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November 22, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-22

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Physicists Are Giant Trans-Ocea
Discussed B y
Daniel L. Rich
Machine Age Necessitates
Greater Knowledge Of
Science, He Says
Nine hundred and ninety-nine out
of a thousand students who begin the
study of physics will probably never .; .
be physicists, said Prof. Daniel L.
Rich of the physics department in
the sixth talk of the Vocational Guid- -
ance Series given yesterday at 2 p.m.
in Morris Hall.-
Justifying the study of physics,
Prof. Rich declared, "We are using{
machines more and more, which
means that we must know more and
more about the principles underlying
their operation, repair, efficiency and . ...
their possibilities. We must know
more about how to make use of na-
ture's forces and resources. We must This giant "flying clipper" Chip
know more about such prosaic and being carefully guarded from the
important things as force, work, plane is claimed to be capable of(
power, pressure, and electricity. These of three miles a minute. It will b
are the very things discussed in
physics. So the 999 who are studying _
physics for their first and perhaps
for their last time are acquiring much
useful information even though they
never make a living as physicists."
He stated that probably 'only one
person in a million becomes recog-
nized as a world leader in physics,
but he claimed, nevertheless, that AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN
there was room shd even a growing "THE ROYAL FAMILY"
demand for physicists in teaching, H-A Reviw
industry, and pure research.
"Statistics point out," Prof. Rich Play Production's second presenta-
said, "that the college graduate who tion of the year was received with en-
can teach and wants to teach physics a .
has far fewer competitors than the thusiasm last night at its imtial per-
graduate who wants to teach English formance - and deservedly so. This
or foreign language or history." version of "The Royal Family" can
To show the need for physicists in! be freely recommended to Ann Arbor;
industry, he said that many industries in fact, everyone should be urged to
have awakened to the fact that they see it. The play itself is brilliant, and
can progress more rapidly, not byj the execution surprisingly good. Every
confining their thoughts and their ex- element that enters into the produc-
perinents to immediately practical tion of a play has been handled care-
and superficial investigation in their I fully, intelligently, and with a profes-
own, particular and narrow field, but I sionalism that is above the average
by fostering a wider and more funda- in college productions of this sort.
mental s9.ldy of the properties of~ First, something shquld be said
matter igeneral, an investigation about the play. Its setting is in the
of the more basic laws of nature.i New York apartment of the Caven-
_he __r__bs __s__ nature. dishes - all actors, who are dramatic,
temperamental, and a bit hysterical.
u t h eThe curtain rises as telephones, door-
o e r f e r S bells, and buzzers are ringing inces-
santly. Someone wants Miss Julie Cav-
Move To Check e~Ms gye~is
endish, Mr. Tony Cavendish, Miss
Gwen Cavendish. The Cavendishes
(. ) get into motion at the start and are
ed enace kept so until the curtain drops on the
final act. In the interim, reporters
hang around the front door day and
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 21-(P) night Tony rushes in from Hollywood
- A call for the forces of "law and on his way to Europe (for reasons
order" to fight Communism in Amer- which are too hilarious to divulge
ica has been sounded by the south- here), Julie, his sister, swears that
eastern division of the United States she will give up the stage forever
Chamber of Commerce, representing (until someone reminds her that she
business men in 13 southern states will be late for her performance unless
and the District of Columbia.

nic Flying Boat Nearly

Set for Action

University To
Send Delegates

-Associated Press Photo
p intended for transoceanic service is nearing completion at Baltimore after
public for two years. Ordered built by the Pan-American airways, the
carrying 50 passengers across either the Atlantic or the Pacific at a speed
e the largest air liner in service when it spreads its wings in December.

To Convention
Bromage And Pollock To
Attend Political Science
Meeting In Pittsburgh
The University will have two dele-
gates from the political science de-
partment at the annual meeting ofs
the National Municipal League when
lit convenes for the 40th time in Pitts-
burgh next Monday.
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage will lead
a round table discussion on county
government on Monday afternoon
and Prof. James K. Pollock will be inI
charge of the panel discussion on
"Honest Elections" Tuesday morning.
Among the other subjects to be dis-
cussed at the two-day meeting are
citizen action, housing and slum clear-
ance, library problems, metropolitan
government, model tax collection law,
and "The Police Attack Crime."
A number of officers of various city
governments as well as leaders of civic
societies have signified their inten-
tion to participate in the groups tof
be led by Professor Pollock and Pro-
fessor Bromage.
Harold D. Smith, director of the
Michigan Municipal League, has been
invited to join in two discussions Sun-
day afternoon before the regular ses -
sions begin. He will confer with the
league officers on the subjects of cit-
izens councils -and citizen participa-
tion in government. Mr. Smith will
also take part in the discussion of
model tax collection law on Monday..
Science Academy Sees
Curtis' Solar 'Bomb' Film
Dr. Heber D. Curtis, director of
the University Observatory, showed
a motion picturefilm of a recent
solar "bomb" secured at the Mc-.
Math-Hulbert Observatory, before the
meeting of the National Academy of
Sciences held in Cleveland.
This was the first continuous rec-
ord of such solar phenomena to be
secured by the motion picture method.

she hurries), Gwen, her daughter.
fights with her fiancee, makes up, and
fights again with him; and Fanny,
the mother, dictates the family tradi-
tions and keeps them all worked up
about her health. They are a royal
Family, and a very entertaining one.t
Mr. Kaufman has moulded their char-
acters and their escapades into a
high-pitched, well-designed comedy
that will amuse anybody who is in his
right mind and possessed with a sense
of humor.
As for the performance of the ac-
tgrs, probably the most complete and
finished was that of Virginia Frink as
Julie. She does not run away with the
show, but her work is refined, more
subtle than some of the rest, and
graceful.Frank Funk shares honors
with her, as well as Sarah Pierce,
whose part is more difficult than that
of the others.
She has tackled the part with ser-
ious feeling for it, and is better in the
more dramatic episodes than in the
actual characterization. Charles Har-
rell, as Tony, puts so much verve
into his performance that somemay
interpret the result as overacting.
However, his Tony is different from
any other that has been seen before
and has a charm that is indigenous
to it. Mary Pray and Hattie Bell Ross
also deserve bouquets. The other por-
trayals are acceptable with the ex-
ception of that of William Halstead.
He is a much, much better director
than actor.

Fletcher Will
Be Featured At
Faculty Concert
The University Symphony Orches-
tra will give a concert in the Faculty
Concert Series at 4:15 p.m., Sunday,
Nov. 25, in Hill Auditorium. Stanley
Fletcher will be the piano soloist for
the concert.
Mr. Fletcher will make his first
appearance Sunday as a piano soloist
for the orchestra. He is a graduate
of the University, and is now a mem-
ber of the piano faculty of the School
of Music. Mr. Fletcher is well known
as a concert performer and has made
extensive tours of the country.
The University Symphony Orches-
tra is composed of 80 students, and
is under the direction of Dr. Earl V.
The orchestra will commence its
program with "Symphony No. 5 in
C Minor" by Beethoven, including
'Allegro con Brio,' 'Andante con
moto,' 'Allegro," and 'Finale; Allegro.'
Continuing, they will play a tone
poem, "Bethlehem," by Tuthill.
The orchestra will conclude its pro-
gram with "Concerto No. 1 in E
Minor for Pianoforte and Orchestra"
by Chopin, including 'Allegros Maes-
toso,' 'Romanze' and 'Rondo.' Mr.
Fletcher will play the piano solo.
The general public is invited to at-
tend without admission charge.
Isaacs Leads Class On
'Jew In Science' Today
Another in the series of discus-
sions on "The Jewv In Science" will be
given by Prof. Raphael Isaacs of the
medical faculty, at 8 p.m. today, at
the Hillel Foundation. More than the
65 students who attended last week's
class are expected to attend.
Pictures of the group will be taken
for the records of the national Hillelj


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and Plug. Also 3
- Attachments, Relieves Muscular Aches and
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Scalp, Relieves Head-
M aches, etc.
50c Jergen's Lotion.. 36c
$100 Liquid Arvon ..67c
50c Aqua Velva ®.....34c
14 oz. Listerine .... .,.. 59c
$1.00 Pepsodent ntis. 67c
85c Kruschen Salts .. 57c
$1.10 Lady Esther Powd.74c
60c Wild root Wave Set 44c
$1.00 Bon Kora...... 67c
1 0c Radox BATH SALTS . ...1C
75c Noxzema Cream. 49c
25c Woodbury Soap. .19c
$1.00 Cal o nite Powder 74c
Removes Blackheads
Atlas Atomizer....... 69c
For Portable or Standard, L. C. Smith,
Remington, Underwood, or Royal - ONLY J
Size 8/2 x 13 inches
12 Sheets in a Portfolio ........ 23
5Christy Blades . ....18c4
5 Durham Duplex.... 35c
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5 Ever-Ready .,. . . .®.24c
Christy Razor. . . . . . ..'7c
50c Burma Shave .r...35c
50c arbasol..®...3.4c

Styptic Pencils ....,..6c
Shaving Brushes .49c
50c Tek Tooth Brush. 39c
II.. $2.00 La Gerardine . $1.19
I 100 Aspirin Tablets ... 14c q
50c Prophylactic BRO 3 9c
I'l odess NAPKINS .. . ...16c
r. *


Life Struggle Of A Race Is -
Shown In Pottery Of Indians
The new exhibit in the library cor- The Kiowas are Indians of the
ridor cases, consisting of the work of I plains, who, according to their old
Indian artists and representations of legends, originated far to the north-
pottery of the pueblos of the American west. Another kind of talent, in con-
nection with a much higher civiliza-
Southwest, is significant oi the strug- tion, was developed in the pueblos,
gle of a race to readjust its life, ac- or cliff villages of the Indians living
cording to a statement made by Miss near the Mexican border since cen- l
Ella M. Hymans, curator of rare turies before the first Spanish in-
books. vader touched American soil. In the
Mdelicate and painstaking moulding of
leMost srikin of the units of the co their pottery and earthenware, they
lecton re he ortritsmad bybecame far superior to any of the
five young Kiowa Indians, four men, tribes and peoples surrounding them.
and a girl, who were enabled to per- Even today, this pottery is still made
fect their art through the auspices for home use, and has, in addition
of the United States government proved an important source of rev-
throgh he ad o th Indan om-enue for the Indians.
Ths iowtadhavereInrddntheir The history of baked-ware is traced,
The Kiowas have recorded their as well as is possible, by the collec-
history through pictographs for over tion, going from recent products, to
a hundred years, and it is in the per- 2,000 year old pieces. Very early in the
fecting of this old style that these history of man on the North Amer-
young men and women excel. The five ican continent, these Indians, such
chosen were Monroe Tsa-to-ke, Steve as the Hopis, who lived in the pueblos,
Mopope, Jack Hokeah, Spencer Asah, became experts at weaving. A re-
and Miss Bou-ge-tah Smokey. These minder of that fact is that in their
people were selected for showing the ceremonial rituals, they still use the
most promise, but many other mem- ancient designation for the tribe, that
bers of the tribe are considered to of the "basket makers."






November 29th
(We pack, wrap and mail)


We Deliver

Dial 5931

- -
--T-- -




have an almost equal talent.'
Prof. Leslie A. White, acting chair-
man of the anthropology department,
will not meet his classes the remain-
der of this week as he has been called
to El Paso, Texas, for the funeral
of his father.
Professor White traveled by plane
to El Paso. He expects to be back
next week.

Of the 17 pueblos known at the
present time, 11 are still producing
works of art, and the work of eight is
shown here.
SPECIALS - For This Week Only!
$14.00 to $17.50
All Kinds of Selections
Chas. Doukas, Custom Tailor
1319 South Univ'ersity



the hut cellar provides
a pleasant solution to
your thursday night
date problem.. .
new tunes by ross harger and
his music are certain to keep you
on your toes ...
-and...you'll find a congenial
crowd you'll like to mix with ...


I I.


1. .Y








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