TAE. MzC.HI. AI*4.. D I Y SATURDlAY, NOVEMWBER 24, 1934 THE MCHIGA DAIL THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1I .u M[ #pl Tlorfg pjAgflRfoe Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association -4'd the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ssociatedt ofltoiate ress =1934 (f Q XI4tst 1935s- MADSON WISCONSN One Game From A National Title .. . M ICHIGAN IS NOT hanging up a na- tional or even a Big Ten champion- ship this year as she did last year, nor is she com- ing anywhere near it. But the students of the Uni- versity are making a record of their own this year in a matter closely connected with football - that of cheering. At the peak of gridiron success when enthusiasm should have been at its height, student cheering was entirely unsatisfactory. Probably it can be said that a championship team does not need, though it always appreciates, the vociferous support of students at games. However, it can never be said that enthusiasm does not play a large part in determining the spirit with which a team, espe- cially a°losing one, will face an opponent. It is in this regard that Michigan is working for another championship. The students this year have evidenced in many ways their support of the team. The cheering has been greatly improved, growing stronger as the season progressed.I Large numbers of students have met the team on its return from out-of-town games. In all parts of the country Michigan students and Michigan men are getting a reputation as good sports who have not deserted a losing team-- a reputation more valuable than that of constantly turning out winners. With the team facing Northwestern in its last game of its worst season in more than 40 years, there could be no greater opportunity for a loyal student body to send a confident team into the game and cheer it on to the greatest efforts of which it is capable. Let's cinch a national title for school spirit. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is "exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all newscdispatches credited to itor not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,. $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Abor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National:Advertising Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ..............WILLIAM G. FERRIS CITY EDITOR..................JOHN HEALEY EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ............RALPH G. COULTER SPORTS'EDITOR................ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR...................ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo- sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Richard Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Jack Mitchell, Fred W. Neal, Melvin C. Oathout, Robert Pulver, Lloyd S. Reich, Mar- shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, Robert Cummins, Fred DeLano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann. Dorothy, Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg, Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway, Ma- rion Holden, Lois King, Selma Levin, Elizabeth Miller, Melba Morrison, Elsie Pierce, Charlotte Reuger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon. Dorothy Vale, Laura Wino- grad, Jewel Wuerfei. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER .. ........RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER ..................ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER..........JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Department, Bernard Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Cameron Hall; Circulation and National Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: William Jackson, William Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman, Jahn Park, F. Allen Upson, Willis Tomlinson, Homer Lathrop, Tom -Clarke, Gordon Cohn Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe, Richard E. Chaddock+ COLLEGIATE OBSERVER By BUD BERNARD Co-eds at the University of Minnesota have refused to accept the position of co-ed cadet col- onel in the R.O.T.C. saying that Minnesota has been lauded throughout the United States for abolishing compulsory drill and that they would not be a part of a backward movement. A letter signed by the presidents of Mortarboard, W.S.G.A., W.A.A., Y.W.C.A., and the All-University council was circulated to all campus sororities The move came after the girl selected for the post had refused to accept it and after the R.O.T.C. had attempted to get several other girls to fill the place. A co-ed at the University of Mississippi said she thought steel wool is made from the fleece of hydraulic rams. * * * * This is a gala week for men students at Grove City College. Co-eds are observing "Leap Week." This means the co-eds do all the "dating." They must ask the men for dates, call for them at a bridge between the upper and lower campus, walk on the outside, help the men on and off with their coats-and pay for all entertainments and re- freshments. * * * * A group of graduates from a Chinese uni- versity started an English newspaper and gave the following announcement as to its course of procedure:- "The news of English we tell the latest. Writ in perfectly style and. most earliest. Do a murder commit we hear of it and tell of it. Do a mighty chief die we publish i and border sombre. Staff has each been col- leged and write like the Kipling and the Dickens. We circle every town and extortionate not for advertisements." . ** The Purdue Exponent lists the following rules for campus dates: 1. No dancing on the ceiling. 2. Don't hang feet out of the window. 3. Don't boo chaperones. , 4. No re-cuts - you fathead. 5. Don't get lost in the wiles of the lounges unless you brought her. Famous last lines: Once there was a sorority that never talked about anyone. Opportunity knocks. A professor at North- western University, while performing experiments on a student whom he had hypnotized, was pro- ceeding satisfactorily until he asked the student, "Can you shadow box?" "Sure," replied the student, and landed a re- sounding wallop on the professor's jaw. A Washington BYSTANDER 'Thiese LITTLE KNOWN FACTS May Mean Much To You! The new Science of Seeing has brought to light important facts about eyesight that may materially >ou. For example, do you know: many affect WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner, Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helen Shapland, Betty Simonds. Grace. Snyder, Margaretta Kohlig, Ruth Clarke,- Edith Hamilton, Ruth Dicke, Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar- dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper, Marjorie Langenderfer, Geraldine Lehman, Betty Woodworth. NIGHT EDITOR: THOMAS E. GROEHN From'Sans Souci' To Fighting Hundred. D EPENDING ON HOW one figures it, the Varsity Band may or may not be 75 years old this year. The best authorities seem to agree that it is, and so, if it wished, the band could very appropriately celebrate its ripe old age. The musical organization of six men that began to function in 1859 was whimsically called "Les Sans Souci." An old sepia photograph of this group hangs in the band rehearsal room in Morris Hall, forming the first link in the chain of evidence as to the band's illustrious past. Much of the early data on the band has been lost, and appeals to alumni and others have failed to elicit desired information, but from what is known an outline of the band's history is presented in today's Alumnus. The band began to play at football games in 1897, according to one account, though only par- tially recognized by the athletic association. Prob- ably Chicago was the longest out-of-town trip it had made before 1914, when it went down to Har- vard and startled the East. George Olsen, nation- ally-known dance orchestra leader, is credited with being the one to invent the stunt of throwing his baton over the crossbar. Now, having gained official recognition as a unit of the University in 1913, the band is fully appre- ciated as. one of the most important activities connected with University life. Its membership is kept at approximately 100, with a staff of a dozen men. It is called upon not only to play at football games but on every other imaginable occa- sion. In the Middle West, where college bands have swollen to tremendous sizes, there are many which outnumber the Fighting Hundred, but few if any that can either out-play or out-maneuver it. Wherever it has gone it has been popularly feted and acclaimed, not only by Michigan men but by others as well. When 9,000 men and women are enrolled in one big university, there are few interests common to all. If there is any one group that can be called the greatest rallying force of all, that group is the Varsity Band. Perhaps nothing, not even a winning football team, is so capable of making the average Michigan student feel his loyalty for the University as the band marching into Hill Audi- torium on a pep meeting night or leaving the football field on the swell of "The Victors." Whether it be fully 75 years of age or not, the [Campus 'Opinion December Advance To the Editor: With your permission, we, the editors of Ad- vance, would like to inform the campus at large, students and faculty members who have shown interest in our first (November) issue, and those who were unable to purchase a copy because of the sell-out of the issue, of our plans for the December issue. To all who are potential contrib- utors to our literary and critical monthly, which is interested in fostering a literature which is anything but divorced from the forces which mo- tivate society, we would first like to offer some suggestions. A small news article appearing recently in The Daily told of the large amount of contributions we were receiving. The impression it gave was that we had so much, we wouldn't be interested in any more for some time. This is not so. It is true, that material for our December issue, which will appear the first Monday of the month, for a cam- pus sale to last a number of days, has- already been chosen. We are already making plans for our January issue, and there is plenty of space for many new contributions. The deadline for the Jan- uary issue is the last school day of the year. We have received some contributions anonymously, or signed with pseudonyms, but with no indi- cations as to the identity of the author. We are willing to print such material and attribute it to whatever name signed, but, for our own protec- tion (against plagiarism and other technical mat- ters), we must know who the real author is. We shall be forced to throw out all contributions that do not meet these requirements, regardless of merit. A word about our December issue, and we shall close. We promise an issue superior in quality to our last. Our choice of contents for the No- vember issue was guided by a desire to show typical material, and we were thus forced to postpone other material that was comparatively better writ- ten. Not that we are in any way ashamed of our first issue. On the contrary, we are proud of it. And we are also proud of the University students and faculty who aided in its success by buying out the complete issue about 10 hours after it was put on sale. Featured in the December issue is a story by K. Ratliff, author of that very fine essay, "Production," printed in the November issue. There will be other stories, a number of analytical essays of the contemporary scene, a number of poems by students of this school and others, and many items of interest to all. And all for the nominal price of a dime. -The Editors, Advance. As Others See I E On Magazines A MAN is judged by his friends; a student is judged by his books. And yet the proprietors of the cafeteria news- stands have seen fit to erect in a public and con- spicuous campus location a magazine rack filled to overflow with such choice journals as Bill Barnes Adventure Stories and War Aces. The Scholastic does not, for a moment, insinuate that the reading of these magazines signifies a depraved taste. They may, although we think it highly improbable, provide excellent relaxation for intellectuals. The common consensus of opinion is, however, that, while Bill Barnes may be fit reading for a coal-heaver, it is hardly fit reading for a university student. Many freshmen come to Notre Dame with the idea of throwing aside their Bill Barnes and taking up Harper's. Upon seeing the display in the cafe- teria, however, their resolution to expose them- selves to some worthwhile reading is shattered. In high school they had to hide Bill Barnes in their desks; at Notre Dame Bill Barnes occupies a prominent space in the only magazine rack on the campus. Those in charge of the rack say that they are unnecessary eyestrain and fatigue. permitted to go to the ceiling, so as to reduce the harsh contrast, which is bad for the eyes. There is no subsitute for the services of an eyesight specialist, but good lighting protects eyes young and old. THAT - a man who uses his eyes under poor lighting conditions for prolonged periods frequently suffers more nervous-musicular tension than a manual worker? If your occupation is of a type that places a burden on your eyes, it will pay you to check the lighting carefully. THAT - it takes three times as much light to read a news- paper with the same ease as it does a well-printed book? Examine your lighting at home this evening: See if it is adequate for the difficult seeing job of reading a newspaper. THAT- poor lighting is one of the causes of near- sightedness? THAT -it is estimated, we are using our eyes .for severe .visual tasks about 30% more than was common a genera- tion ago - and many times more than a century ago? THAT - good lighting aids defective eyes even more than it does normal eyes? THAT - reading with the page brightly illuminated and the rest of the room comparatively dark often causes Some light should be I The DETROIT EDISON COMPANY By KIRKE SIMPSON 1WITH a dozen-vote shortage of the two-thirds majority necessary for ratification of the St. Lawrence waterway and power pact facing him in the Senate last March, President Roosevelt merely said it would be re-submitted. Now, with his hold on the Senate vastly strengthened by election results, the President"s enthusiasm over what he saw and learned in his new Tennessee valley tour, plainly forecasts that re-submission early in the coming session of Congress. Despite the solid two-thirds control of the Sen- ate by his party established in the elections, ratifi- cation of the St: Lawrence treaty is not by any means a mathematical certainty. Twenty-two of 42 votes against the treaty were cast by Democrats last March. All still are in the Senate. Two of the 14 Republicans who voted for the treaty then, Fess of Ohio and Robinson of Indiana, have been re- placed by Democrats. Dill of Washington, another treaty supporter, also has been replaced by another Democrat, Schwellenbach. LACKING DIRECT STATEMENTS of the atti- tude of these Democratic newcomers, it seems that the pro-treaty group probably suffered no election losses. It might appear that some net gains for the treaty were to be expected out of defeat of so many of- its Republican opponents. A half-dozen of them surrendered their seats to Dem- ocrats. Yet, judged by how their colleagues, in many cases Democrats, voted last March, there might be no change whatever in a new Senate poll. Goldsborough of Maryland, for instance, went out in favor of Radcliffe, Democrat. In the March vote, however, Tydings, Maryland Democrat, en- thusiastic Roosevelt supporter on almost every other measure, voted "no" on the St. Lawrence pact.,The same is true in the change of a West Virginia seat. Hatfield, defeated Republican, voted "no" on the treaty but so did Neely, hold-over Democrat. Where will the new "baby senator," Holt of West Virginia, be found? In Missouri the same situation exists. Patterson defeated Republican, and Clark, hold-over Demo- crat, both cast "no" votes. In Connecticut, Wal- cott, ousted Republican, and Lonergan, hold-over Democrat, were both lined up against. In Penn- sylvania both Republicans, Reed, now out, and Da- vis, hold-over. were against the treaty. Where will Guffey, Democratic newcomer, stand? 0BVIOUSLY, PRESIDENTIAL confidence last March could not have been based on expecta- tion of any such victory as his party achieved in November. It was not on an expected election, BETTER LIG'H'T - BE'TTER SIGHT READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS Religifous Activitites The Fellowship of Hillel Foundation Zion Lutheran Liberal Religion Corner East University and Oakland Church (UNITARIAN) Dr. Bernard Heller, Director Washington at Fifth Avenue State and Huron Streets November 25, 1934 E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor November 25, 1934 "The Genuine and Spurious November 25, 1934 Claims of Higher Critics" 5 o'clock Thanksgiing Farmly2 .9:00 A.M.-Bible School, lesson topic, 2:30 P.M. -Class on Jewish Ethics "The Christian Steward." Service led by Hirsh Hoodkins. Special readings, symbolic con:- 10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon on, munion and sermon to children. 6:00 P.M.-Meeting of the Jewish Buffet Supper to follow, fraternity house presidents at the "Our Church's Iner foundation. Mission Work" 7:30 o'clock 8:00 P.M.-General meeting of the by the Rev. C. F. Schaffnit of Detroit Student organized independent Jewish stu- DicsinGopdents at the foundation. 5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and Discussion Group supper. Following the program there will be 8:30 P.M. -Lecture by Mrs. Sellars a dance demonstration by stu- On "Socialism, Realism, and So- 6:45 P.M.-Thanksgiving program, dents of women's athletic de- viet Literature.":M .tanksgb, ingad r m partment. Miss Alta Iaab, leader. First Methodist St. Paul's Lutheran Episopal hurh _ (Missouri Synod); Epicoa Churh "s* s"* West Liberty and Third Sts. State and Washington Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor Charles W. Brashares, Minister DO NOT November 25, 1934 November 25. 1934 9:45 -College Age Class for young N EGLECT 9:30 A.M.-Sunday School men nd wmenin te blcon of9:30 A.M.-The Service in German. the church auditorium. Dr. RoyR 10:45 A.M-The Morning Worship- J. Burroughs is the teacher.YO R Sermon -by the pastor: 10:45-Morning Worship Service: "The Final Judgment" "A PPR IATIAM" a . .. - _F J A' I