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December 01, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-01

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so grave. It is that the evils of the present system
have been so often evidenced that people have
ceased to become excited over an "irremediable
situation." This is indeed a pitiable attitude to
Two means of stopping the activities of these
repeated offenders who return so easily to continue
their depredations are at hand. One is a preventive,
and the other a remedy. The latter method has
been well illustrated by the activities of the Fed-
eral secret service operatives in recent months.
A criminal is never so harmless, they have shown,
as when his body is riddled with slugs. This method
is the only approach which the Federal authorities
have to the problem of state-paroled or state-par-
doned convicts.
A preventive measure - one which would more
surely reduce the crime and the danger of death
to police officers - is to be found in a reform of
the parole and pardon system. The legislators
of this and other states should scarcely require
any more urging before undertaking this important
Campus Opinion




Publis-hed every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board In
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CITY EDITOR ...... ...............JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR.-..................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
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Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth.
Are We Educated
To Adaptability?...
A BUSINESS MAN was complaining
to his friend: "The trouble with
college graduates," he said, "is that they've got
to unlearn a lot before they're of much service.
They come out of school cocky and self-centered
- they can't execute orders, and will not co-
An unfair generalization you might think-but
then came a report from a prominent business
firm which had written to the University to obtain
six young men for jobs that promised to offer
attractive futures. Within a short time, five of
the six had to be let go, for the very reasons that
our business friend outlined above.
It would be little cause for concern if it meant
only that college graduates evidenced little prac-
tical business acumen, for the fundamental func-
tion of a university is not, we hope, to increase
the economic utility of its students.
However, there is something much more sadly
significant to be read in these incidents. It is pos-
sible that we are clogging the cerebral pores of
our students, so that instead of learning how to
think, they find themselves merely applying neat
platitudes to meet each situation?
In teaching students literature, geology, or math-
ematics, it is not that universities want them mere-
ly to add to the actual knowledge of the sub-
jects; but rather that, in growing to include these
subjects, the minds of the students will learn how
to grow - adapting themselves to new situations
that present themselves in the flux of life.
Flexibility, adaptability - these are the char-
acteristics of an educated mind, and it bespeaks
little credit for our educational system if men
complain that college graduates are filled with
only so much knowledge as rote memory will
five them; if college graduates extract from their
four years primarily a knowledge of how best to
pass blue books with a minimum of preparation,
how to acquire a savoir faire that makes the foot-
man at the New Yorker look humble, and whether

or not one wears his black bow tie inside or out-
side of a wing collar.
Perhaps The Answer
Is Too Obvious. .
A SHORT TIME AGO a man named
Goodrich kidnaped, attacked, and
killed the nine-year-old Gallaher girl. He had been
released from an insane asylum over the protests

N.S.L.: Students' Champion
To the Editor:
The N.S.L. wishes to bring to general campus
opinion the lying editorial published in the Detroit
Times Wednesday, Nov. 21, entitled "Punish Stu-
dent Reds," written by Dr. F. B. Robinson, presi-
dent of City College of New York.
In the first place, it is an attempt to raise
the "red scare," a tactic used so much by reaction-
aries the world over, in strikes, in anti-war cam-
paigns, in elections and now, it seems, on the
campus. He is crying "Red" in an attempt to break
the solid front of opposition to his dictatorial
policies, a front of professors, students and the
citizenry and newspapers of New York City which
is calling for reinstatment of the banished students
and dismissal of Robinson.
Secondly, it is an attempt to extend the syndi-
calist laws onto the campus, to put the words and
deeds of the student under the constant super-
vision of the faculty. It is an attempt to intro-
duce Fascist measures of repression of democratic
privileges into our free educational institutions.
Thirdly, it is an attempt to confuse in students'
minds the purpose and personnel of the N.S.L.,
making it out as Communistic, subversive, agi-
tational, even criminal. The N.S.L. is definitely not
a Communist, nor a Socialist, organization. It is
not a political organization nor an adjunct of
any political organization. The L.I.D. does receive
guidance from the Socialist Party, to which it is
responsible. There is no organization corresponding
to the L.I.D. on this campus. The N.S.L. receives
no guidance or control from tie Communist Party.
The N.S.L. is made up of individuals of any and
all political beliefs, who are united in mind and ac-
tion on the N.S.L. program, which is not Com-
munistic. The N.S.L. fights
1. Against retrenchment; for free educational
2. For academic freedom for students and pro-
3. For abolition of R.O.T.C.; against Fascism.
4. Against discrimination against minorities on
the campus.
5. For improved student conditions generally.
6. For an extended intramural program of ath-
letics instead of the star system.
These easily. understood principles can be the
rallying point of all students. The N.S.L., in fight-
ing for the adoption of its program, uses various
methods, educational, but most commonly mass
pressure of student opinion.
The program of the N.S.L. can hardly be called
subversive or dangerous to authority. If our
schools have the interests of students sincerely
at heart, the N.S.L. which is the leader of the
fight to advance those interests in reality would
co-operate with the authorities in promoting the
interests of the sudents. It is only when the au-
thorities are acting directly against the interests
of the sudents, as President Robinson is doing
by welcoming Fascist students and applying Fascist
repression, that the administrators could claim
subversion, and this happens only when the uni-
versity authorities forget their true task, of aiding
and abetting the student in every phase of his life,

At the University of Minnesota a well-known
sorority had been complaining that the fra-
ternity boys next door never drew their shades
in the windows of the shower room, which
was a continual embarrassment to the young
ladies. So the dean of women came to the
sorority house to take the matter in charge.
The girls pointed out the window from which
the unshaded window next door was visible.
"Why, I can't even see out of this window," the
dean said.
"Oh," they answered in chorus, "you have
to stand on a chair."
* ,' 'I
A professor of Neuropsychiatry at the University
of California says that kings are more apt to be
insane than are politicians, the simple reason being
that a politician who becomes insane doesn't re-
main a politician very long, while a crazy king may
have a regency.
According to many people -The average
college man is too honest to steal, too proud
to beg, to lazy to work, and too poor to pay
cah.i That's why we have to give him credit.
Back in 1897, Butler University co-edswwere not
allowed to belong to secret societies with young
men, because it was suspected that one of the in-
itiation rites was a kiss.
"Dear Bud," writes H.J.K., "one could hardly
call the drinking of beer just an old belchin
Sad is the case of a student at the University of
Minnesota whose age is only 14. Every time he
went out at night to eat a hamburger a burly cop
would remind him of the curfew hours for kiddie
and tell him to get along home.
In desperation the student went to the chief of
police and got a letter testifying that "although
only 14 years old he may disregard the curfew
law in pursuit of his work as a student at
the University of Minnesota." But even this didn't
stop the youngster's official nemesis, who caught
him again the very next night, and looking over the
letter, sneeringly asked him under what part of
the curriculum eating hamburgers came.
The greatest problem confronting college
boys today, says a senior at the University of
Colorado, is being seen at a dance with the
kind of a girl they would want to see home
Plaudits to the Boston University News for the
criticism of the Louisiana Huey, who handed out
cold cash to Louisiana State students so that they
might attend a football game in Tenessee. He
was spicily nominated for the position of chief
clown under the editorial titled "Shakespeare Was
Right," in saying "All the World's a Stage."
Here's a squib coming from G.R.:
Girls are like final examinations - they keep
a fellow up all night worrying about them,
and then ask the most foolish questions.
This school has quite a late start. Now that all
the schools are clamoring to do away with the
R.O.T.C., plans are being made to make military
training compulsory at Kansas State.
A collegiate humorist has suggested that
the modern co-ed has been tried and found
wanting -everything under the sun.
from cafeteria prices to the possibilities of war
and fascism in this country.
If some N.S.L. chapters have been rather un-
successful in completely winning every demand, it i
is not because the N.S.L. is an agitation society,
having no real interest in solving the student's
problems, but because of its present rather small
numbers. The N.S.L., we feel sure, will grow in
numbers and influence, in spite of efforts of reac-
tionaries like Robinson to stop its growth.
-L.S.L., National Student League.


"V&atch your child reading a book:
Does he hold the book much closer than 14 inches
from his eyes? If he does, the chances are his eyes
are being strained. The remedy is eye glasses or better
lighting or both.
Very of ten, poor lighting in the home is doubly
serious condition because parents do not realize that
the lighting is inadequate - and consequently, they
make no effort to correct it. Thus the poor lighting
continues indefinitely, aggravating more and more
whatever damage may already have been done to
eyesight. There is no substitute for the services of an
eyesight specialist, but good lighting protects eyes
young and old.
Good lighting is really a simple matter. It calls for
proper size bulbs in your reading, writing, and study-
ing lamps, and the correct type of fixtures in every
room of your house. Adequate illumination to assure
easy, comfortable seeing at all times and to safegaurd
your family's vision costs very little more.
It will pay .you to study your lighting and make
suitable changes wherever necessary.


may be making your child

How To Deal. With. Student R~eds

President of the City College of New York.
(Reprinted from the Detroit Times)
IT IS QUITE NATURAL for young men to be
radical. The saying is true that an immature
youngster who is not socialistically inclined has a
hard heart, while the mature man who is, has a
soft brain. Institutions of learning must not ex-
pect youthful enthusiasts to be as conservative
and well-balanced as seasoned veterans in the
battle of life. Nor would one want to stifle curiosity
nor curb appropriate discussion of various issues
that come before the public, provided those dis-
cussions are spontaneous and originate with the
students themselves.
But it is another matter when well organized,
seditious forces take advantage of the impetuosity
of youth and foment trouble among high school
and college students.
This very thing has been done by the Com-
It is from their headquarters that workers go
into the high schools and secure recruits for the
Young Communist League, and it is also from
their headquarters that workers go to the colleges
and establish branches of the National Student
League, an organization definitely pledged to agi-
tation and to the ultimate overthrow of our demo-

in order to train students in the technique of
organized protest, of disorder and of resistance
to authority.
They start agitations on all sorts of subjects,
from the character of food in the cafeteria and
prices in the co-operative store right up to the
Scottsboro problem, elections in Nicaragua, Fas-
cism in Italy, Hitlerism in Germany and various
aspects of world peace.
They pretend to support the cause of oppressed
minorities in order to divide the college into
quarreling factions.
My suggestion is that some legal provision should
be made defining subversive, organized activities
introduced into the high schools and colleges
against the wishes of those charged with the
administration of their affairs as criminal and
liable to punishment. It would seem to me that
school authorities should have full jurisdiction over
the activities going on within their buildings, and
their decisions should stand unless reversed on
appeal to the commissioners of education or some
similar authority.
Furthermore, I would suggest that faculties
and other college and school authorities responsible
for discipline should be very merciful and consid-
erate when the first cases come up of breaches
of discipline arising out of youthful radical en-

Religou s Activies
The Fellowship ofH illel Foundation Zion Lutheran '
Liberal Religion Corner East University and Oakland C u rch
(UNITARIAN) Dr. Bernard Heller, Director Washington at Fifth Avenue
State and Huron Streets Deoembr 2, 1934 E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
D coniblr 2 1934 11:15 A.M.-Sermon at the Women's December 2, 1934
League Chapel by Dr. Bernard
5 o'clock Heller 9:00 A.M.-Bible School, lesson topic,
"The Humanist and the "Hebraic Contributions to "Witnessing for Christ."
Communist Manifestos the Pilgrims" 9:00r AM gAdvet service in the
Compared't P mGerman
An address by Mr. Marley on the 10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon on,
question of whether the new social -The Class on Jewish Ethics led by "TEdrneselgn.YTHE KING WE NEED"
order needs religion. ~Hirsch Hootkins will not meet this
7:30 o'clock week but will be continued next Text, Matthew 21, 1-9.
Liberal Student's Union Sunday. 5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and
"Folk Dancing and Cor- --The Hillel Cabaret Dance will be supper.
Fmun Rcreatn" , m- held on December 8. Bob Steinle 6:45 P.M.--Prof. Lawrence (Preuss)
and the Michigan Union orchestra will address the student club on,
A talk by virginia Peaseley followed will provide the entertainment. ThePresent Situation in Ger-
by a dance demonstration,.ilpoieteetranet many."
First Methodist St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
Episcopa hurchWest Liberty and Third Sts.
State and Washington ( Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Charles W. Brashares, Minister DO NOTD ecember 2, 1934
December 2, 1934 NEGLECT 9:30 A.M.-Sunday School
9:45 -College Age Class for young 9:30 A.M.-The Service in German.
men and women in the balcony of yA ID 10:45 A.M.-The Morning Wnhrh1n.

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