. A Presentation that Shows at a Glance the Paris Picture for Fall and Winter, 1934.... all at Prices that are an Invitation to Buy! FASHION ANNEX Here's a Fitting Schedule of Dresses for Classes and Daytime Wear Co-eds live in a world of their own and their fashions are as gay as they are themselves ... to be comfortable always but to be smart foremost is the co-ed's decree ... crepes . . . satins . . . wools . . . rabbits' hair .. . jerseys ... knits... we've hit it to a "T." You can get them in one or two pieces. $795 $895 Blouses---Darkt Light or Bright, this is One Season You Wear What You Like. Plaids ... stripes ... plain colors ... wools.. . crepes satins . . . or in dressier models of lame . . . this is one season you wear what you like . . and we have them all. $195 '$295 - $1595 a ARM f t ti Dobbs CROSS COUNTRY for Fall 19341 will lend an air of special smartness to your town-and-country costume. Fashion decrees a derby line and Cross Country achieves it with the skill and perfect fit that have always been connected with the Dobbs name. - In felt, in the season's most X750 frocks mostly predominate . . . DOBBS HATS ARE MADE IN THIRTEEN ACCURATE HEADS1ZES others in sport outfits or in day- time frocks of soft wools, knits, cloque m a t e 1 a s s e, barastripes, . Dobbs Hats are Exclusive . /