18, 1934 TR MlJCHI.GAW, IIAILY - i "______-'_".__________ - -- - .~ aa 1 V Lda-.! n1/.'1^ La - a -4L Wi x'i"L Dr. John MuyskensIs Selected Speaker For Independents Set Date For First Banquet, Banquet Chairman League Publishes New Booklet Explaining Merit Point System Three Will With Scholastic Awards Be Given Women HighestRatings Dr. John Muyskens, associate pro-f fessor of phonetics, will speak at the Assembly Banquet to be held Dec. 3, Betty Hill, '35, chairman of the ban- quet announced recently. Professor Muyskens has spoken at the freshman advisors' meetings this fall and gave the sixth Orientation lecture. His subject for the talk be- fore the non-affiliated women on cam- pus will be on "Change of Mean- ings." This is the first time that any or- ganization of the independent women has been attempted, and it is hoped by the committee that this first proj- ect of the year will receive the sup- port of all non-affiliated women. The. banquet will correspond to the an- nual Panhellenic Banquet given for all the sorority women on campus. In place of the scholarship award given to a sorority group, three awards will be given to individual girls who have rated the highest scholastically during the time spent on this campus. RIegistrar Ira Smith will announce the awards and Dean Alice C. Lloyd will present them. Assisting Miss Hill in the arrange- ments for the banquet are Katherine England, '35, chairman of the finance committee; Eleanor Johnson, '36, chairman of publicity; and Mary Louise Schaake, '35, chairman of the patroness committee. Tickets for the affair have been priced at 70 cents, Miss England an- nounced recently. Physical Education Club Holds Dexter Houseparty The Physical Education Club, com- posed of members of the physical edu- cation major school -are holding a house party from Friday to Sun- day at Dexter Boy Scout camp. Gertrude Morris, '35Ed., will make arrangements for the food. Deborah Leonard, '38Ed., will assist her. Louise Paine, '36Ed., is in charge of the week- end entertainment. Betty Hill, '35, is chairman of theI first Assembly Banquet for non-affil- iated women. The banquet is to be held Dec. 3 in the League. Society Meets For Project Discussion The members of Alpha Kappa Delta,S sociological society, recently held a meeting at the home of Prof. Arthur D. Wood, for the purpose of discuss- ing a project which Professor Wood and Eridmann Beynon, of the sociology department, are preparing for publi- cation. The project is a study of the atti- tudes of the Polish people in this country. The facts of the study are being gathered in the Polish city, Hamtramck. When completed, the! book will compare the lives of the peasants in their native land with those of the people in America. Of vital interest to every woman on campus is the publication through the League of a new scale of merit points for activities, in accordance with the Merit System, now func- tioning in the administration. Revisions Made The new scale is essentially similai to the old point system, but a num- bhr of revisions and changes make the merits more representative of per- sonal efficiency than before. One of the most important changes now irn operation is that the head of every activity shall decide whether each woman working under her deserves the maximum number of points al- lowed for the activity. Thus the dis- tribution of merits will depend not only upon the number of activities. engaged in, but also upon the qual-' ities of personal efficiency ,.and dili- gence displayed. Explain Types of Points Again the difference between tem- porary and permanent points receives increased emphasis in the new scale. Temporary merits are given to ac- tivities, the duties of which do not extend throughout the whole year, and to those which require less re- sponsibility. Permanent points are awarded for activities requiring work throughout the year, and also en- tailing due responsibility. Thus fresh- man women may receive one tem- porary point for attending eight Orientation lectures, whereas a mem- ber of Freshman Glee. Club receives a permanent point, since this activ- ity lasts for the year. Certain requirements limit the number of activities in which one may engage. The maximum number of merit points anyone may carry for a semester is 14. A scholarship. rating 1 1 C f, 1 I J , ,: t . . . ;i 4 "1 _ 1 of at least "C" average is also re- quired, with no absolute failure for the past semester. Freshman women and upperclass transfers are not allowed to participate in regular activities during the first semester of their residence.C Records Filed The record "of points for every woman on campus is kept on file at the League. Under the Merit System of choosing League officers and chair- men for various class projects, tihis record is consulted to indicate the ex- perience of candidates. Again the rec- ord is of use in selecting members for various honor societies. The fil- ing of these points is under the charge of, the Merit System Committee of the League. The new scale has beery published in the form of a booklet, listing in order all campus activities and offices with the merits given for each. Copies will be distributed to all sororities, dormitories and league houses. Any- one wishing one may also procure it in the Undergraduate Office of the League. I r Engagement Party Is Held At League Womens Clubs W ill Sponsor Tea. At Lea tue The Washtenaw Federation of Women's Clubs will sponsor a pro- gram tea at 2:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 30, in the ballroom of the League. Proceeds from the tea will go to the fund for the triennial convention. of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, to be held in June in Detroit. Theodore Smith, director of the civic opera ballet, will send a group of his ballet members to present en- semble and solo numbers for the pro- gram. As an honored guest, Dr. Jose- phine L. Peirce, of Lima, O., will be present. Dr. Peirce, a past president of the Ohio Federation, is now a can- didate for the presidency of the Gen- eral Federation. As a local contribution for the program, a farce will be given by the Platt Parent-Teachers' Association. Mrs. Julio del Toro, president of the County Federation, is in charge of preparations for the program. Union And League Grill Attract Many For Friday Dances Popular For Winter Extensive Courses In Unusual Langtiages Are Offered Heie All J.G.P. Tryouts Must File Petition At League All those interested in trying out for any type of part for the com- mittee positions for the Junior Girls Play must fill out League dramatic cardstobtainable in the Undergraduate Office of the League and file them there before Wed- nesday, Nov. 21. These cards will take the place of petitions. BEAUTY SPECIALS Permanents $2. to $5. Soft Water Shampoo and Finger Wave. Monday, Tuesday 35 c Other days Soc RAGGEDY ANN BEAUTY SHOP Phone 7561 1115 South University i a 1 3 , 'E 1 < i t t c r i t s X r t c r 1 V By JANE SCHNEIDER A recent announcement in The Daily Official Bulletin to the effect that the class in Scandinavian 151 would not meet on the scheduled day surprised more than one reader. Com- paratively few students realize the extent of the courses in unusual for- eign languages offered on this camp- us. As a matter of fact, the major- ity of students think Spanish, French, German, and perhaps even Latin and Greek make up the entire foreign. language department. Just a glance through the catalogue will reveal the opportunities afforded each semester in the department of the Oriental, Scandinavian and Rus- sian languages and literatures. Many of the courses dealing with religious history, Biblical literature, geography, and history are of course conducted in English, yet there are courses in the study of these various cultures through introductoryand advanced study of the languages themselves. Among the most unusual languages offered are Hebrew, Assyrian, Ara- maic, Arabic, Coptic, Ethiopic, Syr- ian, Russian and Scandinavian. Of these, Aramaic was the language spoken in the time of Christ. Since parts of the Bible are written in Ara- maic, many students preparing for the theological seminary take this course to interpret the Bible in its CHILD STUDY GROUP The Child Study Group of the Michigan Dames will meet Monday night at the- home of Mrs. Freder- ick Peterson on Foster road. Members wishing to go are asked to be at the League to leave at 7:45 p.m. original form. Many ministers take the course for a Master's degree. The Assyrian languages apply to ancient Babylonia and Assyria. Sev-1 eral hundred tablets collected by archaeologists are in possession of the Oriental language department. The Assyrians used these to write on, and baked them to make the writing permanent. Many of these are being translated for publication. Coptic was the language of the Egyptian Christian church from about 250 A.D. to the 16th century, while Ethiopic was the sacred language of the Church of Abyssinia. Arabic, which embraces Arabia, persia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Turkey, Sudan and Northern Africa, has existed for 1300 years. The Russian language is becoming more important because of the growth of Russia in intellectual, political and commercial activities. Courses are given in the elements of the language and the country's literature. In ad- dition to these unusual languages there are many courses offered stu- dents in the Scandinavian language department. . Most Students American It is an interesting fact that every year there is a supply of studentsI who take these unusual courses for their cultural and not technical value. The majority of these students are Americans, not foreigners, and strangely enough many of them who are working their way through school have less time to spend on their work than the average student. It has been found that those stu- dents make the greatest success who have had no remarkable acquaint-' ance with foreign languages before taking these unusual courses. Amer- icans learn a language as easily as anyone, but having been brought up with the idea that they cannot speak a foreign tongue, hesitate to study an unusual language. But it is a well known fact that the best way to study a civilization is through learning the language itself. Where To Go Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Eve- lyn Prentice" with William Powell; Whitney, "Romance ingthe Rain" with He at h er Angel; Wuerth, "Dames" with Dick Powell; Majes- tic, "Cleopatra" with Claudette Col- bert. Dancing: Chubbs, Hut Cellar, Den Cellar. Mrs. Thomas Burt, Norway Road., Even though the Ohio State game announced the engagement of her attracted a 'great many students t daughter, Virginia, to Richard Mont- away from Ann Arbor, the Union and gomery Shick, LaPorte, Ind., at a the League Grill were crowded Pri- breakfast party at 11 a.m. yesterday day night. Acacia fraternity also in the League. Mrs. Burt invited entertained with a closed informal i twenty-four of her daughter's closest dance. friends to meet Miss Elizabeth Ann Marie Mette chose a dark green Shick. crepe gown with fox tails for the For her announcement party, Miss Acacia party. Esther Teurer was seen Burt wore a red wool dress accented in red crepe, with a cluster of red at the neckline by a Queen Elizabeth roses on a black velvet background collar. Completing her costume was at the neck. Louise Juckett chose a shouider corsage of green orchids. a black crepe tailored frock with a Miss Burt is affiliated with Delta white lace collar. Gamma sorority. Mr. Shick, '35M, is Charles Swartout was in charge of a member of Nu Sigma Nu fraternity, arrangements for the Acacia informal No definite date has been set for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pryce wedding, but it is planned for some- and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sergeant time in June. chaperoned the party. Barbara Sutherland was seen at the! Allied Youth Will Have Union in a navy-blue tailored frock with white lace at the neck. LouiseI First Party At Lane Hall Florez was charming in long black A crepe with a white starched lace col- Allied Youth will have its first so- lar. Ruth Robinson chose pale blue, cial meeting of the year on Saturday, and Doris Kaphan was seen in royal Nov. 24, in Lane Hall. Chaperones purple. Pale green crepe contrasted for the occasion will be Mrs. Samuel with mouse-green velvet was worn Br u and Dr. and Mrs. Roy J. by June Geyman. Ardell Hardy was - . seen in black satin with rhinestone The executive committee of the Ann buttons. Arbor post consists of Miss Ila Wag- The League Grill is attracting the goner, president, Miss Milda Haab, crowds this fall. Jane Bassett was first vice-president, Richard Lidi~ seen there Friday night in an olive coat, second vice-president, Miss green frock, trimmed with a leopard SAlice Griffitts, secretary, and Robert bow at the neck. Jean Seeley wore a Mitchell, treasure r.stunning gown of black pebble crepe The committee announced that all with a white monk's collar. Billy young people between the ages of 14 Faulkner, Nancy Olds, Frances O'Dell, and 21, inclusive, are eligible for and Helen McDonald were also seen. membership and are welcome to the party. Monthly parties as well as educa- SPEAKS ATaPITTSBURGH tional meetings, scheduled for the Miss Helen Bailey, who received~ second Thursday of each month, will her Master's degree in fine arts at be held. The educational meetings the University last June, spoke at a will feature speakers of local promin. recent meeting of the Michigan Alum- ence. nae chapter in Pittsburgh. Guests Entertained- By Negro Students Night Life Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. Byrl FA SH IO N S Bacher, and Miss Peannette Perry were the guests of honor at a dinner with given by members of the Benjamin This Week-end Brim Full House for Negro students Friday Of Activities and "Pan- night. After dinner Helen Wright, '35, Hell" Coming Soon house president, gave a reading. Miss we know well that you want I Wright was winner of the first prize clothes that will do justice to your taste . . . we know well in the Interpretative Arts Society that you want prices that last year. She was followed by won t impoverish your purse. We've assembled gowns that s Georgia Holloway, Grad., who read are a glorious tribute to two of her own poems. everything new in fashion and __________________ everything in designing. BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Priced $12.95 Upwards The results of the qualifying round of the city bridge tournament, playedTh Thursday night at the League, will be announced early this week. The ELIZABETH DILLON 11 high pairs, chosen from the nine tables competing, will enter the finals, GO , J the first rounds of which will be 605 East William played Tuesday night at the League. Just a Block from State St. The tournament will take the place of the Tuesday duplicate games. This youthful coat of silver musk- rat is particularly well-suited for campus and sport wear. The stand- up collar and swagger length add to its popularity. Furs are especially attractive this winter. Signal Corps Fraternity To Initiate Ten Today Pi Tau Pi Sigma, honorary signal corp fraternity, will hold a formal initiation today at North Lake. Fran- cis Dulyn, '35E, will preside. Those to be initiated in the fratern- ity are: Robert Auburn, '36E, Harold All Members Of Union Opera To Meet Today All members of the production staff, the cast, and the choruses of the Union Opera, "Give Us Rhythm" are asked to be present at a meeting to be held at 7 p.m. today at the Union. All members are urged to be present. - Catering to Your Better Taste - CREAM WAFFLES - LUNCHEONS - DINNERS 1, A MA"YFLOW E R Retarant Cor. East Street and South 4th Avenue -Anm Arbor 11 U. RADIO SERVICE ALL MAKES RAYMENT RADIO, Inc. i I I Phone 2-1335 OPEN EVENINGS 1304 So. University I m ,a, 11 m _____ ____ __ . u , i 'r NEW HANDKERCHIEFS For all occasions, both for Men and Ladies. Beautiful, new French prints, lovely colors. Initials of all kinds. SPECIAL VALUES at .. " I 1, r R q ] Y 9 , 9 1 t i, ' .- - _' j FIRST NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Established 1863 Oldest National Bank In Michigan 11 these. specials are featured at the fingerle cafeterias sunday pan fried speckled brook trout 13c grilled small tenderloin steak . 16c r.~UA -1- I II 11 11 f I