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December 01, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-12-01

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The Weather
Cloudy and colder today.
Possibly snow tomorrow.

C, r



Are We Educated To Adapt-
ability? T bPerhaps The
Answer Is Too Obvious..



Fraterniitv Costs
Scored By Union
College President
Charges Made At Annual Frightened Chorus
National Interfraternity Girls Are Rushed
Meeting In New York Gr Ar s

Detroit Bank
Depositors To
Receive Cash

To Talk Here
In December
Hopwood Comittee Will
Sponsor Lecture To Be
Given By Author
Tickets For Speech
Priced At 75 Cents

Twenty-Five TrappedOn
Ore Freighter Grounded
Off Muskegon Harbor

$19,000,000 Sent Out
First National Bank
Initial Payment


Fox Calls Chapter
Houses Too Costly
Race Suicide Is Practiced
By Average Fraternity
Alumnus, Howe Saysj
NEW YORK, Nov. 30 -()- Dr.
Dixon Ryan Fox, president of Union
College, defended the fraternity sys-
tem today as an aid to college admin-
istration, but asserted that chapter
houses were too costly and that mem-
berships in chapters unwilling or un-
able to pay their debts was "demor-
Dr. Fox, former national secretary
of the Alpha Chi Rho fraternity,
spoke before the annual national
Interfraternity Conference, represent-
ing 66 fraternities meeting at the
Hotel Roosevelt.
Houses Too Costly
"Chapter houses are generally too
costly and heavily mortgaged for
the health of the chapter, graduates
and undergraduates, the trouble com-
ing from the competition for display,"
he said.
"Chapters who are long unwilling
and unable to pay their bills should
be closed out.
"There could be no training more
demoralizing for a young man than
four years of dodging butchers, groc-
ers and plumbers. Such a school of
deadbeats is a curse to any college."
If the college and the national or-
ganization cannot remedy this "vic-
ious state," they should "cooperate in
persuading such a failure into a
demise as swift and graceful as pos-
sible," he added.
Snobbery Charge Serious
The charge. of snobbery against
fraternities, Dr. Fox acknowledged, is
"serious" and "unhappily often justi-
fied," but he warned against confus-
ing high standards with snobbery.
"A fraternity of snobs is likely to
become ridiculous on any American1
campus, as it should be," he said, "and
college executives, within the bounds]
of good taste, may very probably1
help along the ridicule in hope of the
therapeutic effect.]
"But the maintenance of standards
is not necessarily snobbish. Most of)
us like to have about us men of culti-
vated sense, and other things being(
equal, men who use good English.
(Special to The Daily)]
NEW YORK CITY, Nov. 30.-The
average fraternity alumnus has been1
practising race suicide, Stewart S.
Howe, president of the Stewart Howe1
Alumni Service, told delegates at thei
annual National Interfraternity Con-
ference at the Hotel Roosevelt yester-
He furnished evidence for conclu-I
sions about fraternity alumni after
averaging the alumni records of 50i
middle west fraternities.I
Howe's figures showed that there is
only one and six-tenths children
per fraternity alumnus family. More
boys than girls are found in such fam-
ilies though.
78 Per Cent of Alumni Married
He further revealed that 78 per cent1
of the alumni are married to college
women; one fifth of the number hav-
ing the same alma mater as their
Using his figures as a basis again,
Mr. Howe said that 'fraternity men
who as undergraduates are presidents,
secretaries, and treasurers of their
chapters, generally develop into the
most active and successful fraternity
Most of the most influential and
active alumni were found to have
spent four years in college and to
have better-than-average scholarship
standings while enrolled, Howe said.
"Few Phi Beta Kappas were found
among them, but they were consis-1

tently in the 85 to 95 class."
Lawyers Prove Bestl
Of all types of occupations, those
fraternity alumni who are lawyers.
proved to most generally be among
the best alumni. Men in general bus-
iness were a close second. Clergy-I
men were found, generally, to be the
least active alumni, according to the

ti'V ~ager StuaentIs
IAn over-enthusiastic desire on the
part of several "stage door Johnnies"
to meet the classic chorines in the
"Passing Revue," current stage pre-{
sentation at the Michigan Theater,
became so acute last night that local
"bobbies" were summoned to quell
the amorous youths.
Te fun started in the usual man-
nrth penny pitching (a game in
which sudents throw copper coins on
the stage to express approval or vice-'
versa of the act in progress).
The actual movement began, how-
ever, when one of the more bold spir-
its started to clamber up on the stage
via the orchestra pit. Calmer minds'
prevailed, however, and he was drawn
ICatching on quick, to use vernacu-
lar, several other students made their
way to the rear of the theater and
after crashing down a door chased the
frightened bevy of 30-girls-30 up and
down stairs.
They were at first threatened with
fire extinguishers, but at this. point
the minions of the law dashed upon
the scene and restored order.
Two of the miscreants were taken
to the Bastille for a rumored tongue-
lashing. They were released soon
County Youth
Delegates To
Prof. Lowell J. Carr Will.
Discuss Aims Of State
Youth Congress
An address on "The Problems Fac-
ing Modern Youth" by Prof. Lowell
J. Carr of the sociology department
will feature a meeting of WashtenawI
County delegates to the Michigan
Youth Congress at 2 p.m. today in
Lane Hall. Professor Carr will dis-
cuss the reasons for calling the Youth
Congress and explain what accomp-
lishments are anticipated.
The meeting has been called to
permit the delegates to formulate a
rough draft of the agenda for the
lCongress, to be held here Dec. 14-16.
All organizations, both on and off
the campus, are invited to send dele-
gates to this preliminary meeting.
If delegates have not already been of-
ficially chosen, informal representa-
tives may be sent.
Supplementary committees to aidl
the provisional committee in arrang-
ing details for the Congress will be
appointed at the meeting today.
Invitations to speak at the Con-
gress have been sent out to Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Upton Sin-
clair, Heywood Broun, Harry Hopkins,
and several other prominent figures:
Ludwig Lewissohn, John Howard Law-,
son, author of "They Shall Not Die,"
Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, New York
clergyman. Thomas Minehan, author
of "Boy and Girl Tramps," Louis
Adamic, Arthur Morgan, Tennessee
Valley authority, John W. Studebaker,
United States Commissioner of Edu-
cation, Robert Hutchins, president of
University of Chicago, Harry Emer-
son Fosdick, Dr. Harry F. Ward, Lang-
ston Hughes, negro author, and H.
W. L. Dana, of the New York World

Christmas Boom Is
Expected To Result
Total Disbursement Will
Exceed $84,000,000 To
689,000 People
DETROIT, Nov. 30 -(P)- A flit-
tering stream of money,, frozen near-
ly two years ago when the banks of
the nation were closed, melted today
and poured into the pocketbooks of
Detroit bank depositors.
It was the first day of the pay-off
at the First National bank and checks
totaling $19,000,000 went into the
mails to some 25,000 depositors. But
it was only the beginning.I
The flood of cash will continue un-
til $84,300,000 is poured out to 689,000
depositors of the bank.
Most of it, observers believe, will
be emptied from the pocketbooks into
the Christmas stockings to provide
Detroit with a Yuletide burst of busi-
ness it has not known in the past two
or three years.
The force of clerks engaged in
drawing and mailing the checks was
augmented today by another force
of clerks to cash them as fast as they
returned to the National Bank of
Detroit upon which they are drawn.
For the small depositors whose ac-
counts amounted to $300 or less, it will;
be a full payoff, a 50 per cent payoff
having previously been made. The
larger depositors who also shared in
the earlier payoff get 20 per cent of
the current distribution, this group
having agreed to set aside a part of
their dividends to enable the complete,
payoff of the small depositors.
The checks will go out at the ratej
of 25,000 for the next 18 bank days
to those depositors whose accounts
have been proven. Business interests
and relief directors saw not only a
boom in the trade volume, but a les-
sening of the size of the relief rolls.
Will Tell Of
Escapades Of
Early Whalers.
An illustrated narrative on the
early American whaling days will be
presented by Chester Scott Howland,
when he speaks on "Whaling in the
Seven Seas," at 8:30 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 6 in Hill Auditorium.
The lecture is the fourth in a
series of eight to be presented by the
Oratorical Association on the 1934-+
35 series.
Seventy thousand people, figures
show, depend directly on the danger-1
ous industry of whaling for their live-r
lihood. Twelve thousand seamen sailed i
New Bedford's ships to the remotest
corners of the seas, searching for theirz
quarry. Many of the thrilling esca-
pades of the search for these whales
will be told by Mr. Howland, who is
the son of a New England whaling
captain, in his lecture.
The films to be shown at the lecture
required a period of 18 months to be
made and cost $50,000.
The descriptive story which Mr.
Howland will present comes from the
cumulative experiences of groups of
sea-faring men.
Tickets for the lecture are now on
sale at Wahr's Bookstore and are
priced at 50 and 75 cents.
BOSTON, Nov. 30. - (3) - Philip'
Hale, 81 years old, widely known as
music and dramatic critic died today.

Gridiron Dance
Ticket Sale Is
Reported Large

Leads Grand March

Audience To Be
To 500. At Req
Visiting Sneaker

[nest Of

T .t-All .al .w F.vaI a
Gertrude Stein, noted author and Traditional Oil Can To Be
lecturer, will speak here under the Given To 'Loquacious
auspices of the Hopwood Committee,, Lubricator' At Ball
Dec. 14, in the Lydia Mendelssohn_
Theatre, it was announced yester- Advance requests for invitations to
day by Prof. Roy W. Cowden, chair- the Annual Sigma Delta Chi Gridiron
man of the Hopwood contests. Dance to be held Saturday, Dec. 8, in
Miss Stein's address, which will be
given at 4:30 p.m., is to be on "The the Union ballroom have exceeded ex-
Development of the Conception of pectations, according to an announce-
Personality, Portraits, and Poetry." ment issued last night by Robert S.
Professor Cowden received word of Ruwitch, '35, chairman of the ticket
her acceptance only yesterday. committee.
Audience Limited to 500 A complete sell-out of the limited
IBecause she eccentrically refuses supply of tickets is expected within
Becusek she eccentricallydeuss a few days, Ruwitch said. The invita-
to speak to a bigger crowd, Mss ions may still be obtained at $2
Stein's audience will be strictly lim- per couple from officers of the chap-
ited to 500, Professor Cowden stated. ter committeemen, and members.
1 Tickets will be sold for 75 cents at Teraitionian m mer.
Wahr's Bookstore and in the Hop- The traditional Oil Can, formerly
wood Committee Room, 3227 Angell awarded to the faculty member ad-
Hall. judged "the mostbloquacious lubri-
Of Mss Sein Proessr Codencator." will again be presentecl. Prof.
Of issSten, rofsso CodenJohn L. Brumm, present holder of
says, "she undoubtedly has had athtrpywilmktepesna
very great influence on writing of tiontrophe "ri make te p senta
toda. Se isa vry leve woanion to the "lubricator," whose name
today. She is a' very clever woman,' will be withheld until the night of the
! and distinctly American." One of her dianed h
most recent works, "Portraits and' dance.
Prayers." begins as follows: The Oil Can presentation ceremony
"In this way we have a place to will take the place of the traditional
stay and he was not met because he grand march.
Committeemen in charge of ar-
was settled to stay. When I said set-'ranging the dance are W. Stoddard
tled I meant settled to stay. When I White, '35, president of the chapter,
said settled to stay I meant settled!1 who is general chairman, E. Jerome
to stay Saturday. In this way a mouth hPettit '35, patronsand invitations,
is a mouth. In this way if in as a Thomas H. Kleene, '36, publicity and
I mouth if in as a mouth where if in music and Ruwitch.
as a mouth where and where." ic,_andRuwitch.
Was Born in 1872
Miss Stein was born in 1872 in Alabama Will
Allegheny, Pa. After spending a short
period in Europe, she returned with M eer
her family to California. She has been
in Paris for the past 30 years, this
visit to the United States, on which! In Rose Bowl
she arrived recently, being the firstl
in that period. While a freshman at
Radcliffe College, she took graduate PASADENA, Calif., Nov. 30.- (I)
psychology work under William -Alabama, to the amazement of
James. scarcey anyone. was nickwd tda.v

"I write as pure, straight English j
as anyone, more accurately grammat-
ically than most," she declares. Deny-;
ing that her works were mystic or
impressionistic, she asserts that 1
"everything I write means exactly
what it says."
She considers herself the "most ut-
terly Americanized person in the!
Among her most recent works are:
"The Autobiography of Alice B. Top-i
las," "Four Saints in Three Acts,"j
and "The Question of Tenses, Gram-
mar, and Story Telling as Illustrated
in the Gradual Making of the Making
of Americans."
Michael Gold,
Noted Radical,
To Talk Here,
'New Masses' Editor Will
Lecture Tomorrow In
Science Auditorium
Michael Gold, noted editor and
critic of the existing social, political
and economic ordei', will speak at 8
p.m. tomorrow in Natural Science
Born 38 years ago in a tenement
on the east side of New York City,
Gold was earning his own living when
he was 12 years old and supporting
his family at 19. Soon afterwards he
became a newspaper man, wandering
through the country as a reporter forI
various papers and as an organizerI
of labor. After spending some time
as assistant to Max Eastman when the
latter was the editor of the radical
magazine "Masses," Gold and some of
his friends formed the "New Masses"
in 1926 with the purpose of better re-
flecting the cultural aspects of the
working class. During Gold's editor-
ship from 1926-32, the "New Masses"
developed into one of the nation's
leading left-wing organs. He still re-
tains a position on the editorial board.
Since 1932 Gold has continued hisj

waly wSX, pW a, UUtUUUy
to oppose Stanford in the Twentieth
Annual Rose Tournament football
game here New Year's Day.
While the football world, with few
exceptions, felt certain that the Crim-
son Tide would roll again in the
Rose Bowl, it had to await the ar-
rival of Alfred Masters, Stanford'st
graduate manager, today before its
choice could be confirmed.
Masters spoke his magic words al-
most before he had stepped off the
"I'm happy to say it is Alabama,"
said the Palo Alto plenipotentiary,
making it official.
"Plenty of pressure was br ught to'
bear from other sections of the coun-
try," he said, "but there was only
one possible move under the circum-
stances. I talked with Alabama rep-
representatives before I left last night
and offered them a definite invitation
which was promptly accepted.
"Because of the Western Conference
post-season ban, we did not approach
Minnesota, Big Ten champion, know-.
ing an invitation would cause all con-j
cerned much embarrassment.
"We were informed that Alabama
has one of the greatest teams in the
history of the South, and with that
information we could make no other
The selection of Coach Frank
Thomas' team means that Alabama

xG x:
Panhellenic Ball
I s Attended By
Laroge Throng
More Than 300 Couples
Form Grand March In
League Ballroom
More than 300 couples formed the
grand march at midnight last night
in the League ballroom as the annual
Panhellenic Ball, the year's most
brilliant event for sorority women,
swung to a close. Jane Servis, '36,
general chairman, and John Cars-
tena, '35BAd., led the jnarclx.- --
Al Kavelin's orchestra played for
the event. Palms, autumn, leaves,
and baskets of chrysanthemums
banked the walls of the ballroom.
Other members of the central com-
mittee for the ball included Margar-
et Mustard, '35, tickets; Margaret
Cowie, '36, publicity; Betty Rich, '36,
chaperones; Jean Shaw, '36, music;
Madeline Coe, '35, floor; Louise
French, '36, decorations, and Jean
Laitner, '36, programs.
Patrons and patronesses were Presi-
dent and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven,
Dean and Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Dean
and Mrs. Wilbur Humphreys, Dean
and Mrs. Edward Kraus, Dean and!
Mrs. James B. Edmonson, Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, Assistant Dean Walter Rea,
Prof. and Mrs. Ralph W. Aigler, Prof.
Laurie Campbell, Prof. and Mrs. Phil-
lip Bursley, Registrar and Mrs. Ira
M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Win-
nacker, Miss Ethel McCormick, Dr.
Margaret Bell, Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher
and Dr. Helene E. Schutz.
Changes Are Announced
In Library Assignments
Several changes have been an-
nounced in the staff assignments of
the main library due to the resigna-
tion of Frank S. Kipp.
T. M. Barcus is now in charge of
the economics library, while Herbert
Dahlstrom has been promoted to as-
sistant in the library extension de-
partment. Lalander Norman will serve
as assistant in the physics and ob-
servatory libraries. Judd Polks has
been transferred to the circulation de-
partment, and James Morgan has
been appointed messenger.
Maud E. Druckenmiller, A.B.L.S.,

Surfman Drowned While
Trying To Reach Ship
In Power Boat
Believe It Possible
That Men Are Alive
Coastguard Will Attempt
To Rescue Crew From
Steamer Today
MUSKEGON, Dec. 1.- (AP)
- (Saturday) - The ore freighter
Cort, caught in a 60-mile an hour
gale here last night, is grounded on
the rocky breakwater of the Mus-
kegon harbor and efforts to rescue
its crew of 25 men will be made at
dawn today, Abraham Wessel, as-
sistant to the commander of the
Muskegon coastguard station re-
ported today.
Wessel said that reports received
at the station of Capt. John A. Dasch,
whose surf boat was swamped with
the loss of one life trying to reach
the Cort late last night, stated that
the ore freighter is only partly sub-
merged in the heavy seas. Wessel said
that unless the waves have swept men
from the desks of the Cort, it was
possible that the crew and the master,
Capt. Charles D. Cox, of Minden City,
would be found alive below decks.
The Cort is reported to be half a
mile off the North breakwater of the
Muskegon harbor, completely hid-
den from view by the high pounding
waves of the lake and an inky dark-
The United States coastguard
crews of other stations on the Mich-
igan side of the lake were summoned
here early today to aid in the attempt
to reach the freighter at dawn. Com-
mander W. W. Bennett of Grand
Haven was here directing the battle
to save the crew of the Cort.
Surfman John Dietert, according
to Wessel, was lost when the power
boat commanded by Capt. Basch was
swamped offshore by the heavy waves
in an attempt to reach the Cort
last night. Capt. Basch and three
companions reached shore safely.
Wessel said the coastguard had no
chance to reach the Cort before dawn.
"It is blowing too hard to get a boat
out," he said, "and we won't be able
to see what we are doing until it gets
Is Divided On
Relief Measure
F e d e r a l Works Project
Causes Split Of Opinion
Among Democrats
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 -()- A
plan to be placed before President
Roosevelt, by Harry L. Hopkins, re-
lief administrator, calling for the
creation of an eight billon dollar
federal works relief corporation, was
described authoritatively here today
as having precipitated a sharp divis-
ion among presidential advisers and
cabinet members.
A question as to which of two
courses the federal government should
take toward getting the unemployed
off relief rolls and back on payrolls
was disclosed to have caused the split
of opinion.
The suggestion drawn up by Hop-
kins calls for setting up a fed'ral
works relief corporation with an ap-

propriation of from $8,000,000,000 to
$9,000,000,000. The other, being stud-
ied elsewhere in governmental quitr-
ters, would seek to steer away from
further federal spending and endeavor
to have private industry absorb the
unemployed. How this would be done
still is in the process of formulation.
His plan was described as con-
templating an expansion of the sub-
sistence homestead program, a hous-
ing program to produce living quar-
ters~ for low wae iernrs.

En agements With Conductors
Evidence Of Szigeti's Artistry

will make its fourth Rose Bowl ap- i '34, has recently been appointed as-
pearance in less than 10 years. sistant in the transportation library.
Music For 'Give Us Rhythm' Will
Be Furnished By Union Bandi

Orchestral conductors are perhaps
the most severe judges of solo instru-
mentalists and the unanimous ap-
proval of an artist is probably thel
highest possible endorsement.
Josef Szigeti, the distinguished
Hungarian violinist, who will present
the fourth of the season's Choral
Union series concerts Monday in
Hill Auditorium, has been engaged
by practically every conductor of note
in the world.

of the music which he is perform-
ing with a huge body of players.
Szigeti, who is one of the outstand-
ing modern technicians, has also the
musical qualities whichhave made
him desirable as an orchestra soloist.
and which, at the same time, make
him a recital artist of distinction.
It was Szigeti who was chosen to
play the Beethoven centenary con-
certs under Klemperer, the Mozart
festival performances under Richard
Strauss, and the Brahms festival in
Munich. He is also known as the only

The Michigan Union band which
has definitely been chosen by officials
of the production to furnish the
musical background for the opera,
"Give Us Rhythm," to be shown from
Dec. 11 to 16 at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater, will not be the first
of its type to fill this capacity for a
Union opera.
In most former Union operas a;
regular pit orchestra was hired to
supply the music. It was felt by of-
ficials that in hiring a generally popu-

most of the musical shows since that
time have adopted the practice.
The Michigan Union band is well
known to the University as well as to
the townspeople. Although origin-
ally formed by students alone, it is
now made up of students, alumni, and
one or two other musicians.
Most of the music for the show has
been written by the first saxophonist
of the band, William Boyd. All of
his pieces have been written to fit
the plot of "Give Us Rhythm," and,
h~rhav en pha~raetrizv'las"hit" nos-

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