A The Weather Increasing cloudiness and warmer today; tomorrow, snow and much colder. C, r IJ~~Afria vattu Editorials The Stafe Turns Out Citizens... The New Election, System VOL. XLV. No. 48 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS i 1 t Smoker Is Arranged ByUn'ion Varsity Football Event To Be Held Tuesday, Nov. 27 At 8 P.M. Expect More Than 3,500 To Be Present Walter R. Okeson, Head Of National Rules Group, To Be Speaker Complete plans for the annual football smoker to be held at 8 p.m.I Tuesday, Nov. 27, in the ballroom of the Union were announced last night by Douglas R. Welch, '35, re- cording secretary of the Union. Preparations are being made by the student reception committee to ac- commodate more than 3,500 students at the annual celebration honoring the members of the Varsity football squad, the coaching staff, cheerlead- ers, and managers. Walter R. Okeson, chairman of the National Collegiate Athletic Asso- ciation Football Rules Committee, has been secured as the principal speaker for the smoker. He will be introduced by Allen D. McCombs, '35, president I of the UOnion, who will act in the capacity of toastmaster. Attempts To Secure Band Nearly 50 invitations will be issuedy to members of the team and coaches, Welch announced. Two Faculty Councilmen Show Opposition To Taxi Ordinance DeRyke Says New Housing Plan Favored With two faculty members of the would penalize the student who want- City Council already in opposition to ed only a short ride. the proposed cab ordinance which In declaring that he did not favo the amending ordinance, Professo would standardize taxi rates at 35 Sadler said that he had not studied and 50 cents, opponents of the mea- the present taxi situation. However, he sure were last night predicting that said. the Council will undoubtedly it will not be passed on third read-finvestigate before the bill is finally ing when the Council holds its next brought up for third reading. Another important development in regular meeting Monday night. the fight for low cab rates was the Prof. William A. Paton and Prof. submission of a petition to the council Walter C. Sadler, comprising half the asking that the amending ordinance faculty representation on the Coun- be defeated, signed by managers of cil, told The Daily last night that three companies. The same men also they did not favor the bill in its said that they would submit a similar present form. petition which they are at present The other two University aldermen, circulating among students and Prof. Leigh J. Young of the forestry townspeople, although they made no school and Wilfred B. Shaw, director estimate of the number who had al- of alumni relations, could not be ready signed. reached last night. Impartial observers estimate that Professor Paton indicated that he the ordinance will undergo severe would oppose the ordinance on three criticism, if not a complete overhaul- grounds, his chief objection being that ing, when the Council convenes again. such a standardization bill would pre- All local cab operators have been ex- vent any sort of competition. He also tended an invitation to appear at the said that he did not favor the amend- meeting, and they are expected to ment to thepresent ordinance because criticize not only the new ordinance it made no provision for a rate sched- but the whole taxicab setup in Ann' ule based on mileage, and that it Arbor. r r e 1' r' r r t Venget.~ance Is Battle-Cry Of Ohio State Attack On ReialzdWolverines Predicts Federal. Providing Costs And Materials HelphIn Of' LabIor Name Students To Committees} of Union Opera Neumann, Strickland, And Wanty Picked To Head Production Groups Final selection of the students who Alice' Dies At 2; March Hare, Mad flatter Don Crepe WESTERHAM, England, Nov. 16 -A)- Alice of Wonderland -Mrs. Alice Hargreaves-died today. She had been ill for weeks, this little eighty-two-year-old lady who, when she was 10, inspired lean, ped- antic Charles Lutwidge Dodgson to desert his fusty mathematics and Cheerleaders will be present to lead the student body in yells and songs, and negotiations are under way to se- cure the services of the Varsity band to furnish music for the smoker. The program of speakers will in- clude, in addition to Mr. Okeson, the retiring captain, prominent members of the team, and coaches. Tickets are already on sale at 25 cents per person and may be obtained from Union student committeemen or at the main desk in the lobby of the Union. Robert Johnson, '36, student executive councilman, is in charge of the sale of tickets, it was announced. Mr. Okeson* has been active as a football official for more than a quarter of a century. Prior to that time he attended Lehigh University, from which he graduated in 1900 as a civil engineer after starring three years on the football team. Worked As Engineer He worked as an engineer for the Standard Oil Company, Shiffler Bridge Company, American Bridge Company, and finally became a con- tracting engineer for the Phoenix Bridge Company and the Phoenix Iron Company in New York City. Mr. Okeson returned to his alma mater in 1917 in the capacity of alumni secretary. Later he became secretary-treasurer of the University. During the fall for several seasons after he graduated from the Univer- sity, he coached football. Later he took up officiating and continued to officiate until 1926, when he became commissioner of officials for the East- ern Intercollegiate Athletic Associa- tion. In December, 1932. Mr. Okeson was made chairman of the N.C.A.A. Football Rules Committee, which position he has held ever since. One-Third Goal Is Reaehed In, CharityDrive The one-third goal was passed yes- terday by solicitors of the annual Community Fund Drive, with new subscriptions reported at the report luncheon held yesterday noon in the Masonic Temple bringing the total to $21,750.50. The highest total reported by any team yesterday was that of the Uni- versity division, headed by Prof. Rob- ert Rodkey of the economics depart- ment. $950 was pledged to the teams in this division, which brings their total to $9,092 for two days' soliciting. No definite returns have been an- nounced as to the number of people who have already been solicited, and to the average amount of each sub- scription. The next report meeting will be held at a luncheon meeting Monday noon in the Masonic Temple. UNION BUTTONS A new supply of Union member- ships buttons has been obtained' and they are now available to stu- dents who have not already ob- tained them, according to an an- are to make up the committee or- write of jabberwockys, mad hatters, f gniztio ofth 26h Anua Unonmarch hares and similar delightful ganization of the 26th Annual Union absurdities. I Opera, "Give -Us Rhythm," which is Mrs Hare , d to be presented Dec. 11 through 15, in the beamed, red-brick home, The I has been announced by officials in Breaches, where she spent her later charge of the production. years in peace and quiet. This peace Wencel A. Neumann, '36E, is in was interrupted two years ago when charge of programs and advertising. the world, wishing to commemorate George P. W. Wanty, '36, is handling the hundredth birthday of the au- ticket sales, and the house is under thor of Alice in Wonderland," the supervision of Harold Strickland, brought her out of retirement. '36. A number of Union committee- Despite her age, she came to the men are engaged in this work and will United States, to be whirled from act as ushers for the show. one function to another, marveling Tsmelevators and tall buildings, made jThe production staff is composed honorary doctor of letters by Colum- l l ,j i ,f , I J 4 1 r A f r c } 1 t G 1 G T t T of seven committee groups. Public- bia University, speak over the radio ity necessary for the staging of the and return thanking Americans for opera is in the hands of William N. making her stay "so pleasant." Hlaas; '36. Clinton Conger, '37, Rob-__________ ert Daily, '37E, John Flaherty, '36, John Perkins, '36, and Sterling Spleet, Pioneers H aied '36, will assist on the committee. DeWitt Snyder, '36, has been ap- pointed to the position of personnel By R oosevelt manager. Working with him are: John Kerr, '36, Richard Wolfer, '36, -In e c ation Edward Stump, '36B.Ad., William Oliver, '37, and James Bolton, '35. The committee in charge of scenery HARRODSBURG, Ky., Nov. 16.-1 and properties is headed by Leslie j - Acclaimed a modern pioneer in Drew, '36, and is composed of Gordon Hayes, '37, Charles Livingstone, '36, government, President Roosevelt in Paul Nims, '37, Noble Ashley, '36, dedicating a national memorial to Franklin M. Thompson, '36, Jack George Rogers Clark and his trail Sheets, '36, and Charles Schultz, '36E. blazers at Kentucky Pioneer Memo- O'Neil Dillon, '35, is in charge of rial State Park today evoked tumul- the costume department. Robert tuous cheers from a huge throng when Slack, '35, and Richard Moriarty, '36E, he called for "new pioneering" by are in charge of the dance committee present-day Americans. and chorus instruction. Stewert Acknowledging the presentation Cram, x'35, who was leading man of tribute of Senator Alben W. Barkley, last year's show, "With Banners Fly- likening him to the frontier leaders of ing," is chairman of music and has the pioneers, the President addressed collected manuscripts from more than the crowd- estimated 30,000 to 40,000 a dozen campus composers. William - as "my fellow pioneers." A. Dickert; Grad., and Robert Pulver, Recalling the achievements of Clark '37, are in charge of make-up for the and his men, Roosevelt said: show. ofWe too, are hewing out a common- wealth - a commonwealth of the states which we hope will give to its FAMOUS SCIENTIST DIES people more truly than any that has MUNICH, Germany, Nov. 16 -(P)- gone before, the fulfillment of secur- Dr. Karl Ritter von Linde, 92 years ity, of freedom, of opportunity and of old, who discovered the method of happiness which America asks and is making liquid air, died today. entitled to receive." City Woukt Not Be Able To Buy Land Homes Rented To Welfare Families Will Pay Off I OriginalExpense The FERA model housing proposal will be accepted by Ann Arbor in the opinion of Everett DeRyke, editor of the Milan Leader and chairman of the Washtenaw County Emergency Relief Commission. DeRyke said that under the pro- posed plan, $250,000 would be ap- propriated by the federal government to pay for all costs of labor and ma- terials, while the city would pay $20,000 for the 20-acre grant of land needed for the project. Although the City Council decided at a meeting held Nov. 13 that the! city could not afford to pay cash for the land, they were willing to consider the proposal if means could be found of securing the title of the property without making a down pay- ment. The 50 model homes which would be built by FERA workmen would, when completed, be rented out to welfare families. The rentals would go to pay the city for the ex- pense of buying the land. "The greatest burden that the FERA has to carry now is the rent load," DeRyke said, "and if the pro- posed housing bill goes through, we would then be able to greatly defray our budget." Denies Accusations He denied accusations that FERA workers had been threatened with the loss of their jobs if they failed to vote as they were told in the recent elections. In repudiating charges, he said, "It has come to the attention of the Com- mission, that certain charges were made regarding the entering of poli- tics into the FERA organization. I wish to call your attention to the speech of President Roosevelt on Nov. 16, 1933, in which he gave specific instructions that party politics or political preference should have no place in the giving of relief, whether direct or work. Frequently during the past year we have had bulletins and instructions from the State head- quarters regarding this particular phase of administration of welfare relief. "Charges were made during the re- cent campaign that certain persons were removed from relief on account of political preference. They have been carefully checked and investi- gated personally by the members of the Commission. In no case have these charges been substantiated. In one case a man was removed from the work division and placed on direct relief because of the closing of the job. Evidently this was misconstrued both by the recipient of welfare and by his friends. Matter Investigated "We have gone into the matter very carefully, and in no case have we found that any of our employees or foremen on the jobs have in any way taken an active part in the campaign and in party politics of any kind." DeRyke admitted that the most difficult problem that the FERA has to face is the reluctance of men on the relief rolls to go into private industry even when they are offered jobs. "In many cases," he said, "it is dif- ficult for a man to swallow his pride enough to come to us for help the first time, but after a while his morale is undermined, and he sees no reason why the federal government, since it is spending so many millions on re- lief, should not continue to support him.". However, he expressed the belief (Continued on Page 6) Dr. Sunderland To0 Spea rBefore Club Dr. J. T. Sunderland, former Uni- tarian minister here and author of many books on the social, political, and religious conditions in the East, will address the members of the Cos-I mopolitan Club at 8:30 tonight at their meeting in Lane Hall. His sub- ject will be "The Contributions of the East to Our Civilization." Reich Arming For New War, Churchill Says Charges 'Ambitious And Hungry Powers' About To Pounce On England LONDON. Nov. 16.- (P)- Winston Churchill, former chancellor of the exchequer, tonight charged Germany with "rearming at utmost speed" and pleaded with Great Britain to make herself without delay "the strongest air power in the European world." England, he said in an address, "lies inviting attacks from ambitious and hungry powers." The former chancellor's speech, re- broadcast in the United States, came only shortly after J. H. Thomas, sec- retary of dominions, declared at New- port that "war talk" was entirely un- warranted. Thomas emphasized that the Brit- ish government "neither directly nor indirectly, privately or in any, way whatever, has commitments on the continent" and asserted his opinion that "there is no justification for fear that war is imminent." Churchill, however, declared streng- thening of the air force necessary to avert another war. "As we go to and fro in this peace- ful country with its decent, orderly people, going about their business under free institutions and with so much tolerance and fair-play in their laws and customs, it is startling and feartul to realize that we are no tonger sale in our island home," he said. Prof essor Part Of Plans Aid For Jobless Mystery Shrouds Strategy For C Against Buckeyes S cores Scholars lIn Public A flairs (By Intercollegiate Press) PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 16. - Although a firm believer in the wide use of experts and scholars in ad- visory public positions, Dr. Detlev W., Bronk, professor of biophysics at the; University of Pennsylvania, thinks1 much of the criticism directed toward c scholars in public life is justified. "In the first place," he said, "the scholar in public life has occasionally been tempted by power and has as- sumed positions for which he has had little training and no practical experi- ence. The second danger is that he: loses the disinterested and objective attitude which should characterize men of learning. "If he sacrifices unprejudiced findsl and opinions in the heat of political dispute and emotion, if he uses his position as an authority to support unconsidered views, he weakens hisc position and brings discredit upon hisc calling." FIREMEN BATTLE OIL BLAZE c EVERETT, Mass., Nov. 16 -(P) - Firemen of Eyerett and four other cities battled a fire at the Bay State1 Oil Co. plant in the factory district in the southern section of the city! this afternoon.l IK -Associated Press Photos Dr. Frank P. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina, is chairman of President Roosevelt's eco- nomic security advisory council, which is to formulate a 10-point progranm to protectthe nation's unemployed and dependents. Leagfue Fails To Arbitrate Chaco Dispute United States Will Not Collaborate In Effort To Make Peace GENEVA, Nov. 17. --UP - Failure early today met the efforts of the Chaco committee to reach an agree- ment on recommendations for settle- menit of the war between Bolivia and Paraguay. Stephan Osusky, chairman of the League committee, expressed confi- dence, however, an accord would be achieved later in the day. The special committee, he said, would attempt 'to cement the differences." Last minute difficulties developed on vital points and issues and some delegates left the session looking gravely disappointed. Osusky earlier announced that Par- aguay and Bolivia would be given a chance to meet as friends to reach a direct settlement of the Chaco con- flict, a method of settlement League leaders hoped the belligerents would agree upon to end the devastating war. The United Sates, while ready "to contribute in any feasible way" to efforts to end the Chaco war, does not "deem the moment an opportune one for collaboration" with the League of Nations to that end, the League was informed yesterday. DARROW FLEES FIRE NEWBURGH, N. Y., Nov. 16.-(P), - Clarence Darrow was routed from his hotel when it caught fire today. Powerhouse Attack Aimed AtMichigan Influenza May Prevent Austin From Staying In Lineup For Entire Game By ARTHUR W. CARSTENS COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 16--Sixty- eight thousand fans will crowd every nook and cranny of Memorial Stad- ium here tomorrow and sixty-two thousand of them will be there for one purpose - to see Ohio State's strong football team bury Michigan under an overwhelming barrage of touchdowns. The remaining 6,000, a mere hand- ful of rooters in the immense white horseshoe, will be hoping for the big- gest upset of the current season, a Michigan victory. On every side one hears Buckeye fans demand a four or five touch- down margin of victory tomorrow. It is "revenge" season in earnest for Michigan's traditional opponents and the Buckeyes have a lot to get re- venge for, especially an 86 to 0 trouncing in 1902 and a 40 to 0 score in 1905, along with a 13 to 0 beating last year which many of this season's players remember vividly. While Coach Francis Schmidt, making an auspicious debut in the Big Ten this year, is exhorting his team to "pour it on" just before game time, Coach Harry Kipke will be telling his players, beaten in four con- secutive Conference starts, that this is the game they want to win, tell them to "shoot the works" offensively, and play defensive football like they did for 30 minutes in Minnesota. Buckeyes At Peak On the surface the Buckeye team is at the peak for this game. Schmidt has been pointing for it ever since he replaced Sam Willaman, who couldn't beat Michigan. They fea- ture a powerhouse running attack built around High Scorer Frank Boucher, a passing attack which swept them to a 33 to 0 victory over Chicago last week, and an outstand- ing punter in John Kabealo.. Captain Regis Monahan, making a bid for an All-American guard position, leads a powerful, fast-charging line which will be only slightly outweighed by the heavy Michigan forwards. Schmidt will not announce a defi- nite lineup until. game time, but it is probable that Frank Fisch, Dick Heekin, Frank Boucher, and John Kabealo will comprise the Red and Gray's starting backfield. Buzz Wet- zel will probably appear at fullback during the game and Jack Smith, speed merchant halfback who has been out with injuries since the Illi- nois game, will also get into the game in place of Heekin or Boucher. Kipke Maintains Silence Mystery has shrouded Kipke's plans for tomorrow ever since he barred correspondents from practice Tuesday afternoon. For three days the Wolverines worked in absolute secrecy. Kipke broke his silence long enough to announce that a leg in- jury suffered on Tuesday would keep Cedric Sweet out of the game, 'and that John Regeczi would take his place at full, leaving room at left half for Chris Everhardus. George Bolas made a strong bid for the starting quarterback berth, but will have to be content with re- placing Ferris Jennings some time during the battle. Considerable doubt still exists as to whether Captain Tom Austin, who was kept out of practice all week with a slight attack of influenza, will be able to remain in the game very long. If he is forced to retire Tage Jacobson will take his place. The lineups: Michigan Ohio State PatanelliL......LE....... Busich Viergever ......LT.........Haare Hildebrand.....LG......Monahan Ford ........... C.........Jones Borgmann.....RG........Roush Austin ......... RT....... Hamrick Ward .......... RE......... Wendt Jennings ........Q ........Fisch Everhardus .....LH........ Heekin Aug ........... RH ....... Boucher Kipke's Offense Haisley Praises Aims Of New , n n t r.A-- _'I_ --- I 1 u States American Disarmament Would Be Inspiration To World I By RICHARD G. HERSHEY "I am absolutely against the great armament program of the present Administration, and if I were in the position to dictate the policy of the United States, I would disarm calmly, and completely," stated Dr. Charles M. Sheldon, world famous author and lecturer, yesterday in an interview. Dr. Sheldon added that if America were to disarm and keep but a small army and "one or two ships," it would be a great inspiration to all the world. "America would be proclaimed in his- tory as one of the greatest nations of all time." "We have nothing to fear from Europe or Japan," he continued. "Japan has her hands full with China, that the professional diplomats, byI their secret negotiations, probably did more than any other group to start) wars and added that "less than 50 men started the last catastrophe that, caused the death of millions of men." "If two per cent of the young men in the world would refuse to go to war, we would no longer have this curse with us," Dr. Sheldon said. "Of course, some leaders state that war is inevitable and that we cannot change human nature. In my opinion, the one hope for man lies in the fact that he can change. We established democ- racy, abolished slavery, and gave women the right to vote, and yet some say human nature can not change." Dr. Sheldon decried the fact that FErA rrests Because the newly formed FERA freshman college in Ann Arbor satis- fies the necessity of a constructive program for many young men and women, it is a worthwhile project in the ipinion of Superintendent Otto W. Haisley of the city schools and di- rector of the local college. "If it were not for the Freshman College the students enrolled would probably be accomplishing nothing in advancing their education," said Sup- erintendent Haisley. "In conditions such as those that prevail today it is very easy to liquidate ambitions and aspirations of youth if they are per- mitted to remain idle. The Freshman College is one way to keep the youth of the city occupied in a constructive program." man tollege Here Freshman College must prove their inability to attend any other institu- tion. "It is surprising," said Superin- tendent Haisley, "that with our exten- sive educational facilities in the city, so many have shown a definite in- terest in the college, and if it were not for the newly-formed school these persons would be deprived of a chance to engage in an intellectual activ- ity." Purchasing of textbooks is the only cost to the student. The local Board of Education has furnished the facili- ties for the school and the national government under the FERA plan pays the salaries of the teachers. Ample reference material is provided through the use of the high school library and the city library. Courses are patterned after the I fr' hmya-',c'iihiwPl-c tniiahf. atthe Uni