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November 13, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-13

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CITY EDITOR........................ JOHN HEALEY
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald.
John M. OConnell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson, Ruth Loebs, Jo-
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REPORTERS: John H. Batdorff, Robert B. Brown, Richard
Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H.
Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard
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shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob
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dine Field, Betty Bowman,HJuly Trosper.
Challenge To
A Favored Group ...
of Michigan are, generally speak- .
ing, a favored group. The majority of them have
their education either wholly or partially supplied
for them. They do not realize, nor concern them-
selves greatly about, the crisis that has been
reached in the educational and employment facil-
ities available for those less-fortunates who can
neither secure a job nor afford to go to school.
That such a crisis has been reached is evi-
denced by the large proportion of our present
crime wave attributable to youth, by the decrease
in the percentage of boys and girls of school age
who are now attending, and by the tendency on
the part of business employers to eliminate youths
under 21 from their establishments.
Statistics reveal that out of 9,500,000 young peo-
ple of high school age in this country, only 5,-
700,000, or 60 per cent, are at the present time
attending school.
Statistics also show that out of a group of 241,-
000 arrests studied 20 per cent were under 21, and
three out of five were under 30. Crime cost us 15
billion dollars last year.
The college student needs only to try to obtain
a job to see for himself the meagre possibilities
of employment for these 3,800,000 boys and girls
of high school age, and to see for himself the
casual relation between the youthful character
of criminal statistics and the inadequate charac-
ter of employment and educational opportunities.
These problems concerning an unemployed and
out-of-school youth are not entirely the concern
of governmental relief work, nor are they solely
the responsibility of community and civic leaders,
although their assistance is vitally necessary. The
youth problem is one for just such a favored body of
young men and women as is found on the campus
of the University of Michigan. Given the initiative,
this group has the time, the finances\ the ability,

and a'common bond with the more unfortunate
youths of its own age to adequately cope with the
The report of the Conference on Youth Prob-
lems called last June by the Commissioner of Edu-
cation in Washington includes the statement that
while the guidance of community and govern-
mental activity in the solution of youth problems
is necessary, "The spirit of self-help and youth
responsibility should dominate all programs insti-
tuted for youth."
Thus it devolves upon this favored group first
o-f all 1toh 1'a('Ci9)1V7 thetpn~t ~i-andpii v svir,, of

tively devote their time to organizing and direct-
ing both the remedial and preventive aspects of
the youth problem.
Whether such a program could arise from the
"favored group" of the University of Michigan
-from students who could live supremely un-
aware and unconcerned about such a disturbing
thing as "youth problems," if they chose, seems
to us a conclusive test of the value attributable to
higher education.
Tears Fell
On U.C.L.A... .
T HE EXUBERANCE of youthful am-
bition and enthusiasm has often
carried youth away, causing it to act rashly on
the basis of hastily-formed judgments.
Recognizing, however, that college young peo-
ple, rapidly gaining maturity, must be given in-
creasing opportunities to manage their individual
affairs and their collective student interests, college
authorities have hopefully extended them certain
freedoms and authority in school affairs.
Students are always quick to seize upon any
privileges extended to them, but are not so eager
to accept the accompanying responsibility. It is
when they go too far in their enthusiasm, forgetting
the responsibility that should be theirs, that unfor-
tunate occurrences follow, hurting both the student
himself, and his elders as well.
Disillusioning and disheartening in the extreme
have been certain experiences lately at the Uni-
versity of California at Los Angeles, where five
students had to be expelled for their communist
The following passage from a recent news dis-
patch is the crowning blow: "At the University of
California at Los Angeles, Provost Ernest C. Moore
charged, with tears coursing his cheeks, that a
Communist 'cell of agitation' had been established
on his caipus, under direct orders of the Moscow
Third International."
Ah, that such a scene should be brought about
on an American campus! Is there nothing we can
hold sacred?
Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daiy. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
To the Editor:
It is no longer a mark of the sophisticate to
speak of the upward urge or the downward urge
of the race, nor is there any longer a vigorous
distinction between the meretricious and the
good. Life's goal seems undefined, unreal, a post-
ulate for human reasoning, a concept lost in
the sure disillusionment of living. Life seems
marching onward, in the past and in the future,
to new meanings and only when the individual
realizes that the laws of yesterday are for the
furnitures of yesterday will he awaken to a true
appreciation of his age.
For a student of the sciences to witness the
outburst of applause that came with the appear-
ance of Lenin and the storming of the Winter
Palace. at St. Petersburg after the showing of
the Russian film "Mother" Thursday night was
enough to juggle him out of the citadel of Meta-
physics in which he had supposed himself to be
safely placed and reflect upon the nature of hu-
man actions and their background in the drama
of history. He could not condemn nor look down
from any higher place upon this demonstration of
a feeling peasantry, nor could he raise his voice
with theirs when he had seen the awful concom-
mitants of such a stroke for freedom. Surely, no
man can show a partial attitude in such a case
except he is void of those keener sensitivities that
make us glad that we are men and not as the
beasts of the field. The most that may be
done is to allow the negation of one's joys and
tears to take the place of action, to preserve a
quiet sobriety, sympathetic to the fullest degree,
to recognize each seeming craziness as a necessity
and, with Nietzsche, loving it, to halo one's con-
ceit with understanding, encompassing the self

with a tender native silence.
It is this dumb lesson that philosophy would
offer, to know that no concretion is so true but
that life can turn its verity to a lie.
--Richard Bennett.
No Hollywood 'Mother't
To the Editor:
Seeing a film like "Mother" reminds a person
that nowhere are poor pictures made as well as in
the United States. Not that Hollywood is incapable
of good pictures, but merely that all of the techni-
cal facility of which American producers are
masters is lavished on the inconsequential program
picture more often than it is employed on some-
thing of importance.
In "Mother" (I have no idea of the film's age)
there were cinematic ideas - some of them highly
effective as used there -which certainly would
have profited by the superior photography, light-
ing, continuity and editing of the Hollywood crafts-
men. The details of groups of people (feet, hands,
etc.), the kaleidiscopic succession of shots in the
fighting scenes, and the devices of enforcing the
gathering force of the marching revolutionaries
by the May Day views were all fine.
And Hollywood has not missed the lesson of this
and similar films. The overlapping dissolves used
to show early morning in the factory have been
copied in American pictures (in "An American
Tragedy" if I remember rightly). Unfortunately
Hollywood once possessed of an idea can scarce
get rid of it; for instance, how many miles of film
showing train wheels have been used in recent
years to indicate the characters' travelling?

Here's a story coming from Dartmouth Col-
lege. Last Spring Hanover, home of that insti-
tution, required all eligible Dartmouth students
to vote in order that it might collect a poll tax
from them. In retaliation, the students attend-
ed a town meeting, where they introduced and
passed two bills proposing the building of a
wall around the town eight feet high and the
construction of a city hall one foot high and
one mile long. Hanoverians had to take the
affair to Washington to get out of building the
two structures.
A Fordham College publication suggests the
following on how to act like a senior:
1. Remain cynically disinterested and if possible,
a trifle bored in the face of all enthusiasm.
2. Wear your dress shirt at least six times before
having it laundered. Thus you will succeed in
avoiding that "starchy" uncomfortable appearance
which is inevitably made by underclassmen.
3. Under no circumstances be seen in public
with more than two textbooks. Besides being dis-
tinctly "the wrong thing," it has a demoralizing
effect on men in the lower classes.
4. Stop wearing white shoes at least before the
end of January.
5. Treat juniors with disdain, the sophomores
with condescension, and the freshmen with a
boredom which will probably be mixed with
One of the less intelligent co-eds in a polit-
ical science course at Ohio State University
wanted to know if the Congressional Record
was the record held by the most long-winded
Blind date bureaus are old stuff, but inter-
collegiate blind date bureaus are a new idea.
University of California, Los Angeles, has re-
cently organized such a business to facilitate dat-
ing for post-grid games. This year the bureau
furnishes a feminine companion and transporta-
tion for California students going north, and next
year the process will be reversed.
They are talking about the co-ed at the
University of Maryland who prayed that her
professor would give her a passing glance.
"Nickel Dances" are being sponsored at Oregon
State College. Women are admitted free to this
affair and men are charged five cents for every
quarter-hour dance. Well, it looks like things are
bad everywhere,
A Washington
IN THE CLOSING HOURS of the campaign just
over, Senator Barbour of New Jersey put into
words a difficulty that his Republican colleagues
throughout the country faced this year which
will not confront them in 1936.
"We are witnessing," he said to a Republican
audience, "an extraordinary - and we believe an
entirely new --national reaction in that the people
still admire and like the President but have less
and less use for the policies, agencies and agents
of the administration.'
Recognition quite generally by Republican cam-
paigners of the continuing popularity of the
President seriously impeded their effort. Add to
that the factional splits within their own ranks in
so many states, even in New York; the wider dis-
agreement on party policy which forced the setting
up of what can be regarded as only an ad interim
national committee management, and the diffi-
culties under which the G.O.P. labored are so
obvious as to explain much of what happened.

f/HATEVER discouragement party captains feel
over the outcome of the battle must be tem-
pered by these considerations. They must realize
that with the President running for re-election in
'36, the hampering necessity of drawing a distinc-
tion between the man and his acts and policies
tno longer will perplex them.
It is the habit of American politics to personify
issues in the men who lead and oppose such
movements. To make an issue of the New Deal
without personal criticism of its chief architect
was a trying task.
As an illustration of the special difficulties
of Republican leaders in the recent campaign,
a private letter from an eastern party captain
whose official position might have made him a
valuable campaigner outside his own state, is illu-
minating. He had no fears of re-election himself,
yet explained to a Washington friend that "a fac-
tional fight that has split everything wide open,
and with no outside help and no money" for
campaign purposes, had made it necessary for
him to stick close on the job at home instead of
joining the party national campaign corps.
AT A GUESS, a Republican effort to begin pick-
ing up the pieces and moving toward a solidi-
fied organization for the '36 campaign is to be ex-
pected about the time the new Congress begins
to gather in January. A decision as to its course
in that campaign cannot long be delayed. There are
intimations already that if Republican leadership
swings too far from the party's old-time con-
servatism, a move to recruit a third party of the
right might materialize before 1936. To many, the
Tihavtrr T aLizP 1hats such nss~ihiliies

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