SECTION "National Collegiate News in Picture and Paragraph" U. S. TRADEMARK SERIAL NUMBER 313412 Above HE KICKS FOR COLBYw Here is the original mas- cot of the Colby College (Waterville, Me.) rooters. Right REVERED BELL* Colb~ College (Waterville, Me. students, in the old days before -everyone carried watches, were summoned to and from classes by the tolling of this bell, cast by Paul Revere in 1824. And to get out of classes, the boys used to steal the clapper (or the bell itself). They even tried to freeze it silent by tipping it up- side down, filling it with water, and letting it freeze -but it righted itself just 'is they were leaving it, and they .were all soaked with water as well as classes. Above BURYING GERS Pur sity (Lafayeti, Kappa Sign their victoryc gers at the homecoming. Left CONTINUE[ Once the fs bell was shin to Harvard. students in tui collect to th of Virginia,< students,,*not done, addres Ma esty, Qw of Lngland. ing on a wharf about on a sailing Colby officia cated it *anc to their camp Save this one-use that one - VOTE NOW!. (One complete team each week may be selected by each undergraduate) T(Usepni onlyPl ease erint) I All American Editor, Collegiate Digest Section P.- 0. Box 472, Madison, Wis. i Dear Sir: My selections for the 1934 Collegiate Digest Section; l All ,American Football team .are: Ir 1 -----------------------------ENDKLS------------_------------- 1 I -_ -_-_------------ ----------TCLS_ FULLBACK------------------UARDS----------- 1 I QUARTRBACK--- HALFBACKS-- -----T.---------------__# IFULa CK----------------CNE-------------- (col _______ ---'