I The Weather Partly cloudy today; possibly local snow flurries in west and north; tomorrow fair. fri Ar Editorials When Sunday Really Counts . Give A Thought To The Kid- dies... VOL. XLV. No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Joint Committee Proposed, Heads Of League, Union, Join With Faculty For Formulation Of Ideas Group Would Be Of Men And Women Would Meet On Problems Involving Any Questions Of Mixed Jurisdiction Plans for a joint committee of men Activities On University Level EDITOR'S NOTE : This is the third of speaking to a number of strangers. a series of six interviews with prominent :Ms fu nteohrhn, h members of the University faculty, dis- "oto s nteohrhn, h cussing means of stimulating intellec- according to Miss McCormick, when tual life on the campus. Others in the hv noqam abu series will appear during the coming suggested,"have no qualms about week. arguing and discussing personal By MARIE MURPHY points of view with several intimate "The criticism that too few of our friends." outside activities are on a university The enthusiasm for activities of a level is not misdirected," Miss Ethel higher intellectual level is present, McCormick, social director of the Miss McCormick affirms, and in addi- League frankly admits, but the ac- tion students have an astounding tivities she points out reflect the in- amount of executive ability, thought, terest of the students. "They can get and moral responsibility for carrying anything they want," she maintains. out their projects. "Therefore if the Then a lack of the "better" activi right set-up can only be foui" she ties is due to a lack of student inter- urges, "such activities will be as well est in them? the reporter queried. 1 received as the others." "No, the difficulty in promoting more Two new plans have been initiated intellectual activities," she replied, "is this fall at the League, she pointed that so many persons are reticent out, that show a certain development about expressing their views before toward activities of a university level. a group of people for fear of ridicule One is the Orientation program for or embarrassment. I believe that freshman women; the other is theI EdmonsonTo GiveTliidOf FacultyTalks, Continues Lecture Series With Address On Crisis. In Education To Deal With Acts Of Education Relief Has Been On Emergency Commission Since Its Formation Dean James B. Edmonson of the School of Education will be the third faculty speaker on the 1934-35 Uni- versity Lecture Series, speaking atl 4:15 p.m. today in the Natural Sciencej Auditbrium on "What Is The CrisisI in Public Education?" The subject matter dealt with in the speech will have special reference, to the work of the Joint Commission' on the Emergency in Education, of' which Dean Edmonson has been a member since its formation in Feb- ruary, 1933. The work of this com- mission is to inquire into the diffi-1 culties, financial and otherwise, which the schools are encountering, and to take action aimed to end these diffi- culties. Called the "national strategy board Campaign Of Galens Gains Well Buesser, Oyler Are Chosen To RunFor SophPresidency f Society First President Terms Day's Results As Satisfactory Will Lead Orchestra Drive Brings About $650 Towards Goal and women to handle legislative and the majority are greatly interested in such things as Spring Parley," she disciplinary matters concerning both said, "if they could be organized so groups if the proposed Men's Coun- that the individual would not feel that cil is accepted as a new form of gov- he had to be a qualified speaker to ernment, were formulated at a recent participate." recently organized student-faculty relations committee. The present educational system is an obstacle to encouraging more in- tellectual interests, she believes, for' the student hears a lecture, does some studying in his room, and three months later gives it back in a blue- book without m u c h individual (Continued on Page 6) Will Aim At Reaching ' Mark Set By Response Of Last Year Response to the first day's cam- paign of the Galens Medical So-, ciety's annual Christmas drive was satisfactory, Mark S. Donovan, '35M, ; president of the society stated yester- day. "We will not know definitely, of course, how the amount collected this year compares with the, corre- sponding day of last year," Donovan said, "until we have made complete checks. As far as can be determined, $650 was contributed yesterday." Donovan explained that it costs around $1,000 a year to keep up the, workshop and provide the annual E. WILLIAM DOTY Christmas party for the children in EWILA D the hospital. He said that last year's response was large enough to keep the Four Day Run workshop open all Saturday morn- y incy intn d fo f tnrn h nrcn fnr- .,-° -. meeting of Allen McCombs, '35, Un-1 ion president; Maxine Maynard, '35, president of the League, and Prof. Henry Anderson, director of student- alumni relations. This new committee which will meet in any problem of student gov- erpment which concerns both the men and women on campus and which is; outside the jurisdiction of the elec- Few persons have enough confi- dence in their store of knowledge and in their ability to communicate their ideas to feel self-assured and at ease. Hockey Team Yuletide Cover To Feature December e Issue Of Ggoye j g, s 1 ,e"uIIL1LalC' o Lor woours as Iar- oral board, recently formed to take ersofeducation"by DeanEdmonson,the merly, and that it was hoped this care of.class elections. The December issue of Gargoyle commission has also done much in year's drive would net enough to Small Unit will appear tomorrow for sale the past eighteen months in coordin- continue to run it full time on Sat- Believing Ihat to be workable the' Sherf, With Four Goals, throughout the campus, Joseph Hor- ating such facilities as the broadcast- urdays. unit must be small, only the presi- Stars -Heylier Is Also ak, '35, business manager, announced ing networks and the various educa- Profits from last year's J-Hop were dents and secretaries of the League y. yesterday. tional publications to aid in solving turned over to the Galens, Donovan and the Men's Council will form the Outstanding Catching the good old Christmas the problems confronting education I added, and the money was used to buy committee. They will have the power, spirit, the "G " starts right off today. I a new lathe for the shop. "All money however, to call in the heads of any By ARTHUR W. CARSTENS with a Yuletide cover, showing a Dean Edmonson will make a three- collected by the Galens is turned over campus organizations which might be Michigan's Varsity hockey team brand new treatment of a well-used day visit to Washington next week to the social service department, Un- concerned with the question under opened its season last night on the subject. for the coming meeting of the com- versity Hospital, which is i charge of discussion. For example, if the mat- Coliseum ice with a 6 to 2 victory The caricatures of University fac- mission of ten members, headed by the workshop," Donovan remarked, ter is one of importance to sororities hJohn K. Norton of New York. The "and they use the money in the way an rtriis rf er ne-over the Essex Frontiers of Amherst- 'ulty members, which were so well- that they think will do the most , Prof. Henry Ander- berg, Ontario. received last month, will be repeated commission is sponsored by the Na-_y ndm son in making arrangements for the 1 Eight hundred-fifty fans saw the in this number. Four new men will tional Educational Association, of good." meeting through his office, will con- Wolverines which Dean Edmonson is a member, Donovan stated that Miss Dorothy tatoheprsdetsofPahnenisA- outplay their Canadian be treated by Jack Ralston, Gargoyle whclenEmnsni ebr Ketcham, director of the social serv- opponents for three periods, scoring staff artist. and the Department of Superintend-K sociation, and Interfraternity Council. I three goals in the second and three Emerson Gill and his orchestra. ence. ice department, hoped to add metal If the plans for a reorganization of more in the third, while holding the who are holding forth nightly at Web- Dean Edmonson's association with working and elementary electrical the men's government go through as invaders scoreless until ten minutes ster Hall in Detroit, are the subject the University of Michigan begins training to the shop as soon as it was they are now proposed, men's and i before the end of the. game., when of the "Modern Music" column. The with his undergraduate days. After feasible. Any surplus after running wome'rs g Overning"nits will beal- Minto tallied twice on desperate sal- history of the band and interesting; graduating from an Iowa high school, adpdenseto thave been mh are useD in most parallel. Plans for such an or- lies down the ice. sidelights on its individual members he came to Michigan and obtained ova said. ganization are now in the hands of Co-captain Johnny Sherf revealed are included in the discussion. his A.B. in 1906 and his master' in "The Galens Medical Society is President Ruthven, awaiting his ap- the same form which made him the A prize-winning short story in the 1910. very grateful for the splendid co- proval, and the approval of the Fac- team's high scorer last year when he Gargoyle's contest will be featured in From 190' to 1914 he served as operation given them this year and ulty Committee on Student Conduct, tallied four times on solo dashes the new issue. The manuscript was principal of high schools in Hillsdale, last year by faculty members, towns- If the plan should be adopted, the down the ice and had an assist on submitted by Jean Keller, '35, and Benton Harbor and Jackson, and people, and students," Donovan added. mens council corresponding in most Dick Berryman's second period goal. received the first selection. while in that capacity at Jackson "We also wish to thank the orgaiza- details to the women's council will Coach Eddie Lowrey expressed him- I An article on the forthcoming while t chity at Jackson lso wiahrtoithan seorgiza- consist of the president of the Union, selm after the game as well pleased Michigan Union Opera, "Give Us of secondaryeducationand inspector stores, and the Michigan and Ma- six vice-presidents, elected from the with the work of the sophomores, Vic Rhythm," is offered, as well as sev- of sco s e as ie or toes, ad thei gn ed various schools, a representative of Heyliger and Dick Berryman, making eral outstanding photographs of the ofig .schos. He ,,as ntesticoTheats or the Student Christian Association, their college debuts in the Wolverine production. These are the first pic- University's staff contuously since anovan vie anyone who wishes the managing editor of The Daily, the1 forward w attures taken that have been published. 1914. president of the Interfraternity Coun- Sherf was the sparkplug, the dyna- A new Preposterous Person is sa He was director of the division of ttiseeeexactlyphow he oey cil, the senior representative of the mic leader. Time after time he swept tirically pictured and numerous car- University inspection of high schools utilized to inspect the society's books, Board in Control of Athletics, and an through the entiIe Essex team for tn' are included. from 1927 to 1929, and in 1929 he a executive secretary elected by the close shots. On defense, too, the Combination offers of the Gargoyle became dean of the School of Educa- Ccneil from its own membership or fast-skating left wing showed un- and popular national magazines are tion, succeeding Dean-Emeritus Al- from outside. canny ability to steal the puck in stillbeing taken by salesmen. In con- len S. Whitney in that position. From _ eportK pM Few Differences mid-ice before the Frontier for- nection with the offer of Gargoyle 1915 to 1929 he served on the State I Only a few points of difference will wards could get under way. ; and Esquire, Horak announced that Teachers' Retirement Fund Board, Go To Harvard then exist betwee the men's and the Charley Mayo made some remark- it may be obtained through the Gar- retiring to take a place on one of women's council. The League does not able saves in the first with Michigan goyle for the same price as by direct IPresident Hoover's investigating com- CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 4. - () have an S.C.A. representative, their dominating the play. Only the solicitation of Esquire. mittees. -The resignation of Eddie Casey as have a S.C.A repreentatie, ther domiatingthe ply. Onl the _____He__isa__member.___ofsuHehisdumembeiofasuhheduationachead oach o HtheaHrvardrarsit secretary is not appointed within the = quick eye of the 46-year-old-mana-seis asmtmeraonalhEducation Council but becomes a part of the ger-goalie kept the score from being Thirteen Juniors Are societies as the National Education football team has been accepted by (Continued on Page 6) the University's Committee on the Council because of her appointment larger than it was. Co-captain John-teFo-iated_ IntoShinx Regulation of Athletic Sports, Wil- to the League secretaryship, nor does j ny Jewell, in the nets for the Wolver- n lia t J. Bingham, athletic director, the League Council include vice-presi- ines, was invncible until the Front- Fcu lty R eport announced tonight. Casey has been dents from the graduate schools. Its iersmen sent four and five down the Thirteen juniors were initiated into head coach for the past four years membership consists of the League ice in their desperate final-period Sphinx, junior honorary society of! A 1 and during the previous five years president, the secretary, three vice attempts to score. the literary school, yesterday after- Approves W eek he served as backfield coach and presidents, the president of the Wom- Michigan. was carrying the fight to noon following the traditional dray 1 head freshman coach. en's Athletic Association, the presi- i their Canadian opponents during the ride through the town. An initiation O f O rientation'Reports that Harry G. Kipke, Mich- dent of Panhellenic Association, the' entire first two periods but failed banquet was held in the Union fol- 'n a igan football coach, might succeed women's editor of The Daily, the to connect until 9 minutes, 21 seconds lowing the ceremony. Eddie Casey as Harvard grid mentor chairman of the Judiciary Council,, of the second period had passed when The following students were init- next fall were not taken seriously by the president of the Joint As- (Continued on Page 3) iated: Thomas Groehn, '36, James All Factions Of University next fare no te seriouslyaby (Continued on Page 6) '1Wiles, '36, Robert Sullivan, '36, Nor- close frend of t Wvinecach Sh, F i Ati A.'is, dn Dt~it 'Tuea', Oflolanthe'Tr Begin Tonight Evening Performances To Be Presented Through Saturday "Iolanthe," one of the famous Gil- bert and Sullivan operettas, opens to- Sight for a four day run in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. It is being pre- sented by Play Production and stu- dents in the School of Music. Evening performances will be given today, tomorrow, Friday, and Satur- day and a special matinee will also be given on Saturday. Evening per- formances are scheduled for 8:30 p.m. and the matinee for 3:15 p.m. "Iolanthe" is the second Gilbert and Sullivan opera to be presented by Play Production. The first operetta, "The Gondoliers," was given last spring before large audiences through- out its run. In commenting on the work of this group in producing operettas, President Charles A. Sink of the School of Music made the following1 statement: '"The work of the music-drama course inaugurated last year proved so satisfactory and valuable that it has been continued and will doubtless become a permanent feature of the University. "It provides music students with an opportunity for public performance of a broader and more varied nature than ordinary student recitals. At the same time, it provides an opportunity for the public to hear interesting operatic works performed in a highly creditable manner by young musi- cians of exceptional promise." "Iolanthe" is under the general di- rection of Valentine B. Windt. E. Wil- liam Doty of the School of Music fac- ulty is the musical director, and Emily White is in charge of the dance. Mr.. Doty is also conducting the Univer- sity Symphony Orchestra, which is furnishing music for the production. In addition to Miss Seeley, who plays the title role, other principal1 parts are Peing taken by Clarawanda Sisson, '36SM, and Henry Austin, as the lovers; John Silberman, '35, as the chancellor; Bertha Bright Knapp,' Spec.SM, as the fairy queen; Mary' Bills, Grad., and Goddard Light, '35, as the rival suitors; and Frederick Shaffmaster, '35, as the sentry. The entire cast numbers more than 45. Reichert Is Selected To Oppose Mann For Prom Chairman Freshman Election Set For Next Week Electors Must Pay Dues, Pr e s e n t Identification, Before Voting Frederick Buesser, Delta Tau Delta, and Tom Oyler, Beta Theta Pi, were chosen last night to run for the office of president of the sophomore class in today's election. Eugene Reichert, independent, will oppose John Mann, Trigon, for the chairmanship of the Soph Prom. The names of the candidates were selected from a number submitted by petition by the newly-created Elec- toral Board made up of Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Stanley Waltz, manager of the Union, William Ferris, managing editor of The Daily, Allen McCombs, president of the Union, and Carl Hilty, president of the Undergraduate Council. The freshman election, scheduled to be held today, was postponed until next week by the Executive Com- mittee of the Council. Today's election is the first to be held under the new plan of voting in class elections which was approved after the ballots in the sophomore election held earlier this year were thrown out when Council members termed it "the dirtiest election in history." The plan was conceived by George Lawton, president of the sen- ior class and John Healey, city editor of The Daily, and was adopted with only minor changes by the Council. Although it had been announced that nine petitions was the minimum to be submitted for each office, mem- bers of the Council said last night that since nine petitions would not always be available, the names of candidates would be chosen from those submitted. They also said that the names of the candidates are an- nounced this morning rather than just before the election because it is felt that the publicity would bring out more voters. Hilty announced last night that all sophomores in the literary college wishing to vote must pay their class dues of 25 cents and show their treasurer's receipt before they can get their ballots. The election in the literary college will be held at 4:30 p.m. in Natural Science Auditorium. The freshmen in the Medical School will vote at the same time in the amphitheater of the East Medical Building. Opera Heads Are In Blue Funk As Guppy Vanishes Union Opera officials late yesterday admitted they were completely baf- fled by the mysterious disappearance of Prof. Carl L. Hubbs' guppy bor- rowed by the opera to play the star- ring role of "Challenger." The missing guppy vanished from his bowl as it sat on the window sill of the Union's ballroom getting an airing after a strenuous rehearsal yesterday afternoon. A stand-in was being used for some of the less im- portant scenes while the guppy star rested, but when Director Russell Mc- Cracken ordered 'Challenger' brought back into rehearsals, the bowl was unaccountably empty. Authorities were unable to decide whether the guppy had been removed from its bowl, or had escaped because of the unusually high water level. In the latter case it might have contin- ued on down the drain outside the window sill. "The show cannot be produced without "Challenger," Director Mc- Cracken said in broadcasting an ap- peal for assistance in the recovery of the fish. "None of the other guppies in the cast is competent of portray- ing 'Challenger.' He must be re- covered before the opening night." VANDERVELDE MEETS CLASSES mail Williamson, '36, Richard Evans, Contest Decisions Prof. Lewis G. Vanderveide yester- '36, John Jablonski, '36Ed., Vincent rne t A day took over his classes in the his- Aug, '36, Dan Hulgrave, '36, Moreau OlIW r aver1g 1 etti t Towards Period. lo lBe Made Fridayory depa -_has preV since theI rtment after an illness that Hunt, '36, Frank Fehsenfeld, '36, Nes- ented his being in school bit Haas, '36, Frederick Mitchell, '36, beginning of the semester. and Jack McCarthy, '36. Judges' decisions in the short story E________-_______________va _______- 1 contest now being sponsored by the: periodical "Contemporary" will be T a i on l' lC n'~ Tj1B given to the editors Friday, it was an-TraditionaCaBe nounced yesterday by the "Contem- porary" oihe. hm t Presented At Gridiron Dance judging committee, announced that material submitted surpassed his ex~fz The presentation of the Oil Can to until it is awarded at about 11 p.m. necta tinnc h th i n tanf it,, a ,, ini l- -.,.. ,-r Freshmen, faculty and students all favor Orientation, was the consensus of opinion as presented in the Orien- tation reports and recommendations which were read yesterday before a faculty committee headed by Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven. Maxine Maynard, '35, president ofj the League, and Hilda Kirby, '35. chairman of Orientation project, ex- plained the results of the period. The faculty committee which heard the in Ann m or anne eron, oIU' A y.. Kipke left for the East Monday to fill a "Chautauqua lecture engage- ment." He spoke in Trenton, N. J., Tuesday, and will give another pop- ular lecture at Hartford, Conn., Thursday. He is expected b.ack in Ann Arbor Friday afternoon. Michigan Alumnus Is Vitalizing Influence To The Association J,(LUwi, n itL111 u0.111sy a0.IqIla, the faculty man adjudged "Mich- The previous holders of the famous report was composed of Dean Alice C. This is the third in a series of articles University are Committed to Your ity. "Almost all of the stories are in-gs" can include, in addition to Professor Lloyd, Vice-President Clarence Yoa- explaining theorgaization and func- ands." teresting and readable, he said. A Brunmm, Prof. W. D. Henderson, Prof. kum, Miss Ethel McCormick, Pi'of. Regular features of The Alumnus few of them would be worthy of pub- the annual Sigma Delta Chi Gridiron W. A. Frayer, Prof. 0. J. Campbell, Philip Bursley, Prof. Henry Ander- One of the greatest vitalizing influ- are the editorial column, "Connin lication in such a magazine as "Story" Dance Saturday, Dec. 8, in the ball- Prof. Thomas Reed, former President son, Prof. Charles Remer Mrs. Emma ences in the Alumni Association is the Campus"; "Who's Who," a page of or "Scribner's." 1(room of the Union will mark the re- Clarence Cook Little, Dr. Hugh Cabot, Dawson, Miss Gertrude Muxen, and The Michigan Alumnus, published pictures and histories o prominen Because of the great number of isumpion of one of the oldest campus Prof. Waldo Abbot, Athletic Director Miss Elizabeth Laurie. fortnightly during the college year Ialumni; "This Week on Campus," manuscripts received, it will be neces- traditions after a lapse of several Fielding H. Yost, and Dean of Stu- Members of the faculty were scored and monthly durmg the summer va- resume of undergraduate affairs; sary to hold some of them over until years. dents Joseph A. Bursley. for their lack of interest when it was cation. I "News From the Classes," a personal the next issue. Awarded annually for more than Caricatures of these ten men will suggested that they take a "greater It is the one strong tie that binds column about graduates; and the A concentrated subscription drive I a decade by Sigma Delta Chi, na- be the only decorations in the spa- interest in Orientation and become its 6000 alumni and alumnae sub- "Alumni Forum," containing letters will be held this week. Members tional professional journalistic so- cious Union ballroom during the familiar with departments other than scribers to their University, and keeps to the editor. of the staff will visit all dormitories ciety, the trophy has long been in the dance. A caricature of the new "lo- their own, thus enabling them better them constantly in touch with campus In addition to these regular fea- and fraternities during the campaign. i possession of Prof. John L. Brumm of quacious lubricator" will be unveiled to know the possibilities and re- and alumni affairs, and the activities tures there are authoritative articles Speaking of the magazine. Prof. Erich I the journalism denartment. to whom; at the time of the nresentation ere- n irement of the + ,'nohmnn 1-sna of their classmates. an TTniv ato nwam frnm TTnivoecrit 3I i T " r +.. f