The Weather
Showers, continued mild to-
day; tomorrow rain, probably
turning to snow flurries.
B k igbA u
Why The Public Doesn't
Know...; ,r Friday's Messages
On Armaments .. .
Federal Housing
Measure Rejected
By Council Action
Bill Fails To Draw
Necessary Majority
Twelve Votes.
Speaks Here
Arrange Taxi Rate
Hearing For Friday
Faculty Council
Participate In
On FERA Plan
Before a critical and demonstra-I
tive audience of nearly 200 towns-1
people who jammed every corner of
the council chambers, Ann Arbor's
Common Council last 'night failed to
pass the resolution necessary to ac-
cept an FERA proposal to build 50
homes for welfare families in or near
Ann Arbor, with combined Federal
and city financial support.
The Federal government would have
allotted up to $250,000 for labor and
material costs for the model housing
project, with the city being required
to spend approximately . $25,000 to
purchase the land and make neces-
sary improvements.l
Adherents of the measure could
poll but eight of the twelve votes
necessary to pass an appropriation
bill, although six members of theE
fourteen present voiced disapproval.
Faculty Men Vote No
Three of the four faculty members
on the Council voted against the bill,
Wilfred B. Shaw, director of the bu-
reau of alumni relations, being the
lone exception.I
Ald. Redmond M. Burr, state repre-
sentative-elect from the Washtenaw
district, led the fight for the bill, an-
swering numerous inquiries both from
other Council members and from per-
sons in the audience. Prof. William
A. Paton of the School of Business
Administration, alderman from the
Sixth Ward, was the chief council-
man critic, although other members
also -questioned the financial ability
of the city to meet its end of the proj-
The sharply partisan audience also
contributed its share of the discus-
sion, with Harry A. Reifin, local labor
leader, E. W. Blakeman, University
Councilor of Religion, and the Rev.
Harold P. Marley of the Unitarian
Church defending the bill. The ma-
jority of the crowd 'present applauded
them loudly, although an equal num-
ber of impromptu speakers criticized
the proposal as financially unsound.
Rent Guarantee Not Given
Throughout the month-long consid-
eration which the project had re-
ceived, it had been believed by city
officials that $1,000 a month for rent
for the houses would be guaranteed
by the FERA. Alderman Burr ad-
mitted, after questioning by Prof.
Walter C. Sadler of the Engineering
College, Seventh Ward alderman, that
this guarantee would not be forth-
coning from the state reliefbadminis-
tration, which is handing out Federal
funds in Michigan.
The Council then voted, after a 15-
minute summary of the project by
Alderman Burr, but the issue was
never in doubt. 4
The Council also postponed the
third reading of the rate-standardiza-
tion amendment to the city taxi or-
dinance, and voted that a public
hearing on the bill be held at 7:30
p.m. Friday, Nov. 23.
Explains Action
Of Council On
Caucus H ea ds
Following a meeting of the Judic-
iary Committee of the Undergraduate
Council held yesterday afternoon at
the Union, a statement was issued by
Carl Hilty, '35, president, clearing the
sophomore party c~.icus chairmen
whose names were included in the list
of students censored by the council
for illegal electioneering tactics of
any personal fault in the conduct of
the election.
The two students, Joseph M. Hin-
shaw, Jr., '37, and Thomas Ayers, '37,
had protested the council's action of
condemning them even though no
evidence against them had been pro-
duced. In his statement Hilty ex-
plained that the action of the council
was to censure not their private ac-
tivities but the activities of the parties
of which they were the leaders.
* * *
Stowe To Give
Third Lecture
Of The Season
subject Of Speech To Be
Saints, Sinners, And
The third Oratorical Association
lecture of the current season will be
delivered by Lyman Beecher Stowe,
eminent biographer, on the subject
"Saints, Sinners, and Beechers," at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
His lecture is purported to be an
intensely human narrative which
gives an intimate story of how his
grandmother, Harriet ]Beecher Stowe,
wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Mr. Stowe, while steeped in the lit-
erature of the past,,has played and is
playing an authoritative role in lit-
erary affairs at the present, according
to those who know him. He is re-
puted to have inherited the Beecher
gift for story-telling, and his lectures
are really informal talks, full of hu-
mor and humanity concerning the
great New England family of which he
is a part.
Graduatingfrom Harvard Univer-
sity in the class of 1904, Mr. Stowe
went to New York and began his
career in the literary world. After a
year's apprenticeship as the'assistant
editor of a magazine, he became a
free-lance writer.
Then, for several years, he turned
to public service and held several of-
ficial positions with both the state
and city of New York. Following that
he resumed his editorial work on the'
staff of Doubleday, Doran and Com-
pany, where he became managing ed-
itor of the book editorial department.
He resigned this position in 1930 in
order 'to devote his entire time to
writing and lecturing.
Tickets for the lecture will be on
sale at Wahr's Bookstore until 5 p.m.
today, after which time they will go
on sale at the box office in Hill
Auditorium. Tickets are priced at 50
and 75 cents.
Mr. Stowe will be the guest of
Martha Cook dormitory at a dinner
in his honor preceding the lecture.
Group V -3 p.m., Room 305.
Group III and IV - 4 p.m., Little,
Group II - 4:45, Room 305.
Don Cossack
Male Chorus
Thrills Crowd
Vocal Interpretations 01
Sacred And Folk Songs
Are Rendered
Serge Jaroff And
35 Artists Perform
R i ms k y-Korsakoff And
Moussorgsky Songs Ar
The Don Cossack Russian Mal
Chorus, conducted by the magnetic
Serge Jaroff, returned to Ann Arbo
last night, after an absence of twc
years since their last local concert
to thrill a capacity audience in Hill
Appearing in the third concert of
the Choral Union series, this distin-
quished group of 35 artists and their
popular leader completely astounded
the many music-goers with their great
vocal interpretations.
They mingled Russian sacred music
with folk songs, selections from their
native operas with Cossack music in
such a way that they were recalled to
the stage time and again for encores.
Heralded as the outstanding chor-
al organization of the day, the Cos-
sacks seemed to have little difficulty
in proving this to the audience with
their varied display of originality in
The chorus opened the program
with four sacred numbers which were
followed by two encores of a lighter
After the first intermission Jaroff
led the group in excerpts from two
operas of foremost Russian compos-
ers, Rimsky-Korsakoff and Moussorg-
sky. Following the first, a Russian
peasant song was offered as an en-
core. The group was closed with a
group of soldier's songs and a Cau-
casion song by Schwedoff.
In the final group of selections were
included three Russian folk melodies
and a number of Cossack songs, the
latter arranged by Mr. Jaroff."
As final encores, the Cossacks pre-
sented two of their members in a live-
ly dance, known as the "Trepak," and
the chorus was then heard in the
popular "Volga Boatman."
After the concert the Cossacks were
entertained by the Varsity Glee Club
at a formal reception in the small
ballroom of the Union.
Following refreshments the Glee
Club rendered several numbers. These
included "Laudes Atque Carmina,"
"Devotion," "Aileen Allana," "The
War Song," and several traditional
Michigan songs.
McCracken Steals
Show In One-Man
Union Opera Cast
Members of committees and staff
of the Union Opera "Give Us
Rhythm," attended a preview of the
production Sunday night at the Un-
ion. Russell McCracken, director, was
in charge of the performance and
took all parts in the show.
Assemblinghthe entire cast for the
reading of the play, "so that each
will know just where he 'carries his
spear onto the stage,'" McCracken
reached great dramatic heights in his
rendition of the play.
Styling himself as the "world's
worst actor - or actress," McCrack-
en proceeded to portray the roles of
each of the 200 odd members of the
cast and choruses, much to the de-
light of his audience who gave vocif-
erous approval to the rendition.
Actual production of the play is
now under way.
Cast Of Anniual
Union Opera
s Announced
Director Gives
Participants In
Student Government Submitted
To University Administratio
' The various cast parts of the twen-
ty-sixth annual Uiversity of Mich-
igan Union Opera, 'Give Us Rhythm,"
-which is to be gi en Dec. 11 to 15
in the Lydia Mem elssohn Theatre,
have finally been assigned, according
to Russell McCracien, director of the
The show, a modern, musical re-
view, is following the custom of last
year's opera by restricting the show
to students of the University. The fol-
lowing are in the main cast:
Zimmerman Has Lead
David Zimmerman, '35, is playing
the male lead as the'editor of a college
newspaper. He is well known on cam-
pus, having been in many dramatic
productions. As the hero of the 1934
Union Opera, Zimmerman will solve
the great mystery about which the
show is concerned.
Robert D. Slack, '35, will have the
female lead as the co-ed heroine. As
the heroine, Slack will help the editor
of the college paper solve the deep
Vaudie V. Vandenberg, '36, is to play
the pait of a blues singer in a night
club located in the college town. Van-
denberg was in last year's Opera,
"With Banners Flying."
Cram Again Performs
Stewart Cram, '35, will play a sec-
ondary male lead as'a professor in the
college. Cram was also in last year's
show, having the male lead in that
Other members of the main cast
who will have minor parts are: Paul
Bauer, Spec., Richard Mattox, '36,
Robert B. Conway, '36, E. D. Harsh-
berger, '37E, David MacDonald, '36,
Gordon J. Macdonald, '35, Barton
Wardell, '37, James H. Weigand, '37E.
Those in the Detective singing
chorussare Allan Dewey,t'37, Walde-
mar Dulski, '37, J. L. Eberly, '35, Stew-
art Johnson, '37, Joseph V. T. Kemp-
ton, '37E, John Park, '37, Sam Pozin,
'37, Harvey D. Walker, '36, Homer
Williams, '37E, Alfred Ribnick, '37,
and S. S. Ringo, '35.
The Rhythm Dancers will be made
up of William B. Anderson, '37, Milt
(Continued on Page 2)
C. F. Rener To
Talk Today On
Economics Expert To Give
Second Faculty Speech
Of Lecture Series
Prof. Charles F. Remer of the eco-
nomics department, second faculty
member to speak on the University
Lecture Series, will give a lecture at
4:15 p.m. today in Natural Science
Auditorium. His topic is "Professors
in Washington."
Professor Remer, having spent
some time as a governmental official
and economics expert in the Orient,
is in a position to reveal to the public
the inner workings of the "Brain-
trusters." After graduating from the
University of Minnesota in 1908, he
went to Manila, where he served in
the Bureau of Education of the Phil-
ippine Islands from 1910 to 1912.
His next position was that of eco-
nomics instructor at St. Johns Uni-
versity in Shanghai from 1912 to
1915 and professor until 1922. Dur-
ing a leave of absence he secured his
master's degree from Harvard in
1917, and taught there as a tutor in
the division of history, government,
and economics in 1923 and 1924.
In 1924 he took the position of Or-
rin Sage, professor of economics at
Williams College, and remained there
until 1928, when he came to the Uni-
versity to assume his present posi-
He is director of a study of inter-
national economic relations of China,
Proposed Council Constitution
We, the accredited leaders of various campus organizations, in
order to insure to the student body of the University a more workable
form of self-government do hereby establish a Men's Council.
Sec. 1. The council shall be composed of the president of the
Interfraternity council, the president of the Michigan Union, the
president of the Student Christian Association, the editor of The
Michigan Daily, the senior student representative on the board in
control of athletics, and the Union vice-presidents from the Colleges
of Literature, Science and Arts, Engineering, Law, Combined
Schools, Dentistry and Medicine. Whenever the independent or
fraternity groups have less than two members, the council shall elect
a sufficient number of men so that there will be at least two inde-
pendents and two fraternity men on the body.
Sec. 2. The president of the Michigan Union shall be the
presiding officer of this council.
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of this council to select an executive
secretary, who shall if he is not a member of the council become a
member on the date of his election. This secretary must be an under-
graduate of junior or senior standing. Juniors elected to this position
shall be eligible for re-election in their senior year. It shall be the
duty of the executive secretary to take active charge of the council's
business, to serve as a means of communication with other bodies and
to serve as a representative of the council in all matters, unless other-
wise provided by action of the council.
Sec. 4 It shall be the duty of the Michigan Union and the
Interfraternity Council to provide the executive secretary with an
office force competent and adequate to carry on the council's business.
Sec. 1 The council shall have original and general jurisdiction
over all men's student activities and student conduct and may make
recommendations on scholastic matters. The jurisdiction now exer-
cised by University authorities in this field is suspended upon the
adoption of this constitution; it is provided however that all rules
and regulations pertaining to matters under the jurisdiction of this
(Continued on Page 6)
Fiction Contest
Sponsored By
Prize of $10 In Books Will
Be Given For Best Short
Story Submitted
A $10 prize in books chosen fromf
the stock of fiction, drama, and
poetry will be offered by Ulrich's
Book Store to the author of the best
short story submitted by an under-I
graduate student for the first issue
of the "Contemporary," the newly
organized literary magazine.
The judges of the contest will be
Prof. Roy W. Cowden, chairman of
the Hopwood committee; Arno Bad-
er, instructor in the English depart-.
ment; and Prof. Carl Dahlstrom, of
the engineering English department.
Manuscripts should be between 1,500
and 3,000 words. Three copies of each
manuscript must be submitted at the
English office in Angell Hall before
Dec. 1.
"Literary merit will be the only
criterion," Harvey Webster, chair-
main of the contest, said. "Experi-
mental and conventional techniques,
radical and conservative subject, will
be given equal consideration."
The following people are assistants
to the editorial staff of the "Con-
temporary:" Richard Brawerman, '36,
Harry Collins, Jr., '36, Richard Mat-
tox, '36, Lucynda Roberts, '36, Rich-
ard Hamburger, '37, Violet Chulock,
'36, Marian Wiggin, '35, Melvin Oat-
out, '37, and Charles Rogers, '36. As-
sistants to the business staff include:
Peggy Swartz, '36, Billy Suffeirn, '38,
Jerry Mysee, '38, Gale Sterling, '35,
Harriet May, '38, and Jean Everand.
Twilight OrganI
Program Wil
Be Presented
Prof. Palmer Christian
Will Present Varied Song
Prof. Palmer Christian has returned
from his concert tour in Atlanta, Ga.,
and New York City, and will play his
second Ann Arbor recital of this sea-'
son at 4:15 Wednesday, Nov. 21, in
Hill Auditorium.
For his first number Prof. Chris-,
tian will play a tone poem, "Finland-
ia" by Silbelius. This piece shows the
composer's love *of. his country, its
history, and its hopes. Prof. Chris-E
tian's second number will be "Trame"
by Wagner. This was originally writ-
ten as a study for 'Tristan and
He will continue with the prelude'
to "The Blessed Damozel," Debussy-
Christian, and "Sonata in G," Elgar.
This piece is divided into 'Allegro
maestoso,' and 'Andante expressivo.'
Two autumn sketches, "Pensee'
d'Autumn," Jongen, and "Autumnal,"
James, are his next renditions. Doro-
thy James wrote "Autumnal" from'
an impression she received as a mem-
ber of the MacDowell colony at Peter-
boro, N. H.
"Carillon," Sowerby, and "Caril-
lon Sortie," Mulet, will conclude Prof.
Christian's program of organ music.
The Mulet Finale is based on the ef-
fect produced by the clanging of bells
in a cathedral tower while Mr. Sow-
erby's 'niece presents the impression
of the bells as heard from the dis-
Authors Ask 'Responsible
And Respectable' Form
Of Self-Government
Men's Council Will
Offer New Features
Student-Faculty Relations
Committee Is Sponsor
Of Proposed Plan
The establishment of "a respon-
sible and respected student govern-
ment" and the downfall of the Un-
dergraduate Council was imminent
last night following the presentation
to the administration of a proposed
constitution for a Men's Council.
An outgrowth of several months
deliberation by the Student-Faculty
Relations Committee of the Union in
consultation with leaders of several
campus organizations, the plan was
submitted to President Alexander G.
Ruthven yesterday afternoon. He
will refer the constitution to the prop-
er faculty committee.
The aim of the signators of the
constitution, as expressed in a letter
to President Ruthven, is to establish
a form of self-government which in-
sures "a friendly co-operation be-
tween the University and the govern-
ing student organization."
It was further pointed out in the
letter that "only through a realiza-
tfon that the faculty and students are
alike interested in building a better
University, and a willingness on both
their parts to work actively together,
is it possible to maintain" self-gov-
Signed By Officials
The proposed constitution is signed
by Allen D. McCombs, '35, president
of the Union, Philip A.Singleton,'35aE,
president of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, William G. Ferris, '35, managing
editor of The Daily, and J. Carl Hilty
'35, president of the Undergraduate
It was drawn up following a lunch-
eon meeting yesterday of the Student-
Faculty Relations Committee, with
President Ruthven, Dean of Students
Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Henry C. An-
derson, director of Student-Alumni
Relations, Joseph Bailey, '35, repre-
sentative of the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, Singleton and Hilty.
The new plan gives the council orig-
inal and general jurisdiction over all
men's student activities and student
conduct and provides that recommen-
dations may be made on scholastic
matters. With the adoption of this
constitution, the jurisdiction now
exercised by University officials in this
field is suspended.
Provision is also made fq the coun-
cil to either pass upon or submit peti-
tions of the student body to the Uni-
versity administration with its recom-
mendations. It may also bring the is-
sues contained in such petitions be-
fore the student body in a campus
No Women Included
The membership of the proposed
council will include no women stu-
dents. It will be composed of the pres-
idents of the Interfraternity Council,
Michigan Union, Student Christian
Association, the managing editor of
The Daily, the senior student repre-
sentative on the Board in Control of
Physical Education, and the Union
vice-presidents from the literary col-
lege, engineering college, law school,
combined schools, dentistry school,
and medical college. Provision is also
made for the election of a sufficient
number of men so that there will al-
ways be at least two independents and
two fraternity men on the body.
The letter to President Ruthven,
which accompanied the proposed con-
stitution, is as follows:
"We are submitting to you the con-
stitution of an all campus Men's
Council in the hope that it will be
accepted by you, or by the proper
University committee, in place of the
present unsatisfactory form of stu-
dent government.
"We believe that the organization
of successful student government,
which is a desirable attribute of any
University, depends to -a very large
extent upon a friendly co-operation
between the University and the gov-
erning student organization. Only
through a realization that the faculty
and students are alike interested in
building a better University, and a
Form Of
Russian Liturgical Music Is
Featured By Cossack Chorus
On Monday night in Hill Audito-
rium, before a highly entertained
audience, at the gesture of their im-
perious little conductor, Serge Jaroff,
the Don Cossack Chorus sang pianis-
simo, sang fortissimo, shouted, danced,
whistled and whooped through a
program of Russian liturgical music,
opera, song and folk tune.
The Chorus which Jaroff has creat-
ed is an amazing, a unique instru-
ment, one which he plays upon with
tremendous effect and obvious enjoy-3
ment. One might look the world over
to find a chorus which could bring
forth a pianissimo harmony of such
delicacy and richness, and Jaroff,
Freshmen Will Meet Principals
Of Hioh Schools In Conferences
mounting the podium, bowing, or re-
tiring he is the center of all eyes, but
during the course of the music he
turns his full attention to the per-
formance of his men who exhibit
the effects of his precise and long-
continued training and respond as
though he touched the stops of an
organ, with vox humana or full Wur-
To climax an evening of spectacular
entertainment Jaroff signalled two
of the members of the Chorus, who
promptly thrust aside military dignity,
donned caps, and performed a rous-
ing Cossack dance with vigor and
It was fortunate that the program
More than 450 freshmen will meet
with the principals of their high
schools tomorrow for the purpose of
discussing their grades and problems
that have come up. Principals from
57 preparatory schools will be here.
Ira M. Smith, registrar of the Uni-
versity, stated yesterday that this is
the eighth meeting of its kind, and
is the largest since the idea was intro-
duced here. He said that besides the
high schools in the state that will be
represented, principals from three.
New York high schools, one from Wis-
mining the best method of preparing
students for college."
Most of the principals will be here
at 9 a.m., the registrar continued,
and will be through by noon. They will
lunch at the Union, and those that
have not completed their meetings by
that time will finish up in the early
Observers will be present from sev-
eral colleges in the state which either
have the practice or are contemplat-
ing adopting it, he said. Many prin-
cipals plan to bring senior advisors