THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOV U _______________________________________________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY ''1 ',A = ' - T. .. ,*1 . ; HE U R M)OfAhl4 WC uWj TWW~U~ Published every morning except Monday during th. University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER Nsociated (Woltsiate $ress -1934, l 935 = M1ADSON WSCONSINN 1UEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone : 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ..............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR.......................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ............RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS EDITOR ...................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR ....................ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Kenneth Par- ker,'William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Josephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Clinton B.dConger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Rich- ard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred W. Neal, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Marshall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman. Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Marion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison,1 Elsie'Pierce, Charlotte Reuger, Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Laura Winograd, Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER.............RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER ..................ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER..........JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, John Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Romer Lathrop, Tom Clale Gordon Cohn Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe, Richard E. Chaddock. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner, Betty, Lavender, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grce Snyder, Margaretta Kohlig, Ruth Clarke, 'Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke, Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar- dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper, Marjorie Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth. NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN M. O'CONNELL standing aversion to dictatorship and the suppres- sion of civil liberties that it implies. Yet the people of Louisiana have meekly submitted to a political machine that is tantamount to a dictator- ship. They have allowed a single man, the laugh- ing-stock of the nation, to order their legislature to pass his proposals as though its members were officially his puppets. Not only has Louisiana per- mitted itself to be degraded in the eyes of the lib- erty-loving American public, but it has opened the way for an expansion of the drive for civil suppression and dictatorship. It is certainly true that some residents of Louisiana have not been so gullible as to insist on considering as a joke something that has gone far past that stage. However, as yet this serious- minded faction has not wielded any apparent check on the stormy senator, either at the polls or in any other way. Only one encouraging sign of a stiffening resist- ance to the Long regime has been reported thus far, and we are gratified to say that it comes from a group of university students. This is the courageous refusa of Louisiana State University's student paper to bend to the will of the self-an- ointed sovereign. Following a ridiculous attempt by the senator to place a legally-ineligible football hero in the state senate, the newspaper, "Reveille," wrote an editorial that was not too complimentary to the lofty Long. As soon as he got wind of it, he stopped the presses and forced the deletion of the editorial. The resulting protest resignation of the staff was a bold move that should warm the heafts of college students all over the country. Perhaps the start made by these students will awaken the people of Louisiana to their true plight and lead to an effective opposition to this menace to American institutions. SAs Others See It Inter fera AS ever larger numbers of students work their way through college, it has become a matter of course to assist them with scholarships, loans and employment, a policy which the public approves with democratic enthusiasm. So keen is this fetish for higher education for all at any cost, that even the government offers indigent scholars approxi- mately a million and a half dollarss monthly. But few champions of this cause seem to heed the repeated complaint that men laboriously eking out their tuition and living are not really deriving any advantage from their studies. Without deny- ing the value of university training, an observer might doubt whether it is of any worth to those who must endure privation and exhaustion to secure it. Wearied by part-time jobs, their hours for study limited, these people are hardly in a position to enjoy the intellectual and social advan- tages of college. Their frequently inferior work tends to degrade the standard of teaching, and save for a few superior individuals, it seems dubious whether a degree is worth this price. Granting bigger scholarships to gifted students is one step to better the situation. But alloting stipends such as the Emergency Relief Administra- tion maximum of $20 a month is only to prolong the misery. Nothing short of an economic revolu- tion can provide everyone with funds sufficient for proper utilization of academic opportunity. Until then, the affirmation of President Dennett of Williams deserves attention: "What appears to be needed is not more college graduates, but fewer and better ones." -The Harvard Crimson. Student And Faculty FOR YEARS the term "student-faculty contact" has been bandied about university campuses. Passed glibly from mouth to mouth, vociferously advocated by every arm-chair educator, the phrase has become ironically meaningless. The crafty "smoothie" who praises his senile professor's wis- dom; the go-getting fraternity president who insists that every brother attend dull faculty din- ners: the bored student who laughs dutifully at time-worn jokes are all modern interpretations. But Wednesday evening, when Prof. Walter Agard, speaking at the Forensic Banquet, urged that students and faculty members maintain a closer' contact, we are confident that he did not refer to any of these popular definitions. As a former member of the Experimental College, he was speaking of the ideal of liberal educators, the ideal of unity of ideas and experiences that Dr. Meiklejohn so strongly advocated. One of the university's chief arguments for existence lies in this ideal. To have students be- come acquainted with older men in their own field; to have them profit by their advice and be broad- ened by their ieas; to, accept constructive criti- cism and work out original problems under expert guidance- this is real education. And then, on the part of the instructors, to have them con- stantly gathering new viewpoints on a subject that is growing old to them; to remain humble and alert on new developments in their field; to find and encourage new talent- this would exist in a real university. But how shall this student-faculty cgntact be achieved? It can be secured formally through a continuation and extension of such courses as have been mentioned. But equally as important, it can be secured informally through campus or- ganizations where students and instructors can forget caste prestige and grade system, where they can meet to exchange their ideas on subjects not included in the curricula. Perhaps through such tutorial groups as some of the church groups present; perhaps through such open forums as clubs sometimes sponsor. In any event, students in a university have an invaluable opportunity to gain valuable contacts. If they graduate with only a knowledge of a good ping-pong serve and what to wear at Military Ball, it certainly should not be blamed on their school. And if professors become thoroughly ossified, they have only their own narrow vision to blame. _..Wcrncn ail Crda. By BUD BERNARD A Bowdoin College professor, having decided to waste no time in tasting the dregs of life, sallied forth to a. Broadway Ten-Cents-a- Dance emporium where he immediately appro- riated the most charming hostess he could find and wafted her off to an obscure corner. About to start the customary conversation, he was astounded to have her remark, "Why I belong to the same fraternity that you do," and proudly she displayed her key exclaiming "Phi Beta Kappa, Radcliffe, 1929." A freshman at Cornell University has offered the solution to all these war scares. From now on the world can live in perfect peace with nary a a chance on any one being hurt by a bomb or shell. Just take all the privates and sub-officers of any sort, kind or description and make them ranking generals. Then they'll all stay 40 miles behind the front line; no one will become damaged goods. Intelligent freshmen at Cornell, aren't they? A freshman at Clark University recently tcok a fire extinguisher to a prom with him I because someone told him that his blind date like to go out on the veranda and smoke. A psychological examination conducted at Rock- ford Women's College resulted in the classifica- tion of "unpopularity as the greatest fear among the first year students. The runner-up among the fears was that of suspicious men. From one end of the swing to the other it seems to me. My advice to the girls is, overcome the second-place fear and the first will automatically disappear. Here's an item from the DePauw Collegian that we like. We are feeble minded. We are anti-special. We are misanthropic. We are physically, mentally and morally obstinate. Something is wrong with us. We don't fit into the scheme of things. There is no hope for us for: We don't like Joe Penner. We think that Eddie Cantor drivels. Eight o'clock classes pain us. Women's hats hurt our sense of fitness of things. We think Arthur Brisbane is a case of arrested development. Wayne King seems dipped in saccharine. To us Mae West is just another girl. In other words 121,999,999 people are crazy or else we are. Mr. Death, the bichloride. * * * * According to a Syracuse University professor, a great amount of what appears to be cribbing is merely the result of an uncontrollable curiosity to see if the other fellow's answer is the same as yours. We can just see the professors we know put on that forgiving smile when we come forth with, "Professor, how could you? I was just curious." * * * Here's a contribution coming from H. R.: Why is professors can wear purple ties, Haphazard haircuts, and coats the wrong size, Trousers too short, and color schemes vile, Yet flunk me in English because of my style? A Washington BYSTANDER _ By KIRKE SIMPSON FAINT rumblings, among Northern and Western Democrats of the new House, of plans to realize on their numerical advantage over brethren from the solid South are beginning to be heard. They more than make up in numbers what they lack in seniority of service. If they could get together, they have the caucus voting power to take over party organization in the House next session, lock, stock and barrel. Geographically speaking, the House Democrats shape up in this fashion: South, including the border states, 129; West, 44; North, 150. In point of seniority the preponderance is even more over- whelmingly the other way in favor of the South, What is getting more and more evident all the time is that the Southerners are going to have to split leadership and committee honors with the non-Southerners in the new House on more of a 50-50 basis or risk being voted out by a Northern- Western alliance. THERE is a good deal to indicate that the "edge" conceded generally before election to majority leader Joe Bryns of Tennessee in the battle for succession to the speakership mantle of the late Henry Rainey of Illinois, was dulled rather than sharpened by election results. The fact that Demo- cratic non-Southern numbers in the House were increased played a part in that. That discounted the number of commitments of re-elected sitting members Bryns could reckon on. But a wave of activity for Rep. Sam Rayburn of Texas also had a lot to do with it. That this reached the White House in many ways is not to be doubted. That it also tended to start the non- Southerners of the House to exploring possibilities of patching up some sort of pre-session agreement which would result in a sharing of the two major House posts, the speakership and majority leader- ship, also was abvious. IN ANY EVENT, pressure upon the White House to intervene at an opportune time before House Democrats hold their organization caucus un- doubtedly increased. In view of President Roose- COLLEGIATE OBSERVER MILK-ICE CREAM Special VANILLA & BUTTERED PECAN TWO-LAYER BRICK Superior Dairy Company Phone 23181 the Moonlight Ride Friday night at 8:00 GOLFSI DE RIDING ACADEMY 7270 - Free Transportation Don't Forget 9/ , : .;.. .,. I° _ X I I '. I I K 5 I I who are modern in their tastes, we suggest the Union for DANCING. Inimitable dance rhythm i I 4 furnished by the Union ban(, provides, aii eve- nin of unforgetab le ree- reation Friday 9-1; Saturday 9-12 31id.iian Union B11 iallroomt 0 I--- J I. 0 M Thanksgiving Interlude. WYTHOEVER FIRST SET APART a Thursday as Thanksgiving Day cer- tainly started a lot of trouble. Long since the occasion ceased to be one for prayer and thanksgiving and became primarily devoted to eating and football, it presents one of the major problems confronting college adminis- trators - and, forsooth, their problems are many. Had Thanksgiving been named as a Monday or Friday, it would have become part of a week- end, and everybody would have been happy. Had the day been Wednesday, no one could think of stretching the holiday either way. Had Thanks- giving been designated as a regular day of the month, the day of the week would haye vexed col- lege administrators only two years in seven. But alas, as it is, Thanksgiving is always a problem. Most schools, including our own, have seized the dilemma by one horn and refused to allow Friday as a holiday. The students grumble. Many of them are torn from their family fireside or kept from it entirely. Those who feel like it, cut Friday classes anyway. No one likes it very well, but the alternative is even worse. The alternative, or granting Friday as a holiday, has been tried but little, but its good and bad fea- tures are easily deductible from existing tendencies. Give the boys and girls Friday, and they take most of Wednesday and perhaps the following Monday. On top of that, half of them get colds or indi- gestion and clutter up the Health Service. The repercussions are felt for a week or more before and after. It's all very sad. Thanksgiving being what it is and students remaining what they are, Michigan undergrad- uates can count themselves fortunate indeed that they are being watched over by a guardian ad- ministration that will not expose them to any of the rigors of a Thanksgiving week-end. Perhaps, on this day of days we should pause for appropriate consideration of this, one of our many blessings. Let us give thanks! Almost Time For A Purge .. . A SAD COMMENTARY on the dis- cernment of the American people is afforded by the present remarkable situation in the state of Louisiana. The situation that began as an apparently harmless farce has gradually developed into a potent threat to thetraditional American institutions of civil rights and demo- i I SENIORS! i I Senior Picture Deadline has been extended until DECEMBER 2*1 Make your appointment NOW at one of the fol- lowing studios: RENTSCH LER DEY SPEDDING 1935 Michiganensian I I I I