P'AGE SIX THlE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1934 . . . . . . ............. Foreign Study Fellowships To Be Institutedi Opportunities Announced For Graduate Researchl In Eight Countries Announcement of opportunities for fellowships for graduate study in eight foreign countries under the aus- pices of the Institute of International Education, organization for exchange foreign fellowships, was made late yesterday. Study is offered for research in the fields of science, history, international law and relations, economics and sociology, as well as pursuit of fur- ther knowledge of the language, lit-r erature and civilzation of the various foreign countries. The scholarships are being offered to seniors and graduates of American universities who are able to fulfillI certain character requirements, and are able to read, speak, and write the language of the country in which he wishes to study and to understandI lectures in that language. These opportunities are open to both men and women; preference isa given to unmarried students under 30 years of age. The awards are tenable for one academic year only, and in most cases, cover only tuition or tuition and living expenses. It is{ advised that fellowship holders bel able to provide for their own traveling expenses. A limited number of 'fellowships covering tuition fees are offered forj study in Australia at the governmentI institutions of higher learning, in- cluding the state academies of art and music. An arrangement for room and board may be possible in one or two cases to supplement the tuition' awards. Four Men Die In Huge Grain Elevator Fire Dr. Pir r c e s Fights Against Drn I R.O.T.C. Makes IROUND TRIP lhsime O 3 uovation Ini EXCURSION Ann Arbr'CubCorpsRATES Waltz And Rogr Elt ...... .Annnovation has been made this Ote fiesO riv*~year in the program .:> " " of the signal 9.' Other Officers Of Army ccrps of the University R.O.T.C. And Navy Club Any member of tne aavanced corpsj- wishing to learn code, or who, know- - Announcement was made yesterday ing the code now, wishes to improve } ___ Annoucemtwas e rdhis speed at sending or receiving will of the election of Dr. Carleton B.-- Pchof the Unier.ity os..be allowed to utilize the facilities of Pierce, head of the University Hospi- the signal corps laboratory, Lieut. TOLEDO. $2.50 tai X-ray department, to the presi- dency of the Ann Arbor Army and Merton G. Wallington, head of the FLI NT Navy Club. Dr. Pierce has served they signal division, has announced. The organization as president for the past laboratories will be open in the after- SAG I NAW . $5.15 year. 1 noons at hours to be posted in the CLA N NG $3 r1 0 He has been acting president of "h uate ho themility sciece L S the Army and Navy Club since the department. Provision may be made departure of Prof. J. R. Hayden of for men in the basic section of the 4 ;~ unit to engage in the work as well. the political science department for u ther eatuThe SHrOReT Way the Philippine Islands where he is -ssociae s P TnowTW A further feature of interest in !W now vice governor. Gov. B. B. Moeur of Arizona acted these laboratories is the R.O.T.C. I Lnes Stanley G. Waltz, manager of the in what he termed a "showdown" bat- short wave radio station, which has John Bollock, Agent Union, was selected to succeed Dr. tle ihen he sent troops to a desolate lately, been receiving report cards, Tickets at Michigan Union Pierce as vice president, and Lieut.- patch of land along the Colorado signifying that the station's broad4 Col. Frederick C. Rogers, command- River in Arizona's efforts to prevent cast has been picked up by the set of ant of the R.O.T.C. regiment, was construction of the Parker diversion the person sending in the card, from' READ THE WANT ADS made secretary. dam across the stream. Arizona seeks points all over the world, The meeting in the Union Monday an agreement by which the state__ was addressed by Ralph D. Upson, would share in hydro-electric power consulting aeronautical engineer, to be generated at the proposed dam. R o former faculty member. He discussed --PERSO N A L types of lighter-than-air crafts, de- y . t. claring that experimental metal-clad t S Exhibited ships had proved "their value in five .t. CHRISTMAS CARDS years of rigorous testing." 'y Detroit InstitutePRINTED PROCESS PRINTED ___PRINTEDPROCESSPRINTED LING3RtAy L A total of 309 works a y In a Complete Range of Styles and Prices Contet Dr wingsA toal of309 orksof art by 205p9Y of the foremost artists in the state 50 CARDS & 50 ENVELOPES, printed with your name $1.00 Remain On Display3v went on exhibit yesterday in the An- I 25 CARDS & 25 ENVELOPES, printed with your name 75c U nual Exhibition of Michigan Artists gd at the Detroit Institute of Art. The 201'( Discount on all Personal Christmas Card Orders Drawings entered in last yearsilaebfoeNvm r20 competition in architecture and land-' jury has selected the pieces from pfaced before November 20. scape design, sponsored annually by more than 1,000 entries. * the Lake Forest Fellowship Founda- Prizes were dispensed with this' D . M O R R I L L tion, are on display from 1 to 5 p.m., year at the request of a group of art- through today, in the large exhibition ists who thought that the awards.( 3 14 South State Street room on the third floor of the archi- gave a false implication as to the THE STATIONERY AND TYPEWRITER STORE tectural building. relative merits of the entries. The . P The Foundation each year awards exhibition will remain open until Dec. a $1,000 travelling fellowship in each 16. of the aforementioned lines of en- - -----_------- deavor. Architectural schools in five midwestern universities are at present taking part in the competition. The fellowship in architecture was wonD ITO R IU M flloowship-narchitcturew-,AAwon -issociaec trress YoLo Four men were burned to death and an estimated $2,000,000 damage was done when fire engulfed the huge grain elevator of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad at Newport News, Va. The scene shows the flames leapIng in the upper part of the structure while dense clouds of smoke relled cut if the top. A dust explosion is believed to have started the fire. . _ D. Sheldon To Give Talk On Warless World Will Discuss World-Wide Peace Under Auspices Of S.C.A. Tomorrow Henry Heiman To Give Talk on Recovery To Speak Before Students Of Business School This Morning At Ten Tuition, board, and lodging is of- Dr. Charles M. Sheldon will speak Henry H. Heiman, executive mana- fered at. the government institutions on the topic "The Outlook For A ger of the National Association of of higher learning at Brno, Prague, Warless World" under the auspices Credit Men, will deliver a special lec- and Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, in- of the Student Christian Association ture to the School of Business Ad- cluding the state academies of art and tomorrow in Hill Auditorium, Russell ministration at 10 a.m. today, Room music. F. Anderson, president of the S.C.A., 231 Angell Hall. For study in France, various possi- announced yesterday. He will be in- He will speak on "Recovery and the bilities for fellowships exist, but pref- traduced by Prof. Preston W. Slosson' New Deal," and the general public is erence is given to students who come of the history department. invited to attend. from American institutions which are a Dr. Sheldon first came into world Mr. Heiman was selected as a mem- receiving 'French students either on fame in 1896 with the publication of ber of General Johnson's Industrial fellowships or part-time assistant- the book, "In His Steps." Later, in Recovery Advisory Board when the ships. Michigan does not have such (1900, the editors of the Topeka Daily National Recovery Program was or- an arrangement. Fellowships for Capital induced him to edit that pub- I men and women both are offered at lication for one week. The circulation ganizedand later was named vice- the Universities of Grenoble, Lyon, of the Capital jumped from 12,000 Secretary of Commerce Roper organ- Strasbourg, and Toulouse. For wom- copies to 367,000. ized his longe range Business Advisory en only there are available two full For the last few years Dr. Sheldon and Planning Group, Mr. Heiman fellowships at the Ecole Normale Sup- has devoted his time to campaigns was named a member of that group erierure de Severes and one at the for temperance, disarmament, and and also was selected as one of the University of Paris. At the University world peace. He has lectured in all Executive Council of that division of of Bordeaux the four available fel- parts of the United States and many the Department of Commerce. lowships are for men only, as are a times abroad. 1 Mr. Heiman attended St. Marys limited number of fellowship ten- A graduate of Brown University college, St. Marys, Kan., where he able for one year offered by the and Andover Theological Seminary, pursued a liberal arts course for two American Field Service for advanced Dr. Sheldon is well known in the Con- years.- He also attended St. Louis research work in France, carrying a !gregational denomination for his work University, where he studied business stipend of $1,400 each. . as a minister. administration. He was graduated For German universities, a num- Besides having edited the Topeka from the law school there with an ber of fellowships have been estab- Daily Capital, in 1919 Dr. Sheldon L.L.B. degree and was admitted to the lished covering board, lodging, and was offered the position of editor-in- Missouri bar. tuition. These cover most of the dis- chief of the Christian Herald. He-- tinguished German universities and remained in that capacity for five a few of the technical institutions. years, retiring in 1924. The Germanistic Society of Amer- Richard S. Clark, '37, chairman ica also offers a fellowship with a cash of the committee in charge of the stipend of $1,000 for a graduate of an program, announced that no admis- American college or university who sion would be charged. contemplates studying some phase of German civilization at a German uni- versity. R ussian Chorus To Other scholarships include study ,. r . at Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, and V [ v r Ioiee ii, Swiss universities. More detailed in- formation may be obtained by writ- (continued from Page 1) ing the Secretary, Student Bureau, at option to bring to the United States." the Institute of International Edu- "But," said the impresario, "I am cation, 2 West 45th St., New York afraid it will cost far too much money City. Most applications are due be- and, furthermore, I know nothing fore Jan. 15, excepting those to about them." France, which are required one month:JDr. Sink remembered his corre-' later.; spondence of two years before and Dr. Stanley's praise. He made inquir-1 LEAVE FOR CINCINNATI . this was the Don Cossack Chorus ies which confirmed his belief thatI Frederick S. Randall, secretary of and urged the impresario to execute the University Council, Lt. Theodore the option immediately. C. Argue, '35E, and Lt. Donald W.: So the option was taken and the Lyon, '35A, left last night for Cin- Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus cinnati to attend the national con- scored tremendously in America that vention of the Scabbard and Blade year. They appeared in Ann Arbor society. then and also in 1930. IIi I last year by William Buderus, '34A, who is at present traveling abroad. Convention Speeches To Be Printed In Pamphlet It was decided following the recent convention of the University Press Club of Michigan to publish records of this year's proceedings in pamphlet form, a process discontinued two years ago for lack of funds. Speeches given at the meetings will be reprinted in the pamphlet, which will then be distributed to members of the Press Club. The work. is in the hands of Prof. John L. Brumm, per- manent secretary of the organization. EXPERT PRINTING LETTERHEADS -ENVELOPES ' i PROGRAMS ,- BIDS4 The ATHENS PRESS; 206 N Main Downtown ' (Next to Postoffice) T NIGHT THE ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION presents UAIT HASE SINGLE ADMISSIONS Three Center Sections of Main Floor . . . 1 Remainder of Auditorium 50C Hill Auditorium Box Office open 5 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Tickets at WAHR'S 40 air enou fEtell you that C hesterfield Cigarettes are made of mild, ripe tobaccos. We've told you about the paper-that it's pure and burns right, without taste or odor. We have said that Chesterfields are made right. The tobaccos are aged, then blended and cross-blended, and cut into shreds the right width and length to smoke right. These things are done to make what people want-a cigarette that's milder, a cigarette that tastes better - a cigarette that satisfies. ' You can prove what we tell you about Chesterfield. May we ask you to try them - that would seem to be fair enough. I you're invited to the regular wednesday night dance ... -ross harger and his band have plenty of the new tunes that you'll enjoy .. -minimum charge of only twentyI'v)J c etonts 1n nerson a I, II ---now