25, 1931
Weleome Given
To Members
Of Dormitories
Six: Resideies Entertain
Women With Suppers;
me efiiigs Follow
In an effort to simplify the getting-
acquainted process among large
groups of girls,. the five dormitories
this past week have held parties and
organization meetings 'welcoming the
new members of the house.
The members of Betsy Barbour
IHouse entertained the freshmen with
a popcorn party Wednesday night.
All new girls, were guests of the house
at a buffet supper followed by a regu-
lar house meeting. Miss Ann Var-
don, the newly appointed director,
succeeding Mrs, Leona B. Diekema,
was assisted by Olive Webb, '35., house
president, and Bettina Rightmire,
'36, social chairman.
At Helen Newberry Residence, un-
der the direction of Miss Ruth Pfohl,
louse director, who was assisted by
Miss Vera Howard and Isabella Cur-
rie, '35, new members were entertain-
ed at a buffet supper. An organiza-
tion meeting followed.
Lucille Alm, '35, president of
Martha Cook Building, aided by Mar-
ion Bertsch, '?6, was in charge of the
two parties held in that building for
the new women. Plans for the com-
ing week include a tea dance and
spreads honoring new members of
tpehouse. Formal initiation will be
helot Sunday.
At Mosher-Jordan Halls buffet sup-
pers followed by organization meet-
ings were used as a, means Qf wel-
coming new women to the dormitor-
ies. Mrs. Martha Ray and Miss Isabel
Dudley, directors of the halls, were
in charge.
Buffet suppers were held at Alum-
noe House and Adelia-Cheever resi-
pnce Thursday night. Mrs. Edith
Barnard entertained members of Uni-
versity House at tea Sunday.
Clothes This Year
Still Lean Toward
Casual Simplicity
Ln ungirtg Robes And Pajamas
Are Useful Garb For Studying
It's a point of pride with the col-
lege girl to look well on campus and
in public generally, but there's noth-
ing so soothing to the ego or which
adds so much to your own feeling
of self-respect as being quite sure
that you look nice even in the privacy
of your own boudoir.
Aside from the question of self-
respect, there's comfort to be con-
sidered, and no one is comfortable
trying to study. in the same dress
she wore on campus all day, to say
nothing of the wear and tear on the
dress occassioned by such a proced-
All this points to the necessity for
lounging pajamas or negligees in the
college scene. Lounging pajamas have
been much worn for years, in all kinds,
and varieties of colors, materials and
styles. This season, however, the
negligee is coming back, perhaps as
another .phase of the general style
trend toward femininity.
The negligee appears in just as
many different colors and styles as do
lounging pajamas. Silk crepes are
K oellas Travel In
Northern Europe
Charles Koella of the French de-
partment and, Mrs. Koella arrived
in Ann Arbor saturday after a
European trip of unusual interest.
it included a Scandinavian tour and
a meeting with Mme. Edvard Grie,
widow of the eminent Norwegian
Mr. and Mrs. Koella sailed to
Hamburg on a German liner, and
went fxrom there to Copenhagen.
They spent four weeks with friends
in the Danish. capital, where Mrs.
Koella had previously studied sing-
ing. From Copenhagen they pro-
ceeded to Oslo, Norway, passing a
month in the ancient Norwegian city,
and then travelled through Norway,
visiting Mrs. Koella's relatives.
It was on a visit to a cousin that
the Koellas met Mme. Grieg, now
an old lady of 88. They talked with
her, took pictures of her, and often
saw her walk, still well and spright-
ly, through the woods near her home.
One momento of the trip is a Nor-
wegian national costume which Mrs.
Koella brought back with her. She
will wear it at the lectures she is
to give on Norway this winter.
From the Scandinavian peninsula
the couple proceeded to Lausanne,
Switzerland,. Mr. Koella's former
home. After spending some time in
research at the University of Laus-
anne, Mr. Koella went on to Paris
with Mrs. Koella and studied for
a while at the University of Paris.
perhaps shown the most often but
heavier materials, corduroys and vel-
vets are also popular. Long flowing
sleeves are to be shown most often,
but for really practical use and for
studying the dolman sleeve fitted
tightly at the wrist is less cumber-
some. The only absolute necessity
about the negligee is that it must
be ankle length at least and very
often it trails on the ground with a
short train.
One of the best looking lounginf
robes 've have seen was a dark blue
corduroy lined with silver crepe and
with silver girdle and frogs. Another
of coral crepe fastened at the neck
with a scarf-like effect and various
others were seen which fastened all
the way down the front with large
round buttons.
Sororities Send
Members To
The academic school year is no
the extent of the sorority women':
activities, for the summer vacatior
is the time of many national conven-
tions held in all parts of the country,
Gamma Phi Beta
Marie Murphy, '35. was the dele-
gate from the Beta chanter of Gamma
Phi Beta sorority to the national
sorority convention which was held
in June at Colorado Springs, Colo-
rado. In addition to the regular con-
vention procedure, there were sev.-
eral mountain trips, on one of which
the group went Up on Pike's Peak to
watch the sun rise.
The Leland Stanford delegate,
Mary Elizabeth Doane, has trans;
ferred to Michigan where she will b£
an active member of Beta chapter.
Delta Delta Delta
The Delta Delta Delta sorority held
its national convention this summer
at Virginia Beach, Virginia. Cather-
ine Shannon and Harriet Spiess were
the delegates from this chapter.
Delta Gamma
The members of the Delta Gamma
sorority who attended the national
convention which was held in June
in Lawsonia, Wisconsin, were Alice
Morgan, '35, Betty Aigler, '35, Mary
Reif, '34, Carol Hankey, '34, and
Margaret Harkrich, '35.
Kappa Alpha Theta
Nashville, North Carolina, was the
scene of the national Kappa Alpha
Theta convention in June. Betty
Little and Betty Sinclair were the
delegates from the Michigan chapter.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Isabelle Kanter, '35, was the official
delegate of the Michigan chapter of
Kappa Kappa Gamma at the national
convention held this summer in Yel-
lowstone Park. Barbara Rose, 34, and
Betty Davis, '34, also attended the
That smart casualness, which is. so
to be desired this season, is, accen-
tuated by the correct accessories.'
From hat to shoes the well-dressed
girl will express simplicity. She will
wear the type of clothes which are
equally good for football games or
Hats this year are of almost every
style. The point only is to wear
something that is effective on you.
The wide brimmed sailods, worn
back to give that wide-eyed effect,
or low to remind one of Spain, are
still "in." So are the perky little
tricorns. Then the soft brimmed
sports hat is always acceptable. But
if you would wear the newest thing,
you should choose the tam-o-shanter
type or the alpine hat. They are
both expressive of the new trend to-
ward informal sport clothes.
Big buttons and buckles are points
of interest on the new dresses. They
may be of wood, leather, china, ivory,
rope, metal, or of anything. Their
scope is limitless. Schiaparelli is
responsible for the diversion in but-
tons. She likes to take ordinary
things and do things to them, a
safety pin, huge nail, harness buckle.
or studs offa dog collar.
Then there are bows, but if, there
be bows, they must be big, bold bows,
not little dainty bows. Plain dress-
es . feature bows. The new plaids
demand them, and even blouses have
then. They seem to fit in with the
artistic aspect of the new tam hats.
Scarfs come in with the bows. They
may be ascot or just the old fashioned
knotted Scotch plaid. One designer
shows scarfs worn as sashes 'with
sports dresses.
Then there are gloves. These too
are comfortable and simple. They
may be worn slightly larger than
The simplicity which starts with
the hats rather weakens when it
LAWRENCE TIBBETT is a hero in many divisions of musical art
- concert, opera, radio, and the movies. Pronounced natural gifts
augmented by definite, serious and continued , intellgent study
have combined to. win for him distinction everywhere. His magnifi-
cent voice, finely schooled, gives him a tremendous advantage.
Behind this is supreme musicianship and culture, and back of it
all is the "way" he does things.
Possessor of a powerful personality and an equally forceful
imagination, Mr. Tibbett, with deep thought and insight into all
that he undertakes, is a creator of originals -not a copyist or
His entire study, development, and fame are "American made,"
and he has thus been completely free from international influences
which might otherwise affect his ideals. Here Thursday, Nov. Ist.
reaches the shoes, for shoe design-
ers have tried to make shoes more
ornate. They have only succeeded
in obtaining tiny buckles and stitch-
ings. Solid leather heels are popu-
lar too, but the general trend insists
on the smart sport shoe which is best
with the new sport clothes.
Shop with easeI
rat,. .
I The
If you are not acquainted
with us . . . . drop in,
and browse around.
Years of experience have
have taught us how to
select the proper FROCKS
for all of your CAMPUS ,
activities at prices within
the Coed's allowance.
645 East William
Just a Block from State St.
ROSA PONSELLE is a source of pride to her native America
and to the land of her ancestors, musical Italy. Endowed with
superlative musical gifts, as a girl she amazed all who knew her
and thrilled many audiences. A short period of intensive and
intelligent study climaxed her artistic endowments, and almost
"over night" she found herself triumphing in major roles at the
world's most august opera house, the Metropolitan.
Season after season her popularity in both opera and recital
has radiantly developed, and everywhere she is a favorite. Now,
after a dozen years, she has reached the poise and maturity of a
world performer, and is still in the radiant bloom of youth with a
brilliant and attractive art and personality which glow with
freshness and beauty. Her Festival and concert successes in Hill
Auditorium have been so pronounced that she has been brought
back many times in response to insistent demands of enthusiastic
concert patrons. Here Oct. 24th.
SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, in the season now beginniig, en upan his second decade in America
as the conductor of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
Since 1924, when this most vivid figure among European c:njxcIe 4 took the direction of
this traditionally great orchestra, he has brought it to a n- w d uarpassing fame. Through a
decade he has developed the various sections into an ass emIla of vir:tuosos and a perfection of
ensemble scarcely to be equaled anywhere in the world. The suie: 6, 3 awing tone which has come
to be one of the orchestra's distinguishing marks, the brillia:c.f I TU2 k and delicacy of shading
- these qualities bespeak the long and uninterrupted associati; ,,f L:mh an orchestra and such
. a leader to a great purpose.
For the Campus-
select one of our
smart woolens ...
MANY DAYS ahead when
a tailored woolen frock
will answer a surprising
number of needs. Smart
enough for street wear
right now, without a coat,
® One of our all-star collection
of Stadium Sports. Swanky, and
they bring long cheer to your
feet. You can walk milesin them.
And just the thing for all-winter
town-sport clothes.
Rich Brown Calf
__ __ _
Rosa Ponselle, Soprano Wed., Oct. 24
Lawrence Tibbitt, Baritone Thurs, Nov. 1
Don Cossack Russian Chorus
Serge Jaroff, Conductor Mon., Nov. 19
Josef Sziseti, Violinist Mon., Dec. 3
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor
Tues., Dec. 11
Lotto LL;iutirl, Soprano
Jodi i..rbu PkIii
Fri., Jan. 25
Tues., Feb. 12
G -dc :ie Wed,
Artar Schnabel, Pianist Mon.
Cleveland Symphony Orchestra
Artur Rodzinski, Conductor
J., Feb. 20
, March 4
Thurs., March 28
FI _ - .It