1 u:- ~B1I~OAN~~L TUSDY ~YE~~ 934 .. W ]C W1flGAN DAILYi . ........ . .. Antotg Us-. r 0 H, SHAKESPEARE! Oh, Keats! Oh, . Milton! Oh, noble gentlemen who toiled away in days gone by to create the world's literature. How you must shudder in horror, and with a hopeless sigh turn over in your graves when you look upon us, the earthly beings of today, who took your place at writing the aspirations 4 x A #VKFVSi1M ttR'1 + M~ Ci M~ r . u4Publir.! ed eve y m orning e rcept Monday' during the University year and Sumner Session by the Board in Control of Student, Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MADiSO#4 wiCOt4S~r+ /IE11?$ME OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to' it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at thePostO.fice at Ann Arbor' Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-Generil. Subscription during summer by' carrier, $1.00; by' mail; $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by, mail, $4.50. Offlees: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National' Advertising' Service, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, New' York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone' 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.......4.WILLIAM G. FERRIS CIT'Y EDITOR ............... HN HALEY EDNTORIALDIRECTOR........ SPORTS EDITOR . . .. ARTHUR CARSTENS WOMEN'S EDITOR . .............ELEANOR BLUM NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kieend, David G. Macdonald, John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Maijorie Western, Joel Newman, Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies, Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson. Ruth' Loebs, Jo- sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick, Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy. REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff; Robert.B. Brown, Richard Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H. Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd; Jack DMitchell, Fred W. Neal, Melvin C. Oathout, Robert t uver, Lloyd S. Re.ch, Mar- shall Shulman, Donald Siith, Bernard Weissian, Jacob C. Seidel, Bernard Levick, George Andros, Fred Buesser, RobertCumnins, Fred DeLano,-Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann. Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies, Helen Diefendorf, Marisn Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg. Betty cibldsf'en,' Olive Grif'fith, HIar~etlatliiiar, Ma- rion Holden, ILois Zing, Selma Le.i, Elizabeth Miller, _ Melba Morrison,-Elsie Pierce,Charlotte Reuger. Dorothy Shappell, Molly Solomon, Dorothy Vale, Laura Wino- grad,-'Jewel Wuerfel. BUSINE STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER..............RUSSELL B. READ CREDIT MANAGER ..... ..........ROBERT S. WARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAbER.........JANE BASSETT DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Local Advertising, John Og- den; Service Departnent, Bernard. Rosenthal; Contracts, Joseph Rothbard; Accounts, Caeron Hall;. Circulation' an'dNational Advertising, David Winkworth; Classified Advertising and Publications, George Atherton. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS; Willia n. Jason, Wlliairi' Barndt, Ted Wohlgemuith, Lyman Bittman,< Richard Hardenbrook, John Park, F.. Allen-Upson,-Willis- Tom- linson, Homer Lathrop; Tom Clarke, Gordo'n Cohn, Merrell Jordan, Stanley Joffe. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie, Marjorie Turner; Betty Cavender, Betty Greve, Helef! Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace' Snyder, Margaretta" Kollrg;' Ruth- Clarke" Edith" Hamitoni', Ruth Dicke, Paula Joerger, Mary Lou Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar- dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper- iIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT S. RUWITCH a " . of the race. The masters of old ist wonder at us - we im- mortal creatures who dare to extend the poetic license to the extent of making "glamour" rhyme with "Alabama." The Bard of Avon must faintly remember saying "What fools we mortals be," but even now, wonders how it could possibly be so true.I Keats must pause to marvel if the sensous and the imaginative feelings that enabled him to write "Saint Agnes Eve" are the same that inspire mod- ern lyric writers to discourse on "I Can't Dance 'Cause I Got Ants in My Pants." The Blind Poet of England must wonder just how far we are from Pandemonium as he looks out with his all-seeing eyes upon a world that appreciates little else but that. Oh noble gentlemen of letters. We, too, marvel at this monstrosity of "literature." We agree that it is truly a crime against the gods, but like Tiberius, we must say, "A crime against the gods is for the gods to attend to." Daly Capus Opinion Letters publishe in this column should not be construed as express g the editorial opinion of The Daily. Aubnymobs contributions will be disregarded. The narnes of compunicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief. the editor reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words. COLLEGlATE OBSERVE R By BUD BERNARD Last June during Alumni Week at Princeton University there was witnessed some- really clever work on the part of two enterprising freshmen. Every night as the old grads were assembling for the customary Senior Singing in front of Nassau Hall, and the. old. time Princeton spirit was once more pervading the atmosphere, these two yearlings appeared upon the scene with a huge Yale banner. Na- turally, a small riot ensued as the enraged alumni and undergraduates gathered about. With a great shout, however, the two fresh- men announced that they were selling the privilege of stamping on the banner at five cents a stamp. Needless to say they made a small fortune as the Princetonians fought for the pleasure of putting Yale under foot, I[ Leave Michigan Union 8:00 A.M. Arrive Columbus - 1 :00 P.M. Telephone John Bollock, Michigan Union -1 OHIO STATE ROND I F... _ .... . .. _ ,..... .....,,.._.. ..,, yr ..... ,a - awn:. . - and-*_,M i 'I Via Bus, Ann Arbor to Toledo- C & 0 Railroad direct to Stadium gates. IPersonal Greeting Cards " and Stationary I Chritmas riCards BflessingsFor War Harvard undergraduates now eat under the watchful eyes of a committee of 20 mothers once a week, because the authorities feel they know best what their sons like. The first reports said that the majority liked spinach and plenty of it. Steaks and chops were the most popular meats. while New England boiled dinners, perhaps insuf- ficient for strong Harvard men, were often left untouched. states the Yale News. Since this is the time for houseparties, here is an appropriate contribution: THINGS YOU CAN ATTEND A HOUSEPARTY WITHOUT MONEY - Someone will always be glad to pay for you. LIQUOR - Someone has always more than enough. A FULL DRESS SUIT -You'd look queer in it. SHAVING --You never liked to shave any- way. Of course all this holds true - if you are a girl. The interfraternity council at the University of Wisconsin has adopted a plan with which the fra- ternities must comply if they wish to be placed on the accredited list. The three main provisions are: 1. No house uarties above the main floor. 2. No Hell Week. 3. The selection of a house counsellor for each chapter, whose duties will include the enforcement of the two preceding regulations and the supervi- sion of the general academic and financial stand- ing of the fraternity. By Gibson I BOOKS are the Ideal Gifts The College Book Shop MYRON E. SLATER 0 Taxi Rates IAnn Arbor. F ANY CITY GOVERNMENT in America fifteen years ago had de- cided its duty was to set an arbitrary rate for a private industry, and then to prevent some corpora- tions in this industry from selling their services at a lower rate, the howl which would have arisen from the people of that city would have blown the constitutional guardians clear out of their official chairs. But the nation has come a long way since then, and where price fixing in restraint of free com- petition was once a sin today it is a virtue. Here, for instance, is the city of Ann Arbor about to pass - apparently with only the slightest opposition-an ordinance dictating to taxicab owners what they must charge for their services. This is their rate, fixed by the city's rulers after a confab with the celestial gods, and the corporations can charge no more and no less. If they do, they won't get permits. The city reserves the right to put out of business any taxi owner who wishes to give the citizens of that city less expensive taxi service. A pretty sort of a pass, indeed! Now The Daily understands perfectly the atti- tude the City Council takes toward any suggestion concerning the city's welfare, particularly when that suggestion emanates from a student source. The Council does not like it, by gun! Suggest that there might be two sides to a question and the aldermen will think you are looking for a fight, or you want to embarrass them, or you haven't got anything else to do, or it's none of your business anyway. Well, at the risk of getting all the nice little aldermens quite perturbed, The Daily is sug- gesting that the fixing of a minimum price for taxi service is detrimental to the welfare of Ann Arbor citizens. The reason for this suggestion is simple. If a minimum rate is fixed, it will not - obviously - be possible for any company to offer taxi service at a lower rate. If no taxi company can offer its services at a lower rate (as some of them wish to do) it means that Ann Arbor citizens and students will be neatly cheated by an asinine rule. A Wyoming farmer is suing fossil hunters for $25,000 for alleged trespass: He claims 'an expedi- tion of the American Museum of Natural History trespassed when they exhumed 12 dinosaur skele- tons and seeks a judgment. To the Editor: After hearing at the rally against War and Fascism on the Library steps, Monday morning, that, by a 3-to-1 decision of the four speakers, all modern wars are a parcel of our profiteering economic system and a robbers' struggle for the plunder of the world's resources and markets, I went to the Armistice Day services in Hill Audi- torium to hear what was there to be said on the same subject. And I heard something like this from the three clergymen who in prayer and speech ex- pressed their thoughts: honor the dead in the last war for they died in the service of their country; God withhold his blessing from all wars, except defensive wars. I had hoped that they would ask God to damn the last as well as the next war. Instead, they blessed both. From what is in the air about the last war, I cannot understand how one serves his country by taking part in something which, to state the results of the last war, means the destruction of 26 million lives, rendering over 40 million wounded, orphaned, widowed and home- less and costing in money 350 billion dollars! And at the same time laying the foundation for another such carnage of greater destruction. Was the last war tle people's choice and did they call on these soldiers to give their lives for their country? . Listen to Herbert Bayard Swope, a great lib- eral, "All wars are states of mind. It is rare - it is never -that a nation is instantly galvanized into the vast emotionalism that is needed in war - - . Just as other constitutional provisions are ignored in time of war, so, too, must there be an abridgment of free speech, free press, free assembly and even free thought. In no other way can a nation save itself." Otherwise the nation might decide that it doesn't want a war and since, as in the last war; each dead soldier means a profit of about $12,000 to somebody, how could the nation get 18,000 new millionaires, as it did in the World War? But a "defensive war" changes all this, implied Rabbi Heller. What is a "defensive war?" Is not an agressive offense the best defense sometimes? Secretary of State Kellogg in explaining the Kel- logg Peace Pact to the Senate, spilled the beans: ". . . self-defense covers all our possessions, all our rights; the right to take such steps as will prevent danger to the United States. I have said over and over again, that any nation has the right to defend its interests anywhere in the world." So I would conclude that these reverend gentle- men, backed by the Army and Navy Club and speaking to the assembled members of the R.O.T.C., gave their blessing to war in general. They made their contributions to preparing the popular mind for the acceptance of another war. In the words of Martin Alexander Nexo, "When the mighty rulers of the earth drink brotherhood with the Lord in the holy sacrament of the altar and make their own cause that of heaven - then the slaughter ir impending." -M.W.E. SAs- Others See It THr DON' A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON AS QUARTERBACK ROOSEVELT surveys the army of legislative recruits added to his New Deal squad for the '35-'36' season, he must think with wistful envy of the privileges which college football coaches exercise so freely. If he only could pick his team and bench the rest in blanketedI silence on the sidelines it would be so easy. But he can't at least not directly and simply. The whole numerically top-heavy party squads in House and Senate compose the team: He must play them all or nearly all. If anyone is to be benched it must be by persuasion and inducement, not by presidential fiat. That is a last resort and at most could affect only an individual or two "on the hill." Yet it may prove the most important ar- row in the Roosevelt quiver by January, or be- fore. N THE MEANTIME, efforts to gauge the span of individual Democratic sentiment in the new Congress on expected major moot questions soon to confront it, disclose a bewildering diversity of opinion. How so many clashing political philos- ophies can find shelter simultaneously under one arty tent is one of those mysteries of American political methods that Europe never can under- stand. Not a great many Americans understand it, for that matter. All Americans know of it, but most wave their hands in futile gestures for lack of words to explain these seemingly illogical and im- possible intra-party schisms. To any foreign on- looker it must seem certain that the huge Demo- cratic congressional majority was destined to fol- low the tactics of the rider who "mounted his horse and rode off rapidly in all directions." It might do just that but for several intangible but highly important factors. One is the essen- tial conservatism of the Senate. Not even popular election of senators has yet broken down that tra- ditional attitude, as clearly discernible perhaps among Democratic senators from the south as among Republican old guardsmen. THE RULES of the two houses differ widely just because of that inherent difference in makeup as well as size. Senate party leadership is a matter of persuasion, argument and compromise. It is a grim and ruthless business of muzzling minorities in the House, of denying floor recog- nition except to leadership lieutenants in times of crisis. It takes courage, not mere good fellowship, to be an efficient speaker. A few men have managed to combine those qualities and their names will live long, names like "Czar" Reed, "Uncle Joe" Cannon, "Nick" Longworth and "Texas Jack" Gar- "The Horsemen of the Steppes," consisting of 36 former officers of the late Czar's Imperial Army, in a program of Soldier Songs, Church Songs, and National Airs. READ THE DAILY CLASSIFIED ADS Season Tickets -SERGE JAROFF -xi q b I ' ' ' : 1 . ' \ 'Y7. , .:Y ' ( ........ ..... :..'t jt : ;1 ;" tt. . , .' .i . .. f t " .1'~ Student Inactivity A T TIMES, the absolute unconcernedness and total ineptitude of the majority of the student body in taking an active interest in those things which concern them most is both astounding and appalling in its scope. Literally speaking, it takes a "kick in the face" to awaken most of us to some of the things which we allow to continue unmolested along their way. It takes a pointed attack on some individual organization to arouse us to come out and assert ourselves, and even then with only a small meas- ure of effectiveness. i I I II I U