The Weather
Cloudy and colder, snow flur-
ries in north portions Friday;
unsettled and warmer, rain.
C, 0.4 r
litr zgau-
Class Spirit Degenerated ...
Interneships In Government...
Standing Room At Oxford ...
Plans For
Idle Youth
Program Is Proposed For
Washington Approval,
Financial Aid
Prof. Myers, Dean
Ed ofso Serve
Scheme Is ConceiVed In
Response To Statistics
On Youth Criminals
War As Possible
Outcome Of-Naval Conference
Headlines of the week proclaim dulge in a ship-building contest. Al-
"Japan Withdraws From Naval Con- though she probably wants her in-
ference," and "Possibility Seen Of creased navy to consolidate her out-
Unrest In Orient." lying possessions, she is far inferior
Political analysts see the end.of the to both the United States and Great-
Geneva naval conversations; one Britain in resources and would be
more attempt at peace settlements left far behind in a navy building.
seems about to go to pieces under race," he stated.
conflicting desires of nations. "Under the terms of the Washing-
What significance is there to be ton Naval Treaty of 1922, a definite
seen in this latest move? Will it tonnage ration of 5-5-3 between Great
mean war with the East? Britain, United States, and Japan was
"A great deal of tension is sure to established. This applied only to'
follow the dissolution of the confer- capital ships."
ence," said Prof. Preston W. Slosson Later, however, when a previous
of the history department. "It is conference at Geneva was called for
quite within the range of possibility the purpose of establishing a simi-
that war of some sort may ensue. lar treaty with regard to lighter naval
When nations begin to challenge each vessels, it faile.d miserably. "It was
other's supremacy on the seas, the not until the London conference, dur-
stage is being set for international ing President Hoover's administra-
conflict." tion, that an agreement was reached."
"Japan is seeking eauality with the " At present the Japanese delega-
FERA Course
To Be Given
On Aviation
Many Ground Schools To
Be Established Under
Proposed Plan
Ann Arbor Chosen
As One Of Schools
Three On Hospital Staff
Killed, Four Injured, In
Auto Crash Near Dexter
Adrian Course
Other Cities.
In State
Started; 36
Are Named
YPSILANTI, Nov. 23- (Fri-
day) -Donald Anderson, an em-
ployee of an Ypsilanti oil com-
pany, was killed early this morn-
ing when the car he was driving
collided with a truck, according
to Ypsilanti nolice_ Thp accident
The first positive step toward the' Sl oocn11,luulu ltl ~l
United States in tonnage of capital
solution of the nation's pressing prob- ships," pointed out Professor Slosson.
lem, "What shall we do with our un- "It is unlikely that they will be able
employed youth?" presented itself as to agree upon such a basis, and it
a possibility here last night. appears that should the naval con-
Plans for a program of community apersthatdshuld, atealicon
service and education for all unem ference disband, a race to establish
ployed youths between the ages of 16 naval supremacy in the Pacific will
and 21 not fit, eligible, or able to at- ensue."
tend regular school were presented "Still, Japan cannot afford to in-
yesterday afternoon at Lansing by a
sub-committee composed of Dean r h
James B. Edmonson and Prof. George Fireshmen Ask
E. Myers, both of the education
school, and Paul L. Cressman, assis-
tant superintendent of the State de- or Li Of
partment of education.
The plan, an outcome of many Election Rules
mopths of research in the School of
Education, provides many features
that will, in the opinion of the spon- Undergraduate Council To
sors, make it the model from whichegru
other states throughout the union may Receive Petitions From
pattern similar programs.
At the committee conference held Both Parties
at Lansing yesterday, the plan was
presented before Orin W. Kaye, super- Members of both parties in the
intendent of State FERA student re- freshman class were circulating peti-
lief. The definite fate of the plan tions yesterday to be presented to the
pends further consideration of the Undergraduate Council asking a re-
committee today.
Will Use Public Schools turn to the old method of conducting
Details of the plan, although not class elections.
revealed completely, will in general Jack Prout, State Street nominee
tend to utilize the present facilities for the class presidency, last night
of the public school system. Funds stated that both his party and the
for the program are to be provided, opposing group feel that the work they
if approved, by a Federal allottment. have put in since the beginning of
The work would divide the time of the school year will go for nought
the youths between several hours of if the Council insists that the fresh-
work a day at community research man class elections be run under the
and improvements, and an evening or new plan.
afternoon program of education along "We feel," Prout said, "that it is
vocational and cultural lines. A mod- unfair for us to be compelled to hold
crate compensation would be provided our election under the petition plan
for the hours of public service work, inasmuch as we had nothing to do
Coming in response to indications with the illegal conduct which charac-
announced in Washington several terized the sophomore election."
months ago that the administration! No information could be obtained'
would interest itself in a constructive as to how many names had been
program to provide for the numbers signed to the petitions nor when they
of young men and women who are would be presented to the Council.
neither able to attend school nor find
employment, the plan, if approved by ,
the State committee, will be sub- Baler Speaks
mitted to Washington for Federal ap-;
probation, and Federal funds.e
More Youth In Crime
Recent bulletins from educational
research institutions demonstrated toY
the administration that the amount of
money being spent annually upon
the nation's educational system was Describing the University naval
less than one-seventh of that spent tank and its use in the modelling and
to combat crime in this country; it testing of swift and efficient yachtsi
was statistically demonstrated that all over the country, Prof. Louis A.
the increase in crime during the past Baier of the naval architecture de-
few years was directly attributable partment spoke on the "Testing of
to the fact that young men found Yachts" at 10:15 p.m. yesterday over
much idle and unproductive time on Station WJR.
their hands, since the majority of Professor Baier said that "the prob-
crimes were being committed by men lem of ship design has been investi-
under 25 years of age. Thus, the gated most successfully by means of
administration found itself willing to the testing tank, one of the three
co-operate financially with a pro- in the. country being located in the
gram that would present definite ac- West Engineering Building.
tivities for these idle youths, and, it "The University of Michigan naval
was hoped, keep them out of crime, tank is some 300 feet long by 22 feet
According to government statis- in width and filled with fresh water
tics, over 40 per cent of the youths to a depth of about ten feet. Provi-
between the ages of 16 and 21 neither sion is made for the installation of a
attend school nor are gainfully em- false bottom simulating shallow draft
ployed. conditions."
tion is requesting that the tonnage
ratio be revised to 5-4-4, putting Jap-
an on a par with the United States.
Although the most vociferous dis-
agreement seems to be coming from
the Britain delegation, the American
representatives, though silent, do not
seem any more favorably disposed to
the idea."
Action Taken I
By Council On
Rushing Rules
Plan To Alter Ruling On
Transifers; Approve Two
Special Requests
The Executive Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council proposed a
change in the rushing rules yester-,
day and also passed on two petitions
of students desiring to be pledged and
initiated in fraternities.
Herman Fishman, '38. who peti-
tioned for the right to pledge had his
request granted when the committeeI
found that his reasons for not regis-
tering with the Interfraternity Council
at the proper time were valid.-
Dwight Harshbarger, '37, a pledge,i
was given the right to be initiated.
The committee stated that they
wished to go on record as being in
favor of striking from the rushing
rules the clause which preventsupper
class transfers from being initiated at
any time before the second semester
They reasoned. that no matter whatE
grades a transfer had received from!
the school previously attended, he still
would enter this University with a
C average. Likewise, they believed that
a junior should be allowed to be init-
iated because of the short time he
has to make fraternal contacts.
The exact ruling in the rushing
rule states that "Any pledge not elig-
ible at the end of the first semester
for initiation into a fraternity under
the provisions of Article V, Section 2,
will be eligible when he has obtained
at least 26 hours of credit and an
equal or greater number of honor
The proposal of changing the rush-
ing rules will be brought before ther
Interfraternity Council meeting as aj
whole, at their next session, for dis-I
cussion and action, according to Alvin
H. Schleifer, '35, secretary.
In the report of Prof. Ferdinand N.
Menefee's speech to Sigma Rho Tau
on the New Deal, printed in yester-
day's Daily, Professor Menefee was
quoted as discussing the FERA in the
course of his speech.
Professor Menefee has advised The
Daily that he was misquoted in this
particular and also the statement that
"American liberty will be impaired
by 'Santa Claus' acts," and the refer-
ence to "flagrant and indiscriminate
If plans now under consideration occurred N MihaA veue,
by he ductioal iviionof he occurred on Michigan Avenue,
by the Educational Division of the two miles east of Ypsilanti.
Federal Emergency Relief Adminis-
tration are accepted, Ann Arbor will
soon have an aviation ground school Open H eari "I
supported by FERA funds, according O
to an announcement issued yester-
day by the State government at Lan- I s Scheduled
sing. The plans have been approved;
by Orin Kaye, head of the Education- I On Cab Rates
al Division. U s
The plans call tentatively for the
establishment of these schools in 36 Meeting Called By Council
cities in Michigan alone, in addition
to Adrian, where the first of the A f t e r Dissension On
schools is already functioning. Cen- Rate-Fixin
ters in this section of the State in-
clude Ypsilanti, Flint, Pontiac, Lan- With a public hearing on taxicab
sing, Jackson, Detroit, and Howell. rates scheduled for 7:30 p.m. today
Text Books Only Cost in council chambers in the City Hall,
The only cost for those attending every one of Ann Arbor's 50-odd taxi
the classes will be the cost of the text- drivers will have an opportunity to
books used in the course. Some funds tell members of the Council what rates
are already available for the payment should be charged, and what method
of instructors, whose salaries will should be used to compute charges.
probably be very nominal. The hearing, which is plannedto
The courses will be given on the give the finishing touch to more than
basis of a two-week course with three a month of undercover price-cutting
three-hour classes each week. A uni- and price-discussion by practically all
form standard text will be used in all local cab operators, was fixed by the
localities, and periodic examinations Council after a storm of dissension
will be required. The work given in had arisen over the rate-standardiza-
this course will be such that a grad- tion ordinance which had been passed
uate will be qualified to pass the writ- on its first two readings.
ten examination required for any De- The ordinance, as passed thus far,
partment of Commerce Pilot's License. would standardize rates at 35 cents for
one passenger and 50 cents for two
Airports Improved to five passengers, and would give the
In tne past year, thousands of dol- Mayor power to revoke the license of
lars have been expended on the im- any driver found to have violated this
provement of existing airports in the ruling.
State, and the development of new At last Monday's Council meeting,
fields. It is hoped that the planned a petition signed by managers of three
FERA aviation courses will create an companies was read to the Council,
interest in these local airports and asking that the ordinance be voted
aviation in general. A complete list down and stating that these firms
of the towns tentatively chosen fol- believed that more business would re-
lows: sult from a lowering of present rates.
Allegan, Alma, Ann Arbor, Battle Another petition signed by Carl
Creek, Bay City, Benton Harbor, Cad- Hilty, '35, president of the Under-
illac, Caro, Coldwater, Crystal Falls, graduate Council, favoring lower rates
Detroit, Escanaba, Flint, Gladstone, was read.
Grand Rapids, Hancock, Hillsdale,
Houghton, Howell, Ironwood, Jack- Great Britain Still
son, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Marquette,
Marshall, Midland, Monroe, Muske- Ho ino For Pact
gon, Owosso, Pontiac, Port Huron, b
Saginaw, St. Ignace, Sturgis, Traverse LONDON, Nov. 22 -(P-- Sir John
City, Ypsilanti. Simon, foreign secretary, told the
House of Commons today Great Brit-!
J os e I - ziet1 ain will continue her efforts to bring
about an agreement for naval limita-
T,. IP A 1 Vi l1 1A tbncrof+nccf fo
U.S. Sleuths Probe
Mysteries Of The
Presidential Hash
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 22 -1
S0) - The mystery surrounding the
ingredients of hash has finally come
within the purview of, the United
States Secret Service.
The activity of Federal agents in the
culinary line wasrestricted to an in-
vestigation of the turkey hash served
President Roosevelt on his recent visit
to the Hermitage, historic home of
Andrew Jackson, near Nashville.
Col. E. W. Starling, in charge of-
Secret Service men on duty here dur-
ing Mr. Roosevelt's stay at the Little
White House, revealed today that it
was necessary for the turkey hash to
pass inspection before the President
was permitted to eat it.
It's all in the day's work for the
Union Planning
Annual Smoker
To Honor Teaml
Four Nurses And Three
Internes Are Victims In
Overcrowded .Car
Entirely Wrecked
Speeding A u t o
Over Culvert,
Into Tree
Squad, Coaching
Invited; Band Will
At Celebration
Arrangements are now being com-
pleted to accommodate a capacity
crowd in the Union ballroom at the
annual football smokerthonoring the
members of the Varsity squad and
coaching staff to be held at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 27. '
Invitations to attend have been
issued to the entire squad, coaching
staff, and cheerleaders. The 100-piece
Varsity band has also agreed to be
present to furnish music for the cele-
The program of speakers, as ar-
ranged by Robert Johnson, '36, and
Morton Alshuler, '36, student recep-
tion committee members in charge of
the program, includes Walter R. Oke-
son, chairman of the National Inter-
collegiate Football Rules Committee,
Head Coach Harry G. Kipke, Fielding
H. Yost, director of intercollegiate
athletics, Captain Tom Austin, and
other members of the squad.
Tickets for' the smoker are now on
sale and may be obtained either at the
main desk in the lobby of the Union
or from student committeemen. They
are priced at 25 cents each.
Cider and doughnuts will be served1
at the conclusion of the program to
all those in attendance.
Add New Members
To Opera Groups'
Additions to the Union Opera Com-
mittee staff have been announced by
officials of the opera. The commit-
tees are now carrying on the work
of preparing for the production.;
On the program committee is James
Barkdull, '36, in addition to Wencel
Neuman, '36E. Robert Johnson, '36,
and Harold Strickland, '36E, will have
charge of the theater committee,
and Robert Atkins, '36, is working '
with George Wanty, '36, on the ticket
selling committee. '
Three persons were killed in-
stantly and four more seriously in-
jured in an automobile accident dis-
covered at 1:15 this morning four
miles north of Dexter on the Port-
age Lake Road.
All of the seven persons, four
women and three men, who were
involved in the crash were positive-
ly identified as internes and nurses
of the University Hospital.
The dead are:
VIOLET SWANSON, about 25 years
old, and a graduate of St. Luke's Hos-
pital of Chicago, who was believed
to be attached to the staff of the Uni-
versity Hospital. She was definitely
identified by Dr. Albert C. Kerlikow-
ske, resident physician, early this
morning at the Staffan Funeral Home
DR. ROBERT B. MEYER, assist-
ant resident physician in dermatolo-
gy at the hospital. He was formerly
a resident of Oak Harbor, O.
DR. GEORGE R. KING, assistant
resident physician in neurology at
the hospital. Dr. Kerlikowske stated
that he was drivipg the car at the
time of the accident. Dr King was
formerly a resident of Benton Harbor.
the hospital. He was formerly a
resident of Benton Harbor.
The injured are:
the University Hospital, who was
"very seriously injured" and had not
regained consciousness at an early
hour this morning.
regained consciousness after being ad-
mitted to the hospital.
who had also regained consciousness.
DR. WILLIAM F. DEL, interne in
internal medicine at the University
The car, headed for Dexter and
presumably Ann Arbor, came over the
top of a slight rise at a terrific speed
and failed to negotiate an unmarked
turn careening across the highway
into a deep ditch and hitting a tree.
The automobile, a new five-pass-
enger Chevrolet sedan registered un-
der the Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit,
was completely demolished. It was
found in an upright position and had
traveled approximately 50 feet from
the road.
The injured were brought from the
scene of the accident to the Univer-
sity Hospital by a passing motorist
and an ambulance. Miss Shuler, who
was one of the last to be taken to
the hospital for treatment, was the
most seriously injured. Medical au-
thorities expressed fear for her life
this morning.
The bodies of the two men who were
killed were removed to a Dexter fun-
eral parlor.
TVA Called Unique
Project By Lovell
Stressing the significance of the
Tennessee Valley Authority in terms
of the social and industrial develop-
ment of the entire region, Prof. Alfred
H. Lovell, assistant dean and secre-
tary of the engineering college, spoke
last night on the subject, "Federl
Hydro-Electric Projects," before a
meeting of the student branch of the
American Institute of Chemical Engi-
neers held in the West Engineering
The Federal government is at the
present time engaged in three major
To cope with this figure, several
plans have been evolved, but the
sponsors of the plan feel that because
of its simplicity and minimum fin-
ancial requirement, and its similarity
to the principles already applied in
the Civilian Conservation Corp pro-
gram, it will most easily adapt itself
toward the solution of the problem.
Wildcat Band Will
Invade Ann Arbor
On its first invasion of Ann Arbor
in three years, the Northwestern Uni-
versity Band, 125 strong, will appear
in the Stadium Saturday afternoon,
it was announced late yesterday.
The Purple and White band will ar-
rive at 12:30 p.m. at the Michigan
Central station, where it will be metl
by officers of the Varsity Band and
be taken direct to the Stadium in
lniii tg
Similar Programs Of Religion
Offered By Ann Arbor Churches
.l . 1[l -J V ItJFII.1i
Here On Dec. 3
Hungarian Musician Will
Make Local Debut In 4th
Choral Union Concert
Josef Szigeti, prominent Hungarian
violinist, will come to Ann Arbor Dec.
3 to mAke his local debut, playing in
the fourth concert of the current
Choral Union season. The program
will be given in Hill Auditorium.
He was first heard in this country
in 1925 when Leopold Stokowski pre-
sented him to the American public
with the Philadelphia Orchestra.
Unlike many artists, he has been
unwilling to make musical conces-
sions and does not indulge in so-called
"unworthy" music or spectacular
tricks with the violin. However, he
has attained a distinguished position
as an artist of flawless performance.
Szigeti has twice travelled around
the world, each trip being made in
one year. He has been officially hon-I
ored with such decorations as the!
French "Legion of Honor," the Hun-
garian "Ordre Pour Le Merite," and
the Japanese "Jiji Shimpo" gold
He was born in Budapest and early
studied unde' the great violinist, Hu-
bay. He was known as a child prodigy
and made his initial debut at the
Royal Academy when he was 13 years
old. Shortly, thereafter, he played in
Berlin and Dresden, and in a debut
concert at Queen's Hall, London,
where his success was so great that
he remained in England for several
Wnrlrl-u - ir a ri hupflni-al T
"Abreakdown of the systemo f nav-
al limitation would be a great dis-
aster for everybody, not merely for
the powers now in consultation, but
for the world at large," the foreign
secretary declared.
His statement to the House, prom-
ised by Prime Minister Ramsay Mc-
Donald, when he was questioned from,
the floor several daysago, served to
throw into sharp relief the impasse
the three major sea powers - Britain,
Japan and the United States -have
reached in tri-partite conversations
"We are doing our utmost in the
most amicable way," Sir John added.
"There is nothing this country is not
prepared to do within the limits of
its duty to our country and this em-
pire to secure a naval understanding."
Governor Hayden Said To Need
36-Hour Day For Present Job
This is the third of a series of articles
dealing with the religious, social and
educational activities of various relig-
ious organizations on the campus.
The programs of religion offered
to students by the Baptist, Episcopal,
Disciples, Methodist, Presbyterian,
and Lutheran Churches of Ann Arbor
are so similar that they may be pre-
sented as one program given in sev-
eral places.
Worship is the central theme in the
programs at each church. The clergy-
men in the various churches are:
Rev. R. Edward Sayles, of the' Bap-
tist Church; Rev. Henry Lewis, of
the Enieonnal Church,- Rev Fredierick
Each church also sponsors a Stu-
dent Guild or young people's organi-
zation, to carry on student activi-
The Baptist group is known as the
Rodger Williams Guild, and is located
opposite the church on East Huron
St. Rev. Howard Chapman, serving
his ninth year and known as the
"Dean" of campus ministers, is in
Stalker Hall, opposite Ann Arbor
High School, is the headquarters for
the Methodist student group. Classes
are conducted at 9:30 a.m. every Sun-
day by Dr. Roy Burroughs. Miss'
Frances Sweet is the secretary of this
(Former Editorial Director of The Daily)
MANILA, P. I., Nov. 22 - If it were
possible, he could work 36 hours a
day and still not have an opportunity
to attend to all the demands on his
time. There may be a great deal of
argument on the pros and cons of,
having professors as policy formulat-
ors of the government, but Prof.
Joseph Ralston Hayden, Vice-Gov-
ernor of the Philippine Islands, is
undoubtedly contributing to the suc-
cess of the highly popular Murphy
administration of our "little brown
brothers" across the Pacific Ocean.
ProfaceAr r-ravdn n or n r rnnr
high, and diplomacy and tact are
essential to a successful administra-
tion of these warlike, and in general,
uncivilized tribes. The slightest mis-
take may result in a bloody uprising
and many deaths.
The offices of vice-president, or
of lieutenant-governor in many states,
are positions to which pertain honors
and but little opportunity for demon-
strating statesmanship or adminis-
trative ability. But the Vice-Gov-
ernorship of the Philippine Islands
is a full-time job. The incumbent
heads, as Secretary, the Department
of Public Instruction, a government
unit which embraces 30,000 employees
n-rlanl nanrl hal +ha +^+Q