The Weather
Rain, somewhat warmer to-
day; tomorrow snow flurries,
it 4iga
Dad's Day Appraisal ...
Depression For Dickinson
VOL. XLV. No. 57
Win Over
Wayne U
Varsity Team Maintains
Undefeated Record With
Week's Second Victory
A ffirmative Side Is
FTkn By Michigan
Japan's Naval Moves Laid To
.Need For Security By Rohrer
Two basic reasons for Japan's ac-
tions at the London naval conference
were given yesterday by Harvey V.
Rohrer of the political science de-
partment. In giving these motives for
Japan's actions as the desire for eco-
nomic security and a desire for mil-
itary security in the Far East, Mr.-
Rohrer explained that Japan's eco-J
Oomic problems must be evaluated
and also that consideration must be
=iven to the political problems in the
Far East.
Japan must have a market for her
manufactured goods, Mr. Rohrer said,
and she must also be able to import
the raw materials that she needs. As
far as the second motive is concerned,
Mr. Rohrer explained that Japan'
wants a free hand to act in any sit-
uation that might crop up in the Far
Mr. Rohrer sees the Japanese policy
in Manchukuo and her recent pro-f
nouncement of policy to maintain
peace in the Far East as closely allied
to her motives in acting as she has
at the naval conference, especially the
desire to have the right of free action
in Far Eastern affairs.
In her policy toward Manchukuo,
I Mr. Rohrer said that Japan wishes
to be left alone and that her desire for
naval parity grows out of a desire to
be able to withstand any possible
United States or British challenge to
her power in the northern province.
Co-operation with other world pow-
ers up to this time has proved costly
to Japan, Mr. Rohrer said, so that
now she feels that a frank statement
of her attitude as regards navies could
not prove morecdetrimental to her
than has her co-operation in the
In Mr. Rohrer's opinion, the ques-
tion of naval parity and the political
situation in the Far East are closely
allied, despite Japan's statements to
the contrary.
As to the connection between Japan
and the United States, Mr. Rohrer
explained that the United States has
consistently restrained Japan in her
policy toward China and went on to
say that it is entirely logical that we
should not look with favor upon Jap-
an's assuming leadership in the Far
(Continued on Page 2)
Discuss Plans
For Michigan
Youth }Meet
Prospective Speaker List
Includes Mrs. Roosevelt,
Sinclair, anid Broun
Ruth ven Endorses
Every Phase Of Youthful
Activity Represented By
f~~1 . ~ N~'
Renner Named To Lead
Football Team; Election
Announced At
Star Passer Is Chosen
Although Out Of Lineup
All Season
Ian Hulgrave Will,
Arguments For Federal
Aid To Education Based
On Three Points
The Michigan Varsity debate team
maintained its undefeated record last
night by defeating the Wayne Uni-
versity team for its third successive
victory of the year. This is the second
win scored by the University team
over Wayne in the past week.
Collins Brooks, '37, Robert Molloy,
'37L, and Jack Weissman, '37L, rep-
resented Michigan and the losing
squad was composed of Morris Weiss,
Oliver Carson, ahd Joseph Kurzman.
Takes The Affirmative
The decision was awarded to the
Michigan team, which took the af-
firmative side of the question of Fed-
eral aid to education, on the basis of
the superior organization of its argu-
ments and the inability of the Wayne
team to adequately refute one of the
main arguments of the affirmative.
The-Judge of the debate was James
McMonagle of Flint.
The argument of the Michigan team
revolved itself around three points
concerning the question: "Resolved,
That the Federal Government Should
Adopt the Policy of Equalizing Edu-
cational Opportunity Throughout the
Nation by Means of AnnualhGrants
to the Several States for Public Ele-
mentary and Secondary Education."
The Arguments
That existing inherent inequalities
in the wealth and resourcesof the
different states of the country have
caused discrepancies in educational
facilities was the argument presented
by the first Michigan speaker.
Following this statement, the sec-
ond Michigan debater attempted to
prove that this condition was a direct
concern of the Federal government
because the existence of the United
States in its present form, he said,
depended to a large degree on the
education and intelligence of the in-
dividual educated in public educa-
tional institutions.
Presents Plan
Unless there is equal educational
opportunity for all, which can only
be attained by an equalizing pro-
gram of the Federal government, the
groundwork of the present system
would be endangered, he said.
The last speaker for the affirmative
presented a plan whereby the Feder-
al government would supply funds to
state boards of education, leaving to
the latter full control of school cur-
ricula. The plan included the set-
ting up of objective standards which
would be the basis of the distribution
of funds, whereby each state would
receive appropriations according to
their needs.
Would Produce Waste
The Wayne team concentrated their
attack on the results of Federal ap-
propriations. The three speakers
claimed that the plan would destroy
the initiative of the different states,
that it would be accompanied by a
lack of interest in education "because
the money was not coming from one's
own pocket, and that centralization
would entail political control of local
According to the judge's decision,
the failure of the Wayne team to an-
swer the argument that some states
have not the necessary wealth to sup-
port an adequate system of education
and thus do need Federal aid to
equalize educational opportunity, was
the main reason for awarding the vic-
tory to the Michigan team.
Federal Agent Is
Killed In Gun Fighti
CHICAGO, Nov.27 -(P)- Agent H.
E. Hollis of the United States Depart-
ment of Investigation was fatally
shotand SamuelP . Crowley, first
assistant to Melvin H. Purvis, was
seriously wounded late today in a
gun battle just west of suburban
The man who killed him was be-
lieved to be "Baby-face" Nelson,
Public Enemy No. 1.
Hollis was formerly chief of the
L.S.U. Students
Again Rebuke
Senator Long
40 Members Of School
Of Journalism Demand
Freedom For 'Reveille'
BATON ROUGE, La., Nov. 27 -(OP)
- Rebuking the editorship of Sen-
Huey P. Long at Louisiana State
University, the journalism fraternity
today demanded freedom of the press
by removal of the censorship Long
forced on the "Reveille," official
campus publication. It resulted in
suspension of the paper.
Some 40 members of the school
of journalism laid down an ultimatum
that they would not contribute one
word to the "Reveille" until the edi-
torial and managerial staff who re-
signed last night under the enforced
censorship are restored to their posi-
Petitions containing the challenge
to the college officials were adopted
in mass meeting resolutions and cir-
culated about the campus while allied
journalistic organizations were meet-
ing to take joint action.
As a member of the board of sup-
ervisors of the college, Long had the
censorship "gag" rule enforced in or-
der to bar the publication of student
criticism of his management of the
state and college, Jesse H. Cutrer, of
Kentwood, La., resigned editor and
business manager of the publication,
Dr. James Monroe Smith, presi-
dent of L.S.U., said he considered the
question an academic one in which
he reserved the right to have the last
say over a student editor.
He was joined by Dean James F.
Broussard, of the University admin-
istrative staff, who was acting presi-
dent when the censorship issue first
came up.
Hall Is Substitute For
Drum-Major At Smoker
The 250 enthusiasts who were at the
Football Smoker last night in the
Union may have been prepared to give
a final cheer for the graduating drum-
major of the Varsity Band, Donald A.
Strouse, '35.
But -if anyone thought the booted
officer who led the Fighting Hundred
into the Union Ballroom was Strouse,
he was mistaken. Strouse was called to
Grand Rapids to take part in the an-
nual homecoming celebration of
South High School, whose band he
used to lead, and his "stooge" was
none other than George N. Hall,
'36BAd., manager of the band and
himself a former drum-major.
Dates, Prices
Of Opera Sale
Are Announced
To Begin Dec. 1 At Union;
Tickets Are Priced At
75 Cents To $1.50
Announcement was made last night
of prices and dates of sale of tickets
for the Union Opera, "Give Us
Rhythm," which will be shown Dec.
11 to 16 in the Lydia Mendelssohn
The tickets will be on sale from 12
noon to 5 p.m. every day except Sun-
days from Dec. 1 to Dec. 9 at the side
desk of the Union. After this date
the tickets may be secured at the box
office of the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre where they may also be pur-
chased before each individual per-
O.rganizations. wishing to -secure.
blocs of seats will be given special
consideration, according to Ty Felker,
'35, production manager, who is urg-
ing all fraternities and sororities and
other groups to apply for reservations
Tickets for night performances will
be priced at $1, $1.25, and $1.50. Mat-
inee performances, to be given Dec.
12 and Dec. 15, will have 75 cents,
$1 and $1.25 as their admission
Opera officials stressed the fact that
reservations could be made by tele-
phone at the Union desk and that
women students as well as men can
secure their tickets at the Union.
Body Of Farmer Is
Found Beaten, Shot
Mike Cerwinka, 40 years old, a resi-
dent of Sherrion township, was found
mysteriously murdered last night near
the edge of a woods near his farm
on the Manchester-Chelsea Road.
He was shot twice through the fore-
head, and the back of his head was
beaten in with stones. A .22-calibre
rifle was found near him. He had ap-
parently been hunting.
When first reports were received by,
the sheriff's office, it was believed to
be a suicide, but Dr. Edward Ganz-
horn, coroner, shortly after midnight
turned in the verdict of murder.
Cerwinka was living with his
mother and his sister, Bena. His wife,
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rohr, 727 Kingsley St., is reported to
have left him Friday as a result of
misunderstandings with his mother
and sister.
The autopsy, to be held this morn-
ing may disclose the calibre of the
bullets which killed him and whether
or not they were fired from the gun
found near him.
Convention Delegates I te senior iVianager
Further plans for the first Mich- N
igan Youth Congress to be held in New Captain Plagued By
Ann Arbor Dec. 14-16 were discussed 1 Injuries Jinx Throughout
last night in the Ann Arbor Y.M.C.A. .
at a joint, meeting of the provision-' Gridiron Career
al committee and endorsers of the
congress. Representatives from youth William "Bill" Renner, '31, star
organizations throughout the State, passer and quarterback from Youngs-
together with adult members of local I town, O., who throughout his grid
and state projects interested in youth career has been followed by an in-
welfare spent three hours laying plans juries jinx, was yesterday elected
which, they hope, will make the Ann captain of Michigan's 1935 football
Arbor congress a center of national team. He succeeds Thomas Austin as
interest and will influence President pilot and is the sixth Wolverine cap-
Roosevelt's expected youth legislation. tain from Ohio in the last 10 years.
Presidt Announcement of Renner's elec-
President Alexander G. Ruthven tion was made last night at the an-
has offered his endorsement and co- nual football smoker of the Michigan
operation to the congress, adding his Union. Besides Renner and Austin,
name to the sizable list of endorsers. Williamson, Hudson, Rich and Fried-
Many In Attendance I man claimed Ohio as their home state.
Among those present at last night's I It was also announced that Dan Hul-
meeting were Dean J. B. Edmonson, grave. '36, of Detroit would succeed
of the school of education; G. Robert George Duffy, '35, as senior football
Koopman, principal of the Tappan manager with Robert Olson, '3L, alter-
School and chairman of the Ann Ar- nate.
bor Youth Council; Miss Dorothy Out This Season
Ketcham, director of Social Service Renner did not play at all during
of the University Hospital; Cora Haas, the past season, suffering a fractured
superintendent of the Washtenaw ankle while carrying the ball in
County Schools; Walter Jenkins, of scrimmage a week before the season
the Michigan Youth Commission; opened. He entered school with such
Miss Golda Mayer, of the Detroit stars as Everhardus, Bernard, Wistert,
Council of Social Agencies; Miss and Petoskey, and although injured
Edith Owen, of the Ann Arbor Com- while a freshman he won his nu-I
munity Fund; and Ray Johns, of the merals.
state Y.M.C.A. In 1931 he won a minor award and
Many outstanding American figures in 1932 was out of school entirely be-
were included on tl e list of prospec- cause of sickness. He was back in
tive speakers for the congress, drawn 11933 and proved an able successor in
up at the meeting. Among these the post vacated by Harry Newman.
w'ere Dr.Reinhold" iebuhr, New York He was awarded his first letter that
clergyman; Harry Hopkins; Thomas year.
Minehan, author of "Boy and Girl Injuries Prove Jinx
Tramps," Louis Adamic, Arthur Mor-i Again in the second semester last1
Guppies Groomed
For Conflict Over
Opera's Star Role
The most recent announcement of
additions to the cast of the Michigan
Union 26th Annual Opera, "Give Us
Rhythm," to be held Dec. 11 to 16,
revealed the fact that there are now
several tryouts for the starring role of
Challenger, Dean Windjammer's prize
stud guppy, who provides a fishy
backbone for the entire plot of the
Hearing that the cast as yet in-
cluded no aspirants for Challenger's
part, Prof. Carl L. Hubbs, curator of
the fish division in the museum of
zoology, has generously offered the
Union the use of several of the best
guppies in his private collection of
tropical fish.
The guppies are now being groomed
for tryouts for the role by Russell
T. McCracken, director of the pro-
duction. While they answer to a
group of seven scientific Latin names,
usually shortened to "Lebistes Retic-
ulatus," they. are known to the world
J at large by the name of their illus-
trious discoverer, Robert John Lech-
mere Guppy.
Campaign Ends
As Total Falls
$18,000 Short,
Relief Agencies Financed
By Community Fund To
Have BudgetsCut
Final reports made by-the solicitors;
of the annual Community Fund drive,
showed a total of $41,773.78, only
two-thirds of the $60,000 goal the
fund was attempting to raise. The
formal campaign ended yesterday
noon at a final report luncheon held
at the Masonic Temple.
Because of the $18,000 shortage in
funds with which relief agencies in
the city are financed, officials be-
lieved that budgets of these organiza-
tions would have to be drastically cut
this year. In some cases it will be
impossible to carry on a complete and
adequate program of relief work, since
budgets were cut as much as possible
last year, when a total of $44,000 out
of an anticipated total of $60,000 was
raised. According to campaign of-'
ficials, the work of distribution will'
be carried out on a percentage basis,
as it was last year.
At the luncheon Rabbi Bernard
Heller, campaign director of the drive
two years ago, praised the work of
the campaign officials and solicitors.
Rabbi Heller attributed the failure
of the campaign to two reasons. "The
social agencies have developed be-
yond the financial capacities of the
town," he pointed out. The fact
that Ann Arbor is a university town
was the other cause of the failure,
he said.
gan, Tennessee Valley authority; and
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt.
May Be Speakers
John W. Studebaker, United States
Commissioner of Education; Robert
Hutchins, president of the University
of Chicago; Harry Emerson Fosdick;
Dr. Harry F. Ward; General Graves,
retired, United States Army; Langs-
ton Hughes, Negro author; H. W. L.
Dana, of the New York World Tele-
gram; Heywood Broun; Upton Sin-
clair; and John Howard Lawson were
The enthusiasm already shown for
the congress, according to Arthur
Clifford, secretary of the provisional
committee, indicates that it will un-
doubtedly be a successful conference.
Committees ForI
Operetta Work
Are Announced
'Iolanthe' Under General
Direction Of Windt; Doty,
In ChargeOf Music
Announcement of committees in
charge of production of the next
offering of Play Production, GilbertI
and Sullivan's "Iolanthe," were made
yesterday by Valentine B. Windt,,
"Iolanthe" will be presented Dec.
5, 6, 7, and 8 in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. In this opereta, Play Pro-
duction will join forces with the
School of Music.
Mr. Windt is the general director of
the entire production. E. William.
Doty of the School of Music faculty
is the musical director, assisted by
Charles L. McNeill, '37SM. Professors
Arthur Hackett and Earl V. Moore of
the School of Music are serving as
musical advisors.
Dancing is under the direction of
Emily White. Miss White is being
assisted in this work by Goddard
Light, '35, ColinWilsey, '35, and Julia
Ann Wilson, '36.
John Silberman, '35, has been
named chairman of the publicity com-
mittee. Other members include Jane
Fletcher, '36, Casper Veinfor, '36,
Dorothy Ohrt, '37, and Claire G. Gor-
man, '36.
Mrs. William Doll is in charge of the
year he was forced from school be-
cause of sickness but reported this
fall, hoping to repeat his 1933 suc-
cesses. He attempted to play as soon
as his injury healed this season but
didn't get into a game. His return
next year is expected to bolster the
Michigan attack considerably as it
will again give the team a passer.
Renner is 24 years old, 5 feet 11
inches tall, and weighs 159 pounds.
He is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi
fraternity. Next year's assistant man-
agers as named yesterday will be Wil-
liam Bates, '37, Robert Weisert, '37,
Herbert Seegal, '37, and John Becker,
Michael Gold Will
Talk Here Sunday"
Michael Gold, well-known writer
and critic, will lecture Sunday night
at Natural Science Auditorium on the
"Crisis in Modern Literature" under
the auspices of the National Student
Mr. Gold is now on a speaking tour
of the larger cities of the country.
Considered a capable authority on this
topic, he is also the author of the
novel, "Jews Without Money."
Wilfred Smith Declares
Michigan Defeats Were
Good For Big Ten
Kipke Lauds Spirit
Of Squad, Students
Wolverine Losses Are Con-
doned By Chicago Trib-
une Writer
The defeats of the Michigan Varsity
football team this year were a splen-
did thing for the Big Ten.
Michigan teams cannot go on year
after year beating Minnesota, Illinois,
and Ohio State without the other
schools of the Western Conference
feeling "what's the use."
Thus did Wilfrid Smith, sports-
writer for the Chicago Tribune and
professional league football official,
speak of the recent football season be-
fore students, faculty, and towns-
people who were gathered last night
in the Union ballroom to honor the
squad and coaches at the Annual
Michigan Union Football Smoker.
"The sorrow of the Michigan team
and supporters at their own defeats,"
he said, "was undoubtedly balanced
by the wonderful feeling which the
rooters and teams of Minnesota and
Ohio State experienced as the result
of the glorious victories which they
Gives Team Credit
In commenting on the team and
coaches, Mr. Smith declared that they
"worked harder and played against
better teams than any of the four
championship squads which preceded
them. All students and alumni of the
University should be proud of their
He particularly commended the
squad on their showing at Minne-
apolis, stating that "they played bet-
ter than they knew how during that
first half at Minnesota against a
physically superior team."
Mr. Smith was introduced by Allen
D. McCombs, '35, president of the
Union, who acted in the capacity of
toastmaster. Prior to Mr. Smith's talk
Head Coach Harry Kipke in response
to an ovation by the crowd, comment-
ed briefly on the season and intro-
duced the 25 lettermen on the squad
as well as the coaching staff.
Lauds Student Spirit
"There has never been a team at
the University that has worked as
hard as this team, nor has there ever
been a student body which has backed
a Michigan squad like the present
one," Coach Kipke said. He described
the season as "the hardest any of the
boys have ever gone through."
He also pointed out the necessity for
the coaches, players, and student body
to "work together" if Michigan foot-
ball teams are to return to their
former position of "conquerors of the
Captain Tom Austin, who followed
Coach Kipke on the program, pre-
dicted that the University would be
represented by "a good team next
year," and stated that this year's
squad had the "finest spirit of any
of the three teams he had played on."
Forecasts Better Future
Athletics Director Fielding H. Yost
also forecasted a better future for
the Varsity team declaring that "as
sure as the sun rises, Michigan elevens
will fight their way back to the top."
The new captain, Bill Renner, was
also introduced by Coach Kipke.
George Duffy, '35, retiring manager,
announced the selection of a mana-
ger, alternate manager, and assist-
ant managers for next year.
Previous to the program of speech-
es, the Varsity band marched into
the ballroom and played "The Vic-
tors," "Varsity," and "The Yellow
and Blue."
Engineering Group
Passes New Ruling
An amendment to include in the
membership of the engineering coun-
cil the engineering vice-president of
the Michigan Union if the men's
council plan for a general reorganiza-
tion of literary school government
should go through, was passed last
week at a meeting of the engineering
History Of Union Opera Shows
Predecessors Were Successes
Szigeti Proves Musicians Can
Be Highbrow' And Esteemed
In the seven seasons since Leopold
Stokowski revealed Josef Szigeti to the
American public in a Philadelphia Or-
chestra debut, the Hungarian violinist
has proved that a so-called "high-
brow" artist can achieve genuine pop-
ularity with all kinds of audiences
and that, by the significant test of re-
engagements, he is now a perennial
favorite in the United States.
Szigeti is unlike any other violin-
Japan, Australia or New Zealand, Eu-
rope or the United States. In re-
turning to America this season for his
eighth tour in nine years, Szigeti
comes back to a country which has
learned to rank him with the few
living violinists of musical distinction
and universal appeal.
He appears here, making his local
debut Monday in Hill Auditorium. The
program will be the fourth -of the
current season's Choral Union con-
"Give Us Rhythm," the Michigan
Union's twenty-sixth annual Opera,
which is to be given Dec. 11 to
16 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
will recall to old opera fans the color-
ful and successful productions of
former years.
In 1908, the Union Operas were
begun as a means of financing the
Union, which at that time was barely
struggling along. The first show pro-
duced was "Michigenda," written by
Donal H. Haines, '09, now an instruc-
tor of journalism in the University.
"Michigenda" satirizing the campus,
faculty, and students, was an instan-
taneous sucess, and ran in 1908 at the
Whitney Theatre.
A year later "Koanzaland" was
produced featuring the now famous
musical hits, "College Days," and
"Michigan, Good-by."
"T'h Clrmcnn(IhPf 11tha ,,rt
in Union Opera history and was high-
ly successful.
From 1915 to 1917, the Union pro-
duced "All That Glitters," "Tres
Rouge," and "Fool's Paradise." These
shows also played on theroad.
"Let's Go" in 1918 marked the only
time in opera history that women
played in the shows. The following
year's production was "Come On,
Dad" written by Donal Haines.
In 1921, "Top O' Th' Morning" and
"Make It For Two" were produced.
They were both hits.
From 1922 to 1929, the Union
Operas became extravagant produc-
tions. Road trips were stretched out
to New York and other large cities
of the East. So popular were these
shows, that "Cotton Stockings" in
1923 made a profit of $30,000. From
this time on, the operas became less
popular and in 1929 the show showed
a deficit. Some of these shows were: