THE MICHIGAN DAILY AI - Em _____________________________________________ DAILY OFFICI. Pubication In the Bulletin is constru University. Copy received at the ofilci until 3:30; 11:30 a.n. Saturday. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 19344 VOL. XLV No. 47 Notices Faculty Meeting, College Litera- ture, Science, and the Arts: The ad-A journed meeting of this faculty will be held in Room 2225 A.H., Monday, Nov. 19, beginning at 4:10 o'clock. At this time the discussion of the pro-, posed changes in requirement for ad- mission will be continued. Because of the importance of this subject a full, attendance is desired. Student Loans: The Loan Commit- tee will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at 1:30 p.m., in Room 2, University' Hall. Students who have filed appli- cations with' the Office of the Dean of Students should call at that office for an appointment with the Com- mittee. J. A. Bursley, Chairman Notice: In the display case of the Botany Department on the first floor of the Natural Science Building is a display of sprays of chrysanthemum flowers showing the different types grown at the Botanical Gardens of the University, on Packard Road. Choral Union Members: Pass tick- ets for the Don Cossack Russian Male ,lo ruP Concert, to be given Monday night, will be issued to all members of the Choral Union in good stand- ing, who call in person, at the School of Music, Monday, between the hours of 10 and 12, and 1 and 4. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be issued. Don Cossack Russian Chorus Con- cert: The attention of Choral Union con- cert-goers is respectfully called to the following: The Don Cossack Russian Chorus concert will take place Monday eve- ning, Nov. 19, at 8:15 o'clock. Please be seated on time as the doors will be closed during numbers. Holders of season tickets are re- spectfully requested to detach from their season tickets, before leaving home, the individual coupons for the respective concerts, and, to present the proper coupon only. For the Don Cossack concert use coupon number 3. To avoid confusion and misunder- standings, members of the audience who leave the auditorium during in- termissions will please present their ticket stubs to the attendants at the doors when re-entering the auditor- ium. Taxi cabs and private cars may use the entrances on both the Thayer and Ingalls Street sides of the building. Traffic and parking in front of the auditorium will be prohibited. The Box Office will open at 7:00 o'clock. Single admissions, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 - Season tickets, $5.00, $7.00, $8.50, $10.00. * The Ann Arbor Police Department, the Buildings and Grounds Division of the University and the University MVusical Society,, will appreciate the sympathetic co-operation of the pub- lic in these matters. Attention Junior Lits: Class dues will be collected Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 19-21, in An- gell Hall. Dues also may be paid to the various members of the commit- tee. Juniors, Support Your Class and Let'~s Make This A Record Year. Varsity Band: Plans for the Sunday Detroit trip have been changed. Bandsmen must meet at Morris Hall, in full uniform, not later than 11:45 a.m. Sunday, as buses will be ready at 11:30 a.m. i r 1 F 7 AL BULLETIN Receipt Of New Fortune Wiped Out- ctive notice to all members of the"I of the Assistant to the President .._ *LA-O E Out of a Liturgy .. A. Gretchaninoff 1s Announced Out of "The Invisible Town Kitesh Febronia" ...N. Rimsky Korsakof B o t a ni I c a1 Collection Of Out of the Opera P a r k*-Davi! IcreaSes "Hovanshchina" .....Moussorgsky Soldier's Songs ...... Arr. by S. Jaroff Reference Material Lesginca............K. Schwedoff The Moon Is I The addition of a number of new: Shining ...... Arr. by G. Fistulari books to those in the stacks of the A Golden Cloud Stayed main library has been announced. . Speed Reie Joi h Ii Overnight...........Dargomisky These books have been added to the Po e i yS The Beautiful Moon ... N. Gogotzky library collection over a long period of Cossack Songs.....Arr. by S. Jaroff time because of a reduced budget this MANILA, Nov. 16. - P)-- Relief year. The majority, of course, are of a workers were mobilized toaay to take Events Today scientific nature, or of the reference food and medicine into the south- type. Many have come through gifts foodtandpmeicinevinttedsouth Michigan College Chemistry such as that of the Parke Davis Co.'s typhoon Wednesday and Thursday. Teachers Association will hold its fall botanical library, which added a large i Twenty-three persons were known meeting in Room 303 Chemistry number of rare and valuable volumes Tead, ythre persons epoted Building. The following program will to the library's previous collection onds be given: this subject. A medical collection has siin~ and nine lismed officially as 10:15 a.m.- Recent Advances in also been received., missing, as reports came in early to- Atomic Physics, Dr. E. F. Barker. Sdayeovfrthertialkyrewtoercom muti-ns 11:15 a.m. - Library Technology Some of these books, however, are ovle works of fiction, and, while no item- Four towns appeared to have been for Chemistry Students, Dr. Byron A. ized list is available, these books, as -Associated Press Photos h urd townsly y the ene Soule. . soon as they are catalogued and pre- 12:15 p.m.- Luncheon, Michigan d f lat lacd Collapse of the Insull public uti- storm League. tare"star book shelvare posite the ities system carried away the entire In Sorsogon Province there were 1:15 p.m. -Business meeting cae desk on the second floor of the family fortune, including his mother's 11 known dead, and 60 per cent of* 2: 00 p.m. - The Responsibility of library, dower, Samuel I sull, Jr., one of thej the dwellings were blown down. the College in the Preparation of The botanical collection is one of 17 defendants, testified in the mail The Manila Tribune reported 23 Teachers of Chemistry. Discussion the best and most complete of its fraud trial in Federal court in Chi- persons lost their lives at sea. There lead by Dr. Clarence S. Yoakum. kind in existence, in the opinion of cage. He is shown as he appeared at were two known dead in Manila. authorities. The medical collection has court. Dance for Graduate Students will not as yet been completely classified, -ISeven Repoited Dead be held from 9 to 12 p.m. at the Wom- and no information is available re- 1 Eastern Hdgway Crash en' s Athletic Building. Admission 35 garding it. Glee Club W ll cents. ALTOONA, Pa., Nov. 16-- (A) - body to the Presbyterian Church GC Ut At Highway patrolmen reported s'even Cosmopolitan Club: Lecture by Dr. house where they will be the guess I~ One£r persons were burned to death tonight J. T. Sunderland on "Contributions G v o c rtproswr undt et oih J. t turltue"CLnruHall,of the Presbyterian students. in a collision of two cars six miles of East to Our Culture," Lane east of Altoona. None of the victims 8 p.m. Congregational Church: 10:30 Uni-'were identified, and the lone survivor, .A.U.W.:vMeeting at 3:00 o'clock fied Service of Worship and Christian a woman, was unable to talk. One in th balr m t L:ge Mrs. Education. Mr. Heaps will speak on Michigan's Varsity Glee Club will of the cars was reported to have been in the ballroom of the League. Mrs."An Old Love Story," continuing the sing for the residents of Mosher-Jor- from State College, Pa. Roy W. Sellars will speak on "The series on "The Old Testament in the dan Halls from 2 to 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Ambulances and officers rushed to American Students in Russia." New Times." Prof. Slosson will speak Nov. 18, at one of the dormitory's reg- the scene and a large crowd imme- on "The Pagan World in the Time ular Sunday afternoon musicals diately collected. Reports of the, Presbyterian Students will leave for of Christ." This is one of the lectures The club will begin its concert with number dead varied but Highway Church House at 1:30 p.m. on "The Evolution of Religion." "Feasting Our Watch" by Elgar; patrolmen. insisted seven perished asI C rhH s _: p"Long Ago in Alcala" by Matthews; the two machines collided and bursti First Baptist Church; Roger Wil- and "Devotion" by Richard Strauss. into flames. Coming Events liams Guild, Sunday: 10:45 a.m.- A negro spiritual, "Wait 'tit I Put The woman was rushed to an Al-i Pi Tau Pi Sigma informal initia- Mr. Sayles will speak on "Taking On My Crown" by Reddick, and an toona hospital. Her condition was tion will be held at North Lake Sun- Jesus Seriously." 4 Irish folk song, "Eileen Allanna" will described as critical and police were day, Nov. 18. The truck will leave 12 noon - Student Class at Guild i follow. Walter Jones will take the unable to question her. siptn'e za l 7 acirlonuf nr 1iu viinn Wil- CLASSIFIED ADVERTIlS1NG advertusemens wit hClassifed Advrt!si g Departmuen .. Phone 2-1214. The ciatsified columns close at five ociock previous to day of insertion. 1Box nuin~ ers may be secured at no ext ra chlarge. Cash in advance-Ile per reauing line (-'n basis of five aiverage words to live) for one or two insertions. 10c per reating line for three or nat Me insertions. Mininm 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c perreading line fo;" one or two insertions. 14c per reacting line for three or {orr, insertions. 10o discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimumn three lines per insertion. By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month.........................8c 4 lines E.0.D., 2 months........3c 2 lines daily, college year ........7c 4 lines EO.D., college year........7u 100 lines used as desired ..........9c 300 lines used as desired.......8c 1,000 lines used as desired....... ,.7c 2.000 lines used as desired........6c The above rates are per reading line, based I eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lowecr case. Add Oc per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. careful work at low price. WANTED 4x WINE SALESMEN: Good, reliable, to represent A-1 winery. Property owner preferred. Box 10R, Mich., Daily. WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 7x STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 9x ROOMS AND BOARD AtTF-% VIfAiNLJ l f---Livirc,ii Suuro SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1934 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY NOTICE FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- posses 'ed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with" low mileage included. We will trade. and extend convenient terms. Open evenings 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox LAUNDRY I ROOM AND BOARD free in Suburban htbome to party who will be home PROFESSIONAL SERVICES1 during day, and do small amount _ 1- --1-1 __ ---- - _ _ - _- - -- - _ of w ork. FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the Kempf Music Studios for !ROOM TO RENT: Single room, warm artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- for student. Reasonable. Board op- sonable. Phone 6328. 1x tional. 620 Forest Ave. Yearly Pilgr age Of Learning Streams To University Museums Nearly 35,000 persons, many of them' every country on earth, including coming thousands of miles, visited the Russia, Tibet, India, Puerto Rico, acd University Museums last year, Mor- many European nations. Many of ley P. Williams, superintendent, esti- the Museums visitors are school chil- mated yesterday. Among them were dren. Almost every day classes from persons from all classes, varying from schools from all over Michigan come an Indian prince to a man who signed here. himself "John Dillinger." The average visitor is not inter- One of the most popular places ested in anything in particular, Mr. on campus, the Museums Building Williams pointed out. The school keeps Mr. Williams busy taking care children come mostly to see the pre- of it. And yet, of all who have gone historic divisions, and exhibit an in- through the building since its erec- terest in paleontology. tion, not a thing has been stolen or Mr. Williams told how he saw a harmed, he said. bwinne dayvlat yea. womkJant/ lk in~f L n a ast~t5 ~f. year 4" i 4 the R.O.T.C. garage at 1:30 p.m. For House. Mr. Chapman. further details see bulletin outside 6:00 p.m. - Student forum meet- the Signal Corps office. ing. Stuart Chamberlain, Grad., will discuss the recent volume, "A Chris- Michigan Technic Staff meeting I tian Manifesto," by Dr. Edwin Lewis. Monday, Nov. 19, at 5 p.m. in Room Members assigned for the panel jury 3205 East Engineering Bldg. It is next week, when this subject will important that everyone attend. As- be discussed further, should be pres- signments for December issue will be ent. made.I i 1 f ' solo part in "Eileen Allanna." The War Song" from "The Cross of Fire" by Chapman will conclude this group of songs. Frederic Shaffmaster, '35, will sing the solo part in "The War Song." A group of Michigan songs includ- ing "Laudes Atque Carmine," "I Want to Go Back to Michigan,"~ "'Tis of Michigan We Sing," "When Night Falls, Dear," "Varsity," and "The Yel- low and the Blue" will also be in- cluded. Thie accident occured on me -n liam Penn highway between Altoonat and Tyrone. Among the 35,000 who have signed the register are those from nearly Genesee Club will not meet Sun- day afternoon but will postpone their meeting until Sunday, Nov. 24. All members are asked to take special note of this change of schedule. Varsity Glee Club: Concert at 2:00 p.m. at Jordan Hall on Sunday. Also, wear full dress Monday night for the Cossack reception. Ribbons to be given out Sunday at concert. Mon- day reception at 10:30. Outing for Graduate Students: The Graduate Outing Club is sponsoring a trip to the Boy Scout cabin at Scio Sunday afternoon. Supper and par- tial transportation will be provided at a cost of 35 or 30 cents. Meet in the lobby of Lane Hall by 3:00 Sunday afternoon. Edward Marceau will be leader on the trip; for further in- formation call Mr. or Mrs. Whitaker, 5745. All graduate students welcome. Bibliophiles of the Faculty Wom- en's Club will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at the home of Mrs. Donald Mur- phy, 715 Forest Ave., at 2:30 p.m. Music Activities at the League: The following women and others inter- ested in the music activities of theI League, please meet at the League Monday, Nov. 19, at 5 p.m.; Anne F a r q u h a r, Rosanna Manchester, Elizabeth Moore, Ruth Boomhawer, Rachel Lease, Elizabeth Long. Badminton for Women: Practice for Intramural competition is to be- gin on Nov. 19 at Barbour Gymnas-' ium, 4:15 p.m. Beginners will be wel- come. All Congregational Students will meet at the Congregational Church at 5:45 p.m. on Sunday and go in a, Haris Hall: Sunday evening at sev- ! en o'clock there will be regular stu- dent meeting. Dr. Raphael Isaoacs, assistant director of the Simpson Memorial Institute will lead the dis- cussion on, "Some Data About Jud- aism." All students are cordially in- vited. Saint Andrew's Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion* 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by the Rev. William D. Orr, 7:30 p.m. Choral Evensong and Address by the Rev. William D. Orr. Presbyterian Student Appoint- ments - Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - Student classes meet at the Church House. 10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship, "The Possible You," Dr. William P. Lemon. 5:30 p.m. - Social Hour and Sup- per. Congregational Students are to be our guests; come early.1 6:30 p.m.-Worship Service. A play is to be given students from the Presbyterian Young People's Society and the music is being furnished by' the Congregational Orchestra. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ) Appointments - Sunday: 10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship Service. Sermon, "Treasure Trove," by Rev. Fred Cowin. 12:00 .a.m.-Upper Room Bible Class taught by Rev. Pickerill. 6:00 p.m. --Social and Tea. 6:30 p.m. -Discussion meeting the topic of ,which is "Hobbies in Mak- ing Personalities." 7:30 p.m. - Evening W o r s h i p Service and sermon, "Unexhaustible Pcssibilities," by Rev. Fred Cowin. Members and friends of the guild areI urged to attend these functions. i 4A - lib Unitarian Church: Sunday Evening Devotional service. Rev. H. P. Mar- ley's topic will be "Tobacco Road" - a discussion of the Kirkland play of Rural Georgia now running in New York. Liberal Students' Union meet- ing at 7:30. Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the Educational School will speak on, "The Most Important Problem for Youth." Michigan Dames: The Child Study Group will meet Monday evening,, Nov. 19, at the home of Mrs. Freder- ick W. Peterson, Foster Road. Those planning to attend should be at the League Building at 7:45. GREATEST VALUE in Regular Meals. 7 Lunches and 7 Dinners Worth $6.16 - for $5.00 and $5.65 Ticket for $5.00 Both Good at Any Time. The MICHIGAMME (Next to Michigan Theatre) NRA T o Face Test In1Dr. Raphael Will Speak To Harris Hall Group IThree Battles Today ToH ri Hl ru . Dr. Raphael Isaacs of the medical GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 16 -(A)- school will speak on "Some Aspects The NRA will be under fire twice of Judaism" Sunday night in Harris within a few hours in United States Hall. He will clarify these points of District Court here Saturday morn- the Jewish religion that are often ing, and in the afternoon it will at- : misinterpreted. tempt to use its punitive powers This is the fourth of a series of dis- against an alleged violator of a code. cussions about religion which are pre- Two Grand Haven companies are i sented at student meetings, and the plaintiffs in unrelated actions sched- series was just inaugurated this year. uled for morning hearings before Judle Fred M. Raymond. In the Reasonable and Experienced third NRA case, Reginald S. French, of Caledonia and Middleville, broth- er-in-law of Senator Arthur H. Van-ij TU TOR IN G denberg, will be called on trial on French, Spanish, Latin, Math, charges that he placed himself in i Physics, & Engineering Subjects contempt of the Court by violating John Popplestone, A.M. (Harvard) the code for the hard coal dealers in- Richard Burgis, B.S. (Yale) dustry after Judge Raymond had is- TELEPHONE 7450 sued an injunction ordering him to comply with the code's provisions. 1Between 9 and 530 write her name in the register, and walk quickly out. That register is full of history. Its many pages con- tain all sorts of names. There are a few pseudonyms, such as "Dillinger," but for the most part the signatures are those of persons anxious to leave records of their having visited the Museums. Week Days 1.Sctill 6 25cafter 6 c; Q4L3 ' SUNDAY & 25cAYS Mat. & Night 4. - 4 4 - , o ve A A &A'a a WHAT STRANGE SPELL DID SHE CAST OVER MEN?; Academic Notices Bacteriology 113a will start Mon- day, Nov. 19, in Room 2552, East Medical Bldg., at 1 p.m. Each stu- dent should come provided with a $5.00 Hygienic Laboratory ticket pro- curable at the Treasurer's Office. Psychology 31: For the midsemester examination students with initials A through F will go to 25 A.H., those with initials G through K will go to 231 A.H. and those with initials L tthrough Z will go to N.S. Aud. Blue- books will not be necessary. Block Courses in Physical Educa- tion: Education F4lb and F43b will begin on Monday, Nov. 19. Educa- tion F45b will begin on Tuesday, Nov. 20. L ENDS TONIGHT Matinees 30c Evenings 40c A I&"~ 1 " m Lectures Stage and Screen Entertainment University Lecture. Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the Dc- partment of Economics, will speak on the subject, "Professors in Wash- ington," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 20, in the Natural Science Auditor- ium. This is the second of a series of University Lectures by members of the University. faculties, which faculty members, students, and the general public are cordially invited to attend. Concerta Chor1al Unlion Concerts: The Don Cossack Russian Male AN UNUSUAL STAGE REVUE RUSSIAN REVELS Sixteen talented Russian Entertainers, a native orchestra playing wild gypsy dances - singers, dancers, featuring Mignon in the "GOLD DANCE." (at 3:50 - 7:30 - 9:30) AInd on the Screen Edith Warton's world-loved novel, the story of a rebel heart in a world of sham - America's Age of Innocence. I RENE DUNNE JOHN BOLES lSc to6--25c after 6 W H ITNEY Daily 1:30 - 11 P.M. - Now MUSIC-COMEDY "Romance in heRain"~ Starring ROGER PRYOR ESTHER RALSTON HEATHER ANGEL VICTOR MOORE Extra Cartoon in Color I 0 *CLAUDETTE *WA:R:RIE N *H E N El Y COLBE T WeI LIAM WILCOX Ian Keith Joseph Schi~dkraut C. Aubrey Smiih iii II 'Headless Horsemand Ili I I