PAGE SIX THE MICHIADN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1934 Discuss County Manager Plan 00USIC In Radio Hour .rD iThose for whom the importance of the afternoon was the first Ann fDescribes of music lies not in a petty worship Arbor performance of the tone poem, Success Of New Method of technical polish, but in dynamic "Bethlehem," by the modern Amer- growth and organic structure, drew ican composer, Tuthill. The themes, In Virgina a large measure of satisfaction from while not unique, are expressive and the performance of the University to the point. Their treatment shows A five-sided discussion on "The Symphony Orchestra on Sunday af- an understanding of the creation of Modern Movement for County Re- ternoon. The work of the orchestra poetry through orchestration. It is a organiation" was given in the weekly under the direction of Dr. Moore had splendid example of effective climac- Parent Education program on the a quality of sincerity and of musical tic treatment. We are very grateful University of Michigan Radio Hour integrity which is not always found to Mr. Tuthill for this contribution yesterday afternoon over Station in that of professional artists. (Not- to modern music. The orchestra WJR. ably that of the trio a short time ago). with its careful work showed its ap- Participants in the program were The precision of attack required preciation of the honor of 'being one Mrs. C. T. Seward, treasurer of the in the first movement of the Beethov- ! of the early interpreters of this com- Michigan Congress of Parents and en Fifth Symphony is the despair of position. Teachers, H. C. Prine, commissioner more finished artists than these. If It is gratifying to rind occasionally of schools in Jackson county, Prof. there was some degree of failure in an artist who can remove the aura H. L. Turner, of the teaching instruc- this respect, the movement as a whole of freesias, darkened rooms, and tion department in Ypsilanti State was rescued by a musical intelligence pathology from Chopin without losing Normal College, A. J. Phillips, re- which understood the meaning of the that romanticism which is the essence search director of the Michigan Edu- composer and triumphed over minor of his music. Mr. Fletcher's perform- cational Association, and Prof. Arthur: imperfections in its expression. The ance of the First Concerto created W. Bromage, of the political science rest of the symphony was marked Chopin which was neither feverish department by the same ielligence, clarity, and nor impotent, but both human and Prof. Bromage opened the discus- continuity, and reached a fine climax male, yet which was unmistakably sion by calling attention to the "strik- in the authoritative statement of the Chopin. Mr. Fletcher works with a ing advance in county administra- finale theme. rich malleable tone which even in tion" in Virginia, North Carolina, and One of the many pleasant surprises pianissimo passages carries into the California, where the county manager -----far corners, and which is admirably plan has been tried. ., . suited to the singing themes and deli- Accounts Now Squared in uries iM ark cate involutions of this music. The Citing the case of Arlington county J orchestra gave good support, again in Virginia, Prof. Bromage declared u S i e ndemonstrating that youthful musi- that although the county manager at Os r1i cians need not play stupidly. the beginning of his administration . .*M.L. was confronted with "serious short- P acific o as - ages in the accounts left by officers of ForeIFrStudents To the old regime," within a few months "the county had squared acounts, Overtures For Peace Are Hear Glee Club Sing paid off its floating indebtedness and re-established the sinking fund at its Made By City As 26 Are Michigan's Varsity Glee Club will normal level. . The tax rate has S To sing at a formal dinner honoring been reduced more than 10 per cent HentTo ospital foreign students attending the Uni- with no serious curtailment in ser- versity, at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the vices, while some administrative agen- LOS ANGELES, Nov. 26 - (P) - Union ballroom. cies have actually been expanded." Widespread violence, marked by num- Prof. Raleigh Nelson is in charge The discussion was continued by erous beatings, the collision of three of the dinner. The Student Christian Mr. Prine, who told of the success of street cars that had been waylaid Association, Union, and League will the manager plan in Durham county, by pickets, and injuries sending 26 give the dinner. North Carolina. "The total debt was persons to hospitals, was charged to The Glee Club will begin its group reduced m o r e than $400,000. The the Los Angeles railway and bus of songs with "Laudes Atque Car- floating indebtedness w a s retired. strike today as the city officially made mine," "'Tis of Michigan We Sing," Whereas the county finished 1929. initial peace overtures. and "I Want to Go Back to Michigan." with an operating deficit, it was clos- Shots were fired into street cars The next number will be a negro ing the present fiscal year with an and brickbats were thrown, shat- spiritual, "Wait 'Til I Put on My operating surplus. Its bonds are selling tering glass and forcing riders to Crown," by William Reddick, and will at a premium." the floor for safety Sunday night, be followed with "Goddess of the In- Discusses California Several car crews were beaten. land Seas," by Stanley. Prof. Bromage resumed at this A score of passengers were injured othnc ng,othe c willsosngs n- point, describing the results of the some of them seriously as a carluding "College Days" and "When new method in San Mateo and Sacra- plowed into two others that had been Night Falls, Dear." Prof. David Pat- mento counties in California. "In stalled by strike sympathizers. tern will Iead the singing. these counties the centralization of Police forces and sheriff's squads services in the engineer, director of were mustered to full strength to- health and welfare, and auditor, show day as the Los Angeles Railway Co. POSTPONE RECOUNT substantial savings in unit and com- undertook the huge task of trans- LANSING, Nov. 26 -(P)-A decis- parative costs of operation. Profes- porting the Monday peak of workers ion on a possible recount of the vote sor Cottrell of Stanford University and shoppers. The railwiay had for secretary of state was postponed states that the results have overcome promised to maintain adequate trans- this morning by the state board of the objections of the most pessimistic portation in the face of the walkout, canvassers pending a further meet- opponents. A spread of the county- called Saturday. ing this afternoon. manager plan is predicted in the statevfd in the very near future," he said. ________________ In response to a query by Mrs. Seward, Prof. Bromage declared, "If California, Virginia and South Car- GIVE CANDY olina can operate counties under the manager plan and show an increased on efficiencyu at less cost, I know of no /TF tNCG A good reason why Michigan could not HANKSGIVING DAY do likewise ... If the cities of Mich- - November 29th igan can make a success of the man- ager plan, as they undoubtedly have (We.pack, wrap and mail) done, there is every reason to believe(r that Michigan cunties could operate successfully under a managerial sys- The Plan itedBETSY ROSS The place of a county unit plan for school administration in a county SHOP manager system was the next topic (IN THE ARCADE) discussed. Mr. Turner described the plan as one whereby all the schools We Deliver Dial 5931 of a county become one system under the direction of a single, small, elected - -----_-------_ - p U U UR NEW ROUGH DRY for you to have your Sh Laundry Service makes it possible irts laundered at this LOW PRICE. This new service gives you finished laundry on Shirts, Handker- chiefs and Sock ready to wear.' S. Underwear and Pajamas are washed and dried You cannot afford to send your laundry out of the city at these low prices. 40 a Pr ice per Pound. (Minimum Bundle- 50c) So;, Extra, pair loc *2c ..Ic HandkerchiefSExr Extra 0..0.loc Full Dress Shirts not included in this Service board of education. Mr. Prine continued with a state- ment of his reasons for favoring the appointment of the county superin- tendent of schools by the county board of education. Unitarian Service Adapts To Skeptic (Continued from Page 1) gains of religion, this church at pres- ent is seeking to develop an aesthetic and meditative sunset hour service which will school individuals in the poetic mood and the practice of gratitude. Designs to be worked out on silk banners representing the his- toric religions are at present being made by foreign students; new service books are in the pews, and the order of the service has been changed. The student work is under the di- rection of Prof. and Mrs. George B. Brigham. The School of Religion for children, which meets at 11:15 a.m. Sunday, is directed by Prof. John F. Shepard, of the psychology de- partment, who is also chairman of the Board o4 Trustees. The minister, the Rev. Harold P. Marley, has spok- en frequently before student groups, is president of the Council of Social Agencies, and is chairman of the Ann Arbor chapter of Th9 American Civil Liberties Union. Aunt Net's JOSEF SZIGETI1 IN CHORAL UNION CONCERT MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 8:15. 1, i, SAMPLE BUNDLE 40 3 6 3 2 2 1 SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS PAIRS OF SOX SUITS UNDERWEAR BATH TOWELS PAJAMA SUITS FINISHED SERVICE WASHED - - DRIED FOLDED READY TO WEAR TOTAL COST 92c For This New ROUGH DRY SERVICE, Call any of the following Laundries: VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 2-3123 TROJAN LAUNDRY Phone 9495 I