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November 21, 1934 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-21

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Roseel ()OCV2 Ispjects Wo rk At Nor'ris Dam

Austria Asks
All Armaments
Suggestion Submitted For
System Of Licenses For
Munitions Trade
GENEVA, Nov. 20 - (P) - Austria
today demanded equality in arma-
ments of a disarmament conference
committee which had heard a pro-
posal from the United States that
the arms trade, from revolvers to
battleships, should be bottled up.
Austria went before the steering
committee of the conference and de-I
clared her independence was men-j
aced. She said an armament race is
now in progress and threatens the
peace of Europe, and that she needs;
more war materials in order to defend
her sovereignty.
Italy announced to the committee
that she believed it useless to proceed !

Inz Battle Over Child



-Associated Press Photos
On his tour through the South, President Roosevelt stopped off at
the site of the huge Norris Darn project to inspect the work already
completed as a part of the Tennessee Valley Authority program. He is
shown standing on a specially-built platform that commanded a sweeping
view of the site.
Prof. Kino Describes National
Power Projects In Tennessee

Oxford Dictionary. However, a very Describing the Tenessee Valley; ward and primitive conditions- of the
considerable portion of them were not project now under construction by the people in the region, he explained.
printed in the dictionary owing to Federal government as a "venture The uniqueness of this project, Pro-
limitation of space, and constitute a
very valuable body of hitherto unused into the private power industries that fessor King said, lies in the fact
lexigraphical material. finds no parallel in the history of the government has entered into te
Professor Northup had already su- our country," Prof. Horace W. King, production of power with no assur-
pervised the, collection of 19,000 professor of hydraulic engineering and I ance that the power will ever be
more slips from Middle English texts a member of the National Water used, except in its faith in the hoped-
and these were sent to Michigan Power Policies Committee formed by for industrial development that should
where Professor Moore collected 220,- the United States Chamber of Com- berstimulated by cheap electrical
000 more slips. energyterned ,tate nerhmberr-.
Before Professor Moore began to moerce in 1930, in an interview yester-;I

with the disarmament conference"
without the presence of Germany,
which withdrew from the parley last
year when her demards for more
armaments were refused.
Austria's announcement today ap- -Associated Press Photo
peared to be in close parallel to the Mrs. Libby Starr is shown with her
preceding one by her Germanic sis-
ter. 9-year-old granddaughter, Constance
The American proposal, however, Brook, in White Plains, N. Y., supreme
was regarded as sufficient to inspire court. Mrs. Starr, charged with ab-
the conference with the initiative to ducting the child, is asking to be made
continue in session. its legal guardian. The hearing was
Hugh R. Wilson, United States postponed pending the appearance of
minister to Switzerland and Amer- Mrs. Helen Starr Josephson, the girl's
ican delegate to the conference, pro- mother.
posed on behalf of his nation an in-_
ternational treaty providing for a __
rigid system of licenses and full
publicity for all arms manufacture
and trade. It was the most complete Screen Reflections
document on munitions which has
been submitted here in the three pre-
vious years of disarmament consulta- AT THE WHITNEY
tions. Double Feature
Before the adjournment of the
meeting, Arthur Henderson of Great *PLUS "NIGHT ALARM"
Britain, president of the conference,
was authorized to convoke a meet- PLUS "LOST IN THE
ing, probably in January, which will STRATOSPHERE"
discuss the United States' proposal, Th Whitney program constitutes
and other questions. these two feature pictures only - no
more, no less. Movie fans would never
Michigan Youth Congress know the difference if the Whitney
To Convene Here Dec. 14 had decided to give its staff a two-
day vacation, because neither picture
Young people from all over Mich- comes anywhere near passing the sec-
igan will convene in Ann Arbor Dec. ond-rate mark in entertainment.
14 for the first Michigan Youth Con- "Night Alarm" is all about fires,
gress, it was announced yesterday and how a certain young reporter has
by the Ann Arbor Youth Council, a burning desire to follow the fire
sponsors of the meeting. . engines. The picture gives the audi-
Several hundred representatives ence some insight into the newspaper
from Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., the Boy business, but offers nothing in the
Scouts, and various farm, labor, and way of even passable acting, decent
students organizations are expected to direction, or originality of any sort.
participate in the sessions Dec. 14, 15, Bruce Cabot, Judith Allen, and H. B.
and 16. Warner are the principal offenders.'
The congress is to be patterned The most interesting shot is of Ju-
after the first American Youth Con- dith Allen in a dress the wearing of
gress which was held last August in which should be confined to the bed-
New York, being attended by 700,000 room.
young men and women from all parts William (not James) Cagney, June
of the United States. Collyer, and Eddie Nugent provide
what are meant to be thrills in "Lost
ALICE BRADY IS HOME in the Stratosphere." The main pur-
HOLLYWOOD, Calif.,;Nov. 20. - (R') pose of the picture seems to be to ex-
-Th disappearance of Alice Brady, hibit new ways of cutting out your
stage and screen actress, was solved pal when a good looking member of
today by her maid who calmly re- the fair sex shows up. A blank screen
ported: "Miss Brady is home, but in- would not be much less entertaining.
disposed." --C.B.C.

Play Production presents tonight
the opening performance of "The
Royal Family," the satire by George
Kaufman and Edna Ferber which
has captivated New York play-goers
and American movie audiences so suc-
of Beecher Family
(Continued from Page 1)
Christian-like, while a New Eng-
lander, Legree, couid be so cruel and
The book was finally published by a
young Boston publisher, and accord-
ing to Mr. Stowe, 3,000 were sold the
first week, and 300,000 the first year.
He said that the book was well-
received in the South until timey found
that it was actually undermining the
institution of slavery even more in-
siduously than was William Lloyd
Garrison, great journalist and aboli-
"They then turned on her with a
Vengeance," Mr. Stowe said, "and be-
gan writing bitter comments against
her. She received one letter from
a Southerner with the bloody ear of
a Negro enclosed and the statement
'I hope you will be pleased to see.
how much good your vile book has
done to slavery.' "
Mr. Stowe then commented on the
lives of three other famous Beechers,
Thomas, Henry Ward, and Kather-
He characterized Katherine Beech-
er as one of the three women who did
much to encourage the education of
women in her day.
Thomas K. Beecher, according to
the speaker, was one of the first
founders of the institutional church.
"If it hadn't been for Henry Ward
Beecher's speeches in England in
1863, defending the cause of the
North, and "Uncle Tom's Cabin," the
English and French would have rec-
ognized the Confederacy," Mr. Stowe

cessfully in the past few years.
Mr. Valentine B. Windt and his
co-director, William Halstead, Grad.,
have in this play excellent material
with which to charm Ann Arbor
audiences. Being a brilliant farce
comedy about what is interpreted by
the audience to be the Barrymore
family, the action centers about Tony
Cavendish, his sister, Julie Cavendish,
their mother, Fanny Cavendish, and
a Herbert Dean, whose identity re-
mains somewhat a mystery, but whose
character the audience will recognize
as a very close resemblance to that.
of the oldest of the living Barrymores,
Lionel. Mr. Kaufman has consistent-
ly refused to divulge whether he is
poking fun directly at the famous and
much imitated Barrymores, but his
play itself indicates this most delight.-
fully, subtely, and hilariously.
Those who saw th'e picture inter-
pretation of "The Royal Family" vill
remember Frederick March as Tony,
and Ina Claire as Julie. In the Play
Production offering, Charles T., Har-
rell, '35, will play the part of Tony;
Mary Pray, Grad., that of Julie; Sar-
ah Pierce, '35, the mother, Fanny;
and James V. Doll, '35, Herbert Dean.
In other major parts will be Virginia
Spray, '37, David Zimmerman, '35,
Frank Funk, '35, Virginia Chapman
Goetz, '35, and William Halstead,
Some of these players are well
known to Ann Arbor audiences for
their past successes. Others of them
are new. With the combination of
experienced talent and freshness the
production will have a more than
singular interest to those who see it.
Reasonable and Experienced
French, Spanish, Latin, Math,
Physics, & Engineering Subjects
John Popplestone, A.M. (Harvard)
Richard Burgis, B.S. (Yale)
Between 9 and 5:30


day gave as the major purpose of the
project the development of an ade-
quate standard of living to replace
the almost primitive conditions now
prevailing in the Tennessee valley.
The TVA, or Tennessee Valley Au-
thority, as it is called, is now engaged
in the construction of the second in
a two-part series of water power-
plants. The first unit, the Wilson Dam,
was completed in 1925 at Muscle
Shoals in the northwest corner of
Alabama on the Tennessee River,'
where the government built its much-
discussed nitrogen-producing plant.'
during the war. The dam cost about
$40,000,000 and is capable of main-
taining a prime power of about 100,-
000 horse power.
The second unit, the Norris Dam,
shown in the photograph above, is
expected to cost approximately the
same amount as the Wilson Dam. It
4 will add approximately 60,000 horse
power to the electrical prime power
now available from the Wilson dam.
It is located about 250 miles upstream
in eastern Tennessee.
Thus an enormous amount of power
will be generated and transmitted
throughout the Tennessee valley re-
gion, which include parts of the Caro-
linas, Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi,
and Kentucky; Professor King said.
This cheap and extensive electrical
power is expected by governmental
authorities to tap the natural re-
sources of the area which have here-
tofore been neglected due to the back-
Architect Praises
1o1sigy Projects
Even though the taxation for the
Federal housing movement "falls
hardest on the modest but indepen-
dent middle class," Prof. Wells Ben-
nett of the School of Architecture
in an article published recently de-
clared that it can be justified and
praised it highly.
Giving his reasons for the plan's
justification, and describing in detail
"common elements" in housing proj-
ects, Professor Bennett asserted that
"there is no doubt that we need better
housing through the nation. In tack-
ling a community housing project,
there must be a local need to justify
it and a sound general proposal for
carrying it out."
He said there could be no model
housing without expert planning.
"Any lasting benefits to the commu-
nity," his article concludes, "will .lie
partly in the final paying out of the
financial investment, but mainly in
increased social stability and civic

uch projec s as Bouder. jam are
largely self-liquidating, and the power
they are to generate has been con-
tracted for by various local indus-
tries and municipalities, he added.
The TVA, however, hws only a few
minor contracts for its power, accord-
ing to Professor King and he went
on to say that it is essentially an
attempt of the government to directly
subsidize the industrial progress of an
unprogressive area, to raise the scale
of living where at the present time
electricity and modern conveniences
are still regarded as luxuries.
A further significance, which Pro-
fessor King believes will prove of
widespread importance in regard to
Federal control of utilities, lies in
the fact that the government is using
the TVA as "a measuring stick" to
ascertain the cost of the develop-
ment and distribution of power. With
this "measuring stick" the adminis-
tration hopes to be in a position to
accurately determine just what -con-
stitutes a reasonable rate for a private
power utility to charge for its services,
he said.





------- - - - - - - - - - - -

. .c. k6/WCvaJ
Harvard men, alike in college and as alumni, are
alert to all that makes for progress in apparel;
they were among the first to discover and adopt
the Kover-Zip closure for trousers-they were
quick to see its many advantages over the exposed
metal of the ordinary zipper.
Leading Harvard tailors, creators of fine clothes
for college men, are fully aware of Kover-Zip's
superior qualities.
. 4... . t i tI i/ J famous Boston tailor to 'Marvard
men, says-"When our patrons
specify trousers or slacks equipped with a slide fastener, we are
prepared to provide for this preference. It is obvious that
the Kover-Zip closure in which no metal shows is more in
keeping with the requirements of good taste than an ordinary
uncovered zipper with its strip of exposed metal."
ent,1Xbard / c-le/e ta.l r, arkiter a f d e,
end~e/,_0KVer- j , asthre an l Jde ladenet




Be Sure of a
Student Rough Dry
SHIRTS lOc Extra







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