SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1934 THEMICHIGAN - DAILY PAGE -SE THI~ MTE7fTTc~AN TbAITV 1 1A L/ Ua/- LI w League To e Scene Of Annual Function For Independent I Vomen First Assemblyk Banquet To Be HeldMonday Senior Society Will Tap Ten New Members As A Featig~e of Program ! The first Assembly banquet, which is to become hereafter a yearly proj- ect of the non-affiliated women on campus, will be held at 5:45 p.m. to- morrow in the ballroom of the League. One of the most important features in the program will be the tapping of 10 new members by Senior So- ciety, honorary organization for sen- ior independent women, Eleanor Pet- erson, '35, president, announced. Dorothy Sanders, '35, of Zone IX, will act as toastmistress, introducing the chief speaker of the banquet, Prof. John Muyskens, of the speech department. Professor Muyskens has chosen as his subject "Change of Meanings." Alice C. Lloyd and Regis- trar Ira Smith will also speak, pre- senting the Assembly honor awards to three women with the highest scholastic standings of independents in the sophomore, junior, and senior classes.I Other features of the program will include vocal selections by Betsy Bar- bopr trio, Dorothy Vale, '37, Jeane McLean, '37, and Rachel Lease, '37. There will also be piano numbers by Madeline Hadcock, '35SM, and Mar-. ion Bertsch, '35, will be song leader. Patrons and Patronesses Patrons and patronesses for the affair will be President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Regent Esther M. Cram and Mr. Cram, Dean and Mrs. Edward Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Wilbur Humphreys, Miss Lloyd, Dean and Mrs. Joseph A. bursley, Registrar and Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bach- er, Miss Ethel McCormick, Dr. Mar- garet Bell, Miss Jeanette Perry, Mrs. Lucile B. Conger, Dean-Emeritus Myra Jordan, Betty Aigler, '35, presi- dent of Panhellenic Association, Ruth Root, '35, president of W.A.A., and secretary of Panhellenic, Jane Bruck- er, '35, rushing chairman of Pan- hellenic Virginia Cluff, '35, treasurer of Panhellenic, Maxine Maynard, '35, president of the League, and Barbara Sutherland, '35, secretary of the League. Committees For Banquet Betty Hill, '35, general chairman, is being assisted by Myra Schwan, '36. Other committees include Geraldine Ruf, '35, chairman in charge of food,' Fern Niles, '37, and Helen Stultz, '36, Katherine England, '35, finance chairman, Katherine Decker, '36, Bet- ty Robertson, '38, and Victoria Toteff, '35SM; Margaret Kelsey, '35, chair- man ofdecorations, Helen Swartz, '36, and Ruth Hurwitz, '35; Mary Louise Schaake, '35, chairman of chaperones, Mary L. Reed, '37, and Dorothy Jane Fogg, '37; Kathleen McIntyre, '36, publicity chairman, Betty Morgan, '37, and Betty Vinton, '37. Tickets priced at 70 cents may be procured from committee members or from Miss Ethel McCormick. Dormi- tory women may secure them at 45 cents. Dr. Luey Wang is Honored At Tea In League Dr. Lucy Wang, a graduate of the University and now president of Hua Nan Girls' College, was honored Fri- day at a tea in the Ethel Fountain Hussey room of the League, given by Mrs. Harry B. Earhart. Dr. Wang, who is in this country5 to attend the conference of Christiank Chinese colleges, to be held this weekc in Detroit, has been spending a fewc days as the guest of Mrs. Earhart atc her home.c With Mrs. Earhart and Dr. Wang' in the receiving line were Mrs. Alex- ander G. Ruthven, Dean Alice Lloyd, and Mrs. Frederick B. Jordan. Pre-1 siding at the tea table were Mrs. Forman Hendrickson, Mrs. E.S. j Clarkson, Mrs. Clarence Yoakum, andr Mrs. James D. Bruce; Mrs. Edwardl H. Kraus ana Mrs. W. Carl Rufusc assisted with the tea. A race clothc covered the table, with a center piece t of yellow and white chrysanthemumsg in a white porcelain bow. Blue crys-r tal holders held white candles. 1 New oil fields are to be exploited in Palmyra, Syrfa, desert site of ant ancient Roman City.s Banquet Chairman ketty Hill, '35, is the chairman of he first banquet to be given for non- ' rliated women. The dinner, which s £pep'eoretd by the Assembly, is to e held tam orrow in the League. i; I ittering Evening Yts Cotrast With Darker Materials Suede bags, kid bags, alligator and :abrc bags are excellent choices for he daytime, but the queen of them il is the evening bag which sparkles md glitters against the rich, dark fabrics of the evening. Velvet, se- luins, brocade, and lame all combine o make this luxurious winter season. Evening bags with sequins or with lame catch the light. A striped-lame one has all sorts of tricky compart- .nents, while another with a red and ;old lame reversible cover which can 'ie snapped on, with either side out, leads a double life. One of the newest models is a Kvhite and gold brocaded evening bag with fittings of beaten gold' with jeweled tops. Everything you could wish for is already tucked inside - 2ompact, lipstick, perfume, money, cigarettes, and a comb. ori Carries Novel Bag Lucrezia Bori has an exquisite purse of silvery gold brocade with an orna- nient of crystal in a rhinestone frame. rhe contents include a blonde tor- toise shell comb, jeweled, in a bro- cade case, an enameled pad for ad- dresses, a black and red enamel com- pact with diamond initials, a small nitialed tortoise-shell box for sac- charine, a key ring, and a red enamel and pearl vial for her own special perfume. Intellectual Activity Ured By Campbell (Continued frdm Page 1) thing from boating to political clubs. Incidentally," he added, "on the Yale campus the new college system is driving out the fraternities, for life in these colleges has so much more to offer than the fraternities." But what can be done here on our campus to bring the social and in- tellectual life into contact? the ques- tioner asked. "Begin by building up libraries in the sororities, fraternities, and also the dormitories," he replied quickly. "How many of them have such a place, a nice comfortable one in which to browse during odd moments?" he queried. Most persons come to college with a real desire to experience an adult intellectual life. The will is present, Professor Campbell points out, but there is no organization to stimulate this intellectual life. Clubs founded on a variety of interests could be formed, such as literary and political. There could be debates, he suggested, between the Republican and Demo- cratic clubs over the New Deal and other issues. - "Here we are a group of supposedly intellectual people at a time when changes in government are affecting our pocket-books, our whole lives as social beings, and yet we disregard it all. It is unfortunate," he said, "that at such critical times the radicals are the only students taking any active interest in govern- ment and politics." ft our students expect to compete on even terms with graduates of east- ern Schools, where a saner, more alert attitude has been adopted, they as going to have to drop the present happy-gd-lucky attitude, according to Professor Campbell. "Life in the United States," he states, "is becom- ing just as much of a struggle as on the continent, for competition for po- sitions constantly becomes keener." Sororities End Panhellenie Ball With Breakfast League And Many Chapter Houses Provide End To Gay Evening Several sororities entertained after the Panhellenic Ball yesterday morn-E ing. Breakfasts were held at the League, Hut and at the various chap-j ter houses. Dorpthy Utley, '36, and Peggy Dug- gan, '36, were in charge of the break- fast held by Collegiate Sorosis at the chapter house. Guests ate around thej fireplace in the living room, sTheta Phi Alpha entertained guests at a breakfast at the sorority. Jane Schneider, '35, was in charge of the arrangements.I At the Alpha Gamma Delta break- I fast chaperones were the National Inspector, Miss Julia Riser and Mrs. Sarah Bernard Tennant. The deco- rations were red tapers, with a horn of plenty as center piece. The food color scheme was further carried out in the sorority colors, red, buff, and reen. Helen Doris Young, '35, was in. barge. Eight couples attended the break- fast given by Alpha Omicron Pi soror- ity. Mrs. Ruth James, the house mother, acted as chaperone. The decorations were green tapers and pink carnations. Betty Evans, '36, was in charge. Novel Decorations Used Alpha Xi Delta also entertained at breakfast at the sorority house. The decorations were carried out in a modernistic manner. Black and silver was the color scheme, with black candles and an unusual cellophane center piece. Mrs. Myrtle Moore, the I New Portrait Of Duke Of Kent And His Bride lii.:.::.:..: :tff:" :": ?.". :.:: :is i t 'i6 0 ~ " Th ?aeYstdV rla/ teDk o etan i rie h Prncs Maia"3reci hon h edigo h rylcu was redleter dy fr Brtis roy1:y - " r ...y...s......s.....m g A s Princess Marina I Duchess Kira of Russia, and Princess Juliana of Holland. Married In Trued Half a million people,crowned heads and beggars, thrilled by the Fairy-Tale Style colcrfi 1 pageantry of a royal wedding ceremony, thronged the streets of London to glimpse the. spendid pro- All the glamour and romance of a cession. The first ceremony was the fairy-tale wedding marked the mar- seivice of the Church of England, riage of Princess Marina of Greece to performed in Westminster Abbey, Princ Geoge ofEnglnd, e scene of all the triumphs of England's 1 Pri ce Ge rge f Engand, h listory. After the venerable Arch- Thursday in historic old Westminster bishop of Canterbury had completed Abbey. the service of the Church of England, Princess Marina chose for her wed-1 the marriage was solemnized by the 1 3b.0d e W h0 ye a r o d ite s o f th e e t r ding a truly regal gown of shimmer-1,0yaroditsfthGekO- ing silver, brocaded with "Tudor rose. thodox Church, in the white and gold designed for her by Molyneux, famousca endfuingaml a Parisian designer. Its medieval grace Irediately following the wedding was enhanced by long flowing sleeves, breakfast, the royal pair drove to ending in broad turn-back cuffs of Paddington Station in one of the King silver lame. A train 14 feet long fell of England's famous glass carriages, frorn her shoulders.i drawn by four grey horses from the I llcirln acerWorn For Veil king's stables at Windsor. Cheering A lovely veil of old lace which had thousands followed them to the sta- been the bridal veil' of, her moather, tio1n, wheie they left for Himley Hall, beenthebridl vil o he moter'Worcestershire, the 50.000-acre estate Princess Nicholas of Greece, and her oretEarsr h 00drsy sister, Princess Paul of Jugoslavia,ofe r D y accented 'the beauty of the dark- haired princess. Supplementing the EXPERT PRINTING lace veil were yards of misty white ! LETTERHIEADS -ENVELOPES tulle, which formed the flowing train, PROORAMS - BTDS Trainbearers were little Princess Eliz- The ATH ENS PRESS abeth of York and Lady Mary Cam- bridge. The other bridesmaids were (Next to ost tlice) Princess Irene of Greece, Grand t U U Forma. IS house mother, was chaperone andx E xcellent Sport For Women Charlotte Anderson, '35, was in charge. Zeta Tau Alpha sorority held their By JOSEPHINE McLEAN , Plastrons with bright red hearts Panhellenic breakfast at the Hut Cel- "Fencing is admirably suited to marked on the right side -- a sym- lar. Twenty couples were present, women," asserted Dr. George May, boy which tends to keep the body in director of Waterman Gymnasium. the correct position - wire masques "It is a sport that depends on quick and weapons will be furnished by the C CHAPTER HOUSE , wit and muscular co-ordination intramural department. ' rather than physical prowess." I The opening fencing practice will ACT IVITY NOTES t "Screen stars patronize the fenc- be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Wednesday ing studios in Hollywood or receive in Barbour Gymnasium. This practice instruction in their own homes, while will be preceded by a tea at 4 p.m. A quiet week-end in campus houses theatrical schools everywhere con- Monday in the lounge of Palmer Field was marked by a pledging, initiation, sider fencing as an important part of House. Betty Bell. '36, W.A.A. fencing and one fraternity party, their curricula as elocution," the di- manager will preside at the meeting, Alpha Delta Pi rector continued. while Dr. May will lead a short dis- Alpha Delta Pi sorority announces "Annalopis and West Point require cussion on fencing. the pledging of Lucy Cope, '36A, of four years participation in this sport!-__ _ _ _ Detroit. for graduation, as the administra-crit pens Collegiate Sorosis Lion believes proficiency makes for I ipens Collegiate Sorosis announces the good posture. The fencing clubs New Story Contest initiation of Nancy Cook, '36, Eleanor throughout the United States are a!j Wasey, '37, Marion Donaldson, '37 manifestation of the desire for grace- Betty Sonke, '36;,and Marion Edger- ful movement." Announcement was made yesterday ton, '36. Dr. May plans to use the old school by the editors of "Manuscript," a bi- Phi Kappa Sigma, method of instruction -modified ? monthly literary magazine published. French style -wherein emphasis is in Athens, O., of their first $50 prize Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity gave placed on form rather than score short story contest open to "all reg- a closed informal dance last night istered s;udents of colleges and un- for the members of its Alpha Xi chap- "Once in combat, it is easier to versities in the United States. ter of Purdue. About 30 Purdue men lose your form in fencing than inssmany were present at the affair. any other spore," said Dr. May. "It is nu t dsadbe ua , . May. ~length oi up to 7,000 words, and must Mr. and. Mrs. H. V. Rohrer and necessary to practice until the fun- be entered before May 1, 1933. Each Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Park were damentals become absolutely me- contestant must enclose a certificate chaperones. Guests of honor were chanical." from a faculty member stating that Prof. and Mrs. H. M. Ehrmann, Mr. "The foil will be our weapon," the and Mrs. Philip Pack, Mr. and Mrs. I director explained. "The foil is lighter to the eligeditors, compete. According John Meadows, Dr. and Mrs. Walter than either the saber or the epee tpte itn the ust ing story will Gowen, and Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Aiton. and in consequence willbe less stren- aparit. Music was furnished by Bill Mar- uous." Whereas the saber is used ex-'Manuscript. shall's orchestra. plicitly for slashing, the foil is used-_- for thrusting. The epee, a more ver- In Budapest police jail the parehts satile instrument, is employed for of children wx ho steal rides on the MUSIC GROUP TO MEET both thrusting and cutting. bumpers of automobiles. The music section of the Faculty ______ S- a (4 f I I{ I Women's club will meet at 8 p.m.I Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Hes- sel E. Yntema, 1005 Lincoln Ave. A program of modern music of the Russian school will be presented, un- der the direction of Mrs. Ava Comin Case. I,; - i i Between1 Cleaninig, FOR YOUR CONVEN I ENCE 00 GREENE'S MICroC e-anIg Servce is kind to your delicate crepes and silk satins. Grene's recommend GREENE's are official- ly authorized to re- shape and restore to your measurements Boucle and Knitted 11 Foi C HRISTMAS Smart people save the text'uro 01 their clothes as well as insuring perpetual neatness in dressing by having their clothes fregitently Pressed. GR EE NE CLEANERS &' DYERS crocleaned after each wearing. that every formal should be Mi- suit ,. GREEN E'S CLEANERS &' DYERS Our Stock is Complete. The New EASTMAN i L YTtY°. Yr laet -r.. :s/ ,. SK .. ... .-d / 1., ,-, w.i-. ... I: I II GREE~~NS 1l I 9t A . Per Af ..fd ~ ~ ~ ~ A. . l K ' -S S - a -- - a --I 1 I