The Weather Generally fair and continued cold Wednesday; Thursday un- settled and warmer. AN-W (t4r Ft Aigan ~Iait Editorials Lament For Learning When To Use The Brakes., VOL. XLV. No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Council-Takes No Action On FERA Project Committee Is Appointed To Present More Detailed Report Of Plans Rentals Suggested For Land Payment Speaks Today Close Contest Seen In Soph Voting Today Third Party Drops From Literary College Field On Eve Of Election Four Taxicab Companies Protest Proposed Rate-Standardization Amendment To City Ordinance r 4 Mayor Says City To Pay Cash For 50 Homes Is Unable For Land STUART CHASE No definite action was taken last night at the City Council meeting either for the acceptance or for the rejection of the FERA housing proj- ect, although a committee was ap- pointed to look further into the mat- ter and present a report at the next meeting of the council. The committee is composed of Ald. R. M. Burr, Ald. F. W. Staffan, and Ald. W. A. Paton. A representative from the real estate board and one representing the local banks will meet with this committee. Committees Report The committees appointed at the last meeting presented their reports and the one on the financing of the housing project drew considerable dis- cussion. Since Ann Arbor cannot af- ford to purchase the 20-acre tract of land needed, the committee felt the property should be acquired under an arrangement by which the city could secure it through a deed with- out any down payment in cash. The entire cost of the project would be defrayed by the net rental proceeds as rapidly as the proceeds became available. Mayor Robert A. Campbell stated that he feared the project would ex- ceed the $20,000 estimated as Ann Arbor's share, since that did not in- clude the money for fire protection, police protection, and garbage dis- posal. The mayor felt that until he knows definitely where the money is coming from for the housing program, he could not supP6rtit- Cites Disadvantages Ald. L. J. Young said he believed that the disadvantages off-set the project's advantages. The disadvan- tages were: 1. It would put the city in the real estate business. 2. It would offer governmental com- petition to other local businesses.; 3. The Federal government has not as yet offered a written agreement with Ann Arbor. It has merely pro- posed the plan. 4. It is just as probable that the 50 houses would be a source of expense rather than profit. The advantages Alderman Young saw in the project were that it would furnish work to many sorely in need. of it, and it would furnish a market for local firms, such as lumber com- panies. This latter advantage is only a possibility inasmuch as, under the city charter, bids for the purchase of materials must be opened to any company, and not only local firms. Many townspeople attended the meeting and engaged in the discussion both for and against the adoption of the project. Three Alumni To Be Present At Inauguration Murphy, Hayden, Kalaw Will Attend Ceremonies At Philippine University Three Michigan alumni, all promi- nent figures in international affairs, will represent the University at cere- monies attendant to the inauguration of the new president of the University, of the Philippines Saturday, Dec. 15, in Manila. The invitation was extended to the University by the University of the Philippines through the bureau of in7 sular affairs of the war department. President Alexander G. Ruthven has asked Frank W. Murphy, '14L, gover- nor-general of the islands, Dr. Joseph R. Hayden, '15Ph.D., vice-governor, and Dr. Maximo Kalaw, Ph.D., to rep- resent the University at the cere- monies inaugurating Jorges Bocobo into the presidency. Dr. Kalaw is a native of the Philip- pines and at one time was exchange" professor to the University. He studied Large Crowd Expected For Chase Lecture Noted Economist To Talk At 8:30 P.M. Today In Hill Auditorium More than 3,000 persons are expect- ed to attend Stuart Chase's lecture at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, on "The Economy of Abundance," officials of the Oratorical Association stated yesterday. Completely recovered from a severe attack of laryngitis, which kept him in bed in Chicago for a week and prevented him from keeping his orig- inal engagement last Thursday here, Mr. Chase will arrive in town at 5:10, p.m. from Chicago. He will stay at the Union. f He is hailed by many as one of I the greatest students of economics of the day and had written many books on the subject. Notable among these mare "The Tragedy of Waste," "Men I and Machines," "The Nemesis of American Business," and "A New Deal." In his lecture today Mr. Chase will draw fronm all of the books he hasI written in an attempt to make aI broad and vivid picture of existing conditions and problems. Tickets may be purchased at Wahr's Bookstore until 5 p.m. after which time they will be put on sale at the box office of Hill Auditorium. They are priced at 50 and 75 cents. New Dictatorial Triumphs MakeI Kingrfish HapPY BATON ROUGE, La., Nov. 13. - (IP) -Beaming with delight over accelera- tion given his dictatorial "Utopian" program today, Huey Long, the Lou- isiana "Kingfish," saw new possibil- ities in his plan to share wealth and help the poor through legislative ac- tion. There came a scowl over his coun- tenance, however, and he started a row with those who called his football trips with the Louisiana State Tigers "ballyhoo." Long said he would not carry out the promised journey by 1,200 stu- dents and the hand to Knoxville Dec. 8 for L.S.U.-Tennessee football game unless the University of Tennessee corrected an impression circulated in a Knoxville paper that he was speak- ing "ballyhoo." He said the story was written by Westbrook Pegler. "We don't want any publicity," snapped the angry Kingfish. "If that bunch of buzzards and varmints want to spread that sort of stuff, we don't want to come up." Four Schools Will Cast Ballots Today Council Warns Electors Against Proxy Balloting; Identification Needed With the announcements of hours and places of voting for the sopho- more elections today came words of confidence from party leaders for the success of their slates. Joe Hinshaw, caucus chairman for literary college State Street party, reported that the Independent party, which had up until yesterday been working to have its slate elected, last night announced that they were out of the field and that they had thrown their support to Hinshaw's party. Neither Tom Ayers, Washtenaw-Coal- ition caucus chairman nor Merrell Jordan, the party's presidential nom- inee, could be reached late last night for a statement. Prospects pointed to closely-con- tested elections in both the literary college and the engineering college where all parties have been campaign- ing since the beginning of the school- year. Slates for all parties were an- nounced early last week. The announcement of the hours and places of voting was made last night by Carl Hilty, '35, president of the Undergraduate Council. Voting will take place in the literary college, en- gineering college, Medical School, and the College of Architecture. In the literary college, voting will take place in Room 25 from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Sophomore engineers will cast ballots in Room 348 West En- gineering Building between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. Voting in the Medical School will continue from 11 to 11:30 a.m. in the amphitheatre of the West Medical Building, and in the College of Archi- tecture ballot will be cast in Room 101 from 4 to 4:30 p.m. Hilty reminded the sophomores that' an identification card must be pre- sented by each voter in person and that there will be no voting by proxy. All committee appointments must be turned in to Hilty within one week after the date of the election. Breaks Leg In Rush To See Fire Engines Love of fires and their excitement proved the undoing of Mrs. B. H. Card, 1214 Washtenaw Ave., yester- day. Rushing out on her porch as the screaming sirens of the fire engine dashed by her home en route to the University Hospital explosions, she broke through the railing and frac- tured her leg. Mrs. Card is the wife of B. H. Card, an employee of the University laun- dry. Her injury was the only one re- ported as a result of the commotion of the Hospital explosion. Ann Arbor Nurse Attenpts Suicide Catherine Clark, 23 years old, a University graduate and until several weeks ago a nurse in University Hos- pital, is recovering from an attempt to take her own life yesterday. She was found at 7 a.m. yesterday in the Washtenaw Laboratories in the Mich- igan Theatre building by the care- taker, Robert Allen, after she had intentionally taken an overdose of morphine. J Governor-Elect Fitzgerald Will Retire To Plan Administration Secretariat; Brown Appointed Successor Is Resigns LANSING, Nov. 13 -()- Frank D. Fitzgerald, Republican governor-elect, wilrtr to private life Thursday to devote his entire time to preparing for the duties he must assume Jan. 1. Governor Comstock today accepted his resignation as Secretary of State, effective Nov. 15. Clarke W. Brown, present deputy secretary of state, was appointed by the governor as Fitz- gerald's successor. Fitzgerald has established an office in Grand Ledge, where he will spend the next month and a half drafting the program he will submit to the next legislature. He plans to confer with legislators-elect and with ex- perts in various lines. He also will give some thought to the appoint- ments he must make when the state administration changes from Demo- cratic to Republican Jan. 1. Fitzgerald's letter of resignation simply says his action was in accord- ance with a campaign pledge to the people. Governor Comstock imme- diately accepted it and appointed Brown. The latter announced that Orville E. Atwood, secretary of state- elect, will be his deputy. Abductors Fail To Return Girl, Collect Ransom Body Found In Shallow Grave Fits Description Of KidnapVictim NASHVILLE, Nov. 13 --()-- Au-' thorities investigating the finding of a little girl's body in a shallow grave here late today . said that it fitted in some ways the description of six- year-old Dorothy Ann Distelhurst, school-child who disappeared Sept. 19. NEW YORK, Nov. 13 -(p)- Still "groping in the dark," a weary fath- er, Alfred E. Distelhurst, tonight ended six days of anxious waiting for news from the abductors of his six- year-old daughter, Dorothy Ann. The pretty little bobbed-haired child, carrying a pink lunch box, has been missing for nearly two months from her Nashville, Tenn., home as her father awaited an opportunity to pay her kidnapers the $5,000 ransom they demanded. Clements Library Displays Forgeries Of Old Documents' Honesty may be the best policy, but dishonesty, at least in the form of' forgeries of famous historical docu- ments being exhibited at the William L. Clements Library, is very popular. So much so, in fact, that library of- ficials announced yesterday that the, exhibit scheduled to end with the foot- ball season, may continue for some time longer. Marny of these are ingenious, among them being a forgery of an expense account of the American Revolution. The only flaw in it is that it bears a watermark of 1840, whereas the paper is dated 1783. Others on exhibition are attempts to forge the famous Columbus Letter, letters of George Washington to which an extra paragraph, throwing dis- credit upon him, has been added, Cot- ton Mather's map of New England, and the famed Vicksburg Citizen wallpaper edition. This last, a newspaper printed by a Confederate publisher on wallpaper when Grant's siege of Vicksburg made paper scarce, was run off the press, where it was left, by a printer-mem- ber of the invading Union Army. He Proposed Cab Amendment The following schedule of rates shall govern any person, firm, co- partnership or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle or taxicab for hire or reward as a taxicab, or for carrying of passengers for a fee or charge. For one person, 35 cents. For 2 to 5 passengers for the same journey, 50 cents. For more than five persons, each 10 cents. For each three minutes of waiting, 10 cents. Hourly rates: Not to exceed $2.00 for five-passenger and $2.50 for seven-passenger cars. The foregoing rates are hereby declared to be both the maximum and minimum rates which may be charged for the carrying of pas- sengers as above provided. Taxicabs will be permitted to operate at the above rates irre- spective of distance within the city limits, provided that they display a sign the size and design to be approved by the Mayor, containing the above named rates which must be posted within the cab in full view of the passengers and that the words "Flat Rate Taxi" shall be painted on the body of the cab. Cabs will be subject to examination as to clean- liness and mechanical condition at any time by the Police Department and subject to cancellation of license if found not in condition as spe- cified in this ordinance. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after ten days from legal publication thereof. Crossed Political Dates Result In Water Fight The seriousness with which lower classmen take their elections was evidenced last night when leaders of the two sophomore parties entered in today's battle of the ballots met in the Collegiate Sorosis house. Joe Hinshaw, State Street party caucus chairman, and Merrel Jordan, Washtenaw - Coalition presidential nominee happened to pick the same time to interview the Sorosis sisters about their party affiliations and as a consequence the sorority members had ring-side seats at a water battle between the two men. The deluge. lasted for about half an hour and while both men claimed victory for their side, late reports had it that neither was seriously the worse for the encounter. Atlantic Coast is Sewept By StormyGales (By Associated Press) The Atlantic seaboard and parts of the midwest yesterday turned up overcoat collars and headed into winter weather. Snows, chilling drizzles and freez- ing temperatures spotted the terri- tory and lashing winds whipped up waves on the Great Lakes. A freighter, Poplar Bay, unreported1 on the Great Lakes since Nov. 10, when it left Port Huron for Chicago, and at first believed lost, was re- ported safe at anchorage off Mack- inac Island. Storms off the Atlantic coast de-. layed ocean shipping and the high winds contributed in preventing Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker from breaking records on his dawn-to-dusk round trip by air from New York to Miami. Mercury readings of 20 degrees or lower spotted the Atlantic seaboard and south. Snow fell in New York during the day. There was an inch' of snow in western Pennsylvania, an- other snowfall in Buffalo, and flur- ries fell in Chicago and its suburbs, Milwaukee, and South Bend, Ind. Fund Solicitors To Give Report Thursday Noon City Being Canvassed In Effort To Reach $60,000 Goal For Relief The first report of the 250 solici- tors of the annual Community Fund campaign, which was officially open- ed yesterday, will be given at a lunch- eon to be held at 12:15 p.m. tomor- row in the Masonic Temple. The city is being intensively can- vassed in a concerted effort to reach the $60,000 goal by Nov. 23, the clos- ing day of the campaign. There are four divisions of the campaign: the University unit, which will have complete charge of canvassing the University staff; the advance gifts committee, which has been solociting prospects before the actual campaign began; the business division group; and the women's division, which will contact all those who cannot be reached at an office 'address. The University division, which, for the first time in the history of the campaign, is a separate unit, is headed by Prof. Robert Rodkey of the busi- ness administration school. Other members of the central University committee, who were appointed by President Alexander G. Ruthven, hon- orary chairman of the drive, are Prof. John. E. Tracy of the Law School, Dr. Russell Bunting of the dental school, Prof. Wells I. Bennett of the architectural college, Prof. Raleigh Schorling of the education school, Prof. Russell Dodge of the engineer- ing college, Prof. Louis Eich of the literary college, Dr. Charles Edmunds of the medical school, and Dr. Har- ley Haynes, director of the University Hospital. The money collected in this inten- sive 10-day period of campaigning will be used to finance private char- ity agencies and character-building organizations, Hal M. Haylor, cam- paign director, said yesterday. It will not be used to supplement the incomes of those who are on federal relief rolls. Local Managers Declare They Can Make Profits At Lower Rates Campbell Favors New Amendment Bill, Passed On First Two Readings, Is Expected To Meet Opposition By PAUL J. ELLIOTT Managers of four taxi companies yesterday declared themselves in fa- vor of a reduction in present cab rates and voiced their opposition to a proposed rate-standardization amend- ment to the city taxi ordinance, which the City ,.Council will consider on third reading at its next meeting, Monday, Nov. 19. After a month of sporadic price- cutting on the p t of most com- panies,the Council at its last regular meeting, Monday, Nov. 5, approved the first two readings of the amend- ment, which would make it illegal to charge either more or less than the present official rates, 35 cents for 1 passenger and 50 cents for 2 to 5. States Rates The amending ordinance specifi- cally states: "The foregoing rates (35 and 50 cents) are hereby declared to be both the maximum and minimum rates which may be charged for the carrying of passengers as above pro- vided." Mayor Robert A. Campbell, in an interview with The Daily yesterday, said that he favored the amendment, because "it would protect the estab- lished companies." He did not com-. ment on the feasibility of running at lower rates. The four companies favoring 25 and 35 cent rates are Radio Cab, Arcade Cab, College Cab, and Campus Cab. Although refusing to be individually quoted, these operators generally agreed that opposition to price cuts came from those who could not oper- ate economically at the lower rates. Marion Smith, manager of Radio Cab, told The Daily that "we can make more money at the lower prices. I am decidedly in favor of free competi- tion." Parties Agree Frank Bailey, College Cab owner, agreed with Smith. He said, "with our present equipment, large cabs and small, we can offer good service and make a profit at 25 and 35 cent prices." Although the amendment was passed easily on its first two readings, it is expected that passage on the third reading will be more difficult be- cause of the widespread opposition which it has encountered. Ald. Wil- liam A. Paton of the Sixth Ward, a faculty member of the School of Bus- iness Administration, last night said he feared the proposed amendment might result in a stifling of competi- tion. Thieves Steal $50 From Pi Phi House In the second sorority robbery in a little more than a month, members of the Pi Beta Phi sorority lost nearly $50 while they were at dinner last night. Investigation made immediately after the loss was discovered showed that thieves had entered the house through a second-floor window, evi- dently between 6:45 and 7 p.m. and had rifled purses in all of the rooms of the second and third floors. No trace of the thieves had been found at a late hour last night. On Sept. 28, while the members of the sorority were entertaining at a rushing dinner, thieves looted purses in the Delta Gamma house and made off with more than $40. At that time police issued a warning to residents in the Hill Street neighborhood to pro- tect themselves as far as possible against robberies. Two Are Injured In HospitalExplosion A small explosion in the laboratory of Dr. Louis H. Newburgh, professor of clinical investigation in internal I mediiine at tbh TTniversitv Wonnitai Brown Explains Sigrnificance Of Recent National Election By JOHN M. O'CONNELL elector cast his vote against Mon- A number of significant points con- roe so that no President might equal cerning the recent national elections Washington's record. However, this were brought out by Prof. Everett S. story was proved untrue when Pro- Brown of the political science de- fessor Brown published a volume in Sink Instrumental In Bringing Russian Chorus To America partment, in an interview yesterday. Among these was a statement made just after the election by Postmaster James A. Farley in which the chair- man of the Democratic National Com- mittee is quoted as saying, "President Roosevelt will have no opposition' within his own party in 1936, and very little opposition from other sources. We will probably make it unanimous 1925 containing the correspondence between William Plumer and his son who had been a member of the elec- toral college and which gave the true facts of the case. The real story, it appears, is that no one questioned the re-election of Monroe and no candidate entered the field against him. The Federalist party, as a national organization, had nrn n', inllr r iA n nnnn .. dnA i ria nl. 4 By ROBERT S. RUWITCH The tale of the first appearance of the Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus in the United States is more than closely related to the activities of Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the University School of Music, and the man who has been instrumental in bringing this outstanding group of musicians to Ann Arbor three times. The story of the great Russian or- ganization and how they happened to appear in the United States is based on a coincidence, a coincidence which Dr. Sink jestingly calls a joke upon Included in the series of 1927 was a Russian chorus, known as the "Cos- sack Chorus," which Dr. Sink had never before heard. Dr. Stanley, it seems had heard the tremendously successful Don Cossack Chorus and hurriedly wrote to Dr. Sink of the extreme sagacity with which the lat- ter had made his choice of programs. The "Cossack Chorus" came to Ann Arbor that season, and, as Dr. Sink says, was a "flop." So Dr. Sink had the laugh on Dr. Stanley. Finally, however, it was discovered that the Russian chorus which Dr. Sink had scheduled and the Russian chorusI