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November 25, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-25

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The Weather
Probably rain and somewhat
warmer today; tomorrow un-


ft igart


Faculty Members But Not
Teachers ..
Purpose Of Presidential Fetes..





Samuel InsullAnd
16 Co-Defendants

Acquittal Verdict Comes
After Two Hours, Two
Minutes Of Deliberation
$100,000,000 Mail
Fraud Case Closed
Forner Utility Magnate
Terms Decision 'Start Of
My Vindication'
CHICAGO, Nov. 24. - /P) -In two
hours and two minutes of delibera-
tion today, 12 Federal jurors shattered
the government's charge of a $100,-
000,000 mail fraud charge against
Samuel Insull and his 16 business
associates with a verdict of acquital.
Between lunch time and the dinner
hour, the voluminous case against
the rulers of a one-time two-billion-
dollar utility system was put in the
hands of a jury and decided in his
Jubilant at the near-breath-taking
speed of the-verdict, Insull exclaimed:
"This is the start of my vindica-
The jury's decision, read in a
hushed courtroom by foreman John
D. Lent, came with a rapidity startling
to defense attorneys and prosecutors
The case was developed from nearly
five tons of business records, but
when the jurymen retired to their
rooms they sent out only for three
Green Not Vindictive
United States District Attorney
Dwight H. Green, who had worked for
nearly two years to attain a different
result, took the verdict without ran-
"The government presented its case
fully," saic the young prosecutor.
"We gave everything that we had to
The case, in which the Chicago
utilities builder and his aides were
charged with milking hundreds of in-
vestors, went to the jury at 2:21
o'clock (S.T.) following a two-hour
charge by Federal Judge James H.
At 4:23.o'clock, the jurors sent out
word they had agreed. Prosecutors,
defendants and the judge had left
the building, expecting no such speed.
The courtroom was quickly filled,
first with spectators who had lingered
in the corridor, then with relatives of
the 17 defendants. Insull came in,
puffing a cigar, his cane over his arm.
The jury's speed had hinted they
had decided upon blanket acquittal,
but the court crowds waited in high,
nervous tension.
There was a pause, electric with
Insull Pale
Insull, 7 years old, a few days ago,
took his seat in a front row of the
defendants. His ordinarily ruddy
face was almost as white as his droop-
ing mustache.
He looked nervously about the
courtroom, turning to converse short-
ly with others behind him.
One of these was John F. O'Keefe,
formerly Insull's private secretary.
He sat on the edge of his chair.
Insull's son, Samuel junior, who
had defended his father from the wit-
ness stand under fire from prosecu-
tors, chewed gum violently. Mrs. In-
sull was not in the court, but wives of
the other defendants were behind
the court rail. Mrs. Robert W. Waite,
wife of an officer in the Utilities
Securities Co., held a handkerchief
to her eyes.
Judge Wilkerson entered and took
his place.
"Bring in the jury," said the judge.
The courtroom fell silent. The jur-

ors filed in, led by foreman Lent.
Blanket Acquittal
A bailiff took the paper Lent hand-
ed him. He said:
"We find the defendants not
It was a blanket acquittal. A cheer
went up from the crowd of spectators,
only faintly quieted by the banging
of the clerk's gavel.
,Some of the defendants broke,
out with "Hurrahs." Some of the
crowd rushed to congratulate the
defendants. Papers were thrown into
the air.
But the senior Insull heard the
words acquitting him with no change


Flight Story.
Will Be Told
Lecture To Be Deliveredj
In Hill Auditorium Atj
8:15 Tomorrow Night
Hobbs to Introduce
Famous Scientists
Recent 10-Mile Ascent Of
Stratosphere Explorers
To Be Described
More than 2,000 students, faculty,
and townspeople are expected to hear
Prof. and Mrs. Jean Piccard speak

Stanford 9, California 7.
Wash. State 0, Wash. Univ. 0.
U.C.L.A. 25, Oregon State 7.
Yale 14, Harvard 0.
Notre Dame 12, Army 6.
Columbia 12, Syracuse 0.
Princeton 38, Dartmouth 13.
Ohio 40, Iowa 7.
Cogate 14, Rutgers 0.
Minnesota 34, Wisconsin 0.
Illinois 6, Chicago 0.
Indiana 17, Purdue 6.
Nebraska 13, Missouri 6.
Temple 22, Villaniova 0.
Detroit 13, Marquette 6.
Michigan State 6, Kansas 0.
4'N.ew Technic'
Is Featured By
W eaver Article

Michigan Concludes Its
Most Disastrous Season
Witb Seventh oss 13-6

Kicks Two Field G oals For Michigan

Wolverines End In Cellar
Position; Ward -Makes
Two Field Goals
Minnesota Wins Big
Ten Championship

English Professor Writes
On 'The Engineer In His

on "The Story of Our Flight," which
is to be given at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium. The meeting is
under the auspices of the Student
Christian Association.
Prof.-Emeritus William H. Hobbs,
i former head of the University geolo-
gy department and leader of a geolog-
-i.ssoco t Press Photo ical expedition to Greenland, will in-
troduce the two scientists.
SAMUEL INSULL, SR. Several reels of motion pictures
which were taken on the flight will
be shown in conjunction with the lec-
ev. Sayles To ture, and explanatory notes will be
given as the pictures progress.
Begin SermOn Flight Proves Dangerous
Their flight, which was begun from
* " the Ford Aiport, Dearborn, swas
Series o a fraught with danger. I.
After rising 20,000 feet they en-
countered heavy fogs, which made it
SB a a impossible tohdetermine eithersthe
On 'What Religion Might location of the balloon or the speed
at which it was traveling.
Do At Michigan' Although they were tempted to at-
tempt an altitude record try, the
A series of sermons on The Gospel Piccards decided that the risk of fall-
of St. John will be begun today by ing through the lower altitude at an'
the Rev. R. Edward Sayles in the uncontrollable speed was too great.
morning service at 10:45 in the First Some difficulty was encountered inI
Baptist Church. The subject for the bringing the balloon to rest when
opening sermon will be "An Intro- they attempted to land near Cadiz,
duction." Ohio, after eight hours in the air.
"Appreciation," the eighth in a I Many times they had to keep the valve
group of sermons by the Rev. Charles open for long periods in order to .
W. Brashares on the general theme make the big bag lose altitude. Bring-
of "What We Want," will be delivered ing the gondola to rest was an ex-
at 10:45 a.m. in the service at the tremely difficult task, due to the low
First Methodist Episcopal Church. Efog and the necessity for landing
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor lightly to keep the instruments from1
in religious education, will speak on being demaged.
"What Religion Might Do at Mich- Balloon Caught In Tree
igan," in the Wesleyan Guild Wor- As the gondola floated low over
ship Service at 6 p.m. the earth a farmer attempted to
Dr. Bernard Heller's sermon in the grasp a trailing rope and tie it to hist
morning service at 11:15 in the League tractor, but the rope slipped throughi
chapel will be on the subject "The his hands. The balloon floated on,
Genuine and Spurious Claims of and was caught in a 75-foot elm tree.
Higher Critics." A class in Jewish The Piccards were not injured in
Ethics will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. landing, and their fragile instruments
in the Hillel Foundation 'by Hirsch were undamaged, although the gas
Hootkins, instructor in the romance bag was torn.
language department. Tickets for the lecture are 35 cents
Bishop A. D. Zahniser, of Pitts- for the main floor, and 25 cents for
burgh, will speak at 10:45 a.m. in the I the balconies. They may be bought
Free Methodist Church at 424 W. at Lane Hall, Union, the League, the
Huron St. This is the first of a two- dormitories, and Wahr's Book Store.
week series of evangelistic services
to be held in the church.:Bishop Condition Of Miss
Zahniser will preach at 7:30 every
evening until Dec. 9. Shuler Unchanged
"Selling the Birthright"is the sub-
ject chosen by the Rev. Allison Ray Attendants of the University Hos-
Heaps for his sermon i the service pital stated last night that the con-t
at 10:30 a.P. the Congregational dition of Miss Gertrude Shuler, 23-1
Church. Prof. Preston W. Slosson year-old Hospital nurse who was crit-
story sdeprtment wi con- ically injured in an automobile acci-
tinue his series on "The Evolution of dent early Friday morning, was un-X
Religion," speaking on "The Chris- changed.
tam Biographies - The Gospel." The Dr. William F. Delp, Hospital in-1
Student Fellowship meeting at 6 p.m., tene, who wa lohrxntecah
will be addressed by President Alex- were oas also hurt in the crash,
ander G. Ruthven. was reported as slightly improved.
Ta .svn Miss Virginia Collins and Miss Thelmat
A Thanksgiving Family Service will Boltinghouse, Hospital nurses, were1
be led at 5 p.m. in the Unitarian said to be much better.
Church by the Rev. Harold P. Marley.
At 7:30 p.m. the Liberal Students'
Union will hold its regular weekly FERA Freshm an
"The Final Judgment" is the ser-
mon to be delivered by the Rev. C. A. F vor,
Brauer at 10:45 a.m. in St. Paul's

"The Engineer in His Community," :...:
by Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-
lish department, is the featured arti-<
cle of the November issue of the
Michigan Technic, on sale Monday .
through Wednesday on the second
floor of the West Engineering Arch,
at its regular price of 25 cents.
"This is largely the engineer's
world," Professor Weaver says, "and
it is time he was making up his mind
to take better care of it. In our>
schools of engineering every course
leading to expertness in the physical
use of power should be supplemented
by a course leading to a sure under-
standing of how that power may be M,
used for the good of men. Power.
must be socialized."
thProfessor Weaverfurther stressed
the need for engineering students to
develop the cultural side of the mid.
To see clearly and with conviction
that every element of power which is .D
brought into the mind through re- Associated Press Photo
sponse to cultural things is useable
as power in a professional way is to Willis Ward, Michigan's great defensive end, culminated his football
take the first great step forward in career in a blaze of glory against Northwestern's Big Purple yesterday
the business of being an engineer of afternoon. His fine play at end was overshadowed only by the remarkable
quality," he states. precision with which his educated toe kept the Wolverines in the run-
The cover of this issue of the Tech- ning throughout the game. It was Ward who came to the rescue with
nic pictures a machine which is dis- a field goal in the last minutes of the first half when his mates were
charging a quarter-miillion amperes unable to score from the one-yard line. Again in the third period'Ward's
of electricity, greatly' exceeding the kick from a difficult angle tied the score at 6-all.
voltage of any lightning stroke yet
recorded. The purpose of the experi-
ment is to discover means of pre- How A bout Givng C. Of C. Says
venting the interruption of power Giin
lines due to lightning. Michigan National
Other articles in the magazine in-, u n s c n
clude a paperbyProf.R.W.Smith, T le, Pro fessor?
research associate department of _________
engineering research, on the use of CHM IN l.'.2-v
the spectroscope and spectograph as CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 24 -P-
invaluable aids in the metallurgical Illinois, according to the system of,
and allied fields. Lester V. Colwell, rating football teams originated by Optimism For Christmas
'35E, has written a paper for the Prof. Frank G. Dickinson of the Uni- Trade.Is Reflected By
Technicaentitled "Hydraulic Trans-Prof Ilink isDckinor afhe
missions for the Automobile," in versity of Illiois, came i for a share Statistics
which he claims that such transmis- of Minnesota's Western Conference S
sions will give 20 per cent greater championship. WASHINGTON, Nov. 24.-(P) -
acceleration for an automobile, and According to Professor Dickinson's As the nation headed today into its
will also eliminate gear shifting. finding, Minnesota defeated the five period of holiday trade, the Chamber
teams which finished in the second of Commerce of the United States
Doctor Says Vibbert's division for an average of 20 points. C
Illinois, by defeating Ohio State, a produced statistics to show improve-7
Condition Much Better first division team, attained the ing business sentiment."
Attendants at the University Hos- same ranking. Ohio State was third, This and other pronouncements
Attendants+;Ativewith Purdue fourth. 1 leading many business men to hope

Northwestern Pro d uce s
Powerful Running Attack
In Second Half
Northwestern's Wildcats put an ar-
tistic finishing touch to Michigan's
most disastrous football season here
yesterday when they produced a pow-
erful running attack in the second
period to punch out a 13 to 6 victory
after trailing, 3 to 0, at the half.
The defeat gave Michigan sole
possession of the cellar position in
the Big Ten. At the same time Min-
nesota was walloping Wisconsin, 34
to 0, to gain undisputed possession of
first place when Indiana upset Pur-
due, 17 to 6.
Michigan took advantage of the
breaks to keep Northwestern in its
territory during the first half and to
score three points on Willis Ward's
place-kick from the 12-yard line.
Line Weakens Again
But in the second half Michigan's
patched-up line weakened, especially
after Jerry Ford had to leave the
game, and the Wildcats marched
50 yards for their first touchdown and
35 for their second.
The same lack of scoring ability
which marked Michigan's play all
season was responsible for yesterday's
defeat. Twice the Wolverines had the
ball within Northwestern's five-yard
line and couldn't carry it over, hav-
ing to be content with two field goals
kicked from placement by Ward.
Late in the second quarter, Mich-
igan carried the ball deep into Wild-
cat territory but lost it when Ward's
attempted place-kick from the 31 was
wide. Wally Cruice fumbled on the
next play, and Michigan again had
the ball on Northwestern's 25. In four
plays Chris Everhardus and Russ
Oliver carried the ball to Northwest-
ern's one-yard line. After two line
plays lost three yards, Ward kicked
his first field goal.
Swisher Makes First Touchdown
As the third period opened, a com-
bination of good kicking by Steve
Toth and poor punt handling by Fer.
ris Jennings drove Michigan back
until the Wildcats could get their
steam-roller into play on their 49. The
Wildcats made two consecutive first
downs and Swisher climaxed the
march by taking the ball on a re-
verse from Duvall and sprinting 24
yards down the right sidelines for a
A moment later Michigan was back
knocking at Northwestern's door when
George Bolas took Toth's punt on his
own 30-yard line and ran it back
through the entire team to North-
western's six before Swisher got him
from behind. Again Michigan's attack
bogged down, and Ward was forced
to place-kick at a difficult angle from
the 13-yard line.
Duvall Plunges Across
With Toth consistently outkicking
Oliver, who took over the punting
duties when Regeczi had to leave the
game with a twisted leg in the second
quarter, Northwestern gained posses-
sion of the ball on Michigan's 35 early
in the last period. A forward-lateral
gained ten yards and Hugh Duvall,
plunging Wildcat fullback, personally
accounted for the march across Mich-
igan's goal line.
With Kipke forced to send in line
substitutes constantly, the Wildcats
were enabled to continue their driv-
ing march through center and off
tackle and were only halted by the
final gun.
Coach Kipke was a disappointed
man last night, saying "It was a hard
one to lose!" John Regeczi played
better than he has all season until
injured. Matt Patanelli and Ward
were both playing fine defensive
games at the ends, but when they
turned the Wildcat attack into the'
center of the line Northwestern dis-
covered a weakness and capitalized
on it.

pital last night said that Prof. Charles
B. Vibbert is practically out of danger.
Professor Vibbert has been suffering
from a blood clot on the brain and
was seriously ill the latter part of
last week.
"He is steadily improving," his
physician said, "but it is a long, slow
process. However, we no longer are
greatly concerned over his condition."
It was not stated when Professor
Vibbert might be discharged.
His physician stated that no visit-,
ors were allowed. It was said that
his relapse last week was due to ex-
citement caused by too many visitors.
Colleges Meet
ays Dr. Purdom

The ratings:
M innesota .................. 20 1
Illinois ................ . ....20
Ohio State ................. 19
Purdue .................. 17.50
Wisconsin ..................16
Indiana .................... 15
Northwestern..............14 ,
Iowa ...................... 13
Howland To Lecture
Oin Whaling Dec. 13;
Chester Scott Howland will be thea
fourth attraction of the Oratorical*
Association on its 1934-35 lecture
series when he speaks on "Hunting
Whales in the Seven Seas," at 8:30
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 13, in Hill Audi-.
Mr. Howland is a native of one ofI
the most famous seaports in the world,j
New Bedford, Mass., and is the son
of a New England sea captain.
He will present in his lecture an
illustrated story of whaling days -
one of the most adventurous indus-
tries in the world. The making of the
thrilling film story of the early Amer-
ican whaling days required painstak-i
ing efforts of the sponsors during a
period of 18 months, according to
reports. The film was made at a cost;
of $50,000.
Tickets for the lecture are now on;
sale at Wahr's Bookstore, and are
priced at 50 and 75 cents.-

that the Christmas trade might be
the best since 1929, were keyed to a
note of quiet optimism.
The Chamber said the improving
sentiment, seen in October, contin-
ued in November. It cited " a six per
cent rise in the volume of check pay-
ments, steady retail sales, stable,
Wholesale prices, favorable car load-
reports and increasing steel produc-
Although the Chamber's position
is that the government should take
no steps to diminish business confi-
dence and create uncertainty, it in-
dicated a belief that "less in the way
of reassurance" is required now than
at any time in the past several
"In responsible modern enterprise,"
the statement said, "there is such a
long interval between origination of
additional undertakings and accom-
plishment, with so large outlays for
labor and materials and so small a
margin for profit or loss, that a feel-
ing of freedom from the danger of
unpredictable outside influences is
necessary to released initiative.
"To give this feeling in many di-
rections it will now require less in
the way of reassurance than at any
time since last spring."
Page Will Discuss
Re-Marriage Topic
The Right Rev. Herman Page, Bis-
hop of Michigan, will discuss "Mar-
riage and Divorce" before the Episco-
pal student groun at 7 n.m. today in

Lutheran Church. The pastor will
(Continued on Page 8)
Clinics Open Final
Operative clinics opened the final
meeting of the Visiting Surgeons'
Club at 8:30 a.m. yesterday in the
University Hospital. Demonstrations
were conducted by Dr. Frederick A.
Coller; director of the department
of surgery, University Hospital.
Lectures and clinical demonstra-
tions began at 10:30 a.m. One demon-
stration dealt with the culture of tis-
sue. This was one of the first places
in the United States to successfully

trict o
bers o
The c
are loc

By SHELDON M. ELLIS The University is one of eight in-
mmunities in the Thumb dis- stitutions in the state which have
supervision over the formation of
)f Michigan are most enthus- Freshman Colleges. Already 22
over the success of the FERA Freshman Colleges have been organ-
localities," said Dr. T. Luther ized in the district allotted the Uni-
m, head of the Bureau of Ap- versity. Dr. Charles A. Fisher of the
nents and Occupational Infor- University Extension Division is di-
n, following a recent trip I rector of the project.
,h that section of the State in, Students who wish to enroll in a
of the University Extension Freshman College must prove their
n. inability to attend any other institu-
ing his trip Dr. Purdom in- tion. The schools have been formed
d nine Freshman Colleges lo- primarily for the youth of the coun-
in ?the area supervised by the try who wish to continue with their
rsity as well as addressing mem- education but are not financially able
f numerous clubs and lodges. to do so.
olleges viewed by Dr. Purdom Purchasing of text-books is the
ated in Bad Axe, Harbor Beach, only cost to the student. Rooms for
Cass City, Sandusky, Decker- the meeting of the classes are fur-

First downs .........5
By rushing.......3
By passing1.......1
By nenalties.......1


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