The Weather
Rain turning to snow and
much colder today, with fresh
it ga
Schools For The Morrow .
East Is East, But Less So .
Four Die As
Lake Huron
One Freighter Goes Down
After Collision; Other.
Iisabled, Rescues 16
hti iged Vessel Is
Towed Into Port
Captain And Majority Of
Crew Survive Mishap Off
Thunder Bay Island
PORT HURON, Nov. 21. -((P) -
The disabled freighter, Edward E.
Loomis steamed down Lake Huron to
the mouth of the St. Clair river near
here today, preparing to put in here
for repairs to its damaged prow ripped
open today when it rammed and sank
the freighter W. C. Franz with a loss
of four lives near Thunder Bay Island.
The United States coast guard cut-
ter Cardigan, which came down the
lake as a convoy to the Loomis, re-
ported by radio tonight that the four
members of the Franz crew, drowned
when their vessel went down, were
Steward Hugh Woodbeck, of Toronto;
second cook Norman Matthews of
Toronto; deck hand Frank Granville,
of Erie, Ont., and watchman Joseph
Lan gridge of Goderich, Ont.
At the mouth of the river, the
Loomishwas taken over by tugs and
towed to a point at the dock at Port
Huron preparatory to tying up for
repairs and putting off the 16 sur-
viving members of the crew, includ-
ing Capt. Alex McIntyre. One mem-
ber of the Franz crew was injured in
the crash and picked up by the Loomis
but his identity was not immediately
The Franz, which had just delivered
a cargo of grain at Port Colborne,,
Ont., was heading for Fort William,
Ont., for another cargo when it was
rammed by the Loomis, south of the
entrance to Thunder Bay.
Apparently the Franz sank rapidly;
for within .a few minutes after.Aus-_
tin E. Reesor, wireless operator on
the doomed freighter sent out a "call-
ing all" signal with word of the col-
lision at 3:27 a.m., he told of the crew
taking to the lifeboats. Then all wasj
silent. f
Within a short time the freighter
Reiss Bros., of Sheboygan, Wis.,
reached the scene and stood by, its
wireless operator taking up the frag-
mentary story where the Franz's oper-
ator left off.
From the Reiss came the report that
the Loomis had picked up the Franz
Unique Methd Of Organization
Is Used By Alumni Association
H. V. Rohrer
Is Honored
SB y Institute
This is the first in a series of articles
explaining the organization and func-
tions of the University Alumni Associa-
tion. The next article will appear in an
early issue.
The organization of the University
Alumni Association, with a total
membership of more than 15,000, is
unique, according to T. Hawley Tap-
ping, 16L, general secretary of the
It was founded in 1897, when the
independent alumni groups of the
several schools, colleges, and classes
were brought together in a general
There are four ways in which for-
mer students of the University may
become affiliated with the Alumni
Association: by becoming members
of a University of Michigan Club,
subscribers to the Michigan Alumnus,
a bi-weekly alumni publication,
members of an organized class group,
or members of an alumnae chapter.
While the majority of alumni
groups of other universities and col-
leges are organized in one way, the
Michigan organization takes advan-
tage of three types - national, class,
and club organization.
There are 160 University of Mich-
igan Clubs, including groups in Tokio,
Shanghai, Nanking, Manila, and
Buenos Aires. A club is now being
organized in London, Eng. Former
women students of the University are
now organized in 50 Alumnae Chap-
ters and there are over 200 organized
Thefirst University of Michigan
Club was organized in 1899 at New
York City. Since that time there has
been a steady growth in the number
of clubs throughout the world. In
1923, when there were but 23 clubs,
the association hired a field secretary
to organize new ones, and by 1925
the number had grown to 150. The
field secretary was Mr. Tapping, who
is now general secretary of the asso-
The government of the Alumni As-
sociation is purely democratic. The
University of Michigan Clubs, alum-
nae chapters, organized classes, and
subscribers to the Alumnus are all
represented on the board of directors,
which meets in Ann Arbor twice year-
ly and controls the affairs of the as-
This board of directors is presided
over by a president, who at present
is Emory J. Hyde, '04L, of Ann Arbor.
Other representatives of the as-
sociation in Ann Arbor are Mr. Tap-
ping, Frederick H. Randall, '19-'23,
secretary of the class office's council,
and Lucile B. Conger, '04, secretary
of the Alumnae Council.
Is Chosen As Member
Council Of Institute
Pacific Relations
Final Attempt
Made To Reach
Campaign Goal
Officials Skeptical As To
Success Of Community
Fund Drive
Because of the half-hearted re-
sponse of Ann Arbor citizens to the
solicitors in the Annual Community
Fund drive, officials of the campaign
announced last night that the drive
would probably be held over until
Monday in a final attempt to reach
the $60,000 goal. So far, only $33,000
has been pledged to the fund.
Although officials were skeptical
that the total goal would be reached,
they hope to raise the subscriptions
to last year's total of $44,000 in the
remaining few days of the campaign.
Subscriptions from the various wom-
en's clubs have been coming in slow-
ly, officials said, and the total is ex-
pected to be greatly increased as soon
as final reports from, these groups
are announced.
Reports from industrial plants are
also still very incomplete, and it is
hoped that their contributions will
enable the fund to at least meet last
year's total.
To date only 1600 persons in the
city have made pledges to the fund
which is approximately half the num-
ber which contributed last year.
Officials said that if the total could
not be appreciably increased, budgets
of the organizations financed by the
Community Fund which have al-
ready been cut down to minimum,
would have to be adjusted still fur-
It will be decided at the report
' Apparatus For
Splitting Atoms
Has First Test
High Voltage Generator
Is Expected To Release
Neutrons In Final Trial
Generating more than a million and
a quarter volts which sent vivid sparks
flashing eight feet, Prof. James M.
Cork of the physics department dem-
onstrated for the first time yesterday
the apparatus with which he hopes
to disintegrate atoms.
tA small group of .physics professors
witnessed the experiment, deep in the
second basement of the physics build-
ing. The huge high voltage generator,
of which there are but two others in
the world, hummed and crackled as
the electricity jerked across the room.
Building Vacuum Tube
That his trial experiment was a
success is evidenced by the fact that
Professor Cork has already begun the
construction on the long, slim vacuum
tube through which he expects to send
heavy-hydrogen particles at the ter-
rific speed of more than 93,000 miles
per second, half the speed of light.
Having attained this velocity, these
particles will bombard minute targets
of other substances, sodium for in-
stance, at the end of the vacuum tube.
When the impact of the hydrogen and
the sodium takes place, the sodium
becomes radio-active and the neutron,
is given off. Here there is definite
evidence, claims Professor Cork, that
the sodium becomes a completely new
element, magnesium. Neutrons, to-
gether with the electrons and protons
form the nucleus of all atoms.
The minute neutron, the discovery
of which nearly two years ago has
completely changed the whole theory
of matter, possesses great energy and
a power of penetration greater than
any particle of matter has ever had
before. It is claimed that it will go
through several feet of lead "like
Will Be In Danger
Professor Cork and his assistants
will be in some danger, as the effect
of the neutrons on the human body
is not known and is believed to in-
cur a considerable reaction.
The neutron given off will be stud-
ied by the Wilson Cloud Chamber
which records photographically the,
paths of recoil particles it strikes.
While Professor Cork does not be-,
lieve that in smashing the atom he;
will release any revolutionary form
of power, and is inclined to belittle1
the practical value of the energy gen-
erated, he is convinced of the great
benefit the experiment will be to
This is the first time an experiment
of this nature has been performed
at the University. The construction of1
his high voltage generator, a huge
apparatus with an aluminum spherej
at the top, standing 19 feet in the
air, was constructed in the Univer-
sity shops and completed in detail re-
cently. The other two generators of
this type are at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology and at Wash-~
ington, D. C.J
i -i VAUnflAIM'" i Y f' ni"
Coward PicksT
Committee Of
Junior Class
Students Are Appointed
'o Posts On Executive
And Finance Groups
Appointments to the student com-
mittees of the junior class in the
literary college were announced last
night-by Russell H. Coward, '36, newly
elected class president.
At the same time it was announced
by Edward Litchfield, '36, that the
make-up of the various committees of
the 1936 J-Hop would also be revealed
within a few days.
Jane Haber, Mosher Jordan, was
named to the chairmanship of the
finance committee with Janet Nea-
mar, Mosher Jordan, Marian Edger-
ton, Martha Cook and Collegiate Sor-
osis, James Richards, Phi Kappa
Sigma, Grace Bartling, Kappa Delta,
and Ogden Dwight, Sigma Nu, also
holding positions on the committee.
As chairman of the executive com-
mittee, Coward selected Virginia Yord,
Martha Cook. Clarabelle Neubecker,
Mosher Jordan, Gertrude Veneklesen,
Martha Cook, Robert Sullivan, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Ruth Sonnanstine,
Alpha Omicron Pi, and Robert John-
son, Zeta Psi, who will fill the re-
maining posts on the group.
Committee positions for other
schools and colleges will be announced
at a later date.
Debate Team
Defeats Wayne
At Second Meet
The Varsity Debating team scored
its second victory of the season last
night, winning a two to one decision
over the Wayne University squad in
Detroit. The Michigan team defend-
ed the negative side of the question:
Resolved, That the Federal govern-
ment should adopt the policy of
equalizing e(ucational opportunity
throughout the nation by means of
annual grants to the several states
for public elementary and secondary
Members of the Varsity squad are
Jack Moekle, '35, Abe Zwerdling, '35,
and Edward Litchfield, '36. The a
firmative team representing Wayne
included J. L. Kline, G. S. Hastings,
and R. M. Shephard. The judges
were Harry Lee Endlsey, Monroe,
Harold Dresses, River Rouge, and
Carl Forsythe, Ferndale. The chair-
man was Marquis E. Shattuck, di-
rector of language education in De-
A week ago the Varsity team de-'
feated the University of Detroit squad.
Last night's question will be debated
again with Wayne Nov. 27 in Ann
Arbor, reversing the sides supported
in the previous debate.
Executive Officers
Fleeted Rv NS1
Faculty Has Five
Others As Members
Purpose Of Council Is To
Study Living Conditions
In Far East
The election of Harvey V. Rohrer
of the political science department to
membership on the American Council
of the Institute of Pacific Relations
has recently been announced by offi-
cers of the council. Mr. Rohrer is the
sixth member of the University fac-.
ulty to be so honored.
Prof. J. R. Hayden, assistant gov-
ernor-general of the Philippinesre-
ceived his appointment to the Philip-
pine Council of the institute last year.
Other members of the University
faculty who are on the American
Council are Prof. C. F. Remer, Prof.
J. S. Reeves, John W. Stanton of the
history department, Prof. Roderick D.
McKenzie, and Dr. Margaret Elliott.
In an interview yesterday, Mr. Roh-
rer explained the purpose and some
of the work of the Institute. The
object of the American Council, he
said, is to co-operate with the Insti-
tute in the study of the conditions of
the Pacific peoples and their rela-
tions with each other. The Institute
itself, he explained, is building its re-
search almost entirely around the
standards of living and the cultural
relations of the Far Eastern popula-
Through the colleges and universi-
ties of the various countries which
have councils in the institute, basic
problems are studied, Mrb. Rohrer said,
and an attempt is being made to bet-
ter acquaint the students, and through
them, the public, of those countries
with a knowledge of the conditions
that actually exist in the Far East.1
Mr. Rohrer then spoke of the part
the University is takng in this plan-
through its oriental program. This
program leads to a degree and is of-
fered for those students who wish to
spend their last two undergraduate
years concentrating in Oriental lan-
guages and various courses in the po-
litical science, sociology, and history
departments having to do with the
Far East.
Sink Appointed
S 40
To Commission
By Governor
President Charles A. Sink of the
School of Music has been appointed'
to the Michigan Historical Commis-
sion by Gov. William A. Comstockj
to complete the term of the late Wil-
liam L. Clements.
The formal appointment was re-
ceived by President Sink through
the mail yesterday. It makes the
fourth body upon which President
Sink has been appointed since 1923.
In that year, Gov. Alex J. Groes-
beck appointed the School of Music
head to the Mackinac Island State
Park Commission. He was named to
serve as chairman of the Teachers'1
Retirement Fund Committee in 1927
by Gov. Fred W. Green. In 1931, Gov.1
Wilbur M. Brucker selected him as a
member of the George Washington
Bicentennial Commission.
President Sink has five times been
elected to serve in the State legisla-
ture. He became a member of thec
House of Representatives in 1919 and
filled out that term, returning again
in 1925-6. He has had three terms inc
the.Michigan Senate, serving in 1921-
22, 1927-28, and 1929-30.1
Says American Liberty
Will Be Impaired By
'Santa Claus' Acts
Including the FERA, other work re-
lief programs, and especially the flag-
rant and indiscriminate spending of
Federal funds by vote-seeking poli-,
ticians in the "Santa Claus" role
of the New Deal, Prof. Ferdinand N.
Menefee of the mechanical engi-
neering department said last night at
a meeting of Sigma Rho Tau, engi-
neering speaking society, that "If
the New Deal means continuation of
the 'Santa Claus' act, American
liberty will be impaired."
Speaking on the subject, "Does the
New Deal Threaten American Liber-
ty," Professor Menefee traced the
development of American liberty from
its earliest origins in the rugged in-
dividualism of "our pioneer fore-
fathers." In modern times, however,
he continued, the general chaotic
conditions of business throughout the
nation have led the government to
take radical departures from its
former policy of laissez-faire.
Thinking people will approve, he
said, of the temporary character of
the present governmental relief. It
is necessary as an emergency meas-
ure to maintain starving millions of
people, he said.
Likewise no one will criticize the
Federal government prosecutions of
fraudulent and crooked business men,
investigations into excessive salary
payments, and warfare on racketeers,
he stated.
But in reply to those who consider
the New Deal as a permanent institu-
tion, Professor Menefee concluded,
the issue resolves itself into a choice
between "rugged individualism and
ruthless collectivism." "It is my op-
inion that the American people should
worry along with the former," he
Vibbert's Condition
Is Much Improved
Prof. Charles B. Vibbert, who has
been confined to the University Hos-
pital suffering from a blood clot on
the brain, was reported much im-
proved yesterday by his physician, Dr.
George King.
"Though still a very sick man," Dr.
King said, "Professor Vibbert is very
much better than he was two or three
days ago. He is entirely rational and
showing steady improvement."
Dr. King stated that the professor's
condition was in no way connected
with his fall down an elevator shaft
this summer.
"Al (;hoodW ill Out
us Opera Keynote
InPhoto Rehearsal
Petticoats and hairy chests con-
trasted in a bizarre fashion yesterday
as members of the Michigan Union
Opera, "Give Us Rhythm" met for
the first time in costume to give Eric
Hall and his demon Gargoyle camera-
men a chance to improve the shiny
hours with glossy prints.
Stars and the chorus were the vic-
tims of the ensuing exposures, Dave
Zimmerman, male lead, being "shot"
in full dress regalia (the only sissy of
the lot). Bob Slack, the dimpled and
petite heroine, followed, but several
shots had to be taken of him. His hairy
chest showed above his decollete eve-
ning gown.
Vaudie Vandenberg, the siren of the
"mellow" drama was next. His cos-
tume was a black formal, "bespangled
with rhinestones and bound round
the middle with a red sash."
The rhythm dance chorus, nattily
attired in red slacks with black sleeve-
less blouses, featured as their main
attraction, Bob Slack, who occupies
"center stage" in that number.
New Deal Is,
Criti.ized B y
Prof. Menefee
Counterfeit Iced
Tea Is Caused By
Ii ydrantFlushing
The muddy water which Ann Arbor
residents found running from their
faucets yesterday was caused by the
flushing of the hydrants, according to
Harrison Caswell, superintendent of
the water works.
Looking suspiciously like iced tea,
the water was filled with iron rust
all day yesterday. Both the taste and
the color were far from being condu-
cive to consumption. Toward night,
however, the water cleared up some-
what, and residents were able to
quench their thirst.
Twice a year the hydrants are
flushed and twice a year the water is
rusty. The flushing of the hydrants is
a necessary task, declared Mr. Cas-
well, both for cleaning the mains and
improving the quality of the water.
Fones Elected
Freshman Head
By Engineers
Hallowell, Olds, Clement,
Named To Other Offices
In Yesterday's Balloting
Hubert C. Fones was elected pres-
ident of the freshman engineering
class in yesterday's balloting with
26 votes more than John McLean his
nearest rival. Fones polled 89 votes.
George Cannon ran third with 59
votes, well in the van of Fred Smith
who received 28.
The vice-presidency of the class was
given to James Hallowell with 82
votes while Frances Ready, Don Alex-
ander, and Don Woodworth finished
in that order with 73, 56, and 23 votes
The secretary of the class for the
coming year will be Fredric Olds who
received 110 votes to beat out Ernest
McKenzie by 9 votes. David Klein
polled 22.
Carl Clement had a one-vote ma-
jority over Richard Johnson in the
race for class treasurer. Clement had
66 votes. In the same contest, John
Lambertson received 60, and Gilbert
Pharas 35.
The two-year position on the Honor
Council went to Neil Levinson with 74
votes. Jim Kingsley ran second with
66, Tom Downs third with 49, and
William Wolfner fourth with 26.
Kenneth Bovee will hold the one-
year position on the Council. He re-
ceived 74 votes, 15 more thn Warren
Rother, who ran second. Fred Kemp-
ton ran third with 50 votes while Bob I
Somers finished with 36.
England A s k s
U.S. For Help
To Save Parley
LONDON, Nov. 21- (A)-Great
Britain, facing Japan's stubborn
stand for full naval equality, today
asked the United States for another
conference to see what can be done
to save the principle of naval limita-
tion from the scrap heap.
The soft-spoken Tsuneo Matsu-
daira, Tokio's ambassador in Lon-
don and Japanese delegate to tri-
power naval conversations here, told
Sir John Simon, British foreign min-
ister, again today that Japan declines
flatly to modify her original demand
for naval arms equal to Britain's and
He made equally clear Japan's re-
'fusal to discuss political questions
affecting the Pacific in connection
with the naval conversations - so
clear, in fact, that the British decided
to drop their proposal made yeter-
day that Japan agree to guarantee
China's integrity and the" peace of
the Pacific.
Contributions Flood
'Advance' Editors
So many contributions have been
received for the proletarian campus
magazine, "Advance." to be published
Submitted For
Of Class Games
Student Penalized
For Action During
Interciass Hazing
To Be
Judiciary Council Takes
Action For Illegal Entry
Into Sorosis House
Freshman Captain
Absolved Of Guilt
One freshman student was placed
on probation and another was given
a reprimand by the Judiciary Com-
mittee of the University Committee
on Student Conduct at a meeting held
yesterday afternoon as a result of
freshman depredations at the Col-
legiate Sorosis house during the
freshman-sophomore games period.
William Sargent, '38E, found guilty
of unlawfully entering the house, was
placed on probation for one semes-
ter, the action to take effect with
his readmission to the University, it
being understood that he has with-
drawn for at least part of this year.
Crawford Absolved
Robert Crawford, '38, captain of
the freshmen, was absolved of any
personal guilt in the episode but was
reprimanded for not having exercised
sufficient control to prevent the en-
trance. The action was taken by the
committee upon the recommenda-
tion of the Judiciary Committee of
the Undergraduate Council which had
previously heard the case.
Further action was taken by the
faculty committee in the form of a
resolution to submit recommendations
with respect to rules to be formu-
lated for the conduct of the fresh-
man-sophomore games and the events
associated with them.
Reason For Action
The affair which caused the ac-
tion to be brought, first before the
student committee and later before
the faculty committee, occurred on
the night of Oct. 24, when the pre-
games rivalry between the two lower
classes was at its height. A band
of freshmen, including Sargent and
Crawford, captured a sophomore, de-
prived him of most of his clothes, and
dragged him upon the lawn before
the Sorosis house.
Then, Sargent went around to
the back ofrthe house, entered a.
kitchen window, and opened the front
door from the inside for the mob.
The sophomore was dragged into
the living room while semi-hysterical
women sought refuge on the upper
floors. While the members of the
sorority were phoning Dean Joseph
A. Bursley and the police department,
the mob departed leaving the sopho-
more to make his own exit.
Report Of Committee
The report of the committee fol-
lows in full:
"The following action was taken:
That in the case of William Sargent,
it' being found that Mr. Sargent was
guilty of unlawfully entering the
Sorosis house by a rear window, and
further that he thereafter opened
the front door, thereby admitting a
large mob of freshmen students, the
commitee concludes that he be
placed on probation for one semester.
It being understood that he is with-
drawing from the University for
either the remainder of the current
semester or the remainder of the
current year, the probation proposed
by this order shall take effect from
the date of his readmission to the
"That in the case of Robert Craw-
ford, it having been found that his
responsibility for the entering of the
Sorosis house was consistent of his
general responsibility for the actions
of the group, of which he was the
leader, and it having been further
found that he was not with the por-
tion of his group which entered the
Sorosis house at the time of the entry,
but that, after learning of the entry,
he followed the group into the house
and induced them to leave the prem-
ises, the committee concludes that
Mr. Crawford should be given a repri-
mand for failure to keep the group in
his charge under closer supervision,
but that no further penalty be im-
"The committee, in taking the fore-
,'The Royal Family' Is Second
Play Production Presentation,
Play Production's second offering of
the current season, "The Royal Fam-
ily," by George Kaufman and Edna
Ferber, opened last hight in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre before a large
audience. The play will continue with
evening performances through Sat-
"The Royal Family" is the highly
amusing three-act comedy by Mr.
Kaufman and Miss Ferber which is a
portrayal of the family life of the
great American theatrical clan, the;
includes -Sarah Pierce, '35, as Fanny
Cavendish, mother of the famous
brothers and sisters; Virginia Frink,
'35, as Julie Cavendish, or, in real
life Ethel Barrymore; and Mary Pray,
Grad., as Julie's daughter, Gwen.
Charles Harrell, '35, has the role
of Tony Cavendish, the prototype of
John Barrymore, and James Doll, '35,
plays Herbert Dean, who is said to
resemble the character of Lionel Bar-
Herbert's wife, Kitty, is played by
Virginia Chapman Goetz, '35. Gilbert