The Weather Fair, somewhat warmer to- day; tomorrow occasional rain, continued mild. L Sfr igau ti Editorials The End Of An Epoch... On Baiting Mr. Hearst ... VOL. XLV. No. 47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS President Describes N ew Policy B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation Aids Religious Life Of Students Ruthven Tells Of New Plan At Coluinbus ObjectiveI In SpeechI NeW Act Has Been Passed By Regents Older Faculty Men *ill Be Allowed To Continue 'Scholarly Pursuits' A newly-adopted University policy This is the first of a series of articles dealing with the religious, social, and educational activities, of the various re- ligious organizations on the campus. The second article will appear in an early issue of The Daily. By BERNARD WEISSMAN Founded in Sept., 1926, the Ann Arbor chapter of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation has steadily ex- panded its sphere of activities until it forms today an important factor in the religious, social, and educa- tional life of Jewish students on the campus. In a recent letter to Rabbi Bernard1 Heller, director of the Foundation,} President Alexander G. Ruthven stated, "It seems to me you have made a very pronounced step in advance in the field of religious education," and Dr. E. W. Blakeman, Councilor in Religious Education has declared, "Its (Hillel's) presence represents a dis- five years been under the leadership of Rabbi Heller, who is assisted in the administration of the various func- tions by a student director, officers, a student council, and special com- mittees. The religious activities of the Foun- dation, in charge of a Religious Com- mittee, are divided into four parts, daily services, Friday night services, Sunday morning services, and month- ly religious open forums. The daily services, held at 7:15 a.m. and sunset, are especially for students in mourning for deceased relatives. Friday night services are observed in 'the traditional orthodox form of worship, stressing congregational re- sponses and singing. Both of these are held at the Foundation. The modern reform ritual is fol- lowed in the Sunday morning serv- ices in the League. Twice annually this service is conducted by students, once by women and once by men. Another religious function of the Foundation is the monthly Sunday (Continued on Page 6) e , ,i 1 Cab Officials AtOddsOver Rate Problem Taxi ComInies Oppose Ordinance Planned T StandardizCharges Six Firms Split O'n Low Price Question. it New Bar 14,Students From Offices After Elections; S stemii Only Two Major Gr Are Not Taking Pa Present Discnssion art Ini By PAUL .. ELLIOTT Installed relieving faculty members in certain tinct contribution to the cultural and administrative positions from these religious life of our students." responsibilities at the end of 15 years The Foundation, a member of the and thereby allowing them to continue ,,,,, (' s 4 ti r h' i in "teaching and scholarly pursuits" in their respective fields was an- nounced yesterday by President Alex- ander G. Ruthven. Addressing a session of the Associa- tion of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions assembled at Columbus, O., Dr. Ruth- ven decried the fact that administra- tive duties so encumber members that they "come to the age of retirement without completing the work they have laid out for themselves." Burdens Heavy The new measure, which has al- ready been passed by the Board of Regents, was prompted by the belief that the administrative burdens of deans, directors, and department heads, conventionally extended indef- initely, are heavy and are bound "to, interfere both with teaching and pro- ductive scholarship if they are prop- erly borne." Commenting on the advantages of the new plan, Dr. Ruthven pointed out that "it should serve to increase the number of youngemen in adminis- trative positions and to permit the older men who have been handicapped by such burdens 'to develop in their special fields." He pointed out that the plan should, when supplemented by arrangements for spreading the load of. administra- tive work, "assist the institutions in giving greater consideration to the in- dividual than can be accorded under the single method of the fixed retiring' age." Adopt Policies The policy adopted by the Regents is as follows: "Deans, directors, and heads or chairmen qf departments of teaching and research are eligible for relief from administrative duties upon the] completion of fifteen years of such service. They may, at the end of the period, be appointed to distinguished professorships in their respective] fields of study."] The formal action of the Regents] was preceded by the creation of two distinguished professorships earlier int the semester. The administrative functions held< by the chairman of the mathematics' department recently passed to a new- ly-appointed head when Prof. Jamesl W. Glover resigned the chairman-t ship, and was given a distinguished1 professorship to teach and do re-1 search.1 $18,256 Raised Stowe Will Speak F orC Here November 20 The third regular lecture of the Fund In A Day 1934-35 Oratorical Association series will be delivered by Lyman Beecher Stowe, famous biographer, at 8:30 Reports Still Incomplete; p.m. Tuesday in Hill Auditorium. Officials .ptiisc ."Saints, Sinners, and Beechers," OficialsOptiisticAbout the title of his latest book published Reaching Goal in March, 1934, will be the subject of his lecture. It is an intensely Nearly one-third of the total goal human narrative which givesman in- timate story of how his grandmother, of $60,000 was raised by the first day's Harriet Beecher Stowe, wrote "Uncle canvassing for the Community Fund, Tom's Cabin." it was reported at a luncheon held It tells how her brother, Henry yesterday in the Masonic Temple for Ward Beecher, sold slaves in the Ply- solicitors and fund officials. A total mouth Church, and how he influenced of $18,256.95 has been pledged to the the public opinion of England by his fdfamous speeches there in 1863. fsrnn.f This biographical lecture of the Reports were still incomplete, offi- famous New England family is said cials stated, since many of the teams to offer many interesting sidelights had not yet turned in accounts. How-otholemsnyfitersdsyh ever, they said the outlook for raising on the problems of their day. the whole amount of $60,000 before Tickets for the lecture may be ob- the end of the campaign Nov. 23 was tained at Wahr's Bookstore and are very promising, priced at 50 and 75 cents. Teams Report A total of several hundred solicitors Piccards TW il were present at the luncheon, which was presided over by Hal M. Aaylor, campaign director, and Charles Hut- Lecture Here zel, local business man, and chairman of the campaign. November 2 V~ The teams which gave reports yes- terday were the automobile division, headed by F. E. Benz, which reported Prof. Jean Piccard and his wife a total of $97.20; the financial divi- will use motion pictures and slides sion, headed by Earl Cress, which re- to supplement their lecture when they ported $793; the construction division, speak Nov. 26 in Hill Auditorium un- under Prof. William Hoad of the en- der the auspices of the Student Chris- gineering college, with a total of $473; tian Association. The subject of the the clothing division, under J. KarlI lecture will be "The Story Of MyI Malcolm, with a total of $1,194.50; the Flight." furnishings division, headed by H. J. Lepard, which had a total of $635; the The pair have become very well food division, which reported $5.00, known in the last few months through. the officials division, headed by George their flight into the stratosphere,. Sandenburg, which reported $75, the which has been of great value to organizations division, headed by Otto scientists throughout the world. W. Haisley, which reported $48.25; The flight started from the Ford the public service division, headed by Airport at Dearborn, Mich. After E. W. Breay, which reported $575; eight hours in the air the couple the professional division, which re- landed in a tree top at Cadiz, O. ported $150; the industrial division, Their gondola and valuable scientific headed by C. W. Lighthall, which instruments were not damaged al- had a total of $535. though the bag of the balloon was University Division Separate very badly torn. Professor Piccard A report was also given by the and his wife covered approximately University division, which is a sep- 180 miles in a direct line from De- arate unit of the campaign this year. troit. Prof. Robert Rodkey of the business- Professor Jean Piccard is the broth-, administration school reported that er of Auguste Piccard, who has also a total of $8,187 had been pledged made a flight into the stratosphere to the fund. Advance gifts which lii$ and written several books on sub- not come under any of these classifi- jects of scientific interest. cations, amounted to $4,480. The proceeds from the lecture will Mrs. Victor Lane, head of team 67 go to the student budget of the S.C.A. in the woman's division of 15 teams This will be the third lecture spon- was granted a bonus of $100 to add to sored by the association, the purpose. her total, since hers was.the only team of which is to raise funds to carry on to have every member present at the the social and campus work of the luncheon. A total of $1,011 was re- organization as well as to present out-I ported by the women's teams. standing lectures at a nominal cost. Prof. Henry Riggs Disagrees With Program Of Stuart Chase Council of Religionh, as or the past E Ann Arbor's taxi situation appeared headed for choas last night as two opposing groups ,of cab operators vigorously criticized the proposed rate-standardization ordinance, in addition to showing mutual dislike of opposition methods. The "independent" group, consist- ing of Marion C. Smith, Kenneth Martin, and EverettR. Bailey, mana- gers respectively tf Radio Cab, Ar- cade Cab, and C llege Cab, sent a petition to the Cit* Council in which it was stated that "We believe that it is wrong for the City Council to pass any ordinance which would pre- vent free and fair competition." Dislike Amendment Such competition, according to these operators, would consist of cab service at lower prices than those now generally prevailing -35 cents for one passenger and 50 cents for two to five passengers. Three other operators, all of whom claim more experience in local taxi- cab business than the "independents," also showed dislike to the proposed amendment, but they proposed an en- tirely different remedy. These cab men, 'Frank Collins of Campus Cab, Harry McLean of Buick Taxi Service, and August Gembella, manager of General Cab, vehemently insisted that both cab operators and the general public would be benefited by the installation of meters in all city cabs. Meters Cheaper Although meter Installation would increase the initial cost of the cab, Collins, McLean, and Gembella all declared that the student body would benefit by lower prices on short "campus" runs; lower, they said, than are now possible under the flat rate system. Both sides also indulged in criti- cisms of the service rendered by their opponents. The "independents" ar- gued that lower rates were not fa- vored by the other group because some of the other operators, at least, could not operate at a regular sched- ule of lowered prices. Criticizes 'Independents' Gembella's group retorted that the "independents" only operated during the school year, when they "can get the cream of the business." The two 'other large taxi organiza- tions in the city, Mac's Taxi and the Ann Arbor Taxi Company, have so far remained aloof from the general criticism made by the other com- panies. Mac's Taxi is definitely af- fected by the proposed rate amend- ment, since it sells strip tickets at a discount from the regular price for one ride. Ann Arbor Taxi Company, which operates Yellow and Checker Cabs, has steered clear of all discus- sion. Roosevelt Goes South In Order To Inspect TVA EN ROUTE TO HARRODSBURG, Ky., Nov. 15. - OF) - President Roose- velt, carrying roughly outlined plans that will influence the course of the nation, tonight rolled toward the deep South to inspect a great social ex- periment. As he headed in the direction of the Tennessee Valley, one of the scenes of his projects for a "more abundant life," the President divided his time between a brief period of re- laxation, conferences with his aides and a last-minute polishing of an ad- dress to be delivered tomorrow at Harrodsburg, Ky. Mr. Roosevelt was noticeably cheered by an unexpected send-off from the Capital, where around 300 well-wishers gave him a round of ap- plause. He conferred before departing with Senator William H. King, Utah Demo- crat, and then talked with his secre- tary of state and Senator Alben W. I 0--II-,, --P U--".-l- -- Sheldon States Youth Attitude Is Peace S i oin Speaks Under Auspices Of The Student Christian Association The world-wide movement of young men against war was called one of the most encouraging signs of a per- manent peace in a lecture by Dr. Charles M. Sheldon last night before an audience of more than 1,000 per- sons in Hill Auditorium. The talk, sponsored by. the Student Christian Association, was on, "The Outlook For A Warless World." Dr. Sheldon cited the winning fight being carried on by students in many American colleges against compulsory military training, and al- so the rapid spread of the Oxford resolution to refuse to fight for king and country among other English universities. Quotes Prophet After quoting the prediction of Micah, ancient Hebrew prophet,that swords would be beaten into plow- shares and spears into pruning hooks, Dr. Sheldon hypothesized that Micah had returned to see whether his pro- phecy had come true. Frequently during the speech he addressed re- marks to the prophet, telling him wherein humanity had failed to bear him out and what efforts were being made to realize the warless world. Dr. Sheldon began by enumerating the factors that seem to make a war- less world impossible, pointing out the facts that wars are still occurring, that the nations of the world are spending more money in war prepara- tion than ever before, and that the United States spends 70 cents of every dollar of income for war." "If one billion silver dollars were piled here on the platform and I threw one away every minute, day and night, it would take me from the time of Jesus until the present to ex- haust the supply. Think what we could do with 138 billions if we used the money for human welfare instead of human warfare!" Asserting his opposition to compul- sory military training in colleges, Dr. Sheldon told how he had recently helped to obtain 1,300 student signa- tures at Manhattan College protest- ing against that policy on their cam-! pus. Urges Disarmament In considering the advisability of immediate, complete disarmament by the United States, Dr. Sheldon de- clared, "If we disarm completely, but behave ourselves and create friend- ships with other countries, could any nation come over here and attack our country in cold blood? Yet," he con- tinued, "Congress passes the 500 mil- lion dollar Vinson naval bill for in- creasing our defenses - against what? -and the President signs it with a smile." Dr. Sheldon then turned to the con- sideration of recent events that have convinced him a warless world is com- ing. He listed the signing by 60 nations of the Kellogg peace pact renouncii war as an instrument of national pol- icy, the definite stand taken by the church against war, the growing peace movement among the world's women, the widespread hatred for war, and various international agreements aim- ing toward peaceful settlement of dis- putes. Opera Posters Must Be Turned In Today All posters that are to be sub- mitted in the Union Opera poster contest must be in the hands of the committee by 3:30 p.m. today in Room 345 of the Architectural Building it was announced yester- day by the committee. Meetings of the cast of the Union Opera will be held at the follow- ing times and places today: Group III and IV at 4 p.m. in the small ballroom, and Group II in Room 304 of the Union. Annouincement Of Opera Cast Is Still Withheld Music For The Show Has Been Subnitted And Is Being Copied While unable to announce any defi- nite cast for the Union Opera at pres- ent, opera officials believe that by next week, the production will be well under way toward the performances which will be given from Dec. 11 to 15. For the past week "Give Us Rhythm" has been in production, and committees have been actively en- gaged in preparing the technical ends of the production. If any students de- sire to try out for any of the com- mittees, they. may still obtain posi- tions, it was stated. Music for the show has been sub- mitted andsselected, according to opera officials, and the- task of copy- ing it is now under way. In this con- nection it has been announced that six music copiers are needed for this work. Any students interested are urged to report to the opera head- quarters in the Union. The rate of eligibility for the stu- dents who have so far tried out for the opera or for any of its commit- tees has found to be very high, ac- cording to officials. Less than one per cent have been found to be in- eligible. A statement has been issued by Henry W. Felker, '35, production man- ager, that all men on campus who are interested in work on props, stage or attendant paraphernalia, should re- port as soon as possible to opera head- quarters from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. any afternoon. Definite announcement of the mem- bership in the committees and in the cast will be made some time next week,' according to statements by opera officials. Youth Wounded In Huntino Accident Martin Fuller, 17 years old, was accidentally shot, and seriously wounded about 7:30 p.m. yesterday, while hunting near Whitmore Lake. Fuller and a companion, Clyde Stanfield,14 years old, had a .22 cali- ber rifle, and while they were trying to extract a jammed bullet the gun discharged and the bullet entered Fuller's abdomen. He was taken to University Hospi- tal, where his condition was described as serious. 'Flagrant Violations Of All Rules' Of Conduct For Voting Brings Action Election Board To Dominate In Future Class Positions Reduced To Three; Personnel Of Dance Committees Cut As a result of "flagrant violations of all rules" in the sophomore literary college elections Wednesday, 14 men students were declared ineligible to hold any class office for a period of one year and a new system for the two elections still to be held was passed by the Undergraduate Council last night. Class offices for freshmen and sophomores were reduced to three, the positions of secretary and treasurer being combined; the personnel of the dance committees was reduced to five; the executive com ittees were abolished; and the finace commit- tees reduced to three members. Elections Postponed Both elections remaining in the literary college were postponed until Wednesday, November 28, and at that time they will be run under a system centering around an Election Board, functioningthrough petitions from those desiring offices. The men declared guilty by the Council of illegal practices include Robert H. Pulver. '37, John P. Otte, '37, Cyrus Elkes, '38, Allen Schulman, '38, Leroy Haskell, '38, Homer C. La- throp, '37, Sidney Finger, '37, Jo- seph M. Hinshaw, '37, Harold W. Sears, '37, Edward W. Schmidt, '37, Robert J. Friedman, '37, Edward Mar- der, '37, Howard J. Brett, '37, and Thomas Ayers, '37. All are forbidden to hold any class position for a period of one year. The election board which will handle class voting' in tne literary college this year and all elections in the future, will consist of five faculty members and five students. The former shall include Deans Alice C. Lloyd and Joseph A. Bursley, Miss Ethel McCormick, T. Hawley Tap- ping, and Stanley G. Waltz, pending their confirmation. Suggests New Plan Student members will be the presi- dents of the League, the Union, and the Interfraternity, Undergraduate, and Panhellenic Councils. The plan is a result of suggested reforms by George Lawton, '35, presi- dent of the senior class, and John Healey, '35, president of Michigamua. It will be the duty of the election board to receive petitions from all- men and women students desiring a class office or a dance chairmanship, in which the applicant will state what he believes to be his qualifications and his plan for the administration of the office if elected. From the group applying, the board will pick two to run for each office. The names of those selected to run will not be disclosed until the day of election, at which time they will be posted in the usual manner in the place set aside for voting. At this time class members eligible to vote will cast their ballots in the same manner as previously. Eliminates Malpractice Lawton and Carl Hilty, '35, presi- dent of the Undergraduate Council, stated that the purpose of the reform is to do away with such practices as made the most recent election a con- test to see which party could "pull the most dirty work," and to see that those who do get in office in the fu- ture will do so on merit and on their obvious ability to manage the office properly. Voting in the College of Engineer- ing will not be affected by the plan, council members expressing the op- inion that the Engineering Council should be best able to handle its own problem in that unit. Mechanical details of the election shall be handled by members of the Union and Undergraduate Council staffs. The object of the Council in picking representatives for the elec- tion board was to find those most closely acquainted with students and so in a position to say which of a number of applicants would be best. tVt4 1 t 9 ias .s Another Example Likewise; Dr. Marcus L. hWard, who was for many years dean of the dental college, was given a similar position when he resigned from the deanship for the purpose of researchdwork, which he stated had long been delayed by the press of administrative duties. Dr. Ruthven described the new pol- icy as being based upon the opinion that "men are added to the academic staff primarily as teachers and in- vestigators; that administration is an added burden placed upon them, not a promotion in a hierarchy of an academic scale; that release from an administrative position does not mean demotion; and that, after a reason- able period of satisfactory service in an executive capacity, a member (Continued on Page 6) Rites Will Be Held For Mrs. N. A. Wood Mrs. Lillian Wood, wife of Norman A. Wood, curator-emeritus of the Zoology Museum bird division, died at her home, 921 Church St., late Wednesday night following a brief illness. Mrs. Wood was long active in Ann Arbor philanthropic and social circles. She took a special interest in Chinese students here as a result of a year spent in China when Mr. Wood was exchange professor at Gingling Col- Taking exception to the "program of future happiness," as outlined by Stuart Chase Wednesday night, Pro- fessor-emeritus Henry E. Riggs, chairman of the department of civil engineering from 1912 to 1930, and present director of the department of civil engineering, last night ex- pressed a plea for "individual initia- tive" before a meeting of the student chapter of the society held at the Union. Introducing his address, Professor means the pioneer who was very largely self supporting and who need- ed but a few dollars to buy the neces-; sities he could not produce, the in-, dividualist has disappeared," Pro- fessor Riggs said. "But I want to impress on you," he, continued, "that these great inven- tions and this great development in America, are not the result of gov- ernment activity. This present day world is the result of individual ini- tiative spurred on by the hope of per- sonal reward in its various forms. The Chase Predicts Railroad Lines Will Be Under Federal Control All railroad lines will, within a ( In answering a query of one of period of three years, come under the the members of the party as to his control of the Federal government. opinion of the merits of Federal aid This was the prediction made by to education, Mr. Chase stated that Stuart Chase at an informal dinner he was heartily in favor of the proj- given by the Oratorical Association ect but advocated a more expansive preceding his lecture Wednesday program. night. "I believe that to be successful the He added that he did not believe, FERA aid to education must extend however, that the Federal govern- into the mining districts, the back- ment would ever own the railroads. woods areas, and all other places The main reason he cited for this where education is at its lowest ebb," prediction was that railroads have he stated. such a great amount of fixed charges, He was not only in favor of direct