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November 23, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-23

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FRIDAY, NO'S E31BER 2,3, 1934


Scholarships In
Public Affairs
To Be Offered

Students Burn College Professor In Effigy


Will Consist


Laboratory Training At
Brown Is In Charge
Upperclassmen, Graduates
Eligible; Plan To Take
Effect In February
A laboratory training in public af-
fairs at Washington will be the award
given to scholarship winners from
universities throughout the country
under the new educational plan spon-
sored by the National Institution of
Public Affairs, Prof. Everett S. Brown
of the political science department
announced yesterday. The plan will
go into effect during February and
March of next year.
Scholarships are open to juniors,
seniors, graduate students, and recent
graduates of the University who have
a strong scholastic standing and have
demonstrated an interest in politics
and government. Candidates must also
have certain qualities of character and
ability having to dodwith leadership,
Professor Brown said.
In most cases all expenses in con-
nection with the two-month train-
ing period will be assumed by the
National Institution, but in a few in-
stances, board and room expenses
will be excluded.
First Hand Study
Training while the students are
in Washington will include confer-
ences and forums with high govern-{
mental officials and also the tutoring
of small groups for individual con-
tacts and relations with government
officials. The students will be given
an opportunity for a first hand study
of the practical operations of the
major functions of the Federal gov-
After this the student will be givent
a special case problem of his own
choice on which to work. A thesist
on the training period will be writtenr
by each student after he has served t
al "interneship" in some departmentr
of the government service which he
The purpose of the program, as ex- r
plained by Otis T. Wingo, Jr., in the
July issue of the National MunicipalY
Review, is to give worthy students
the advantagesof a practical, first-r
hand study of the workings of their
government and to prepare them for
leadership in public affairs.
Non-Partisan Organization t
Professor Brown explained that the
National Institution is a non-partisanr
organization numbering among its
members many of the best-known ed
ucators and ten engaged in the pub-t
lie affairs of the country.
Students who wish to compete for3
the scholarships must first apply to
the office of the National Institution
of Public Affairs, Washington, D.C.
Their applications will then be re-..
ferred to a University committee ap-
pointed by Dean Kraus and Qf whicha
Professor Brown is chairman. Other
members of the committee are Prof.t
Arthur W. Bromage of the political
science department, Prof. Dwight L.I
Dumond of the history department,i
Prof. Max S. Handman of the eco-
nomics department, and Prof. Rod- 1
erick D. McKenzie of the sociology
Questions concerning the program Y
may be addressed to any member oft
the committee at any time, Professor
Brown said.1
R.O.T.C. Unit To
BiId .Addition
To Rifle Range'
Enlargement Is Necessary'

Because Of Increase In
A supplementary rifle range is be-
ing constructed in the headquarters;
building of the University R.O.T.C.
under the direction of Capt. Rosswell
E. Hardy, assistant professor of mil-
itary science and tactics and coach of
the rifle team this year.
Because of the steadily increasing
enrollment of the unit, conditions
have become constantly more congest-
ed in the main range. The entire
freshman class. the largest of the
four divisions, has to utilize its fa-
cilities in the study of rifle marks-
manship, as do the sophomores in
automatic rifle work and the juniors
in study of the howitzer weapons, and
the machine gun. In addition to this
the rifle team also uses the range,
necessitating some enlargement.
This has been ' done by fixing a
number of target boxes along the
east side of the drill hall, so placed
that the structures ordinarily in front
of the targets may be folded and
placed over the boxes while drill is


Youth Group
Will Convene
In Ann Arbor
Clifford Announces Plans
For Youth Congress In
Plans for the first Michigan Youth
Congress, to be held here December
14, 15, and 16, were announced yester-
day by Arthur F. Clifford, '35, secre-
tary of the provisional committee in!
charge of arrangements. The conven-
tion will be one of a group of regional
congresses growing out of the National
Youth Congress held at New York last
The purpose of the congress, spon-
sored by young people's organizations
throughout the State, is to bring
young people together to investigate
the problems of the younger genera-
tion of today by discussion for the
exchange of ideas, and by the ad-,
dresses of national leaders in the field
of youth organization. The list of
speakers to be invited will be selected
next week.
Round Table Meetings
Plans call for round table discus-
sions and at the final meeting a com-
nittee will be chosen to continue the
work of the congress after adjourn-
ment of the convention.
At the National Congress delegates'
representing 1,700,000 boys and girls
in youth organizations throughout
the country met in a similar conven-
tion with considerable progress. Re-
gional meetings are being planned all
over the country to carry on the work.
Every organized group in Michigan
is entitled to two delegates, plus an
additional delegate for every 100
members or major fraction thereof.
A preliminary conference of dele-
gates from Washtenaw County groups1
will be held Dec. 1 to help plan the
congress. County organizations are
urged to elect their representatives in
time for the meeting.
Many Endorsers
Among the endorsers are the State
Association of Y.M.C.A.'s, the Ann
Arbor Youth Council, Ann Arbor and
Detroit Y.W.C.A.'s, the Detroit Jewish
Youth Council, Dunbar Center,~ and
the Young Negro Co-operative League.
Individual backers include Dr. Charles
A. Fisher of the University Extension
Division, Frank Cody, superintendent
of Detroit schools and Wayne Univer-
sity president, Dean James B. Edmon-
son of the School of Education, and
Dr. Allen J. Babcock of St. Mary's
Several departments of the Univer-
sity, including the Extension Division
and the School of Education, are co-

McGuire Accuses Butler Of Publicity Stunt

Failure Looms
In Community
Fund Projects
Less Than Two-Thirds Of
Goal Pledged After Ten
Day Drive
Failure loomed for the annual
Community Fund Drive when addi-
tional pledges amounting to only
$5,494.72 were reported at the lunch-
Seon held yesterday noon in the Mas-
onic Temple. A total of $38,710,
which is less than two-thirds of the
$60,000 goal has been pledged to the
fund' in 10 days of intensive solici-
In a final attempt to at least reach
last year's goal of $44,000, the cam-
paign will be held over until Mon-
day, although it was scheduled to
end yesterday, campaign officials an-
nounced at the luncheon. Since only
1,600 persons have made contributions
to the fund, it was felt that many
groups who would be willing to con-
tribute if they were contacted, could
be solicited in the next few days.
In several of the divisions, returns
are coming in very slowly, and the
pledges of such divisions will greatly
increase the total.
The University division, headed by
Prof. Robert Rodkey of the business
administration school, has so far con-
tributed $13,058, approximately one-
third of the total. Of this total,
$2,063.50 was reported at the lunch-
eon yesterday.
To date, the totals of the divisions
are as follows: the automobile group,
$1,250; financial, $1,285; construction,
$675; clothing, $1,937; furnishings,
$1,006; food, $230 official, $280.50; or-
ganization, $2,527; public service,
$2,710.50; professional, $406; indus-
trial, $550; and women's, $2,088.50.


After engaging in fisticuffs w
students of the College of the City of
of the school's president, FrederickI
are shown speaking before a studen
sion of 21 undergraduates who demo
from fascist Italy. Note that one
represented Premier Mussolini.

-Associated Press Photo
ith police, more than 500 striking
New York burned in effigy the figure
B. Robinson. Student strike leaders
t crowd in protest against the expul-
onstrated against a visit of students
e side of the double-headed effigy

The assertion by Major General . -
Smedley D. Butler (above) that he
had been asked to organize 500,000
veterans into a fascist army was
branded a "publicity stunt" by Ger-
ald C. McGuire (right), Wall Street
bond salesman, who was named by
the former marine corps chief as the
man who urged him to head the army.
-Associated Press Photos
Piccards To Relate All Events
Of Latest Stratosphere Flight

German Fugitive Tells Story
Of Escape From Prison C a m p
By MARSHALL D. SHULMAN Hamburg, could be seen ocean liners
Tortures of super-inquisitorial bar- going out to sea. "Could they believe,"
barism and brutal demolition of every asks Liepmann, "that within such a
vestige of the once-great German short distance of them, men were be-
civilization are a part of the drive ing literally beaten to death?"
to obtain conformity in Nazi Ger- In his book, Liepmann charges that
many today, Detroit audiences heard Hindenburg, a day before the Reich'
this week from Heinz Liepmann, Ger- committee to investigate fascist activ-
man author and playwright. ities on the Austrian border was to
Author of "Wanderers in the Mist," meet, appointed Adolph Hitler to the
Harper prize novel of 1931, and achancellorship in 1933, whereupon the
more recent, book, "Murder -M ade Reich was immediately dissolved and
in Germany." Mr. Liepmann related further investigations dropped.
his personas experiences in a Nazi Convicted InHnHolland
concentration camp at Wittmoor, Vhen he was convicted in Holland
from which he escaped by swimming lof printing libelous material, he stated f
almost six hours in the river Elbe. that the judge warned him, "You
Three principal causes were as- I are not being convicted for not tell-
signed by Mr. Liepmann for the phe- ing the truth, but you are sentenced
nomenai growth of German Fascism. because you have published the
First, he pointed out, was the ter- truth."
rible condition in which post-war Ger- "I have sincerely tried to find the
many found herself. Only 29 years old, spiritual and philosophical basis for
Mr. Liepmann described graphically Hitler's fascism," Liepmann told his
the conditions of despair that pret audience, "but I believe that there
vailed in German throughout his is nothing genuine about it - beyond'
youth. the rage of a group of thieves and
Warns America saddists in search for a scape-goat.
Secondly, the republic did not rec- "Universities in Germany are sad
oecndtherinepudaei notper- derelicts of their former glories," said
ognize thc imminent danger iner Mr. Liepmann. "The teachings have
mitting the early fascists to carry eriedann ormetais in-v
on their activities. In this, Mr. Liep- been revied to conform to Nazi prin-
mann intimated a warning to Amer- ciples, and everything else has been
ica to guard against similar condi- I ruthlessly outlawed. American tour-
tions. ists are allowed f tll freedom in Ger-
Thirdly, thinks Mr. Liepmann, the many even now, although, should they
ruthless procedure of the Nazi leaders prove too inquisitive, they are taken
in erasing all national political dis- into custody and treated badly."
sension by the simple expedient of
literally murdering those who were 'Medieval Latin' Topic
disposed to objection. Of Meinecke'sSpeech
Broken in health from the beatings

In a long-distance telephone in-
terview yesterday, Prof. Jean Piccard
stated that all the interesting events
of his recent 10-mile flight into the
stratosphere will be recounted in the
lecture to be given at 8:15 p.m. Mon-
day, Nov. 26, in Hill Auditorium. Mrs.
Piccard, his pilot, will also speak.
During the interview Professor Pic-
card told, in part, about the flight,
and referred the writer to an article
in the New York Times of Oct. 24.
In this article the scientist relates
how after rising above 20,000 feet
it was impossible to see the ground
because of a heavy fog in the at-
mosphere immediately below them.
This made it impossible for the pair
to determine their exact location and
rate ofspeed.Because it is possible
to attain a speed of between 100 and
200 miles per hour in the stratosphere,
the couple were afraid of traveling
upeI4LI~ig I~l I~u~lj~lL~l~ ~L~i~l~iigeuiuI~4. to1a-atadcoigeoni n

just before 3 p.m., and after about
eight hours in the air. The pair
had some difficulty in bringing the
balloon down, and time after time
were forced to hold the valve of the
balloon open for long periods of time.
The clear atmosphere between the
fog and the earth was very narrow,
and it was necessary to come down
slowly in order not to land on a
building or house.
When the gondola was very near to
the ground once, a rope from the
balloon was dragging. Glen Cope,
a farmer, made a valiant attempt to
halt the balloon and seized the rope
and tried to tie it to his tractor. The
balloon pulled the rope from his bands
and scraped the top of a 75-foot
elm, the branches tearing the bag
of the balloon badly.
Some parts of the gondola were
dented by the rough landing, but all
the valuable instruments were un-
damaged. Not even a very delicate
mercurical barometer was broken. -


operating in completing arrangements too far fast and coming down in the
for the Michigan Congress. Atlantic Ocean.
At a later point in the flight, the
Piccards were tempted to try for an
Twenty Years A go I altitude record. But partly because
of the foggy atmosphere below and
From the Daily files of because they did not care to risk
November 23, 1914 I tumbling through the lower altitudes,
they decided not to try for the record.
Unconfirmed rumors, originating' The exact worth of the data gath-y
in New York, persistently tell that ne- ered by the two scientists on the cos-
gotiations are under way for a foot- mic ray is not yet known. But the
ball game between Dartmouth and couple were in the stratosphere more
Michigan to be played on the Polo than two hours, and it is very pos-
Grounds in New York City. sible that the data will prov6 of in-
M *finite value.
Sylvan S. Grosner, '14L, author of Some idea of the temperatures in
this year's Union Opera, announced the upper regions may be gained
that, present plans succeeding, the from Professor Piccard's story. At
1914-15 opera cast will play before one time the thermometer on the out-.
six large cities during spring vaca- side of the gondola registered minus
tion. 60 degrees. The Piccards, however,



the Moonlight Ride
Friday night at 8:00
University Men's Club
University Women's Club
7270 - Free Transportation

Your Mention, Please
LAVORIS-Verb and noun should
appear in the next edition of
your great and unabridged.
LAV-OBIS (L'av-or-is) v.t. To
Lavoris, i.e. to wash mouth and
throat with Lavoris; expelling
unhealthy and unpleasant ac-
cumulation, leaving a purified,
refreshed condition.
LAY-ORIS (noun). Mouth wash
and gargle supreme, sold at all
drug stores in 3 sizes-4 oz., 9
oz., and 20 os., (economy bot-
NOTE: We will pay $2.00 for accepted
dialogue suggestions appropriate to this
series (No drawings). We reserve the right
to publish same,eand to give author's nme
and University. Address: Lavoris Co.;
934 Third Street No., Minneapolis, Minn.

he received with
truncheon while he
centration camp,I
knows that he canm

a hard-rubber
was in the con-
Heinz Liepmann
ot live two years

more. He has dedicated his remaining
strength to the cause of re-establish-
ing sanity in his beloved Father-
Father Was Killed
Liepmann's father was killed fight-
ing for his country during the war.
His mother died of starvation. Heinz
at that time was 13 years old. "I can-

Prof. Bruno Meinecke of the Latin
department delivered an address on
"Medieval Latin" at a luncheon of
the Detroit Classical Teachers club
Professor Meinecke discussed the
intrinsic value of medieval Latin, and
its relation to classical Latin. He also
talked about the Latin literature of
the Middle Ages and its characteristic

Although nothing definite has been
arranged, plans are under way to;
hold a musical soon in Hill Auditor-
ium for the benefit of the European
war sufferers.
Senator Robert M. LaFollette of
Wisconsin will deliver an address in
Ann Arbor early in December, under
the auspices of the Oratorical Asso-
As an aid in the Red Cross Christ-
mas seal sale and the anti-tubercu-
losis campaign, a motion picture deal-
ing with the problem of tuberculosis
in children has been prepared by
Thomas A. Edison and will be shown
throughout the country.

were very comfortable, the tempera-
ture in the gondola ranging from
about 50 to 66 degrees.
The unceremonious landing came




I . E )

not recall that either I or any of Emory J. Hyde, '04L, president, and
mygchildhooacdquaintaneseverT. Hawley Tapping, '16L, general
laughed or played," he said -grimly,isecretary, of the Alumni Association,
in describing conditions in his coun- ysedyatne h raiain
try even prior to the advent of Hitler. m yesterday attended the organization
"Al I emeberof he aris hemeeting of the new University of
"All I remember of the War, is the seMichigan Club at Portsmouth, O.
despair of the people in the streets I----------- -__
-old people, whose savings had been
swept away by inflation; the somber
celebration at the end of the War;
and the expression that I still carry
e.in my heart: 'Deutschland Uber' Al- *W f
les.' "e

'{( ,.-
:rt 1
:t ' !
:x "
;.. -


Fern these

Reading passages from his recent
book, in which the central character
suffers the experiences that he him-
self underwent, Liepmann portrayed
the camp at Wittmoor, where 36 men
lay huddled together for warmth,
while listening to the constant
screams of a man demented by tor-
ture. Out on the Elbe, coming from

riday specials.

You. will waint to attend
the regular membership
dances this week-end.

grilled small sirloin steak . .
fried deep sea scallops ....
fried filet of sole . . . . . . ..


You will find the UNION
a plcasant place to (lance!
Friday 9-1; Saturday 9-12


always the best in quality..
personal service and low reason-





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