, The Weather L _;1, Aigar ~Iati Editorials Lo! The Poor Freshman ... The Figures Can Do No Wrong . . . This Week Is Only The Begin- ning... Fair and Warmer In South-1 eastern part of state. _. XLV. No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS m - 0111,1111W Freshman Class Is Largest In Recent Years; See Attempt To Raise Rents; Jobs Are Scarce Ilushin g Starts On *Saturday Fraternities Begin With Noon Meal; Sororities Entertain At Dinner Oct. 4 Is Date Set For End Of Season Interfr aternity Council Makes Alterations In Men's Regulations Fraternities and sororities will begin rushing Saturday, Sept. 22, the former at noon and the latter at 3 p.m. Rushtng for fraternities will begin at that time and continue through Thursday of the second week fol- lowing. Engagements during that time, ac- cording to Philip Singleton, '35, president of the Interfraternity Council, may be held at any time during the day until 8:30 p. m., at which time all rushing shall cease for that day..' Telephone calls after this time for the purpose of making future engagements shal not be considered a violation. Registration of freshmen for the Interfraternity Council files starts at 10 a.m. today in the lobby of the Union and will continue from 10-12 and 1-4 every day untl Friday, Single- ton said. Serves As Receipt He stated that freshmen will reg- ister on a form provided, half of which will serve as a receipt to be turned in when the freshmen turn in. their preference lists Friday, Oct. 5. The other portion of the card will serve as a card for the Council files which will be available to rushing chairmen starting tomorrow. A new ruling adopted by the Coun- cil last spring requires that all en- tering students who wish to be rush- ed by a general fraternity must regis- ter and pay a 50 cent fee upon arriv- al in Ann Arbor. Either the Coun- cil chamber on the third floor of the Union or the Union lobby will be open Monday for registration for rushees. Every freshman desirous of being rushed by a fraternity is urged by the Council to register because in no other manner can a fraternity con- tact names and addresses of a fresh- man coming to Ann Arbor. Must Pay To Pledge Under the new ruling, although a freshman can be rushed without first having paid the 50 tax, he can- not be pledged by any fraternity un- til he has paid. Singleton stated that all rushing must take place in Ann Arbor and as far as possible within the confines of the individual fraternity houses. However, telephone calls after this time for the purpose of making future engagements shall not be considered a violation. As in the past year automobiles cannot be used during the rushing period at any time: this ruling in- cludes the use of taxicabs. An exceedingly important section of the rushing rules is section 6 of Article II which states that "No bind- ing promise regarding pledging shall be entered into by the fraternity and rushee before the actual pledging process." Silence Period Named The period from 8:30 p. m. of the Thursday of the second week of rush- ing until 12 noon of the following Monday shall be a period of-silence, during which there shall be no con- tact whatsoever between a member of any fraternity and a rushee. Any rushee who does not turn in a preference list shall be ineligible to pledge any fraternity until the beginning of the second semester of the same academic year. No rushee turning in a preference list shall be eligible during the first semester to pledge any fraternity not on his list. The nledging nrocess as set down Two Assemblies Planned For Freshmen By Union Officials Two assemblies for incoming stu- dents to be held' as a part of the an- nual Orientation Week program, a student-faculty and activities assem- bly, are being planned by student of- ficials of the Union. Freshmen and students entering witht advanced credit will meet at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Union ball- room for the faculty-student assem- bly, which is being held for the first time this year to promote a closer re- lationship between new students and faculty members. The assembly is a part of the stu- dent-faculty relationship program that was launched last year by the Union. Allen D. McCombs, '35, pres- ident, stated that prominent members of the faculty will be present to con- fer with students concerning problems in their own fields and discuss any other topics of mutual interest. Tables will be placed around the ballroom for. discussion groups. McCombs stated that members of the permanent \committee on student- faculty relationships will be in atten- dance, including Prof. John S. Worley of the engineering school, and Prof. James, K. Pollock, Prof. William A. McLaughlin, and Prof. Charles F. Remer of the literary college. Friday night entering men students will again meet in the ballroom for the annual activities assembly at which seven men who are leaders of activities will speak to the group. It is also probable, according to stu- dent officials, that the Varsity Men's Glee Club will be present to sing sev- eral numbers for the assembled fresh- men. Activities heads who will speak at the assembly are Eric Hall, '35, man- aging editor of the Gargoyle, William McFate, '35, managing editor of the Michiganensian, Philip Singleton, '35E, president of the Interfraternity Council, Carl Hilty, '35, president of the Undergraduate Council, Russell Anderson, '36, president of the Stu- dent Christian Association, Thomas Austin, '35, Varsity football captain, Douglas Welch, '35, secretary of the Union, and William Ferris, managing editor of The Daily. McGombs will act as chairman of the assembly. Greek Letter Houses Get' Best Grades Fraternities and Sororities Rate Higher Than All Men and Women Grades .received by members of general fraternities and sororities combined last year are higher than grades of independent men and wo- men, according to computations of Marian Williams, statistician in the Registrar's office. The average of all general fra- ternities and sororities was 77, where- as the independent men and women's average for the same period was 76.8. Independent women students dis- placed general sororities, however, as the leaders of the scholarship list with an average of 78.9. General sororities were second with 78.7. This is an average of a little better than half B and half C, according to Miss Wil- liams' figures. In the scale which has been used in compiling the scholarship record A equals 100 per cent, B equals 85 per cent, C equals 70 per cent, D equals 50 per cent, and E equals 20 per cent. The ratios received by the different groups follow: % Rank Independent women students* ..78.9 General sororities............78.7 Women students*.............78.5 Women's dormitories and League houses ....................77.2 British Boat Beats Rainbow By Half Mile Endeavour Is Better In Heavy Weather; Sails 30 Miles In 3:43:44 NEWPORT, R. I., Sept. 17- (/) - In one of the swiftest and most dramatic races ever waged for the famous America's Cup, the big blue challenger from England, Sopwith's Endeavour, overcame a succession of sail-hoisting difficulties today and administered an unexpected but sound beating to the defending sloop, Harold S. Vanderbilt's Rainbow. Endeavor, demonstrating conclu- sively that she is a speedier heavy weather craft, completely reversed her sorry showing in Saturday's drifting match that wound up "no' contest," and today was one up in the first conclusive test of the 1934 series. The British Lion was roaring full-throated defiance to American sea supremacy for the first time since 1920. After chasing the Rainbow over the outgoing half of the thirty-mile windward-leeward course through heavy seas and rain squalls, Endeav- our overtook the defender at the out- set of the run home, with a fairly startling burst of speed under the impetus of a unique ventilated or "Annie akley" spinnaker. For the frist time since the start, Sopwith looked Vanderbilt squarely in the eye, then forged quickly into the lead and left the defending sloop struggling a desperate but decisively beaten boat over the closing 15 miles. Endeavour's margin of victory at the finish was nearly a half mile, exactly two minutes and nine sec- onds of time, as the challenger came from behind to capitalize her swift- ness before a wind that shifted from a brisk 14 knots to about 10 at the finish. The winner's elapsed time of three hours, 43 minutes, 44 seconds, was' approximately 19 minutes short of the America's cup record for a simi- lar course, despite the fact both boats surpassed the former mark for a fifteen-mile windward leg, with a stiffer breeze blowing. Rainbow'sj time was 3:45.53. Tigers Down Yanks And Increase Lead DETROIT ,Sept. 17.-The Detroit Tigers tonight enjoyed a six and one- half game lead over the New York Yankees in the American League pennant race, having blanked Colonel Ruppert's team in the first of their four-game series, 3 to 0. General Alvin Crowder, obtained by Requests For FERA Places Exceed Quota Report 964 Applications For 903 Openings; 785 TentativelyAccepted House Jobs To Be Filled This Week Pay For Federal Jobs Is Based On Need In Each Case; $15 Maximum With more applications for FERA jobs than there are places available, and with positions in fraternity and sorority house rapidly being filled,' in- coming students seeking employment on campus are faced with a serious problem. " The quota of work allotted to the University by the Federal government is 903 students and up until last night 964 applications for the jobs had been filed, Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, in charge of placements, said. Because of the large number of applications, each case is carefully looked into and so far only 785 applications have been accepted. Even these applica- tions must be held up until registra- tion in the University is completed by the applicant, Miss Smith said. No Arrangements Made_ The great majority of fraternity houses have made no arrangements to take care of student employes as yet and most of the houses will not need help until Wednesday or Thursday. In some cases houses empipy their own members and do not go to the occupational bureau, it was said. The committee in charge of the FERA project consists of Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Prof. Lewis A. Gram of the engineering college, and John C. Christensen, assistant secretary of the University. The amount of remuneration for each student will be based upon the individual needs of the student apply- ing. The maximum wage per month stipulated by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration is $15 and the maximum number of hours a student may work is 371/2. Must Be College Work All of the work carried on under the FERA project here must be Uni- versity work and because the 'chief purpose of using relief funds for stu- dent aid is to increase the number of young men and women going to col- lege, funds allotted shall not be used to replace college funds heretofore used for student aid. Miss Smith is to have direct charge of FERA relief work although the supervision of the project is -under Dean Bursley. The FERA offices are located in Room 1, University Hall. Miss Smith will be advised of the ac- tion of 'the committee on projects for which applications have been made and will have also the personnel cards of students whose requests for relief employment have been ap- proved. Auto Ban To Go Into Effect Next Monday The auto ban for the school year 1934-35 will go into effect at 8 a.n\. Monday, Sept. 24 with only one major 1 change. The age limit after which students are exempt from the rules of the auto ban has been lowered from 28 to 26 years. All students entitled to receive driv- ing permits are urged to' apply for them during Orientation Week. These include students who are carrying less than six hours of work in the Uni- versity, those over 26 years of age, and all those who have a faculty rank of teaching assistant or higher. K. E. Fisher of the dean of students Co-operative Action Taken By Landladies Officers Deplore Decline In Prices As 'Excessive'; To Extend Organization Wahr Says July 15 Rates Should Stand Regrets General Condition But Declares University Must Safeguard Student Steps to increase student room rents by co-operative action were taken this summer by the Ann Arbor Land- ladies League. Members of the league stated that their purpose was to stop wholesale rent-cutting by various householders who had been catering to students. Officers of the league claim that the decline in room rents over a pe- riod of the last few years has been ex- cessive, and that thetpresent scale of prices is so low that householders are unable to meet expenses of fuel and taxes. Want "Fair" Rates The league, which is composed of landladies in the central eastern part of Ann Arbor, has announced its in-+ tention of extending its membership to all of the householders on the Uni- versity's approved list.+ The landladies cited cases where rooms had been rented as low as $1.50 per week and announced their inten-; tion of doing away with price cutting of this nature. Assistant Dean Fred B. Wahr, who is in charge of housing for the Uni- versity, made the following statement in reference to the League's action: "The approved houses submitted rooms with prices by July 15.. Lists have been made out and completed with prices as submitted by the house-1 holders. This office expects that the+ householders are going to rent rooms1 at .prices they authorized us to putE on the lists. Plans Enlarged Membership 1 "Personally I do no believe that any householder will charge more. If she; does we shall feel justified in having that person's name removed from the approved list. This is not any emer- gency action to take care of the pres- ent situation but has always been our practice. "The householders have always played fair with us with the exception; of' a few cases and we try to do the same with them. We regret very much, that many of the householders are1 unable to make ends meet because of the low rental rates but it must be remembered that the condition is gen-; eral. "There are also many students who are scarcely able to get along, and, after all I believe it is the first duty of this department of the Dean of Students' office to take care of the student and see he is comfortably housed. It is not our duty to rent the, rooms for the householders although some of the extremists among them seem to have that idea." May Remove Names The landladies of Ann Arbor are not acting to raise rents to any ex- orbitant level, but feel that because of the rise of general costs land- ladies who are charging as low as $2 a week for rooms must raise their rents to a "fair" level in order to make ends meet, according to Mrs.; Elnora E. Nelson, 439 S. Division St., a member of the executive board of the Landladies League. It has not been the purpose of the League, which has been organized for 14 years and which is composed of ap- proximgtely 250 members, to seek higher rents but rather to insure bet- ter living conditions in rooms for students, she said. Mrs. Nelson charged The Daily with unfair accusations, referring espe- cially to an editorial which appeared in The cummer Daily. "We have' never fleeced the students," she stat- ed. "I will grant that there are certain landladies in Ann Arbor who have and still do charge exorbitant rates' for rooms that are little more than holes, but I am confident that these PRESIDENT A. G. RUTHVEN Lecture Serigs Is Extended To Eight Numbers: Famous Personalities In Many Fields To Appear; Ruth Bryan Owen First The schedule of eight lectures to be offered by the University Oratorical association during the 1934-35 lec- ture season, announced recently, in- cludes some of the most famous per- sonalities in the country. Ruth Bryan Owen, present ambas- sador to Denmark, will open the series on October 25, speaking on "The United States in World Affairs."' The second lecture will be presented November 7 by Stuart Chase, eminent economist and author of "Your Money's Worth." He will speak on "The Economy of Plenty." Lyman Beecher Stowe, grandson of Harriet Beecher Stowe, will be the third lecturer of the series. He will discuss the material in his latest book, "Saints, Sinners, and Beech- ers" on November 22. "Whaling in the Seven Seas" will be the subject of Charles Scott How-' land, authority on the history of' shipping, who will speak December' 6. From Whaling Family Mr. Howland is a member of a' long established whaling family and' recently, with several friends, he rigged out a ship and caught whales in the old-fashioned manner. A Par- amount News cameraman accompa- nied the party and a major, portion of Mr. Howland's lecture will be illus- trated with these motion pictures. Lowell Thomas will speak Decem- ber 13 on "Adventures on the Air and Around the World." Mr. Thomas is one of the most popular radio com- mentators and lecturers in the coun- try, and has always addressed packed audiences while lecturing in Ann Ar- bor. January 20, Maurice Hindus, prom- inent writer and an authority on in- ternational affairs, will lecture on "Stalin, Hitler, and Roosevelt: Who Will Win?" Hindus has been characterized by Mr. Thomas as the most eloquent and brilliant lecturer on the American platform today. Holmes To Speak Burton Holmes will speak February 18 on "Around the World with Bur- ton Holmes." Mr. Holmes is the pop- ular commentator of the travelogue series shown in motion picture the- atres, and his lectures will be supple- mented throughout with original pic- tures. The lecture series will be concluded by Mark Sullivan, newspaper syndi- cate writer, on February 28. His sub- ject will be "Behind the Scenes in Washington." Mr. Sullivan was the principal speaker at the Rotary International convention which was held in Detroit recently, A new policy has been formulated by the officers of the Association. In- stead of the usual six lectures, eight will be presented. However, officers said yesterday that there would be no increase in the price of the season ticket admissions. Special season ticket prices are Welcomes New Students New Students Start Period Of Orientation Freshman Week Activities Begin Today With Huge General Assembly President Ruthven .To Address Group Enrollment Figures Show Rise Of 83 Over Last Year's Total Members of one of the largest fresh- man classes of recent years began ar- riving in Ann Arbor yesterday to begin a strenuous week of orienta- tion activities at 8 a.m. today. Enrollment figures- from the regis- trar's office last night indicated &n increase of 83 students over last year, bringing the total freshman registra- tion to 1,590. Orientation Week activities will begin this morning with a general as- sembly of freshmen which will be ad- dressed by President Alexander G. Ruthven, and the deans of various schools and colleges. In welcoming new students to the University, President Ruthven said: Ruthven Greets Students "In this university community of ours its is possible, indeed appro- priate, in mid-September to wish 'A Happy New Year' to the students who are returning to Ann Arbor, and particularly to those who come here for the first time. "For it is a new year we are be- ginning; its record is still a blank page, and it is our job to see that what is written there between now and next June is a chronicle worthy of this University, and one in which we may take satisfaction. "For all of us the opening of the academic year should mean, first and foremost, opportunity - to correct old mistakes or to win fresh suc- cess, if we have been here before, and, for the freshmen, one long op- portunity to make new friends, to learn, and to use the advantages that are here provided for the development of mind, body, and character." The new class will be divided into 85 active groups that will visit Ferry Field, Palmer Field, and the General Library. There will also be a conduct- ed tour through the University Health Service to acquaint new students with its facilities. Will Give Tests Tw tests will be given to all fresh- men in Hill Auditorium, the first in English at 8 a.m. Wednesday, and the second, a scholastic aptitude test, at 8 a.m. Friday. Orientation activities will climax for men in a mixer at the Union Fri- day night, and for the women in a dinner at the League at the same time. Wednesday night the student or- ganization of the League is sponsor- ing an assembly of all women stu- dents at the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre in the League building. Thursday night there will be a faculty-student meeting for men at the Union. Registration figures show that the increase in first year students is al- most entirely in men, while the lit- erary college and the engineering college received the greatest share of this increase. The College of Archi- tecture shows a decrease of four stu- dents, the enrollment of the School of Education remains the same, the Col- lege of Pharmacy shows a gain of five, and the School of Music a gain of three first year students. McLarnin Regains Welterweight Title MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, NEW YORK, N. Y., Sept. 17.- (A)- Jimmy McLarnin, greatest Irish war- rior of his day, climbed back to his General fraternities and sororities ................... Independent men and women*. Men and women........... General fraternities ......... Independent men students* ... Men students ............ . 77.0 ..76.8 . 76.4 ..76.2 ..75.9 ..75.6. All grades earned by ineligible or dropped pledges have been omitted from both fraternity and independent averages. The grades have been in- cluded in the all men and all women groups however. Medical, law and dental students are not included in the starred groups. Because of the lack of uniformity in the grading systems between the (Continued on Page 6) Registration. At Union Will Begin Today Registration for membership in the Union, men's student organization, will begin at 1:30 p.m. today in the student offices of the Union building, according to Allen D. McCombs, '35, president. McCombs explained that all men students are eligible for membership in the organization and that under- graduate committee men, will be in the offices to register all students Dre-