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November 18, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-18

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The Weather

Occasional rain, colder to-
day; tomorrow rain or snow,





Rabbits And Hats Are Out Of
Date ...; The Answer To The
Taxi Problem.. .



Tickets For
Stowe's Talk
-3Put. On Saie
Eminent Biographer Will
Discuss 'Saints, Sinners
And Beechers'
Is Contributor To
Leading Magazin e
Has Had Experience As
Book Editor, Free-Lance
Writer, And Politician
Tickets for the third Oratorical
Association lecture-of the 1934-35 sea-
son, at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audi-
torium, featuring Lyman Beecher
Stowe, eminent biographer, are now
on sale at Wahr's Bookstore.
Mr. Stowe will lecture on the sub-
ject "Saint, Sinners, and Beechers."
He is the author of a number of
well-known books and his latest,
"Saints, Sinners, and Beechers," pub-
lished in March, 1934, was widely
acclaimed by critics and readers. He is
a member of the Author's Guild of
America and has also contributed
scores of articles to the better news-
papers and magazines.
A graduate of Harvard University
in 1904, Mr. Stowe went to New York,
where he began his work in the lit-
erary world, armed with a sheaf of
letters of introduction from no less
a personage than Mark Twain.
He served as assistant editor of a
magazine for a year and then turned
to free-lance writing. Following that
he turned to public service for several
years, holding minor official positions
both with the state and the city of
New York.
In 1918, however, he left public
life and resumed editorial work as
managing editor of the book editorial
department of Doubleday, Doran &
Company. In 1930 he resigned that
post to devote all of his time to
writing and lecturing.
Mr. Stowe is the grandson of Har-
riet Beecher Stowe, author of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin," ad according to re-
ports, much of his lecture wil deal
with comments about his grandmoth-
er's book. He will also present some
interesting sidelights about the fa-
mous New England family.
A characteristic comment on Mr.-
Stowe's ability as a lecturer was re-
ceived from thesheadmaster of the
Choate School, Connecticut, in which
he said: "Your talk will go on in our
minds forever -hiaking us chuckle
and making us better men."
Democrats I n
Heated Contest
O v e r Speaker
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 - (/') -
Speakership candidates will gather
here next week to begin six weeks of
hot and heavy campaigning before
322 House Democrats meet in party
caucus about Dec. 31 to pick their
Representatives Joseph W. Byrns
of Tennessee, Democratic floor lead-
er, and Sam Rayburn of Texas, whose
followers claim support in sdme ad-
~ministration quarters, are the leading
The Tennesseean claims he has
enough pledged votes to win. It re-
quires 163, provided all members are

present at the party caucus. Advo-
cates of other candidates dispute this
claim. They exhibit letters from
scores of members saying that they
are not committed to any candidate.
Meanwhile, Democratic chief tans
in New York, New England and Penn-
sylvania are said to be lining up
House members in their state to sup-
port a West-North leadership ticket
composed of Rayburn for Speaker and
John W. McCormick of Massachu-
setts for leader.
Edward J. Flynn, New York sec-
retary of state and Bronx Democratic
leader, and Senator-elect Joseph Duf-
fy of Pennsylvania, are reported to be
backing this team.
Hospital Employee Is
Killed In Auto Crash
Reid Miller, 21 years old, 1026
Church St., was killed instantly in an
automobile accident five miles east
of Manchester last night. He was an
employee in the X-ray division of the

The Royal Family' Is Story
Of Famous Barrymore Dynasty
By ROBERT S. RUWITCH of a dueling match on the Cavendish
To the American theater-goer hall stairway.
Julie Cavendish is unmistakably
mention of the name Barrymore is the beloved Ethel Barrymore, one

Will Lead Cossacks

Wolverines Never Have

Chance As

Ohio State
t Ease, 3 4-0

akin to what the name Capone con-
notes to the gangster or his moll.
The clan of Barrymore is the Napo-
leon, Alexander and Caesar combined
of the American stage. It carries
f with mention of its name a reverence,
an awe, and perhaps a suspicion.
The Barrymores have captured
the American stage, the American
cinema, and even now the American
radio. Several years ago they cap-
tured the curiosity of a young man
named George H. Kaufman to the
extent that he collaborated with the
novelist, Edna Ferber, to write "The
Royal Family."'
It is the second production of this
season of Play Production and will'
be presented Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday evenings in
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. William
P. Halstead is the director.
"The Royal Family" is ostensibly
the tale of the royal Barrymores and
as such does not run amuck. Tony
Cavendish of the stage royalty is'
easily recognized as John of the
Barrymores. Tony lifts his eyebrows
with ease, smoothes his moustache,
and slouches. Tony -even is guilty

of the most astonishing and success-
ful actresses of the last few decades.
Julie is the prototype of Ethel of the
Barrymore myth. The Barrymores
are so famous now that their family
story is fast becoming mythical.
Fanny Cavendish and Herbert Dean
are brother and sister in Mr. Kauf-
man's piece. Consensus of opinion
seems to be that Mr. Kaufman has
used this as a ruse for in real life
there is no Herbert Dean of the Bar-
rymores. Herbert, however, is easily
seen to approximate John and Ethel's
famed brother, Lionel. Though Mr.
Kaufman can't be pried loose from
his secret, it is said that Fanny is
the immortal John Drew, in spite of
the transfer of sexes. Even Ethel's
daughter, Ethel Barrymore Colt, as
Gwen, finds a place in the play.
"The Royal Family" enjoyed more
than 200 performances on Broadway.
It was more than likely the play
which established Jed Harris as a
great theatrical producer. In its
original cast were found such great
stars as Haidee Wright, as Fanny,
Otto Krueger in the role of Tony, Ann
Andrews, as Julie, Sylvia Field, as
Gwen, Jefferson de Angelus and
Roger Pryor.




Don Cossack
Concert To Be
Given Monday


Prof. Slosson
Will Address
Church Group
Will Continue Series In
Congregational Church;
j Heaps Also To Speak
Continuing with his general theme!
of "The Rise of Religion," Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history de-
partment will discuss "The Pagan
World in the Time of Christ" as part
of the program offered today at the
Congregational Church. Rev. Allison
Ray Heaps will deliver the sermon, en-
titled "An Old Love Story."
Students of social problems will
be interested in the sermon on "Is
Communism the Cure for Anti-Semit-
ism," to be given by Rabbi Bernard
Heller of the Hillel Foundation, in
the chapel of the League. The regular
afternoon class in Jewish Ethics will
be omitted this week, but will be re-
sumed Nov. 25., At 8 p.m. a general
meeting of the organized independent
Jewish students will be held at the
"The Tobacco Road," a play con-
cerning rural Georgia now running
in New York, will be reviewed by the
Rev. Harold P. Marley in the after-
noon service at the Unitarian Church.
A student discussion of "The Greatest
Problem Before Youth Today" will be
led by Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the
School of Education, at 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Raphael Isaacs, assistant di-
rector of the Simpson Memorial In-
stitute, will lead a discussion on

Voluptuous Wiles Of
Billboard Cleopatra
Tempt New Antony,
Some modern Marc Antony claimed
his love last night. At least that
is the lament of Paul Seippel,
manager of the Majestic Theater,
which is offering that voluptuous,
soul-searing, gorgeous, stupendous,
gigantic heart-pulsing spectacle,
As Mr. Seippel was saying, before
he went off in a sea of superlatives,
the Majestic is now minus one full-
length, life-size, four-color poster of
Cleopatra, bedecked in a bit of gauze,
a necklace, and a winning smile.
Evidently some love-sick swain des-
cended upon the Majestic, hacked
away the poster from the frame, and
went his way into the night, warmed
by the stream-lined, sylph-like vision
of Cleopatra (as conceived by Cecil
B. DeMille).
Mr. Seippel wishes to extend a per-
sonal vote of thanks to the midnight
marauder for not taking the frame
Judffe Denies
Direct Acquittal
Plea BY Insull
CHICAGO, Nov. 17. - (A') - Federal
Judge James H. Wilkerson today de-
nied motions by which Samuel Insull

Russian Chorus Includes
Thirty-Six Expatriated
Army Officers
Thirty-six former officers of the
Russian Imperial Army, known
musically as the Don Cossack Rus-
sian Male Chorus, under the direction
of Serge Jaroff, will be heard at 8:15
p.m. tomorrow in the third concert
of the 1934-35 Choral Union series.
The program will be given in Hill
Expatriated from their native land,
this group, since its formation in
1923, has become known today as the
finest male chorus in the musical
world. At the close of this season
they will have' given approximately
3,000 programs, probably an unbrok-
en record for such a group over a
similar period of time.
Have Sung Throughout Europe
Their programs have been heard
in practically all European countries
with the exception of Russia, and
throughout the United States, Cana-
da, and Mexico.
The great success of this singing
organization centers about its dynam-
ic leader, Mr. Jaroff, a man diminu-
tive in size but a most exacting dis-
ciplinarian. He commands the re-
spect, good-will, and appreciation of
the entire chorus.
The program which will be pre-
sented tomorrow includes Russian
sacred music, folk songs, Cossack
war songs, and dances.
The opening number is titled
"Epistle of Patriarch Hermogen." It
was a note read by the state secretary
to the people of Moscow in 1609, being
an exhortation to stand. with the
church and state against the traitors.
The music was written by A. Kastal-
Three shorter sacred numbers will
follow, "Open to me the doors of Re-
pentance, Giver of Life," by Wedel;
Tschaikovsky's "Our Holy Lord," and
an excerpt from a liturgy by A. Gret-
Will Present Cossack Songs
The chorus will be heard in parts
of Rimsky-Korsakoff's "The Invisible
Town Kitesh and the Maid Febronia"
and Modeste Moussorgsky's opera,
A special arrangement of four
Cossack songs by Mr. Jaroff will then
be presented by the Cossacks and will
be followed with the Caucasian song,
"Lesginca," by K. Schwedoff.
Three folk numbers will also be
given: "The Moon Is Shining," ar-
ranged by G. Fistulari; "A Golden
Cloud Stayed Overnight," by Doro-
gomisky; and Gogotzky's "The Beau-
tiful Moon."

Democrats Will
Seek Harmony
Farley Termed By State
Leaders As Not Wanted
In Michigan
LANSING, Nov. 17. - R) --Na-
tional Democratic officials will be
asked to keep their hands off Mich-
igan so that the Party can be reor-
ganized in this state, it was an-
nounced authoritatively today.
Spokesmen for tne so-called Com-
stock wing of the party declared flatly
that unless Postmaster General James
A. Farley and other high-ups in the
National organization let the official
leaders in Michigan take the situation
in hand existing breaches cannot be
healed. Gov. Comstock was known to
be entirely in sympathy with this be-
Horatio J. Abbott, National com-
mitteeman, the governor and others
may journey to Washington soon to
warn those in charge of national
policies that Democratic affairs of the
state can not be handled by long dis-
If their program goes through, con-
trol of the Democratic organization
in Michigan again will be vested in
such leaders as Comstock, Abbott,
Frank A. Picard, candidate for the
United States Senate in the recent
election, and William Connolly, De-
troit wheel horse.
The ultimatum which this faction
is preparing to send to Washington is
that patronage in Michigan must be
handled through the regular party or-
ganization -that is, through Na-
tional Committeeman Abbott.
Confusion andrconflict in the party
in Michigan were brought about by
several things, according to old guard
spokesmen. It was charged by one of
them, close to the governor, that cer-
tain factions sought patronage direct
from Washington.
Congressmen, some of whom were
defeated in the recent election, as-
sailed Abbott and his group and at-]
tempted to go over his head. When
Comstock was defeated for renomina-
tion Farley placed control of Mich-
igan patronage in the hands of Pic-
ard. While Picard and the Comstock-
Abbott faction work well together, the-
Governor believes that patronage
must go through official channels if
harmony is to be restored.
Prof. Remer Will
Lecture Tuesday
Speaker this week in the 1934-35;
series of University Lectures will be1
Prof. Charles T. Remer of the eco-
nomics department, who will speak
Tuesday afternoon on the topic, "Pro-k
fessors in Washington," with refer-
ence to the recent fad of "Brain-
His lecture will be the second of'
a group of eight on the series to be
given by faculty members. ProfessorE
Remer has spent much time in the1
Orient as an economics teacher, and
as economics adviser to governments i
The lecture will take place at 4:15
p.m. in the Natural Science Audi-

Michigan State 7, Detroit 6.
Minnesota 35, Chicago 7.
Wisconsin 7, Illinois 3.
Purdue 7, Fordham 0.
Indiana 17, Maryland 14.
Yale 7, Princeton 0.
Colgate 13, Syracuse 2.
Pittsburgh 31, Navy 7 .
Carnegie Tech 3, Duquesne 0.
North Carolina 7, Duke 0.
Notre Dame 20, Northwestern 7.
Columbia 13, Pennsylvania 12.
Stanford 40, Olympic Club 0.
South. California 33, Oregon 0.
Cornell 21, Dartmouth 6.
Nebraska 3, Kansas 0.
Rutgers 22, N.Y.U. 0.
Holy Cross 20, Brown 7.
Army 34, Citadel 0.
Harvard 47, New Hampshire 3.
Penn. State 25, Lafayette 6.
Western Maryland 6, Bucknell 0.
Tulane 20, Kentucky 7.
Vandenberg Is
Called Turncoat
By Democrats
Re-Election Is Said To Be
Due Only To Support Of
New Deal
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17 --(/P) -_
Senator Vandenberg's recent sugges-
tion for a virtual "coalition" govern-
ment drew a quick Democratic come-
back today that the Michigan Repub-
lican "evidently believes in the fa-
mous political maxim 'if you can't
lick 'em, jine 'em'."
Senator Joseph T. Robinson of
Arkansas, Democratic leader of the
Senate, in making this report, noticed
that Vandenberg was being mentioned
as a possible Republican presidential
candidate in 1936, and added:
"As a Democrat I am enthusiastic-
ally for that, and may I suggest as
a fitting campaign slogan -'vacuity,
vacillation and Vandenberg.'"
Robinson contended Vandenberg
had "voted against the New Deal but
when he found his constituents were
for it he became its enthusiastic de-
"The senator was pretty lucky to
retain his senatorship, in Michigan,
by the expedient of supporting Presi-
dent Roosevelt," Robinson added.
His statement, through the Demo-
cratic National committee, added
spice to post-election political devel-
opment which included definite signs
of a spit among "liberal" Republicans
over methods of reorganizing their
One group, headed by Senator Bor-
ah (Rep., Ida.) openly demanded a
thorough housecleaning of the party
and denunciation of former, leaders
such as Herbert Hoover, Ogden Mills
and Andrew Mellon.
Another faction, with such figures
as Vandenberg and Senator McNary,
of Oregon, Republican leader of the
Senate, sought to avoid a "major op-
eration" which it feared might split
the party.
Japan Balks; One
More Parley Done
LONDON, Nov. 17 -(R)- Rejection
by Japan of British compromises on
the all-important question of naval
equality threatened today to dead-
lock the tri-power naval conferences
tighter than ever.
It was authoritatively learned that
the Japanesedgovernment had in-
structed its delegates from Tokyo
to reject the English suggestions that
Japan be granted naval equality in
name but not in fact.
This would bring the negotiations,

undertaken by the United States,
Japan, and Great Britain for the pur-
pose of reducing naval armaments,
to an impasse again.
The Tokyo reply was not expected
to be given to the British until next
week, however, and hope was ex-
pressed in official circles that the
Japanese would make some conces-
sions from her demands for outright
The British indicated they also
hoped that the United States might

Buckeyes Score In First
Five Minutes To Start
Touchdown Parade
Patanelli Stands Out
In Defensive Play
Breaks Give Michigan 3
Scoring Opportunities,
But Are StillHelpless
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 17.- Ohio
State's football team answered the
exhortations of 68,000 cheering spec-
tators here today and crushed a
fighting Michigan team, 34 to 0.
The Buckeyes slashed through the
Wolverines defense before it could
get properly set for a touchdown in
the opening minutes of the game;
then combined a powerful running at-
tack with beautiful laterals and for-
ward passes to score in every period,
except the third, making up for this
with three touchdowns in the last
The official attendance was 68,678,
the largest crowd since the same two
teams met here in 1928. A jubilant
crowd of 200 R.O.T.C. members who
receive free tickets to football games
followed the Buckeye band in a snake
dance around the field after the
game, and climaxed the performance
by tearing down their own goal posts.
Michigan Gets Breaks
Michigan got three breaks, two
recovered fumbles and a poor kick by
Boucher, which gave them the ball
deep in Ohio State territory, but their
running attack was. impbtent all
afternoon and they failed to capitalize
on the breaks.
The statistics tell the story better
than words. Michigan gained a net
yardage of six yards by rushing, and
made three first downs, one on a pen-
alty and the other two by passing,
while the powerful Buckeyes carried
the ball 319 yards and compiled 21
first downs.
The Michigan line was outcharged
and outsmarted by the Buckeyes, who
opened enormous holes for Heekin,
Boucher, Wetzel and the other State
Michigan showed a flash of defen-
sive strength in the third period, when
they kept the Buckeyes deep in their
own territory most of the time but
lost their fire when Regeczi failed to
pass on fourth down and State took
the ball to Michigan's five-yard line
as the quarter ended. They scored on
the opening play of the fourth quarter,
after it had rolled into the end zone.
Five plays later Fisch passed to Wendt
for the fourth touchdown.
Nothing To It
Starting at midfield early in the
first period, Ohio State drove over
for its first touchdown in eight plays.
Heekin was untouched and made the
touchdown standing up. Monahan
After the Wolverines had stopped a
second Buckeye drive, Ohio State
started again from its own 46-yard
line. With end sweeps and tricky mul-
tiple-pass plays gaining most of the
ground, the ball was carried to Mich-
igan's 4-yard line, from where Wetzel
knifed through guard for the second
touchdown. Monahan's kick for the
extra point was wide.
Ohio State could make no sustained
scoring drive during the remainder of
the half. Regeczi's magnificent punt-
ing kept the Buckeyes in their own
territory much of the time. One of
his kicks traveled 75 yards in the air.
Michigan got the ball in Ohio terri-
tory for the first time when Ward
recovered an incomplete lateral pass
on the Buckeye 40-yard line midway
in the second quarter, but two run-
nings plays and a pass failed 'and
Regeezi was forced to punt.

Pass Interception Ends Threat
A few moments later, Boucher's
poor punt went out of bounds on his
own 41-yard line, and Michigan had
its second opportunity. A penalty
gave Michigan a first down on the 27-
yard line. The Statue of Liberty
play gained three yards. Rees knocked
down a pass by Regeczi on second
down, and intercepted another of his
passes on the next play to end the
mild Wolverine threat.

"Some Data About Judaism" in the and his son, Samuel, Jr., asked him
evening program at 7 p.m. in Harris to direct the jury trying them for mail
Hall, Episcopalian student center. fraud to return a verdict of acquittal.
The Rev. R. Edward Sayles will "I am satisfied that there is evi-
speak on "Taking Jesus Seriously," in dence under which the court is re-
the monn service of the First Bap-
thumorningservin teirt quired to give their case to the jury,"
tist Church. Dr. Edwin Lewis recent Judge Wilkerson said in denying the
book, "A Christian Manifesto," will bem sm f he ningsthy
reviwedby Suar Chaberainmotions made for the two Insulls by
reviewed by Stuart Chamberlain, Floyd E. Thompson, defense attorney.
Grad., at the 6 p.m. meeting of the A om pson, d e attorn
Roger Williams Guild, Baptist student A moment later Judge Wilkerson
group. overruled similar motions for four of-
"A Use for Trouble," seventh in a ficials of Halsey, Stuart & Co., La-
series on "What We Want," will be Salle investment banking house,
discussed by the Rev. Charles W. Bra- charged in the case with Insull and
shares in the services at the First others. They were Harold L. Stuart,
Methodist Episcopal Church. In the vice president; Clarence T. MacNeille,
Wesleyan Guild worship service at 6 secretary, and Frank K. Shrader, a
p.m., Prof. G. E. Carrothers will speak rer h
on "Organized Religion in Modern Earlier the government closed its
Society." Refreshments and a social evidence against Insull, completing all
hour will follow the address, testimony in the trial of the ex-mag-
Rev. C. A. Brauer, pastor at St. nate and 16 associates accused of mail
Paul's Lutheran Church, has chosen fraud.
for his sermon today the subject In an unexpected move the defense
"Christ's Warning Concerning the put Samuel Insull, Jr., on the stand
End of the World." again. He was asked only one ques-
tion, to contradict Government testi-
ivr..mony that the losses of the Insull.
Announce Winners Ifamily in the crash of the Corpora-'
Poster Cotes tion Securities Co. was "mostly paper
profits" made in that company.
"How much did your father and
Winners of the Union opera poster mother lose in the collapse of the
contest were announced late yester- Corporation Securities Co.?" asked

°a.-- i

Congregational Church Starts
New Sunday Service Program

day by William N. Haas, cnairman of '
the Union publicity committee.
First prize of $5 was given to Don-
ald B. Gootch, '35Ed., Bloomingdale.
Second prize, four tickets to the Un-
ion opera, was won by Gladys Coe,
Grad., Ionia. Ruth Loebs, 236, Roch-
ester, N. Y., won third prize, which is
two tickets to the opera. Honorable
mention was given to John W. Vos,

"Between 14 and 15 million dol-
lars," Insull replied.
Edmonson, Wilsie Will
Prepare Youth Program
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School
of Education and M. J. Wilsie, di-
rector of the Ann Arbor Youth Coun-
nil nxrrpnnnninfprl by +l the 'ntp A nr-,

j'ris is the second of a. series of ar-
ticles dealing with the religious, social.
and educational activities of the varioust
(religious organizations on the campus.
SAnother article will appear in an early
issue of The Daily.
The inauguration of a plan where-
by Sunday services are made up of
the regular service, a sermon, and an{
educational lecture by an outside
speaker, is the outstanding feature of
this year's program at the First Con-
gregational Church.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman, University
Councilor in Religious Education, in
discussing the new system, said, "The
plan of having a minister and a pro-
fessor on the same platform is unique,I

Worrell of the oriental languages de-
partment, Prof. Albert Hyma of the
history department, and Dr. Blake-
Lectures have already been deliv-
ered by Rabbi Bernard Heller, director
of the Hillel Foundation, Prof. LeRoy
Waterman, head of the department of
oriental languages, and Prof. Wilbur
R. Huinphreys, of the English depart-
Sermons are delivered by Rev.
Allison Ray Heaps, who has planned
his talks to correlate with the educa-
tional portion of the program. His
general subjects for the year are "Thej
Old Testament in the New Times"
and "The Teacher and the Twelve."
All the student activities of the

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