1 IIIY I l
The Weather.
Y r e
Ait igau
Colder and snow flurries;
strong southwest winds.
Institutidnalization In Uni-
versities .
Check And Double Check...
* ote Poicy Of
Conference Cloes Witl
Pledge Of Co-Ordinatio
With Administrators
Deny Trend Exists
Against Societies
New System At Yale Di
Not Kill Greek Houses
Delegates Are Told
NEW YORK, Dec. 1.-- (AP) - A pol
icy of complete co-operation with col.
lege administrators as a means o.
increasing the prestige of nationa
college fraternities was voted today
by delegates at the final session o:
the 26th Interfraternity Conference.
Delegates fromp 66 fraternities
united in declaring that only such a
policy would restore to the under-
graduate societies "prominent posi-
tions once held by them on Amer-
ican campuses."
Leroy E. Kimball, elected chair-
man of the conference for the ensuing
year, scored reports that colleges
have turned against fraternities.
"I know of no college president or
dean opposed "to theideal social fra-
ternity," he said.
"It will be-the aim of the new ad-
ministration to press forward with in-
telligent optimism and intelligent en-
terprise. We will get nowhere, though,
unless we work hand-in-hand with
the colleges," he said.
Contrary to the popular impres-
sion that the institution of the new
resident house plan at Yale had done
away with the widespread fraternity
system at New Haven, delegates were
told by Yale representatives that no
l appreciable :decrease in support of
the societies had been noticed.
Peter C. Hitt, Yale senior and mem-
ber of Beta Theta Pi, said there has
been a revival of fraternity interest
at his university. The effects of the
house unit plan at Yale, he said,
will be not to exclude the fraternity,
but to complement its activities.
Resolutions were adopted advocat-
ing frequent college and University
inspection of fraternity houses. to
avert unsafe and unsanitary condi-
tMons and recommendinga survey by
Members of the conference to deter-
mine whether college authorities
would co-operate in instituting resi-
dent adviserships, such as house
mothers, in chapter houses.
Today's Student
Church Topics
Are Announced
A varied choice of programs will
be offered to students by the Ann
Arbor churches today.'
"The Humanist and the Communist
Manifestos Compared" will be the
subject for the Rev. Harold P. Mar-
ley's sermon in the Unitarian Church
service to be held at 5 p.m.. The
Rev. Marley will discuss the need for
a religion in the changing social or-
Continuing his series on "Wat We
Want" the Rev. Charles W. Bashares
will deliver a sermon on "Possessions"
at 10:45 a.m. in the First Methodist
Episcopal Church. In the Wesleyan
Guild Service at 6 p.m. the R'v. Mar-
ley will be the guest speaker, talking
on "Socialism and Religion."
Another lecture on "The Evolution
of Religion" will be given by Prof.
Preston Slosson of the history de-
partment at 10:30 am. in the Con-E
gregational Church, the subject this
time being "The First Missionaries -
The Apostles." A sermon on "The
Ladder of Heaven" will be given by,
the Rev. Allison Ray Heaps.
Dr. Bernard Heller has chosen
"Hebraic Contributions to the Pil-
grims" for the sermon in the Hillel
service to be held at 11:15 a.m. in
the League Chapel. The regular class
in Jewish Ethics, led by Hirsch Hoot-
kins of the romance language de-
partment, will not meet this week, but
will resume next Sunday.,-
"The Virtue of Prejudice" is the
subject selected by the Rev. William
P. Lemon for his sermon at 10:45 a.m.
in the Presbyterian Church. The
Rev. Henry Lewis, of the Episcopal
Church, will address the Episcopal
student group at 7 p.m. in Harris
Hall on "The Lights and Shadows of
the Parson's Job."
The Rev. Fred Cowin will talk on
"The Prayer of a Pious Jew" in the
cn.iin n-1 A4l. -AI n m + .. fll...t.
Campbell Asks combination Of
Social And Intellectual Activity
a. series of six interviews with
cussing means of stimulati
tual life on the campui. Ot
series will appear duringt
"My contention ---4's no
~should abolish student a
crucial life, but that the
life of the campus should
to permeate the social,"
Oscar J. Can15'bell of t
department with regard to
lack of intellectual activ
University. "College acti
urged, "should be on a
instead of a high school 14
"I get as much fpn as a
remarked, "out of going t
game and shouting like a
Such infanilities are neces
taxation, to let off energ
difficultyis that almost al
activities are infantile. Wh
are more adult amusemer
Instead of silly, little'
conversation, both men a
!would find a bit of intelligi
lating conversation a great
fun, in Professor Campbel
H db TJ I Ii d 117
the first of I As it is, social life, he feels, tends tc
f e become an unbearable bore; there i
ng intellec- no newness to it, nothing exciting, i
hers in the becomes routinized.
the coming
"College life is life. We need amuse
HY ments, we need our activities, we nee<
t that we ell-rounded life," ProfessorCamp-
ites bell pointed out. A library hermit i
intllctalnot the ideal student, for the ma-
be allowed 'jority are here to live. To develop
said Prof. and to grow, and not merely todamass
he English an imposing amount of knowledge
the general But instead of seeking a well-rounde<
vity in the "design for living," many turn to the
vities," he opposite extreme, he believes, by ex-
university erting their energies toward socia
evel." trivialities. "We need to bring our
inyone," he social life," he maintains, "into con-
o a football tact with our intellectual.",
youngster. "How can we do this?" he was
;sary to re- asked. "I believe," Professor .Camp-
y. But the 1 bell replied, "that the housing plans
1 our social that have been started in the Easi
at we need at Harvard and Yale are the perfeci
nts." solution. Spacious, comfortable li-
"lines" for braries," he continued, "are located
nd women within the dormitories and are easily
en;, stimu- accessible. There are numerous clubs
deal more I of interesting kinds, including every-
l's opinion.! (Continued on Page 7)
* I
':1 -
Hilty Gives
Out Revised
Voting Plan
Systems For Conduct Of
Underclass Elections Are
Will Only Ballot
For Two Officers
Candidates' Petitions
Be Filed Before
P.M. Monday
Give Whaling
Lecture Here
Oratorical Association To
Sponsor Illustrated Talk
Football Scores
Navy 3, Army 0.
Detroit 6, Wash. State 0.
Tulane 13, Louisiana State 12.
South. Meth. 19, Texas Chris. 0.
Georgia 7, Georgia Tech 0.
Duke 32, North Carolina S. 0.
Holy Cross 7, Boston College 2.
W. Maryland 13, Georgetown 0.
In Hill Auditorium , Rice 32, Baylor 0. a
Mississippi 7, Miss. State 3.
The story of one of the most ad- Florida 14, Stetson 0.
venturous and dangerous'industries . ~(, j
tin the world - whaling - graphic- Tentative Selection
ally illustrated with motion pictures, Made of Guppy To
will be- told by Chester Scott How-
land, at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, in Hill, Play C
Mr. Howland's lecture is the fourth Oc aon edt
o a series of eight being presented Opera officials announced the ten-
this year by the Oratorical Associa- tative selection yesterday of the gup-
tion. py who will portray "Challenger" in
' The lecture, characterized by many ! the Union Opera, "Give Us Rhythm,"}
jas "most interesting and unusual," to be given Dec. 11-15. The fishlet
will depict an actual whale hunt from selected as most fitted for the role
beginning to -end. se of the g ieled o the
"Whaling days," says Mr. Howland,;was one of the guppies loaned to the
"were the most adventurous through- Opera by Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator!
out all the history of American life of the fish division of the zoology
on the sea. Seventy thousand people museum.
depended directly upon the dangeroust One of the largest and strongest of
whale fishery for their very liveli- the males, the chosen guppy is be-,
hood. Twelve thousand stout-souled lieved to be ideal for the part of Dean
seamen sailed New Bedford's sturdy Windjammer's prize stud guppy. The
ships to the remotest corners of the task of training him for his part
watery world, searching in many un- in the week of rehearsals to come has
charted oceans for their giant quarry, been delegated by Russel T. Mc-
"Whaling is still a most important Cracken, director of production, to
world activity," he continued, "In Henry W. Felker, general supervisor
the early days every man was brave 1of productions, and Robert D. Slack,
because the hunt and capture allowed Ifemale lead, who is assisting in train-
the hunters only mere slender hand E ing the choruses.
weapons as killin'g instruments. The The other tryouts for the coveted
pursuit and capture of an ugly 80 - role have been assigned supporting
barrel bull sperm whale provided tre- parts in the private aquarium of Dean
mendous risk." Windjgvhmer.
The motion pictures for the lecture
were made on a special expedition for O
this purpose. They were made at a Opera Tickets Go
cost of $50,000 and required 18 months Sl I
to film. .One fl U nU IOR
A veritable seaman's dictionary ofx
the vernacular of the "old salts" will I Tickets for "Give Us Rhythm," thet
be used ahd explained by Mr. How- 26th annual Union Opera, Dec. 11 toj
land. A few of these are: "plum pud- 16 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre are!
din' luck," "vast heaving," "junk," now on sale at the sde desk of the
"Nantucket sleigh-ride," "A dead Union. Prices for th evening pe-
whale or a 'stove' boat," "Drug," and formances are $1, $1.25aevening
many other equally confusing terms to tickets for the matinees on Wednes-
the "landlubber." day and Saturday are priced at 75'
Tickets for the lecture are selling cents, $1, and $1.25.
"very well," officials of the Association All prize and honorable mentiont
report. They may be obtained at! posters, submitted in the Union Opera,.
Wahr's Bookstore and are priced at poster contest, are now on display at
50 and 75 cents. Slater's bookstore.
Final instructions for the method
of procedure for the freshman and
sophomore class elections, to be held
on Wednesday, Dec. 5, in the literary
college, were announced yesterday by
Carl Hilty, '35, president of the Un-
dergraduate Council.
Petitions for the two elective of-
fices in each class, president and
dance chairman, will have to be filled
out and returned to the office of the
'Dean of Students, where the petition
Iblanks are now available, by 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow, according to Hilty.
Contents of the petitions to be sub-
mitted by prospective candidates, as
specified by the Council, should in-
clude the applicant's name and his
plans for the conduct of the office.
At least nine petitions must be sub-
mitted for each office before an elec-
tio;can be held in that class, accord-
ing to the Council ruling.
The election board, consisting of
seven students and five adults and
faculty members, will review the peti-
tions sometime before Wednesday, but
the names of the two candidates chos-
en will not be revealed until the time
'of election.
Following a policy , adopted by the
Council last fall, class dues in both
of the underclasses will be collected
before the date of the election. For
this purpose a desk will be placed in
the lobby of Angell Hall where dues
can be paid tomorrow and Tuesday.
It was requested by members of the
Council that all students wishing to
pay their dues should bring their Uni-
versity cashier's receipt with them to
be punched. Dues for both of the'
lower classes have been reduced this
year from 50 to 25 cents.
Windt Names
Student Ca s t
Jean Seeley Has Lead;
Tickets To Go On Sale
In League Tomorrow
Jean' Seeley, '36, will have the lead-
ing role in the Gilbert and Sullivan
operetta "Iolanthe," according to an
announcement made yesterday by
Valentine B. Windt, director of 'the
The operetta will play Wednesday
through Saturday at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre; there wil be a'
matinee at 3:15 p.m. Saturday. Tick-
ets will be available at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office after 10 a.m.
Bertha Bright Knapp, star of a
number of Gilbert and Sullivan operas
will have the part of Queen of the
Fairies. The leading masculine role,
that of the Lord Chancellor, is played
by John Silberman, '35. Mrs. Knapp,
Miss Seeley and Mr. Silberman had
Michael Gold
Will Deliver
Talk Tonight
Noted Radical Editor To
Speak On 'The Crisis
In Modern Literatpre'
Lecture Is Under
Auspices Of N.S.L.
Traditional Literature Is
To Be Compared With
Radical Writings
Michael Gold, noted radical editor,
critic,.and author, will speak on "The
Crisis in Modern Literature" at 8
p.m. today in Natural Science Audi-
torium. Tickets are priced at 25
cents and may be purchased at the
Gold's lecture is sponsored by the
National Student League and is part
of a speaking tour of this section of
the country. He will address an au-
dience in Detroit Monday night.
According to advance reports, Gold
will divide his talk into two sections,
an analysis of traditional American
literature and a discussion of the ris-
ing tide of left-wing writers.
He will seek to establish his belief
that there has been a definite tend-
ency among American writers of the
past to evade the sphere of the real
problems of life and to invade the
field of romance, imagination, and
Most Writers Radical
On the other hand, Gold will at-
tempt to point out that most up-and-
coming writers are radicals, and that
they arenot afraid to face facts, since
they have firm economic groundings
in the nature of our modern prob-
Gold has a thorough background of
personal experience for his proletar-
ian, attitudes. He was working for
his living when only 12 years old, and
was supporting his family in their
tenement on New York City's east
side at the age of 19. Since this
time he has worked, according to his
own statement, "on about 36 jobs en-
tailing manual labor, and on about 12
newspapers as a reporter and copy-
He also has had an active exist-
ence as a labor organizer, having
"been chased by the cops in about 40
street demonstrations and helped in
about 20 strikes."
Eastman's Assistant
Gold's journalistic career carried
him to the position of assistant to
Max Eastman, then editor of the lib-
eral magazine "Masses." In 1926, he
and a few friends, desirous of creat-
ing a better medium for reflecting
the cultural aspects of the proletrian
movement, reorganized the magazine
under the name of "New Masses,"
with Gold as editor-in-chief.
During his leadership "New Masses"
took its place as one of the nation's
leading leftist periodicals. He retired
from his position in ,1932, taking a
place on the editorial board, which
he still holds.
Entire Crew Of 23
Taken From Ship
MUSKEGON, Dec. 1. - (') - The
23 members of the whaleback freigh-
ter Henry Cort's crew reached shore
safely this morning, 11 hours after
the ship struck the Muskegon break-
water Friday night in a 60-mile gale.
Making their way to the break-
water hand over hand, on a line shot
to the freighter by coast guardsmen,
the sailors fought their way over a
mile of the wave-washed breakwater
to shore.
All were exhausted and suffering
from exposure, some had to be as-
sisted to shore, apparently injured.
Io Con ert CHICAGO, Dec. 1-M--Western
conference college editors today tele-
T* 1* *graphed Sen. Huey P. Long (Dem.-
Violinist P 1 a y s La) collect, condemning what they
termed his "unwarranted censorship"
Here TomorroW over their colleagues of the Louisiana
S 'tate University student daily, "Rev-
Josef Szigeti To Presentcille."
The Fourth Concert Of The telegram was a copy o a
me ~ or~u ' C double-barreled resolution adopted as
Choral Union Series the first act of the Big Ten editorial
association. The other shot con-
Josef Szigeti, internationally famed demned the senator for the "dema-
Hungarian violinist, will make his Igogic political meddling" in purely
local debut to Ann Arbor concert- educational affairs.
goers at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow, when The college editors represented the
he opens the fourth concert of the Daily Illini, published by the Uni-
1934-35 Choral Union series. Nikita versity of Illinois, the Indiana Daily
de Magaloff will accompany Mr. Szi- Student, published by Indiana Uni-
geti. The program will be given in versity, the Purdue Exponent, pub-
Hill Auditorium. lished by Purdue University, 'the
Szigeti has played with every great Minnesota Daily of ; the University
orchestra in the East and Middle of Minnesota, the Daily Maroon of
West. In this country he has ap- the University of Chicago, the Daily
peared under such conductors as Northwestern of Northwestern Uni-
Stowkowski, Koussevitzky, Stock, jversity.
Gabrilowitsch, Sokoloff, Verbrugghen, Adopt Resolution
and Harmati. In Europe he has been -The Long resolution, adopted as the
heard under Busoni, Kiemperer, association became a permanent body
Krauss, Strauss, and Ysaye. today said:
Josef Szigeti is now making hid "The association strongly condemns
eighth American tour, he has played Senator Huey P. Long of Louisiana
in every country of the world except I both for his unwarranted censorship
South.America, including the Orient, of the undergraduate newspaper of
and he has made eight Russian tours Louisiana State University (the Re-
since 1924. He has been considered 1 veille) and for his demagogic political
a great artist since the age of 12 byI meddling in purely educational af-
critics, and his violin performance fairs."
has been compared with Kreisler's. It was dispatched to Senator Long
The program which he will pre- by J. Ben Lieberman, editor of the
sent tomorrow will consist of works Daily Illini and newly-elected presi-
of Brahms, Ysaye, Mozart, Block, dent of the association.
Ravel,, Scarlatesco, and Stravinsky. denotherassoltion
Szigeti has written innumerable, In another resolution the college
works, and has received many dedica- editors declared that "military train-
tions of compositions from composers Ing, as a compulsory course, should
of today. be abolished."
"Sonata in G Minor, for Violin" In a third they put their approval
by Eugene Ysaye will be among the on the Western Confeence athletic
numbers he will play. When Szigeti commission rule against Big Ten
first introduced this work of Ysaye schools playing post-season football
the composer immediately wrote him games.
a letter of gratitude which the violin- ''' ' Oppose Pacifists
ist still cherishes. The editors were opposed to the
He will commence his program with tactics of pacifist organizations "in
"Sonata in A Major, Opus 100" by other fields," declaring in a fourth
Brahms, and "Sonata in G Minor, resolution that this tended to discred-
for Violin" by Engene Ysaye. Contin- it the world peace movement.
uing, he will play "Concerto in D They had broad remarks to make
Major, No. 4" by Mozart. (Cadenzas about the number of honorary and
by Joachim). professional societies which dot Amer-
Szigeti has chosen for his next ican university campuses. "Many
group of pieces "Nigun" (Baal Shem are rackets," said the resolution, "and
Suite) by Block; "Piece - en Forme all of them are superfluous."
d'Habanera" by Ravel, and "Baga- Their association, an informal one
telle in.Roumanian, Popular Style" before, is intended to exchange col-
by Scarlatesco. lege news. Charles H. Bernard, edi-
He will conclude his program with tor of the Daily Cardinal of the Uni-
"Etude in Thirds" by Scriabin-Szi- versity of Wisconsin, was made sec-
geti, and "Danse Russe" (Petrousch- retary-treasurer.
ka) by Stravinsky.
Famed Artist
He Long
Is Attacked
By Ediors
University Editors Wire
'Kingfish' Collect, Bast
'Demagogic Meddling'
0ther Resolutions
Passed At Meeting
College -Editorial Group
Opposed To Compulsory'
' T* *
TIFFIN, O., Dec. 1.-(/P)-J. Schuy-
ler Hossler told some high school boys
how students 40 years ago led a cow
into the Heidelberg (Ohio) College
belfry. Then Hossler found his own
cow in the high school tower. "That,"
he grinned, "is what I get for having
too good a memory."
Michigan Cage
Edmonson's Var
Take Him Far
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education, who is to be the
third faculty lecturer on the Univer-
sity Lecture Series, speaking Wednes-
day on "The Crisis in Public Educa-
tion," may well be called Michigan's
traveling educator.
Called to Washington many times
in the last five years, and member
of scores of educational societies
which convene annually in distant
parts of the nation, Dean Edmonson
has been characterized as a Pullman
sleeper enthusiast, which he must cer-I
tainly be to maintain his pace.
His connections with the Federal
Government began early, almost at
the time he became Dean of the
principal parts in "The Gondoliers"
which was given last year.
The parts of the rival suitors will
ied Interests be taken by Goddard Light, '35, fa-
miliar in Play Production shows, and
From Ann Arbor Mark Bills, Grad., a newcomer..
Clarawanda Sisson, '36M, and
Helen Haxton, '36, will alternate in
mittee on the Emergency in Educa- the role of Phyllis. Strephan, the
tion. shepherd, will be played by Henry
More recently, in the early sum- Austin, also a member of the cast
mer of this year, he has made several of "The Gondoliers."
trips east to confer with George F. Jane Rogers, '37SM, will assist Miss
Zook, United States Commissioner Seeley in the part of Iolanthe. Kay
of Education, as a result of which Hildrebrand, '35Ed., and Margaret
Dean Edmonson became head of the Burke, SM, also have important parts
committee dealing with the problem in the operetta. Fred Shaffmaster,
of the unemployed youth of the na- 1 35,will take the role of Private
tion, a problem in which he-has also Wills.
been active in local organization. Josephine Ball Braklow, Colin Wil-
The widening of Dean Edmonson's sey, '34, Julia Wilson, '36, and Lois
interests is expressed in the record of Zimmerman, 35, members of the
his writings and work. After his chorus, will be the principal dancers
in the show. Miss Emily White is
graduation from Michigan in 1906, directing all the movement of "Iolan-
he became a high school prihcipal, the" and has been assisted by the
serving at ,several different high above named women.
schools in the State. When he came Members of the chorus are Fran-
back to the University it was still as ces Byrne, '37, Jeannice Byrne, '37SM,
Three-Mile Tunnel System Of
University Is Now Completed
GRAND RAPIDS, Dec. 1.- () -
Michigan's basketball team emerged
victorious in a close battle with a
stubborn Calvin College quintet here
tonight, opening the 1934-35 season
of both teams. The. score was 25
to 22.
The Wolverines trailed with a score
of 17 to 8 at the half time, but staged
a whirlwind finish with Plummer
and Ford taking the lead in the scor-
ing efforts. It was not until the last
few minutes of play that Michigan
was able to clinch the results.
The last tunnel has been excavated,
the last unit in a three-mile net-
work of subterranean passageways has
been hollowed-out, and the catacombs
of the University of Michigan are now
Instead of the leering skulls lining
the walls of their Roman predecessors,
the catacombs of the University have
asbestos-covered pipes, electric cables,
and iron braces. The moaning of de-
parted spirits has been supplanted by
the hissing of steam. The fear-haunt-
ed eyes and smoking torches of fugi-
tive Christian martyrs have been re-
buildings and grounds department to
bring all of the campus buildings
under a single heating system, in
which the exhaust from the Uni-
versity's electric generators provides
the needed amount of heat.
Curious students and residents have
watched the construction of the tun-
nel between the two buildings from its
inception to the final landscaping of
the ground, and the project has been
described by onlookers as everything
from. a sewer line to a water main.
In reality the tunnel contains low-
pressure steam pipes leading from the
University heating plant,.which is lo-
cated just north of the Health Serv-
Michigan FG.
Joslin, f ...........0
Jablonski, f .......... 1
G ee, c . .. .. .. .. . .. ..1
Plummer, g . ... . .. . . .4
0. 1
1 2
3 2
1 8
Evans, g ............0
Tomagno, c ...... ....0
Ford, f ..............2
Rudness, g ...........1
SMeyers, f ............ 0
I r4tlh'm 1