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November 15, 1934 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-15

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Publication in the Bulletiv is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Isaacs Starts

Speaks Tonight


VOL. XLV No. 451


Jewish Medical
Talks Tonight
Wil Give 14 Lectures On
'Medicine Among Jews'
At Hillel Foundation

N cUniversity Lecture:
Notices Prof. Charles F. Remer, of the De-
paitment of Economics, will speak
To University Community Fund on the subject, "Professors in Wash-
Campaign Solicitors: The Ann Arbor ington," at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Nov.
Cotmmity F idE Vvv1A.tP Cnmf; i nth 2a~n iran Aifr

tee wihe ayil r xecu ve n ommcip
tee wishes daily reports on subscrip- ,


tions to the Fund. All University
solicitors, therefore, are requested to
turn in signed subscription cards
ic Decree Given In daily to the following members of the
'anderbilt Child Case University Central Committee:
Architecture .. . .Professor Bennett
YORK, Nov. 14. - 0P) - A Education .....Professor Schorling
statement by Justice John Engineering .......Professor Dodge
ew that ten-yea-od Gloria Hospital.............Dr. Haynes
bilt is not to have "the life Law............Professor Tracy
had from the death of its Medicine..........Dr. Edmunds
up till June, 1932" ended the All Others .......Professor Rodkey
ed hearing over the heiress' (101 Tappan Hall)
today.Any cash or checks received in full
ughdry. s Harry Payne Whit- or partial payment of subscriptions
g Ms. HaraneWt-dshould accompany the cards.
e chlld's aunt, appeared elated R. G. Rodkey, Chairman
e statement, court circles in- University Central Committee
ed -it as merely a dictum on_
Justice Carew will base a final
n after consultation with op- University Broadcasting:
counsel tomorrow. 9:15-9:30 a.m.-Laboratory Pro-
Whitney, who has had custody gram for University Speech Class.
child since June, 1932, opposed "The Arrangement of Musical Pro-
orts of Mrs. Gloria Vanderbilt, grams," Benny Kyte, Musical Direc-
s mother, to regain her pos- tor of station WJR.
Witnesses testified that Mrs. 2:00-2:30 p.m. - "French Litera-
bit had not ben a fit mother, ture," Warner F. Patterson, Assistant
vigorously denied the charge. Professor of French (in English).
sy n tehr.10:00-10:15 p.m.- "Pyorrhea-Its
Cause, Its Cure, and Its Prevention,"
ge Pittsburgh Trust Dr. Russell W. Bunting, Professor
. ' o Fraud of Oral Histology and Pathology,
W 7LIzncome School of Dentistry, University of
IHINGTON, Nov. 14- -(Jp)_ Michigan.
ng the Union Trust Co., of 10:15-10:30 p.m.-"The Testing
rgh, with "a false and fraudu- of Advertisements," Edgar H. Gault,
income tax return for 1930, Associate Professor of Marketing,
easury today asked the board School of Business Administration.
repeals for an additional as-
nt of $218,333 plus a 50 per Faculty Meeting, College Litera-
enalty. ture, Science, and the Arts: The ad-
ials said it was the first time journed meeting of this faculty will
aud had been charged against be held in Room 2225 A.H., Monday,
itution in an income tax case. Nov. 19, beginning at 4:10 o'clock. At
ttonrinoaninctos omethcethis time the discussion of the pro-
the board of directors of the posed changes in requirement for ad-
Company at the time of the mission will be continued. Because of
i fraud were Richard B., Wil- the importance of this subject a full
and Richard K. Mellon, of attendance is desired.
irgh, and Senator David A.
of Pennsylvania. Andrew W. Faculty, College of Engineering:
was Secretary of the Treasury The Michigan Technic requests an
0, and was not actively identi- early return of the suggestion blanks
th the defendants, recently sent you.
A. 11. Lovell
Itt Kidnaping Suspect Registration for all senior and
ommitted In Canada graduate students who are interested
in obtaining positions next year will
DON, Ont., Nov. 14-(MP)-Dav- be held at the Bureau, 201 Mason
isner, former Cincinnati resi- Hall, as follows: to Friday, Nov. 16,
was committed today for trial inclusive; hours 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-
next assizes in Middlesex or 4:00. This registration covers both
on Counties on charges of par- teaching and non-teaching appoint-
ing in the kidnaping last Au- ments. There is no charge for regis-
f John S. Labatt, wealthy Lon- tration at this time, but after Nov.
ewer. 16 a late registration fee of $1.00 will
att identified Meisner, brought be charged. All students who wish
rider arrest from Detroit, as one to file their credentials this year are
three men who kidnaped him urged to register during the regular
ld him 60 hours. enrollment period.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
hall Field Marriage
ininated In Reno Court College of Architecture, Mid-Semes-
ter Reports: Cards for mid-semester
O, Nev., Nov. 14 -()- A hasty reports are being mailed today to all
divorce trial today ended the instructors of students in Architec-
ge of pretty Audrey James and ture. These reports should be mailed
all Field, III, millionaire grand- promptly to the office of the College
f the late Chicago merchant of Architecture, Room 207 Arch.
. Before her marriage to the
scion she was Mrs. Dudley Students, College of Engineering:
of London. She is the daugh- The final day for the removal of in-
Mrs. "Willie" James, famous completes will be Saturday, Nov. 17.
a hostess. In cases of extenuating circumstanes
iour after appearing in court, this time limit may be extended, but
'ield left for New York by air- a petition for extension of time must
b6 filed in the Secretary's Office on or
before Saturday, Nov. 17.
barge of extreme cruelty, de-b eo
which were not disclosed, won
tree for Mrs. Field at a private Academic Notices
g before District Judge Thomas
an. History 47: Midsemester examina-
tion: Sec. 1 and Sec. 2 will meet in
I did not contest the case. Room B, Haven, Sec. 3, Sec. 4 and Sec.
5 will meet in Room C, Haven Hall.
asonable and Experienced
Psychology 31, Section 12, Mondays
UTO R IN G at 11:00: I will meet members of this
section Thursday evening, Nov. 15, at
nch, Spanish, Latin, Math, 7:30 in Room 3126 N.S., for discussion
sics, & Engineering Subjects omitted on account of Armistice Day
i Popplestone, A.M. (Harvard) exercises.
chard Burgis, B.S. (Yale) C. R. Brown

Ei.EP H OE 7450
BeLeH9Nan 450 Fine Arts 201: Mr. March will not
meet his class today.
Matinees 30c Nights 40c STARTING TODAY

l :

aJ, I ihe 1NaLur S bience Audtoc-r
um. This is the second of a series The first of a series of 14 lectures -
cf University Lectures by members by Prof. Raphael Isaacs of the Med-
>f the University faculties, which
faculty membets, students, and the ical School dealing with the generalN
general public are cordially invited subject of "Medicine Among the Jews,
to attend. During the Ages," will be given at
8 p.m. tonight at the Hillel Founda-"
"The Outlook for a Warless World" tion.
s the subject of a lecture to be given Tonight's lecture will consider the Dr. Charles M. Sheldon (above),
onight in Hill Auditorium by Dr. de h
Charles M. Sheldon. The program sources of data on this subject, with world famous author and lecturer,
which is sponsored by the Student particular stress on the Pentateuch. who will speak on "The Outlook For
Christian Association, will begin at Covers All Periods A Warless World" at 8 p.m. today in
8:15 p.m. No admission will be During the lecture series Professor Dill Auditorium.
charged. Ia s will present the references to- ~

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at five
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance-11e per reading line
)on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
10c per reading line for three or
more insertions.
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
fog one or two insertions.
14c perrreading line for three or
more insertions.
10% discount if paid within ten .days
from the date of last insertion.
Minimum three lines per insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month .....................8c'
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........3c
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 lines E.O.D., college year ........7c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired........8c
1,000 lines used as desired ........7c
2,000 lines used as desired...... ..6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.

cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200
North Main. 7x
I Call the Kempf Music Studios for



artistic piano tuning. Terms rea-
sonable. Phone 0328. Ix
PACKARD CAFE now open. Special
meal ticket. $5 for $4. Regular din-
ner, 25-35 cents. Lunch 25 cents.
Cakes and pies all home baked.
FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re-
possessed and repurchased cars.
Many 1934 cars with low mileage
included. We will trade and extend
convenient terms. Open evenings.
311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox
LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 4x
STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea-
sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006

suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol-
lars. Phone Afn Arbor 4306. Chi-


indicine in Jewish literature from Notice Of Exams For
earliest times to the present, and will,
v compare this material with contem- Civil Service Received
Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Mr. porary medical practices of other peo-
E. N. Fox --"English Research in ples. Notices of various examinations of-
,fered by the United States Civil Serv-
Structural Engineering." Dr. E.E. Special attention will be given to
Weibel - Review of Literature. Meet- th eihmtodo praht ice Commission have been received byj
Weiel-eviw o Lieraure Met-the Jewish method of approach to the University Bureau of Appoint- y
ing Room 445 West Engineering the problems of science, the method tes Und uaof Aoin-
Building, 7:30 p.m. All interested of drawing conclusions, the incen- ments and Occupational Information
are cordially invited to attend. tives for research, the use of the ex- Positrons which are open include:
perimental method, the utilization of Junior parasitologist in the bureau of
Electrical Engineering Colloquium: observations and the degree of ad- animal industry, $2,000; junior fin-
The second of the series of colloquia, van cement compared with contempo- ancial statistician in the securities'
conducted by the faculty and the rary medicine, and exchange commission, $2,000;
graduate students of the Department The course of lectures has been in- and steel-plate engraver in the bureau
of Electrical Engineering, will be held itiated in response to the requests of of engraving and printing, $19.20 perI
in Room 153 W. Eng. Bldg. at 4:30 students who took a similar course daIetailed information concerning
p.m. two years ago.DtiedifratoIonenn
Mr. Shin L. Ma will speak ontwistasopi.s the examinations may be secured at'
"Hyperbolic Vector Diagrams." In- List Topics the office of the Bureau ,of Appoint-
terested seniors in the Department The subjects to be covered in the ments, 201 Mason Hall.I
are welcome to attend. All graduates temaining lectures are "Contempo-
are expected to attend. rary Medicine," "Medicine in theI
oni ircle egulr bOther Books of the Bible," "Contem- 'wenty ears Ago
Polonia Circle: Regular bi-weekly porary Medicine," "Medicine in the From the Daily files of
meeting, Michigan League, 7:30 p.m. Talmud - Therapy, Diagnosis, Path- November 15, 1914
All students of Polish ancestry are ology, Etiology," "Contemporary Med-
invited to attend. icine (continued)," "The Talmud
(continued)," "Miamonides," "The Michigan's football season came
Cerele Francais meeting at 7:45 Middle Ages," "Modern Period,""Jew- to a close yesterday afternoon when
in Room 408, Romance Language ish Attitude Toward Autopsy, Jew- Cornell handed the Wolverines the'
Building. Refreshments will be served. ish Attitude Toward Evolution, Jew- third defeat of the year by the decis-
Both new and old members are cor- ish Attitude Toward Science," and ive score of 28-13, and outplayed the
dially invited to attend. Dues are "fertain Jewish Practices Analyzed Varsity in every department of the,
payable atthis time. from the Point of View of Contempo- game, except forward passing.
rary Science.'
Varsity Glee Club: Regular meeting The lectures are open to everyone. James Craig, half and quarter on,
tonight for the Varsity Glee Club - - the Varsity during 1911, 1912, and
all members present. Members be on ,'' Fo1913, has been named on Coach Field-
time promptly at 7:30. o iar or ing H. Yost's all-time Michigan
Byrd TraCtor Party "
Hillel Foundation:
4ilelFn datiofln: _fn -IJ.Hartley Manner's comedy, "Peg

toic tye uppj.er andlower case. tAdd
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case, Add Mec
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 71 point
LOST: Waltham wrist watch. Reward.
Call Bruce Clark, 2-1513.
WILL PERSON who took Saffell &
Bush derby initialed K.B.C. from
Sigma Phi house Saturday night by
mistake please call 2-2041.
LOST:Drawing instruments. Lost 3rd
floor W. Engineering Building. Re-
ward for return. No questions asked.
Phone R. B. Scott, 2-2147.
This Girl Is Too
busy To Bother To

Outlook Gloomy
For Arms Pact
At Conference
LONDON, Nov. 14. - (4P) - A joint
American and British effort to con-
centrate disarmament work on a
world treaty for control of the arms
traffic seemed foreshadowed today.
The meeting of the steering com-
mittee of the World Disarmament
conference at Geneva Tuesday, it was
indicated, may mark the tacit aban-
donment of present efforts for a gen-
eral treaty in favor of an arms con-
trol pact as the sole hope of progress.
Secretary of State Cordell Hull's an-
nouncement at Washington of the
United States' advocacy of an army
'control treaty was in accord witfr the

CHICAGO, Nov. 14 -(P)-There's
$1,300,000 due Nancy Leiter today
but she's too busy to come and get it.
The young heiress of the pioneer
Chicago family just 18 years old is
eligible to receive $500,000 from the
estate of her merchant grandfather,
Levi Z. Leiter, and about $800,000
from that of her grandmother, Mrs.
Mary Leiter.
Nancy is attending Westover school
at Middlebury, Conn., and cannot
leave her classes so the actual trans-
fer will be delayed three or four weeks.
Nancy probably will get along all
right in the meantime on the $5,000
a month income she receives from
the estates.

ing to G

t ,

%-ti p.m. - .penu ou.. s.'agu
pendents and affiliated students at
the Foundation, sponsored by the Tau
Delta Phi fraternity.
7:30 p.m. - Class on "The Jew in
Science," led by Dr. Raphael Isaacs.,
Coming Eventsj
Students Pursuing Work in Educa-
tion: The members of the Faculty and
School of Education, assisted by their;
wives, will hold a reception for stu-
dents pursuing work in Education,
on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 18, from
3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. This reception
will take place in the libraries of the
University Elementary School Build-
ing. All gradate and undergraduate
students pursuing courses in Educa-
tion are cordially invited, irespec-
tive of the school or college in which
they may be enrolled.

LITTLE AMERICA, Antarctic, Nov.
14 - (Via Mackay Radio) - ( P) - A
Byrd expedition tractor party at-
tempting to explore an unknown area
had reported today its progress was
extremely difficult.
A belt of crevasses and pressure
ridges in the Ross ice barrier, 165
nautical miles southeast of here, is
making the attempt to break through
an arduous one, the party advised by
"We are hopeful we shall be able
to penetrate this area, it is our opin-
ion this belt of crevasses doesn't ex-
tend more than two miles. We have
already travelled six miles of crevasses
and believe we can safely zig-zag the
rest of the way.'
Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd be-
lieves the party may find the answer
to a riddle of Antarctica, whether a

O' My Heart," with Elsa Ryan and
the New York company will be the
attraction at the Whitney some time
in December.
Sophomore medics voted to put
themselves under the jurisdiction of
the student council, at their last
meeting. The class previously in-
tended to set up their own governing
body, but changed their plans upon
learning the University would not
recognize the new set-up.
L. L. Bryson of the rhetoric depart-
ment is giving a new course in liter-
ary criticism from a practical journal-
istic viewpoint. It consist in having
the students review books for the
Michigan Alumnus, The Michigan
Daily, and The Detroit Tribune.
LOGANSPORT, Ind., Nov. 14 -(R)
- Frederick Landis, the only Repub-
lican elected to Congress from In-
diana at the Nov. 6 election, was in
critical condition today at Cass Coun-
ty Hospital.

view, emphasized by Prime
r Pamsay MacDonald in a
Tuesday night at Southamp-
only solution," he said, "is
of sale of armaments by the
system. We want to make the
system of export licenses in-
onal, so that what we do every
y will do. Therefore we are go-
Geneva to get that done."
School of Social
Da' cing
Taught daily, 10 to 10.
uTerrace Gare Studio
[-~XIFFWuerth Theater Bldg.
, Phone 9695

She and her brother, Thomas, are
also heirs to the fortune of their fath-
er, the late Joseph Leiter, along with
their mother.
Rer To V Deler
UnAIersty Lecture
Prof. Charles F. Rener of .the eco-
nomics department will speak Tues-
day, Nov. 20, on "Professors at
'Washington." His lecture will be the
second of a group of eight speeches by
faculty members to be given on the
University Lecture Series.
Professor Remer is a member of the
economics department, and has spent
much time in the Orient, where he
was an economics expert.
The lecture will take place at 4:15
p.m. in the Natural Science Audito-
7[. M

i+'1'' '

The Michigan College Chemistry sea level depression connects the Ross
Teachers Association will hold its fall and Weddel seas near where the party
fllnow is - in an unexptloredarea.

aJadsourjV uT T,3~J inoA Sorua
N'U3AV. SS3 3
0f.4 i.'..jno noA 'siq44
HI noua aADoj noA

meeting in Room - 303 Chemistry1
Building, Saturday, Nov. 17. The
following program will be given :
10:15 a.m. - Recent Advances in
Atomic Physics, Dr. E. F. Barker.
11:15 a.m. -Library Technology
for Chemistry Students, Dr. Byron A.
12:15 p.m. -Luncheon, Michigan
1:15 p.m.- Business meeting.
2:00 p.m. - The Responsibility of
the College in the Preparation of
Teachers of Chemistry. Discussion
lead by Dr.. Clarence S. Yoakum.
MANILA, Nov. 14-(A')- Another
typhoon - the third in less than a
month - struck the eastern islands!
of the Philippines today, causing
heavy property damage and possible
loss of life.

Prof. White Addresses
Engineering Institute
New developments in the use of
light alloys and organic products in
the construction of buildings were
discussed by Prof. A. H. White, head
of the department of chemical engi-,
neering, at a meeting of the student
chapter, American Institute of Chem-
ical Engineers, held last night in the
East Engineering building.
Professor White stressed the in-;
creasing use of synthetic materials
to replace the ordinary products ex-
elusively employed a few years ago.
Particularly has the advantages and,
economy of various alloys of alumin-
um been utilized in recent building
projects, he pointed out.


Week Days
15c till 6
25c after 6
Mat. & Night
oe di

Flower Dept.
113 East Washington Phone 2-3147









Matinees 30c
Evenings 40c

Stage and Screen ntertainment

Sixteen talented Russian Entertainers, a native orchestra playing
wild gypsy dances - singers, dancers, featuring Mignon in the
And"'on the Screen
Edith Warton's world-loved novel, the story of a rebel heart
in a world of sham - America's Age of Innocence.


A Param~ount Picture with

, stre
H e i ® , u1i
C . ViS"


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