The Weather
Rain, colder in central and
west portions today; tomorrow
snow and much colder.
C, r
it iga
The Proposed K~en's
Now You See It,
Now You Don't...
Beechers Are
Described In
Stowe Speech
Intimate Picture Is Drawn
Of Famous Family By
Tells Of Origin Of
'Ucle to sCabin'
Series Of Events Leading
Up To Writing Of Book
Are Retold
An intimate picture of the famous
Beecher family, which was "most un-
saintlike but not sinners," was drawn
by Lyman Beecher Stowe, eminent
biographer, last night at the third
Oratorical Association lecture of the
current series.
The subject of the lecture was
"Saints, Sinners, and Beechers."
This title was prompted by a state-
ment of a famous Boston minister,
who many years ago stated that "the
country is infested with Saints, Sin-
ners, and Beechers." But, according to
the speaker, they were just a "queer
crowd" who cared nothing for the
material things in life but were rather
concerned with only the spiritual
Correcting the impression that be-
cause the Beecher family was a "queer
crowd" it followed that they were also
frivolous, Mr. Stowe stated that "they
were desperately serious people en-
gaged in the work of saving souls."
The series of events which caused
his grandmother, Harriet Beecher
Stowe, to be inspired to write "Uncle
Tom's Cabin," was recounted by the
Associated With Slaves
"Harriet Beecher Stowe's first im-
pression of slavery was a pleasant
one. She lived in Cincinnati and as-
sociated with many of the slaves who
lived across the state line in Ken-
"However," he continued, "the
seamy side of slave life was revealed
to her after she had married and
moved to New Brunswick, Me., and
heard of the great atrocities com-
mitted against the slaves. Her home
became an 'underground railroad'
station for the smuggling of slaves
out of the slave states."
The spark that inspired the writing
of the book, Mr. Stowe stated, ema-
nated from a letter written by Mrs.
Stowe's sister-in-law, Mrs. Edward
Beecher, who wrote from Boston tell-
ing of the terrible atrocities being
committed against the slaves in Bos-
ton, the "cradle of Liberty."
Mrs. Beecher concluded the letter by
saying "Hattie, if I could use a pen as
you do, I would write something that
would make the whole nation feel
what an accursed thing slavery is."
Wrote To Stir Nation
Though resolved to write that some-
thing which would stir the nation,
Mrs. Stowe did nothing about it until
she took a trip to Boston and there
met the original "Uncle Tom" in the
person of Josiah Henson, a Negro
preacher, according to the speaker.
"She was so impressed by his sweet
Christian spirit toward life regardless
of the fact that his brother had been
lashed to death by overseers, that she
resolved to make him the focal point
of her story."
Mr. Stowe stated that it was his
grandmother's brother, Charles Bee-
cher, who found the original Simon
Legree, while he was travelling on the
Mississippi. "He was impressed with
the brutal manner in which the man
described how he handled his slaves.
'1 treat slaves like cattle and that
there fist is as hard as iron from
knocking down slaves.'"
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" was first
printed in serial form in the National
Era, according to Mr. Stowe, but the
abolitionist readers of the magazine
found it so confusing and unorthodox
that it was not received enthusias-
tically. "They could not understand,"
Mr. Stowe stated, "how Sheldon and
Sinclair, the two southern masters of
Uncle Tom, could be so kind and
(Continued on Page 6)
ilichiganensian Sale
To Be Held On Campus
A campus sale of subscriptions
for the 1935 Michiganensian will
be held today and tomorrow, Rob-
ert J. Henoch, '35, business man-
ager, announced last night.
The book is still selling at $3.50
but Henoch stated that the price
will be raised in a very short time.
Subscriptions may be purchased
Dean Dana Calls Local Shelter
Belts Superior To Federal Plan
Stating that local shelter-belts had insectivorous birds and other wild life;
great advantages, but that it was "dif- they check erosion and prevent: the
ficult to become enthusiastic over the burying of buildings under heavy snow
much advertised" $75,000,000 shelter- drifts: they break up the monotony
belt project, Dean Samuel T. Dana of of the landscape; and in general, they
the School of Forestry and Conserva- add materially to the attractiveness
tion in interview yesterday advocated and livability of the region."
the consideration of local shelter- Dean Dana said that the establish-
belts. ment of individual shelter-belts is
The project, for which $15,000,000 recognized as desirable, but it is "quite
had originally been designated, entails a different proposition from the
the construction of a shelter-belt 1,000 wholesale and almost geomeltrical
miles long and 100 miles wide running establishment of plantations by the
through the geographical middle of government that is at best marginal
the United States from the Canadian for tree growth."
border to Texas. A hundred or more "In this connection," he continued,
strips about 125 feet wide and sep- "It should be pointed out that the
arated by farm land will comprise original proposal has aeen materially
(he shelter-belt, modified since its announcement last
Dean Dana stated that "actual ex- (summer. Iistead of the $15,000,000
perience has demonstrated repeatedly originally suggested by the President,
the local value of shelter-belts estab- only $1,000,000 has actually been made
lished under favorable conditions. available for the project, and any fur-
These not only decrease wind move- ther grants will have to be voted by
ment and evaporation and thus in- Congress." The funds now available
crease the yield of crops in their lee are being used chiefly for investigation
to a distance of about ten times the and exploration work with a view to
height of the trees, but make pos- making use of the best scientific in-
sible the production of crops that formation available in the handling
could not otherwise be grown." of such planting as may later be
He continued giving the advantages done, Dean Dana explained. There is
of local shelter-belts by saying that also a tendency to move the shelter-
"they afford protection to people, belt somewhat further east to a region
livestock, and crops from hot winds of heavier precipitation, and to adopt
in summer and cold winds in winter; a flexible plan for the location of
they increase the supply of song and F (Continued on Page 2)
MeClusky Sees
Crime Problem
Tied To Youth
Claims Tendencies Toward
Unlawful Activities Are
Manifested Early
Prof. Howard McClusky, speaking
at the Tau Beta Pi initiation ban-
quet last night discussed the topic
"The Youth Problem in Crime." He
stressed the part which young people
play in the depredations which, di-
rectly or indirectly, cost the nation
$13,000,000,000 annually, and stated
that criminal tendencies become evi-
dent for the most part between the
ages of five and sixteen.
These evidences are first shown in
the attitude toward school and school
work and Prof. McClusky places the
responsibility for further delinquency
upon the school system in many of
these cases.
The tendency toward disintegra-
tion of conduct seems to go with cer-
tain geographical areas in large cities,
Professor McClusky pointed out, and
this fact points toward housing and
slum clearance as a means of pieven-
tion, he said.
Research has proved poor home
environment as a basic cause of crime
along with poor social group or gang
life, the speaker said. This points to
the desirability for organized recrea-
tion of a type which would be avail-
able to any class and which would
provide for the wholesome influence
of an older person upon the child of
impressionable age, he added. This,
type of preventive work may well be
concentrated upon boys, he said, as
statistics show that the crime rate
is much higher for them than for
Professor McClusky scored the re-
sults of our reformatory system in
citing the fact that 80 per cent of
those released from reformatory
schools return, and went on to say
that the juvenile court system also has
not proved as satisfactory as was ex-
In spite of the far from perfect
state of affairs at the present time,
Professor McClusky stated that there
is hope for the future as investigation
has proved that the government and
people of the United States have a
more constructive attitude toward
this problem than any other country.
Michigan Will
Debate Wayne
In First Meet
The University Varsity Debating
team will meet the Wayne University
squad at 8 p.m. today at Wayne
University Auditorium in Detroit.
Jack Moekle, '35, Abe Zwerdling,
'35, and Edward Litchfield, '36, will
make up the Michigan team which
will take the negative side of the
question: Resolved, That the Federal
government should adopt the policy
of equalizing educational opportunity
throughout the nation by means of
annual grants to the several states
for public elementary and secondary
Women Will Be
Independent Of
Men's Council
Maynard Points
The League
Activities Now
Out That
R emer Scores
Opposition To
Calls Newspaper Stories
On Academic Advisers
Claims Professors
Important To U.S.
Condemns Present Limits
Of Experts' Powers And
The college professor has a definite
place in the government of a nation,
although it does not extend to the
formulation of major policy, Prof.
Charles F. Remer said yesterday
afternoon in the second faculty
speech on the University Lecture
Series, speaking on "Professors in
He deprecated the part that the
"braintrust" has played to date in
the formulation of New Deal policies,
and condemned newspapers for the
part they have played in exaggerat-
ing and contorting the activities of
the academic advisers of the present
administration. "The NRA came
from business men, with amendments
by labor," he explained, and tracing
the history of the AAA, NIRA, and the
currency question, pointed out that
in no one of these did the funda-
mentals come from the professors.
Battle Of Words
In discussing the bitter battle of
words which has raged around the
use by the New Dealers of expert
advisers, he took up the beliefs that;
the professors are deceiving the presi-
dent, "are disciples of Karl Marx
who hold advanced views on govern-
ment," are engaged in deep plots to
overthrow the government, and are
nothing but theorists. "It is not
necessary that definite charges be
brought against the professor. It is
sufficient to charge him with being
a professor," the speaker remarked.
On the other side of the picture
he pointed out the opinions of leaders
in the field of. education, together-'
with such outstanding men as Owen
D. Young and Secretary Ickes, who
maintain that the professors should
have an even greater place in the
administration. -
Adviser's Place Questioned ;
Professor Remer then raised the
question of what the place of the
expert adviser should be, and how
that place is to be determined. Here
he insisted that a middle ground must
be taken, with the professors not
limited to administrative detail, nor
given full play in the determination
of policy, of which the latter, he said,
"no one would deny the political lead-
er. The President is willing to use
men of special training, but I have
not yet heard of any desire on his part
to abdicate in their favor."
And yet the professor must not bet
'on tap but not on top," the speaker
said. In such narrower fields of,
policy as the determination of wheth-
er it is better to limit agricultural
production or revive foreign trade,
"the student of agricultural econom-
ics and of international trade may
well be called upon to propose and,
formulate policy."
He also suggested more perman-
ent use of the professor in the ad-
ministrative field, outlining a system
of leave of absences which would give
the professor a sufficiently secureI
footing to make him willing to take;
a government position. He stressed
the advantages in such a group of;
advisers of political honesty, analyti-;
cal capacity, impartiality, and "suffii-
cient political innocence to under-
take to carry out any policy agreed1
City Campaign
For Welfare
Fund May Fail
Officials Fear That Total
Will Fall Below Figure
Reached Last Year
1 ,500 Residents Have
CiontrIbuted To Date
Criticism Leveled Against
Drive Is Repudiated By
The Directors
Unless Ann Arbor rallies to the
support of the Community Fund be-
fore the date of tentative termination,
tomorrow, officials fear that it is
doomed to defeat. However, Hal Hay-
lor, general director, intimated last
night that solicitation would prob-
ably be continued into the first of
next week.
Only $33,153.25 of the $60,000 goal
pledged had been secured late yester-
day, this amount being given by ap-
proximately 1,500 residents of the city.
Unless considerably more is turned in
today and tomorrow, campaign offi-
cials feared that the fund will fall
below last year's figure of $44,000.
A special plea for contributions on
or before Thursday was made last
night by Charles J. Hutzel, local bus-
The University division of the fund
campaign reported an additional $2,-
635.50 yesterday noon, bringing the
total solicitation from University em-
ployees to $13,058.
Recognizing that criticism has been
leveled at the Community Fund cam-
paign, its heads yesterday reiterated
that it is without basis, stating that
the Fund has replaced 12 separate
campaigns which would have to be
arranged otherwise by various agen-
Using a 30,000 population as a basis,
the percentage of contributors was
declared "very low." Last year 3,136
persons contributed to the Fund, and
this was not called a high rate.
"The Community Fund in Ann Ar-
bor ranks above organizations of the
same type in other cities of its size,"
Mr. Haylor stated. "It is better or-
ganized and functions more efficiently,
and is certainly worthy of better sup-
port from residents of the city than
it has been getting."
Leaders of the Fund campaign are
not discouraged, however, and avow
their determination "to keep at it"
until the very end of the solicitation;
Pediatric Society
Plans Meeting Here
The University of Michigan Pedia-
tric and Infectious Disease Society will
meet Friday and Saturday in the Uni-
versity Hospital, Dr. David M. Cowie,'
secretary, announced yesterday.
The meeting is divided into four
main divisions. The clinical session
will meet at 2 p.m. Friday with a
business meeting at 7:30 p.m. This
will be followed by an open forum
on the endocrines. The scientific
session will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday.
"Dr. L. W. Sauer, Northwestern
University, has done outstanding work
in the field of whooping cough and
the use of vaccine as a preventive
measure," Dr. Cowie stated, "and he
will deliver a 30-minute talk on the,
subject at the Friday afternoon ses-
Dr. Cowie extended an invitation to
all physicians interested to attend
the meetings, whether members of the
society or not.
The newly-formulated plan for stu-
dent government, now before the Uni-
versity administration pending ap-
proval, will, if it is sanctioned and
thereby replaces the present Under-
graduate Council, integrate men's
and women's self-government into
two sharply defined units.
As the proposed constitution now
stands, there will be no women stu-
dents included in the membership of
the Men's Council. The Undergrad-
uate Council, which was established
in May, 1933, has three women mem-
It was stated last night by Prof.
Henry C. Anderson, director of Stu-
dent-Alumni Relations, that the
Men's Council would have no juris-
diction whatever over women's stu-
dent government. Professor Ander-
son served in an advisory capacity
to the Student-Faculty Relations
Committee of the Michigan Union
which drafted the proposed constitu-
Maxine Maynard, '35, president of
the League, pointed out last night
that there is no necessity for repre-
sentation of undergraduate women on
the proposed council inasmuch as
the League is now the women's self-
governing body of the University.
She added that the League controls1
all activities of undergraduate wom-
en as a group through its governing
body, the Michigan League Council,
which includes in its membership the
president, recording secretary, vice-
presidents, and committee c airmen
of the League.
Butler Charges
Brokers With
Fascist Plots
NEW YORK, Nov. 20. - OP) -
Chairman John W. McCormick of the
House committee on un-American ac-
tivities decided tonight on a sweeping
investigation of a reported plan to
establish a Fascist dictatorship in the
United States with Gen. Smedley D.
Butler at its head.
After hearing the retired Marine
Corps officer's story of reports that
Gerald P. MacGuire, of the New York
brokerage firm of Grayson, M. P.
Murphy and Co., proposed that he
head a group of 500,000 in a Fascist
march on Washington to take over
the reins of government, and Mac-
Guire's denial, McCormick said:
"We have heard nothing today that'
would cause us to change our opinion1
of General Butler's 100 per cent
Americanism and patriotism.
"We are going to get to the bottom
of this matter, and we are going to
call witnesses and records that will
bring out the truth - whatever that
may be."
After Butler had finished his testi-
mony, Rep. Samuel Dickstein, vice-
Japan Refuses To
'Guarantee Peace
Without New Pact
Radical New York
Students Ont Strike
NEW YORK, Nov. 20.-(P) - After
engaging in fisticuffs with police,
more than 500 striking City College
students today burned the figure of
President Frederick B. Robinson in
effigy at the base of the campus
'The cardboard effigy represented
Dr. Robinson, who is ill in Mount
Sinai hospital, with a second head -
that of Premier Mussolini.
The strike'broke out after smoulder-
ing resentment among certain campus
liberal and radical groups in connec-
tion with the expulsion a month ago
of 21 undergraduates for staging an
anti-fascist demonstration during a
visit of Italian students.
Fists flew and several persons were
knocked down when police attempted
to break up the demonstration. It
started when Charles Milgrim, an ex-
pelled student, began a speech calling
for a general strike.
The timelyharrival of Prof. George
M. Brett, who took Milgrim's place
on the improvised rostrum and told
the students they could use the sta-
dium ended the fighting. The strikers
started marching, toward the stadium
chanting "Oust Robinson" and "Rein-
state the 21 students."
New Deadlocks
In Disarmament
Plans Are Seen
Japan, France Increase
Arms; South American
Warfare Continues
(By Associated Press)
How best to curb man's power to
deal out death preoccupied diplomats
and disarmament experts of the world
Simultaneously, there were moves to
increase armaments.
GENEVA - Hugh R. Wilson put
President Roosevelt's plan to control
arms by licenses and publicity before
the disarmament conference's steering
committee as Austria asked arms
equality denied her by peace treaties.
PARIS - Told Germany is arming
to the teeth, France increased her
war budget eight hundred million
francs (approximately $53,00,000).
YOKOSUKA, Japan -The new 8,-
500 ton cruiser Fuzuya was launched
as the keel of the first of two pro-
jected 10,000-ton aircraft carriers
were laid at Kure.
LAPAZ, Bolivia - Bolivia, beaten in
the Pilcomayo sector of the Chaco
Boreal claimed the capture of the Par-
aguayan fort Ticuiba to the north as
the two South American nations,
heedless of efforts to end hostilities,
continued their long, bitter war.
ASCUNCION, Paraguay-Paraguay
flatly refused the League's proposal to
halt the warfare.
'38 Engineers
Give out Slates
For Elections
Slates of two freshman parties in
the engineering college to be run in
today's election were announced last
night by the party leaders. The En-
gineering Fusion party will run the
following men for the class offices:
for president, George Cannon, for
vice-president, James Hallowell, for
secretary,Ernest McKenzie, for treas-
urer, Richard I. Johnson, and for the,
position on the Engineering Council,
David Lansdale.
Fred Kompton will run for the one-
year post on the Honor Council on
this ticket, while Tom Downs will
run for the two-year office on the
In opposition to the above-named
slate the Union party has entered
a ticket consisting of John McLean
for president, for vice-president, Don
Alexander, for treasurer, John Lam-
bertson, and for the Engineering
Parley Breakdown
In Demand For
Naval Armaments
British Proposals
Rejected By Japan
United States Will Await
'Next, Move' Of Other
Powers In Impasse
(Copyright, 1934, by The Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 20.--(F')- Japan
will decline to enter any separate
agreement guaranteeing peace in the
Pacific and the integrity of China if
there is no new naval treaty, it was
learned tonight.
A pact to that effect was proposed
by the British to save the principles
of the nine-power and four-power
treaties, should they be junked. This
would occur if no naval agreement
was made to replace the Washington
and London treaties which Japan in-
tends to denounce.
The Japanese delegates to the tri-
power naval conversations here re-
jected the proposals because, they
claimed, it would further complicate
the negotiations which are at an im-
passe because of Japan's insistence
on equality in naval armament.
It was learned that the Japanese
did not say they would not discuss
some agreement to guarantee China's
integrity and the peace of Pacific at
some future time, nor did they say the
nine-power and four-power pacts
would be junked.
Expect Parley Breakdown
. Nevertheless, naval and diplomatic
circles tonight forecast early break-
down of the conversations here,
The prediction came as America's
delegates, Norman H. Davis and Ad-
miral William H. Standley, sat back
waiting for Great Britain or Japan
to -make the next -move -to end the
present impasse, resulting from Jap-
an's insistence that she be allowed
equality in naval armaments.
Consequences of the breakdown,
observers said, might be serious. They
listed these possibilities:
The negotiations might be ad-
journed until prospects for agreement
are brighter.
One or more of the participating
powers might start hurried building
up of its naval strength at the end
of 1936, the effective date of Japan's
expected denunciation of the Wash-
ington treaty.
An early showdown, at any rate,
was considered probable, with the
British faced with the problem of
making new compromise proposals
or asking the Japanese to reconsider
their refusal of previous proposals
which embodied equality for Japan
in principle but not in fact.
A new naval treaty, the object of
the conversations here, must recog-
nize full equality for Japan, the
Tokio representatives have main-
False Rumors Flying
Various rumors, all of them false,
kept the three delegations busy an-
swering questions today.
Some of the reports were traced
to Sir John Simon's interview with
the British press yesterday, in which
some believed the foreign minister
said Japan, in conversations during
recent weeks, had conceded British
superiority on. the high seas while
asking equality with the United
Ambassador Tsuneo Matsudaira,
who with Admiral Isoroku Yamamo-
to represents Japan, told Sir John,
however, that' Japan must be granted
full equality with both powers or
else she will take equality by her own
The Japanese emphatically reit-
erated that position today.
It was stated thatthe Japanese al-
ways have looked with sympathy on
Great Britain's desire to increase her
cruisers to 70 for purposes of empire
protection, but at the same time have
always demanded the right to full
equality with the British as well as
the Americans.
Questioned from the floor, Prime
Minister Ramsay MacDonald today
told the House of Commons that
the Government, due to developments
of the preceding 26 hours could make
no statement for the moment as to
the progress of the negotiations.
He said he hoped, however, that
Sir John would 'be able to report to
the House during the next few days.
Duffendack P 1 a n s Research In
Noted European Laboratories
When Prof. Ora S. Duffendack of
the physics department reaches Eu-
rope on his sabbatieal leave with his
family next semester, he will com-
mence six months of research with
at least four noted laboratories, and
will study modern developments in
physics with some of the greatest
scientists on the continent.
While he has not definitely planned
the order of his travels as yet, one
of the places to be visited by Pro-
fessor Duffendack will be the labora-
tory at King's College, London, where
he will study with Prof. O. W. Rich-
ardson, Nobel Prize winner in elec-
tronic physics.
His work there he believes will be
especially interesting as he will have
a chance to compare the Michigan
method of measurement with that
used by Professor Arnstein.
Next on his schedule will come the
Institute of Experimental Physics in
Copenhagen. There, Professor Duf-
fendack will be associated with Prof.
James Franck, another Nobel Prize
winner in electronic physics.
Professor Duffendack will have a
chance to renew old acquaintances in
the Danish capital, as he was there
four years ago, when he was a Gug-
genhiem fellow in Gottingen.
Professor Duff endack will spend
from four to eight weeks in each of