann, suspect in the Lindbergh baby kid- naping, as he submitted to an offi- cial photograph at New York Cty po- lice headquarters during the round of questioning and other formalities following his arrest. Screen Reflections ART CINEMA LEAGUE OPENS THEATRE SEASON desk can be given out without the coupons. Chemistry E 153. Motor Fuels and, Lubricants: A study from the user's standpoint: Open to graduate stu- dents and seniors. One hour credit. Will be offered the first semester in- stead of the second semester as stated in the catalogue. All students desir- ing to take this course leave their names with a program of open hours in Room 3047 by Thursday of this week. One hour will be required and will be arranged to suit the maximum number. Freshmen Men: Physical education starts at once, this year, instead of at a later date as in previous years. The first part consists of health lec- tures to be given in room 25 Angell Hall at the regular hours of election for physical education. Geo. May Hygiene 101: Open to Juniors and Seniors of the Literary College and others, will be given this semester.' Lectures Wednesday and Friday at 2:00 in Natural Science Auditorium. Quiz sections to be arranged. Three hours credit. Dr. Sundwall Exhibitions Architectural and Art Exhibition, College of Architecture: Student work is being shown in the following fields: drawing and painting, decorative de- sign and building construction. Open daily, 9 to 5, Architectural Building. Events Today Chemical Engineering Seminar: The first meeting of the Seminar will be held Sept. 26, at 4 p. m., room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. There will not be a! formal paper presented at this meet- ing; but it will be used as a time for Freshmen Glee Club Try-outs: All freshmen interested are urged to try out Wednesday, Sept. 26, 5 p. in., in the Musical Activities room on the third floor of the Michigan Union. Stump Speakers Society of Sigma Rho Tau: There will be a meeting of all officers and prospective leaders today' in the reference room. Plans to be discussed. National Student League meets at 8 p. in., Room 325, Michigan Union. Election of delegates to the Youth Congress Against War and Facism in Chicago will take place, and a pro- gram for the semester will be dis- cussed; All interested are invited. Coming Events Alpha Nu debating society will hold first meeting of the year Thursday evening, Sept. 27, at 7:30, in the Alpha Nu rooms, fourth floor, Angell Hall. Important business to be transacted, including making plans for a fresh- man smoker. All members are ex- pected to be present. Delta Epsilon Pi first official meet- ing at the Michigan Union on Friday, Sept. 28, 8:00 p. in. sharp. Installa- tion of officers will be held at this time. Varsity Glee Club: Tryouts and first rehearsal Thursday, 7:30 p. in. at the Glee Club rooms, third floor, Michigan Union. Varsity Glee Club Try-outs: Regu- lar fall try-outs in the Musical Ac- tivities room on the third floor of the Michigan Union Thursday, Sept. 27, 7:30 p. m. All students except freshmen are eligible and are urged to try out. Michigan Vanguard Club: Organi- zation meeting on Thursday at 7:00 p. m., Michigan Union. Mr. David Hobbs, who has just returned from the southern New Jersey farm strike area, will speak on the subject, "Vigi- lantes ride in South New Jersey." Previous members of the organization are asked to be present, and visitors are cordially invited. English Journal Club: A special meeting is called for Friday, Sept. 28, at 4:00, in Angell Hall 2231 for the transaction of important busi- 'ness. All members are urged to be present. Mass Meeting Will Clarify Housing Act To explain fully all details of the National Housing Act and its affect on Ann Arbor, a mass meeting will be held at the Chamber of Commerce Building tonight at 7:30 p. m., ac- cording to Hackley Butler, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. A. 0. Eberhart, former governor of Minnesota, and George J. Burke, state director of the federal housing program, will address the gathering. The genius of Ferenc Molnar Jurnansm -aepaL mien u. reaches the screen in "No Greater Mr. Ottaway had been president of Glory," ahn adaptin o hishighly the Port Huron Rotary Club, presi- Glory," an adaption of his highly dent of the Y.M.C.A., and a district praised novel, "Paul Street Boys," denof he y. accepted as one of the masterpieces governor of Rotary. of modern literature. Produced by. Columbia Pictures, it is to be shown , for the first time in Ann Arbor at Fall Exhibition the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre un- der the auspices of the Art Cinema Of Architecture League this week-end, Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday evenings at 8:30.1 Officials of the League announce Is On D is play that the story is deeply moving on the sympathies, profoundly disturbing in its stimulus to thought, heart rend- Exhibit Shows Examples Bring in its sincere pathos. Conflict I O tdn okI l between two groupspofhchildrenfor Of Student Work In All the possession of a playground takes Fields Of Subject on all the importance of a conflict between two nations-one seeking to College of Architecture pre- defend itself from the other's acts of sentsto the incoming students as its agression. The locale of the film is opening fall exhibition a display in set in Budapest and a good deal of the Architecture Building of the best action takes place in the selfsame of last season's work in all lines of Botanical Gardens that were so beau- architectural endeavor. The exhibit tifully pictured in one of the Art is fundamentally the same as that Cinema League's last year's presents- which was judged by members of the tions, "Zoo in Budapest." faculty last June, with the exception The film is directed by Frank Bor- of a group of paintings, which was zage, who made his mark as a direc- added during the Summer Session. tor of the first rank by his work with As extensive in its scope as the "Humoresque" in 1920. He also di- subjects taught in the college, the rected "Seventh Heaven." Director display Includes excellent examples Borzage creates in "No Greater Glory" of student creation in drawing and a film that is symbolical of the larger painting, decorative design, interior movements among the nations of the decorating, architectural design and world. He uses children as his tools, building construction. but endowes them with the charac- Particularly outstanding are two teristics of adults. With the excep- murals displayed on the fourth floor tion of Ralph Morgan and Lois Wil- of the building. These represent the son, the entire cast of "No Greater first attempts at such work in re- Glory" is composed of youngsters, cent years. A life sketching class and outstanding of which are Frankie a scene in a factory have been por- Darro, Jackie Searl, Jimmy Butler, trayed by student groups headed re- George Breakston, and Donald spectively by Donald B. Gooch, '34Ed., Haines. and Raoul G. Wallenberg, '35A, and In addition to the feature film jsupervised by Prof. Jean Paul Slus- will be a surrounding program of ser and Prof. Myron Butman Chapin. Wlt Diney shrtsan"Siny rm- ofAlthough not usually associated Walt Disney shorts, a "Silly Sym- ;with architecture, the oil and water phony" and a "Mickey Mouse." All color paintings by Professor A. M. seats will be reserved and there will 1 Valerio's Summer Session classes are be only one show each night. Ad- certain to interest and please visitors. mission is thirty cents anywhere in Again, variety marks the display, and the theatre. The Art Cinema League slums, rolling hills, street scenes and promises a dramatic, entertaining, beautiful buildings have furnished and artistically pleasant evening of contrasting inspirations for the stu- movies. dent painters. :STUDENTS :- - A Complete Line of Engineers' and Architects' Materials. Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf Notebooks, Typewriting and Pound Papers, Pennants, etc. MICHIGAN BOOK EXCHANGE, now with STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE, 1111 S. Univ. _. : PENN STAR TURNS COACH Paul Murphy, former University of Pennsylvania star, has become back- field coach for the Muhlenberg Col- lege football team. HEAVY FULLBACKS Of eight prospective fullbacks for the California freshman football team, the lightest man tips the scales at 190 pounds. IF YOU WRITE, WE HAVE IT Typewriters, Fountain Pens Correspondence, Stationery Student & Office Supplies Loose Leaf Notebooks Greeting Cards Typewriting and Punched Loose Leaf Paper Laundry Bags Novelties A large and select stock in a complete range of prices.