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November 20, 1934 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-20

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20, 1934



Reserves Play
Freshmen A s
Squad Is In Low Spirits ;
Frosh Line Shows Up
Well In Scrimmage
The sixth Monday following a Wol-
verine defeat this year was spent
quietly by the Varsity gridders yester-
day at Ferry Field, as Coach Harry
Kipke put his men through a brief
passing drill, sent them running
around the field a few times and then
to the showers.
John Regeczi and Chris Everhardus
idly fed the two streams of pass
receivers throughout the appreviated
practice session, while Kipke stood by
occasionally giving some mechanical
instructions. His words were almost
the only ones spoken, for it was very
quiet on Ferry Field yesterday. It was
the aftermath of a demoralizing de-
feat at the hands of Ohio State, and
silence was the natural reaction to a
new low in Michigan football history.
Despondency even affected the re-
serves as they scrimmaged Coach Ray
Fisher's freshman team. Even with
Coach Wally Weber driving them and
shouting that a berth on the Varsity
was wide open to someone who showed
a little spirit and efficient blocking,
the "B" team, in two hours of steady
playing, could score only two touch-
downs. The first of these came on a
forward-lateral pass play, Oliver to
Johnson to Triplehorn, who reversed
his field and ran about 70 yards for
the touchdown. The second one came
as a result of another pass and a sus-
tained drive from about the 30-yard
While the work of the reserves
must have been discouraging, the per-
formance of the freshmen must on the
other hand have had an opposite ef-
fect. The frosh line especially was
playing a good brand of ball, featured
by hard blocking, and still harder
Preparations for the Northwestern
game thus were at a virtual stand-
still yesterday. Kipke said he would
use the same regulars next Saturday,
spiking the rumor that he would
"shoot the works" and send in a group
of inexperienced men in an effort
to discover something for next year.
Michigatn came through the Buck-
eye scramble without receiving any
serious injuries. Willard Hildebrand,
who was out on his feet through
most of the battle, suffered no ill ef-
fects. John Viergever and Jerry Ford
are recovering from bruises and will
be ready for the Wildcats.
Big Ten Standins

Inter-Sectional Contest Is Won By Purdue

!Rose Bowl Bid,
Will Probably
Go To Alabama
PASADENA, Calif., Nov. 19 - (P)-
The chances were strong today that
the Rose Bowl bid will go to the south
this year, with Alabama, a successful
previous visitor, favored to make a
return bow.
The Crimson Tide and the Big Ten
fettered Gophers of Minnesota stood
out as the nation's leading unbeaten
and untied grid elevens and the
chances are long when the Pacific
Coast conference's champion - prob-
ably Stanford - sends out its call, the
"Banra" boys will get it.
Should the faculty of the Western,
Conference suddenly relent and break
the Big Ten's post season game
shackles, Minnesota would be neck
and neck with Alabama in the race for
the invitation.
Alabama must beat Vanderbilt Sat-
urday to keep its slate clean. Minne-
sota has Wisconsin to subdue.
The east lost ground in its case
over the week-end with the first de-
feats suffered by Syracuse, Navy and
Princeton. It still has unbeaten, but
tied Temple. Colgate with a defeat
by Ohio State, must be considered.
Pittsburgh, a frequent guest here, also
had an outside chance.
In the southwest, Louisiana State
and Rice, unbeaten but tied, also held

Delta Upsilon Upsets
Theta Ci To Win Title
Delta Upsilon, two-time runner-
up for the Interfraternity Speed-
ball title, upset Theta Chi, last
year's winner, in the final of the
playoffs by a 11 to 9 score to win
the 1934 crown.
The score was close throughout.
At the end of the first quarter
Theta Chi led 4 to 3, at the half
both teams were tied 6 to 6, and
the third quarter ended with the
winners taking the lead 8 to 7. Af-
ter the first half Delta Upsilon
was never led, staving.off every at-
tack that Theta Chi made. Cook
was outstanding for the winners,
scoring six of their eleven points.
Raigl-4 also looked well for Delta
Upsilon in the field. As usual Bill
and Tod Howell were best for
Theta Chi.

Local Woien Play
In Cleveland Meet
The first and second all-Michigan
hockey teams, chosen at the state
meet held here recently, entered thel
Great Lakes tournament at Cleveland
Saturday. The first all-state team
defeated Chicago, 2-0, Columbus, 5-0
and tied with Cleveland, 1-1.
Of the nine teams thathentered
the tournament, two were chosen to
play a trial game on Sunday, at which
time two teams were chosen to repre-
sent the Great Lakes district in the
national tournament.
The Michigan team entered the
trial game, and Miss Jeannette Saur-
born of the University High school,
was awarded a position on the team
which is to play in the national meet
in Unionville, Mass. during the
Thanksgiving holidays. Three other
Michigan women received positions
on the team.t

Alpha Omicron Pi, Collegiate Soro-
sis, Jordan Hall, Alpha Delta Pi, Hel-
en Newberry," Martha Cook, Kappa
Delta, and League Zones 4, 7, and 8
will open the Intramural basketball
season today with practice games.
These games will continue the rest
of the week. The regular tournament
will begin later in the season.

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-Associated Press Photo
Ed Ekoronski, Purdue center is shown intercepting a forward pass
intended for one of the Fordham players surrounding him in the game
last Saturday between Fordhanm University of New York and Purdue
University of Indiana which was played at the Polo Grounds in New York.
Purdue eked out a 7-0 victory over the Rams in a hard game. The
Boilermakers managed to stop up the vaunted power attack of the
eastern institution and were throttled up themselves for most of the
game by the powerful Fordham line.
Jim Carter, one of Purdue's famed "touchdown twins" carried the
ball over the goal line in the second quarter for the only score of the
- *

First Frosh Basketball
Cut Is Mrade By Coach
With practice barely under way
more than 90 freshmen have re-
ported to Coach Ray Fisher at
Waterman Gymnasium as candi-
dates for the freshman basketball
team and already the first cut has
been made, reducing the squad to
Coach Fisher expects more first
yearmen to report this week and
even more when the yearlings fin-
ish football. Another cut will be
made at the end of this week and
some men will be released from the
squad before Thanksgiving if pres-
ent plans are carried out.
Directing practice sessions four
nights a week, Fisher has not yet
been able to get a line on the abil-
ity of his men. Last week was the
first of practice and so far he is
confining his activities to weeding
out the poorer material. There is
much height in evidence on the
squad, according to Fisher, and
within a few weeks the squad will
move to the Intramural building,
probably aftr the final cut.

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Minnesota .........4 0
Purdue ............3 0
Ohio State .........4 1
lllinois .............3 1
Wisconsin.........2 2
Chicago..........2 3.
Iowa ..............1 2
Northwestern......1 3
Indiana .. .... .....0 3
Michigan..... ...0 5



Coach Lowrey
Picks Tentative
Hockey' Sextet

An interesting question that a lot
of people raised after Saturday's de-
feat was, "Which is stronger, today,
Minnesota or Ohio State?" To fur-
ther discussion I offer the record of
what each team did in its 34 to 0
defeat of Michigan:
Minn. O.S.U.
First downs by rushing . 9 21
First downs by passing .. 3...3
Total first downs ........12 "24
Yards gained by rushing 314 353
Yards lost by rushing ... .19 34
Net yards gained rushing 295 319
Forward passes attempt... 4 .5
Yards gained by passes,. .82 .141
Total yards gained by
rushing and passing .... 377 460
Average yardage of punts .43. .37
If we could take the cold statistics
at their face value Ohio State would
have to be conceded a definite edge
over Minnesota. But this is taking
it for granted that Michigan was'the
same team on Nov. 3 and Nov. 17,
and that, I think, is not true.
Physically the Michigan team was
about the same on these two Sat-
urdays but mentally there was a
difference, especially after the
first few plays.
At Minnesota the team recovered
a fumble and had the surprised
Gophers fighting in the shadow of
their own goal line before the game
was a minute old. In Columbus Sat-
urday the Buckeyes after receiving
the kickoff ran a lateral pass on the
first play and shoved Michigan back
into its own territory at the outset.
Most sport writers will agree with
me that Michigan was a better team
against Minnesota than slh2 was
against Ohio State - I speak only
of defensive ability. She has had
no offense worth mentioning as such
at any time this season.
Comparing the personnel of the
two teams I would say that Ohio
has in Frank Fisch and Tippy
Dye two passers who are as good
as Pug Lund was with a bandaged
finger. As for receivers, Trevor
Rees and Sam Busich, while not
as well known as Larson and Ten-

ner and Johnson, appeared to be
just as good.
In the backfield Ohio has Dick
Heekin, Damon Wetzel and FrankI
Boucher to compare with Pug Lund,,
Stan Kostka, Art Clarkson, and Jule
Alphonse. Alphonse is a shiftier run-
ner than anything Ohio has, but if
my team had three yards to go for
a touchdown I would pick Wetzel
instead of Kostka to carry the ball.:
The Minnesota Ram has more sheer
power but Wetzel picks his holes bet-
ter and starts faster.
In brief, both teams have great
reserve strength, Minnesota has
more sheer power but Ohio State
is smarter. Both teams are well
coached by mentors who know
modern football.
I would, though going contrary to
the statistics above, pick Minnesota
to win by not more than seven points.


Tom Corbett


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~nZ~O..there are just as many
kinds as there are kinds of folks

With official practice sessions
scheduled to start this week, Coach
Eddie Lowrey of the Michigan hockey
team has had a little opportunity to
see what his sextet will look like dur-
ing the past few days. The Coliseum
opened for use of the puck candidates
Friday night, and two unofficial per-
iods have already been, held.
Although only a few of the prob-
able applicants for hockey jobs came
out to practice last week, of the dozen
or so players, six of them were those
who in all probability will compose
the starting line-up in the first en-
gagement, against Amherstburg on
Dec. 3.
Co-captains Johnny Sherf and
Johnny Jewell, Larry David, Red Mc-
Collum, Dick Berryman and Vic Hey-
liger have been adtive in the tentative
lineup. Of these, only the last two,
Berryman and Heyliger, are without
any Varsity experience whatever.
Both, however, according to Coach
Lowrey, are "going to be good play-
The newcomers, teamed with Sherf,
will ' comprise the Maize and Blue
scoring threat. As Coach Lowrey has
tried them out in practice, Heyliger
has been at center and Berryman at
right wing, while Sherf was at his
usual left wing post.
Jewell will for the third year take
up his duties as goalie for the Wolver-
ine sextet. Guarding the Michigan
ice in front of him, Don McCollum
is slated for the job at right defense,
with Larry David at the left defense
CHICAGO, Nov. 19. - (/P) - Plenty
of scoring was done on the Big Ten
gridiron Saturday, but it was so well
spread around that Jay Berwanger,
of. Chicago, retained his lead.

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