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November 29, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-29

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Finances For
Public Schools
Are Improved
School Bonds Reach Top
Price For Recent Years
In Detroit Market
According to a recent report made
by Mr. Lee M. Thurston, assistant
superintendent of the Ann Arbor
schools and treasurer of the board ofI
education, the finances of the city
schools are in better shape at the
present time than a year ago.
Seventy-five thousand dollars of
current debts and $66,000 of bonds
have been paid off. All arrangements
have been completed for meeting the
$250,000 block of bonds due April
1, 1935.After next April the total debt
of the school district will fall below
$1,000,000 for the first time in thir-
teen years, Mr. Thurston stated.
Because of the penalty which went
into effect Nov. 1, a large payment of
delinquent taxes was made during the
month of October. On December 1 the
state will distribute the second in-
stallment of the primary school
Ann Arbor school bonds are now'
quoted on the Detroit market at the
highest price in recent history, Mr.
Thurston said. Four and one-half per
cent bonds maturing in eight years
are quoted at about 105. Short term,
bonds bearing five per cent interest
are selling at a yield of three per cent
or better, showing a considerable rise
over the price of the past two or
three years, he explained.
Mr. Thurston stated that there has
been little change in the school fac-
ulty. There is a slight decrease in the
number of faculty members as com-
pared with three years ago, inasmuch
as all voluntary vacancies have not
been filled. As a result of the cut in
the size of the faculty,. the classes
throughout the school system are
slightly more crowded than formerly,
but no change has been made in the
curricula of the various schools. Rec-

Many Persons Hurt I n Los Angeles Street Car H iots

Prof. S. Dodge
Makes Study
Of Pouulatio







Reveals Sharp
In New England

A Value of Interest

Forty or more persons have been
in Los Angeles. The picture shows
pulled poles from trolley wires and s
both directions. Police used tear g
"David Harum" with Will Rogers,
Evelyn Venable. Louise Dresser, and
Kent Taylor, and "Among the Missing"
starring Richard Cromwell. Graham Mc-
Namee in the newsreel.

ords show approximately a one per There has always been considerable
cent increase in enrollment over last debate among movie-goers as to
year. whether a picture loses any of its
merit because of its age. We have al-
1 I ways held that it does not. If you
M ouern Diance haven't seen it, a three star picture
is always a three star picture.
5teps To Be The show at the Whitney which'
opened yesterday is given this rating
Us dIn e a~ gr because of only one feature, Will
In r Rogers in "David Harum." The rest of
the show, especially "Among the Miss-
ing" is good time filler, but that'.
(Continued from Page 1) about all.
posed by the eminent American Will Rogers, in the role of David
dancer, Charles Weidman, were dra- Harum, is all that he has ever been.
matic interpretations, in action and He is a loving, small town banker, a
mood, or Irving Berlin's music, bachelor, and a horse trader of no
In popular song numbers, such as mean ability. He gets in his touch of
"Lonely Heart" and "Heat Wave," philosophy, his hand in a love affair
he attained a really thrilling and at (his book-keeper and a rich young
the same time artistic job. In the thing from the big city this time), and
vigor of such a number as "Revolt his bit of subtle humor as only Will
in Cuba," he stopped the show by Rogers can. Homewood, New York is
simply giving a dramatic scene - by much greater than New York City it-
telling a story in dance form. self with Will Rogers exemplifying the
The dance directors of the Opera life of the days gone by.
have tried to emulate this work in The picture is almost all that the
their dances for "Give Us Rhythm" previews said it is. It is a fine bit of
and "Good-For-Nothing Baby," some acting by the entire cast, and it ac-
numbers in this year's show. They tually makes' you live the gracious-
have tried 'to catch the mood set by ness and simplicity of the life Will
the music. "Give Us Rhythm" being a Rogers portrays in America's small
good old "Off To Buffalo" tap tune, town.
they have inc6rporated some tricky It is a splendid picture which, for
tap steps into the number. I your information, played here last
They have been very abstract in March. If you haven't seen it, go by
their treatment of "Good-For-Noth- all means. If you like Will Rogers
ing Baby." In one of their numbers, (and who doesn't) you will find "Da-
called "Pantomime in Rumba Time," vid Harum" an entertaining Thanks-
they treat a comic story rhythmically giving afternoon.

Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the geog-
raphy department announced in an
interview yesterday that he has com-
pleted one phase of his research in
the popular trends of the New Eng-
land states which he will disclose
in a paper at the American Asgocia-
A ction of Geographers meeting in Phil-
adelphia this December.3
His research reveals two facts: that
in nearly all of Vermont and New
* . Hampshire and in western Massa-
qtychusetts and Connecticut there has
been a 50 per cent decline in popula-
tion from the peak; and that in north-
ern Maine, areas totaling approxi-
{::;;'; mrately 22,000 square miles have never
been inhabited at all. or but sparsely
and temporarily.
F' He attributes the decline of popula-
tion in Vermont, New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, and Connecticut to
westward migration and the trend
-_ _______toward the manufacturing centers
associated Press Photo farther south.
n injured in riots precipitated by the strike Gf carmen and other employees Northern Maine is uninhabited, he
s a mob of 200 men who tied up traffic in the downtown section when they explained, because of the large for-
mashed petcocks fr am street car air brakes, stalling about 15 cars bound in ests there which are used entirely for
ras bombs to disperse the rioters commercial purposes. He expects this
area to remain uninhabited indefi-
His research also showed that the
IQ 0 ii pers population in southern New England
P is still increasing, while that in north-
CIn Vermont and New Hampshire has
His results point out that the pop-
_liT e3M uiseu m s z ulation in southwestern New Hamp-
shire and southeastern Vermont began
AT THE MICHIGAN to decline even before 1810. The area
Four Occasional Papers of the of decline then moved northward
A PREVUE i Museum of Zoology were issued by the until in 1880, it reached northern
The Michigan Theater will present University Museums yesterday. New Hampshire. The peak in New
to the movie-goers over Thanksgiv- L Two of these, written by Dr. Carl Hampshire, Professor Dodge stated,
to themviek-godersover Thaniduc- L. Hubbs, curator of the fish division; coincides with the heighth . of the
ing week-end a novel stage produc- deal with species of fish, and an- timber cutting industry there.
tion that promises much in the way other, written by Calvin Goodrich, This classification of population,*
curator of the mollusk division, con- which covers a period from the begin-
This feature is known as The Pass- erns the gastropod.DThe fourth is ning of settlement to the present, has
ing Revue, entitled by pre-show litera-± written jointly by Dr. Hubbs and been done on an entirely new basis.
ture as "America's most lavish and Yuanting T. Chu. Professor Dodge classified every town-
beautiful musical show," all of which I The first of these paperse by Dr. ship according to whether or not it is
may or may not be true. This stage' Hubbs, contains the announcement of still growing. Then he also grouped
production, nevertheless, coupled with a newly discovered fish, the quintana townships according to major and
"Kansas City Princess," the screen atrizona. This fish was discovered in minor peaks of population. This
attraction, will give the campus a an aquarium in Cuba under the false grouping showed that "in all proba-
new deal in show entertainment, name of toxus riddlei. bility the economic causes of popula-
The cast includes a group of 301 Dr. Hubbs has made a study of the tion decline were effected throughout
dancers, who have original costumes quintana, and makes the first dis- rather large areas simultaneously."
from all parts of the world, and they i cussion on it ever printed. The fish It followed, Professor Dodge points
offer unique presentations from the is a very small one, an inch or less in out, that in areas with minor peaks,
different countries in an act entitled!length, and is rather a gray, silver economic factors were operating
"The House of All Nations." color with black bands around it. which were related to the factors
The company, recently from the Dr. Hubbs was at first able to pro- in nearby areas with major peaks.
midway in Chicago's World Fair, de- cure but one of the fish, but on ac-
picts several choice bits from that quisition of another, found them mul- W. J. Vinton Co-Author
exposition. The act includes Russ tiplying so rapidly as to provide more
Jones and his ballet, who do an exhi- than enough for his study. The fish Of Book On New Deal
bition skating on an artificial pond is viviparous. Some of them are on'
which is frozen for each show. sale at the University Museums now, Warren J. Vinton, '1i, is co-author
Alfredo and Dolores, the claimed the money from such an enterprise of a new book tentatively entitled
ipie"Who Holds the Aces in the New
originators of the rhumba, do a dance being needed for research purposes. Deal?" which contains statistical in-
that is reported to be as fine as their Th titles of the other papers are formation attempting to prove that
performance in "Old Mexico." A "Coelorhynchus Marinii, A New Mac- the New Deal is strengthening the
scene of "The Bowery" will furnish rouroid Fish from Argentina and tendency towards monopoly condi-
the laughs, we are told. South America," by Dr. Hubbs; tions in the United States.
Manager Hoag promises us that "Studies of the Gastropod Family During the World War, Mr. Vin-
the show will be exceptionally fine. Pleuroverides - III," by Mr. Good- ton was secretary of the American
We pass it along for what it's worth. I rich, and "Asiatic Fishes (Diploprion Universities Union in Paris. He is
His promises in the past make a good I and Laeops) Having a Greatly Elong- a member of the Michigan chapter
show almost a certainty. ated Dorsal Ray in Very Large Post- of Phi Beta Kappa, national scholar-
-C.A.E. larvae," by Dr. Hubbs and Mr. Chu. ship fraternity.
They will play, however, at various TWO DISMISSED NEW CARS FOR TAXI SERVICE
times throughout the winter. Lieut- WASHINGTON, Nov. 28.-)- P
Coursey hotly denied the rumor that Combatting what officials described xr H
they have forgotten "The Victors." as a far-reaching conspiracy to de- N - N
Comparing the bandsmen with the fraud taxpayers and the government, E U5U5E
well-known ground hog, Lieut. Cour- Secretary Morgenthau has dismissed CAMPUS CABS
sey suggested that about the day on twu beau. 24-HOUR SERVICE
which that animal traditionally enue bureau.
emerges from his burrow to survey ---- - -
the possibilities of an early spring,
the band will also appear, adding'S Z
however, that there was also the same
possibility of the 'Fighting HundredI COA UN NCNER
returning to their den in Morris Hall, IN CHORAL UNION CONCERT
depending upon the weather. ____D E,8








4 9c


50c Jergen's Lotion

.. 36c

60c Wild root


0 * 4 4

75c Fitch's Shampoo
$1.00 Hopper's Res ye


50c Lyon's Tooth Pwd. 35c


50c Forhan



0 0 . * .*.

and with all the force that "rumba"
implies, according to McCracken.
Civil Service Will
Give Examinations
Announcements of several examin-
ations now being offered by the
United States Civil Service Commis-
sion have been received by the Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information.
Positions which are open include
those of social economists of the Chil-
dren's Bureau in the Department of
Labor with annual salaries ranging
from $2,600 to $4,600 and investiga-
tors and supervisors in the enforce-
ment division of the Bureau of Inter-
nal Revenue, $3,500 to $5,600.
Detailed announcements are on
file in the office of the Bureau, 201
Mason Hall..

For Standard or Portable, L. C.
Smith, Royal, Underwcod or Rem-
ington Typewriters.

Band Ends Outside
]Drill For Season
The Varsity R.O.T.C. band is pre-
paring to hibernate for the winter
months according to Lieut. Richard
R. Coursey, assistant professor of
military science and tactics, and drill
master of the band.
Having played at many important
occasions this fall, their outside drill
is at least temporarily over with.
Flower Dept.
113 East Washington Phone 2-3147




Things to be thankful for-

' II





50c Woodbury Crea s35c
50cWoodbury PwDER .. 35c
c Pepsoden TPAST
14 oz. Listerine.6. . .. 59c
$1.00 Pepsodent Antis. 67c4
50c Junis Cream... . 34c
60c Astringosol- . .... 42c
75c Lady Esther CREAM . 55c
6Oc NonSpi .... 40c4
50c Chamberlain's TON 37c
$1.00 Wild root TON C ...81c
50c Pebeco T. Paste . .35c
14 Modess NAPKINS .a . . . 1 CI
5 yp5
24c 7c 18c
50c Mennen BRACER 34c
50c Aqua Velva . ...34c
Colgate Cup Soap... .4 c
SIZE g ate SHAVE Cra i
50c Mennen SHAVE 34c
$1.25 Absorbine Jr... 94c
60c Bromo Seltzer ... 40c
35c Sloan's Liniment. 24c
5 Auto Strop' Blades.. 25c
5Gillette Blades .I....25c
BOXES Safety Matches... 7c
SALE, Now thru SUNDAY4

-those special student breakfasts of:
Orange or Tomato Juice,
Toasted Roll, and Coffee - for
-those delicious and satisfying
Thick, Rich Malted Milks, Milk Shakes,
Ice Cream Sundaes - for .
-that assortment of Toasted
Sandwiches -featuring Small
Cube Steaks - for .

15 c


' I''



liii -- -

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