______________THE MICHIGAN DAILY [r~A To Presenit . .. .. ... ... ...... . pen Hockey Planu To Feature~ I A thletic SupO iso 6r, 'I- SortDrn Rushing Season ~Open hockey for the first few weeks of the fall is planned by the Wom- en's Athletic Association to keep up intere-t during the early sorority rushing. Since there is little time lef't for sport, andl itis :almost impossible for a. house to make up a team for competition~ in tournament play for tho, first two weeks, open hoclkey, at Palmer Field will give the women a e aeto play when~ they wish,, allow the~ freshmen to play, and yet every- body get ready for the tournaments without having to follow a strict fI ntramurcilPrgram To Featue Tea m And Indvidua'l Activites ' - With 'bthl team and individual _ . sport s! sed on the four seasonal - p% rams of the wromen's Intramural * - calendar, a chance for all sorts of --athletic activity is opened for Mich- igan co-eds. - - The year's schedule is divided to ' ti~~akhe an indoor ' an outdAoor pro- gramduing ca :s mes ter, with a / t-amx sport and two or three indivi- '~du .l1 activities on each list. Hoke has always been the most { l Po ular 0io fail sports up until last year, when volleyball was introduced lto the ,-Ie,,ule. The plan was to enable hou s: who d1id not have enough a lei IL I ded members fo)r hocke(y team o a ticipate in Svolley,1all, but the e nthsi astic re- cei~rxa~e: -dit md it in its Miss Laurie Cam~pbell, who. Hs se-first yar amoitLl.posir as hockey. id in command u znder Dr. _KargareT I wllo(cureeonte 1934 fall ,ell as d irectoir of women's a.thlet"-s. programri. iss Camipbellalso coa .-es. ~ee alIdvd~Igot nd baask etallF,andis head of the Ir riv iditUalaciv tcs :"eason will ate basketball board. b, a_'chery, ofadtennb;ri. Riding anad dancing, whicn extendi ihnrougn ' the year, will be started this first' season with the other fall sports. Immediately after Thanksgiving the second season of the semester, the first indoor season, will open with basketball as the team sport, and rifle, bowling, and badminton lii~d as individual activities. The spring indoor season will fea- tune swimming, with possibilities of intercollegiate telegraphic competi- tion,. Fending and, ping-gong are also, higo the list. Th1 e year clossvw-1 It ba.elball, archery, golf and tennis> most pr~minent. is s Marie Hartwig, Intramurals adv;,,c canid coach for the teaa sports,, sugges1ted that all woniwv~ho wish to compete in the Interclass hockey tournaments should play aind gain experience in the Intramral activ- iti-" of thf fir'st sason., T.Che Inteircias program, at present only tentative, lists hockey and bas- ketball for competitive play. t 1 N4o Def iniePlans -Ruth Rgoot, presi~den~t of the Womn- en s Athletic Association, made an- nouncement of this plan yesterday. She went on to say that as yet there had not been a W.A. .1bard maeeting, and therefor no definite plans have been forima~ated with regard to the year's activities, but said that the usual tournaments in hockey are in preparation~ now, and will be an- nounced soon., The Women's Athletic Association takes the, spotlight three times a year in the eyes of the women of the campus. The first timne is when, during the Orientation program, the Members introduce their facilities to the freshmen at a tea. Exhibitions in all lines of Eport activities are pre- sented, as well as a spsort style show. In the spring, the Penny Carnival held at Barbour gym and run by the athl~etic department is the highlight of the season. het that CORRECT haircut of 84 mi a] st I __ ..,. T A P 1 1 0* is fte id e a l sp o t to ev ive o ld f rienditAps and gain tnew cnes, Foods of highest qualityrea 9011abty priced and served in a strictly niasculine Michigan at- RIO.sPhere. A special T-boie steak dinnier in- dividu ally prepared each W ed-. nesday and Sunday eveniiig for J0c. at the c HURkCH STREET BARBERS Cal 119495 607 Church Street r* __~ ____ _ s _.._.__ _, ... .. m L.. IF SLEATRS at S ATE R'S STATE STREET (Directly Opp osite the Campus) iT' TE - I Both New aind Second-Hland Everyt igg in Stu l ,nt Supplies -- ---IGV LOWEST PRICES Adjustments Cheerfully Made You Paronge incerely Ap4precialtd O wned and Operated by U. of M. Alumni III 7 m W a