PAGE TWO THEU~ MIC14.1GN ~ AN .. DA ILY a P~fl1A TAl TIVA A 11 mxNAt All DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the T-vo iy lnvrrived nt th nftir f thi A csivnt fn the PrPid pt r ":. TWiG ZCDlk :N . I CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY LAT'E WIRE NEWS J Acconplices Aie Soght By Hauptmann Defense FLEMINGTON, N. J., Nov. 12.- P) -While the state stood pat on its theory that the kidnap-murder of Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., was a one- man crime. Bruno Hlauptmanns de- fese boldly sought today to make use of a department of justice belief that accomplices were involved. Leniency to the suspect would be granted by the state, an authoritative source revealed, should Hauptmann volunteer evidence implicating others 44d putting himself in a lesser role, possibly as a fence for disposal of the ransom money. French Armistice Day Brings Renewed Riots PARIS, Nov. 12. - UP - Armistice day was a signal for renewed out- breaks between rival' French polit- ieal organizations, their hatreds fanned by the fall of the Doumergue cabinet. Gunfights in Paris and street brawls in several other cities and towns punc- tured the nation's homage to her war' dead. Several persons were in- There was a general fight at Lille when Nationalists jeered a parade of Socialists and Conjimunists forming an "ariti-Fascist" front. There was rioting in front of the memorial to war dead at Narbonne, with Communists and their oppo- nents exchanging blows. Jaxp.nese To Reply To British Idea Of Equality LONDON, Nov. 12. - () - Japan's delegation to the three-power naval conference here spent today consid- ering the wording of a reply to Brit- ish proposals for a compromise of naval limitation which may be made tomorrow. The reply will state that equality in principle for Japan is not ac- ceptable and will request new sug- gestions which would give the Jap- anese actual tonnage equality. How the British will answer this request was a problem which held the entire interest of the American dele- gaton. pcans Charged With Incitement To Rebellion MEXICO, D. F., Nov. 12.-(AP)- Charges of incitement to rebellion against two high Catholic leaders of Mexico, now in exile, resulted today from an investigatin of an alleged church campaign to overthrow the government.i Plice were ordered to arrest Leo- poldo Ruiz Y Flores, papal delegate to Mexico, and Jose De Jesus Man- rique Y Zarate, bishop of Heujutla, Hidalgo state, should they try to re-enter the country. They are now in the United States. german Threat Caues Plea For French Unity PARIS, Nov. 12.- (A) - French warnings of an armed menace in Germany coupled with domestic dis- order attending the Armistice cele- bration inspired Premier Pierre Etienne Flandin tonight to issue an appeal to French political parties to forget their differences. Chancellor Hitler's air fleet and Germany's reputed ability to produce 900 planes monthly were causing great concern to the new premier and his cabinet. No Comment Given By 'Jafsie' On Statement NEW YORK, Nov. 12. - (A') - Dr. John F. "Jafsie" Condon, Lindbergh's ransom. intermediary, declined to- night to comment on a statement by Bruno Hauptmann's defense at Flem- ington, N.J.,that the Bronx educator had indicated he believed the prisoner innocent of the kidnaping. Dr. Condon said his position pre- -eluded his discussing any develop- ments in the case. Troops Pitch Camp In Arizona Dam Site War PHOENIX, Ariz., Nov. 12. - P) - Arizona's "troop train" carrying ma- chine gunners, roared across the des- ert tonight toward the Parker dam site to take possession of the Arizona side of the Colorado river and enforce Governor B. B. Moeur's proclamation of martial law. The national guardsmen -more than 100 strong -will pitch camp tomorrow on the high cliff overlook- ing the Colorado. They will remain tinder instructiong from the governnr I University. copy receivea a te orce o te a ssstant to te resaen "- rY until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. Lw *O T r TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1934 versity his regrets for any inconven- CLASSIF VOL XLV. No. 43 ience that the postponement may AT THE MICHIGAN ideas, continuity all are concise, di- ADVERTISING Noticesson*.plus "WHAT EVERY rect, to the point. This is something place acvcrtisements with Classified NOtces1sWOMAN KNOWS" new for America's film capital. some- Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. Prseltad r. ulve il xibtos tigtob ncuagdad-o- The classified columns close at five ~..xautznso'lck prvious to day of insertion. Prcsidnt and Mrs. Ruthven will ExMr o nayrpoducsion thing to b encouraged and com~- The clasiedolu mn onsetiv be at home to students and their Architetural Building Exhibition: under the Supervision of Gregory La mended. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. friends on Wednesday, Nov. 14, from The drawings in architecture and Cava Miss Helen Hayes stars and is Helen Hayes is one of the few really Cash in advance-le per reading line t6o'lk.lnsaedsg sumte inte supported by Brian Aherne. Madge(ubasofiv:vegewrst to 6 o'clock. landscape design submitted in the ms, Dudley Dines, and David Tor- intelligent actress of our day. As the o soivetavee rev.Sotsbet nld aa line) for one or two insertions. .1934Lake Forest Fellowship Competi- reucc. Short subjects include a Para- woman who understanas and knows lOc per reading line for three or Universitty Broadcasting: ion by students from five middle vy ordinary historical novelty; and how to guide a husband through po- morens3lies per insertion 9:15-9:45 a.m. -A Class in Ele- western institutions are now hung in Paul Tompkins at the organ. litical as well as marital crises, she Telephone rate - 15 per reading line mentary Singing, Joseph E. Maddy, the large exhibition room. Open "What Every Woman Knows" is a exhibits a restraint and understand- 4fo ner rodinlinertiors.threeor assisted by the University High School daily, 1 to 5, through Wednesday, Scotch story adopted for the screen ing of Barrie that few other women more insertions. choir. Nov. 14. Public is cordially invited. from Sir James Barrie's play of the actress would have caught. from tue date of last insertion.d 2:00-2:30 p.m. - "The Shifting same name. And the good, sensible' Brian Aherne is well suited to his Minimum three lines per insertion. stask as the idealistic but blind hus- y contract, per line -2 lines daily, one Shore Line of the Great Lakes," EventsToa Scotch mood of the play has been tmkasteodalnitbtblnhli .......Be....S LrMStanleynstructor of Gs- caught by Supervisor La Cava and in- band. His type is an encouraging sign 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months........3c Geore M Stnle, istrutorof e- eld2 lines daily, college year ........7c ology. (Michigan Series) Physics Colloquium: Will be held corporated in the production of the of what we more serious cinema 4 lines E.O.D., college year........7c at 4:15 in Room 1041, East Physics film. There is little waste here. Char- enthusiasts can expect as leading men. 100 lines used as desired..........9 Builing Prfesor Lpore wll Alog wth ranis Lderr ad oe ; 300 lines used as desired ........Sc Seniors: College of L.S.A., College Building. Professor Laporte will acterizations, sentiments, moods, Along with Francis Lederer and one 1,000 lines used as desired........7c of Architecture, School of Education, speak on :"Born's New Theory of or two others. he holds out promise 2,000 lines used as desired........c Fiation,Ecofreformingcur present quota of The above rates are per reading lune,I School of Forestry & Conservation, lectrici All terested are cor- Faculty Women's Club, Tuesdaydt based on eight reading lins per inch an colo ui.Tnaielssdially invited. At~YPa d eto:Tesugar and honey leading men( Dick Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add and School of Music. Tentative lists Afternoon Play Reading Section: The Powell and Bing Crosby for example) c per line to above rates for all capital Sof February and June seniors are wl eta : pm nte+ etr.AdC e iet bv o posted on the bulletin board in Room Botany Journal Club meets at 7:30 group will meet at 2:15 p.m. i the into thining, intellige V genuine bold face, upper and lower case. Add lac p.Alumnae Room of the Michigan beings. The sooner the clothes models per line to above rates for bold face 4, University Hall. Please check for p.m., Room 1139 N. S., Dr. Davis in1 capital letters. charge. Reviews on papers dealing League. and gigolos are replaced by actors the The above rates are for 7% point ccrrect spelling of names, and for chreieiw nppr eln type. omissios. with chromonemata, heterothally, better. syngamy in myxomycetes, maternal Comsui Events "uWhat Every Woman Knows" is Freshmen in the Literary College: inheritance of chlorophyll and Students Pursuing Work in Educa- typical of Barrie's dramatc power to LOST AND FOUND Theremaining Freshmen may ob- chromosome structure by Dr. Davis, tion: The members of the Faculty and interweave whimsicality with common - --- ------ tam their six weeks reports in Room Miss Bauckman, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. School of Education, assisted by their sense and a psychological understand- LOST: Drawing instruments. Lost 3rd 102 Mason Hall according to the fol- Carpenter and Mrs. Chen. Miss wives, will hold a reception for stu- ing of what people, are and what floor W. Engineering Building. Re- lowing schedule. Clover in charge of refreshments. dents pursuing work in Education, Imakes them so. The picture is more ward for return. No questions asked. S d I on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 18, from than delightful: it is genuine. Its Phone R. B. Scott; 2-2147, K-R, Wednesday. Psychology Journal Club meets at 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock. This reception theme of a woman's devotion to make W Ek& S-Z, Thursday. 8:15 p.m., Room 3126 Nat. Sc. Bldg. will take place in the libraries of the something out of the one she loves, WILL PERSON who took Saf fell & Miss Djang and others will report on University Elementary School Build- oblivious of her own fate, is idealistic Bush dery initialed K.B.C. from Registration for all senior and some recent studies in human learn- ing. All graduate and undergraduate enough to stimulate, romantic enough Sigma Phi house Saturday night by graduate students who are interested ing. All interested are invited to at- students pursuing courses in Educa- to inspire. in obtaining positions next year will tend. tion are cordially invited, irespec- be held at the Bureau, 201 Mason tive of the school or college in which 7 hall, as follows: Tuesday to Friday, Mathematical Club: Regular meet- they may be enrolled. P of. Tg artStates a -x e r7 - AC;1n 2M A H Pn f R. FOR SALE SPECIAL: Duringr this National Honey Week, you can have a ten lb. pail delivered from Wuerfels Apiary for $1.25. Call 6187. LAUNDRY LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 9x PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the Kempf Music Studios for artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- sonable. Phone 6328. lx SPECIAL: Half soles and rubber r heels; good leather and workman- ship. Price per pair 59c. One day service. H. W. Clark, 534-536 Forest Ave. Custom Shoes manufactured. NOTICE FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- possessed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with low mileage included. We will trale and extend convenient terms. Open evenings. 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox WAINTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 7x Nov. 13 to 16, inclusive; -hours 9:00- 12:00 and 2:00-4:00. This registra- tion covers both teaching and non- teaching appointments. There is no charge for registration at this time, but after Nov. 16 a late registration fee of $1.00 will be charged. All stu- dents who wish to file their creden- tials this year are urged to register during the regular enrollment period. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Aeronautical Engineers' Division A.S.M.E.: Those definitely going to Selfridge Field Saturday, Nov. 17, please sign the list on the bulletin board of the Aero Dept. in the East, Eng. Building. The list is to be taken' down Thursday night, Nov. 15, and transportation provided for those in the order of their signing. Academic Notices English 31, Mr. Litzenberg's sec- 'tions: The assignment for Wednes- day, Nov. 14, is Wordsworth's "Mich- ael." ing i7:45) p.m. in3 6u A. U. rro. . L. Wilder will speak on "Generalized Manifolds." Landscape Design Club: Meeting at 7:30, Room 403 South Wing. Arvid Andreson will give a talk and demon- stration on Photography and its ap- plication to Landscape Design. Sigma Xi: First meeting of the year in Room 2003 Angell Hall, 8 p.m. Prof. C. C. Fries will give an illus- trated talk on "The Making of a Dic- tionary." Engineering Council meets at 7:30 p.m. in the M.E. computing room. Adelphi House of Representatives meets in its room at 7:30 p.m. There will be a discussion of the recent elec- tion results, and the Research Com- mittee on Prominent Alumni should be prepared to give its first report. All dues must be paid at this week's meeting. Tau Beta Pi: The examination of .j 4 U r t pledges will take place at 7:30 p.m., Fine Arts 201, Far Eastern Paint- Room 335 West Engineering Building. ing: Mr. March will not meet his class at 9 o'clock today. History 11, Lee. II: Midsemester at 10, Tuesday, Nov. 13. Mr. Reichen- bach's Sections will meet in New- berry Aud., Mr. Wheeler's section in G Haven Hall; all others in 103 Ro- mance Language Building. Twilight Organ Recital: Parvin Titus, concert organist of Cincinnati, will be the guest soloist at the Twilight Organ Recital, Wed- nesday afternoon, Nov. 14, at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium, to which the general public, with the exception of small children, is invited. The fol- lowing program will be given: Tuba Theme, T. Frederick H. Candlyn Seven Chorals On Original Themes (MS) ..JohnW. Haussermann, Jr. S1. Lento-melody in pedals 2. Allegretto-canon at the octave; 3. Allegro-fugue with choral 4. Largo-melody in left hand 5. Allegretto-melody in right hand. 6. Lento-canon at the fifth 7. Allegro-three voices, in inven- tion style. Passacaglia, from Symphony in G ................ Leo Sowerby "Up the Saguenay," Alexander Russell Symphonic Variations on a theme of Chambonnieres (MS).............Parker Bailey Toccata ....Harry Benjamin Jepson Lectu e Stuart Chase Lecture: The second number of the University Oratorical Association series will be presented to- morrow evening at 8:30 in Hill Audi-' torium when Stuart Chase speaks on the subject, "The Economy of Abur dance." Tickets are available at Wahr's. The Oratorical Association has receivedl word from Mr. Chase that he is entirely recovered from his, throat ailment which caused the post- ponement of his lecture and he wishes to extend to the members of the Uni- - Bring equipment as previously di- rected. Vanguard Club will hold a sympos- ium on fascism, communism, social- ism, democracy with previous lec- tures as a basis at 8 o'clock in the Union. All interested are invited. Eagle Scouts, Sea Scouts: Mr. Watt is scheduled to speak. Constitution and Rules of the Road will be pre- sented. Officers are to be nominated. Banquet is formulated. Ail Sea Scouts and Eagle Scouts are invited to at- tend the regular meeting at 7:45, in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Old members and newcomers are both cordially invited. Christian Science Organization: There will be a meeting of this Or- ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the Chapel of the Women's League Build- ing. Students, alumni, and faculty members of the University are cor- dially invited to attend. Union Opera: All tryouts for the Union Opera publicity committee will meet at 4:15, Room 302 of the Union. Those who can not meet at this time are urged to get in touch with Opera headquarters. Michigan Dames: The Bridge Group will meet this evening at the League. Please be there by 8 o'clock. Mechanical Engineers: The A.S. M.E. will hold a meeting Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union. Professor Young, of the For- estry Department, will speak on Con- servation. There will be important business to discuss. All mechanical engineers are urged to attend. Phi Eta *igma Members: A mem- bership dinner will be held at the Union, Sunday evening, Nov. 25. Ar- rangements have been made to have an interesting guest speaker. Those intending to be present may make , their reservations and payment at the Union. The cost to members will be 25 cents. Alpha Nu meets Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. sharp, in the Alpha Nu room, fourth floor Angell Hall. The finalI debate in the first round of the pledge debate series will be held on the sub- ject, Resolved: That the Legislature of the State of Michigan should re- organize counties of the state into substantially larger units. After the debate an Qpen forum discussion of the subject will be held. Cercle Francais meeting Thursday evening at 7:45 in Room 408, Ro- mance Language Building. Refresh- ments will be served. Both new and old members are cordially invited to attend. Dues are payable at this time. Interpretive Arts Society: The time of meeting of this society for Wednesday evening, Nov. 14, will be at 7:15 instead of 8:00 o'clock. The program will be over in time for the lecture by Stuart Chase. Education Club: Open meeting of the Club on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 7:30 p.m., in the Elementary School Li- brary. Dr.-Luth r T. Purdom, Di- rector of the iversity Bureauof Appointments .a d Occupational In- formation, will speak on 'How To Get a Job." Graduate Women Students: A pos- ture class for graduate women is to meet on Wednesday at 5 o'clock in Barbour Gymnasium. Any graduate woman interested is invited to attend. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Profes- sor Arthur Lyon Cross, Richard Hud- son Professor of English History will speak informally on "Some Har- vard Worthies of the Nineties." Prof. Herbert F. Taggart, of the most of the codes forbid sales at prices Business Administration School re- below cost, the necessity arose for the cently described in an interview the setting up by the code authorities of exact nature of the work with which methods of determining what the he has been identified as chief of the cost are. It has been in this work, cost accounting unit in the Research cs are. t heendinthis or, as advisor to the administrator, that and Planning Division of the NRA at I have been engaged. Washington. have be en ad. "It is the duty of the administrator "Out of the 640 basic and supple- of the NRA, formerly Gen. Hugh mental codes of the NRA, 457 con- Johnson, to approve uniform cost ac- tain some form of minimum price counting systems which determine provision. Of these, 438 are based on minimum prices," he explained. "As cost. The industries which have code provisions of this sort have been Freshman Glee Club: Rehearsal bringing in to the NRA proposals for Wednesday at 5 o'clock in the music uniform cost accounting systems and for the setting of minimum prices. room of the Union. Please be punc- Of course all of these industries have ta not acted upon these provisions, but in the 11 months which I have been in Garden Section of the Fdnsulty Washington, I have dealt with ap- Women's Club will meet Wednesday, proximately 150 industries. Nov. 14, at 3:30 p.m. in the lecture "hisat iutriesk room of the Library to hear Profes- This particular branch of work sor George G. Ross of Landscape De- consists of two different types of mi- sign give an illustrated talk on Mye fixing for digeen tpes Trip Down the Mississippi." M of codes : First, the passing on spe- cific dollars and cents minimum a an im- prices for certain industries, and see- Wesley Players will have aondly, by far the most common sys- portant meeting at Stelker Hall Wed- tem, passing on uniform cost account- nesday at 8:00 p.m. All members are ing systems, by which individual urged to be present.-I members of industries may determine their own costs. A Scavenger Hunt is to be given at Several other types of work, such Stalker Hall Friday evening, Nov. 16. as making special accounting inves- Groups will leave the hall in quest of tigations for the Research and Plan- loot at 8:30. Be sure to join in this ning Division, also were under Pro- fun. fessor Taggart's direction. At present, his task is in the hands of one of his De -eg tes Chosen assistants, but he intends to return y"" i aoff and on throughout the coming ByVMilitary Society year, acting in an advisory capacity. a t t i i 1,, s .Z e t, s n T. Of His Wrk As NRA Official WILL ATTEND MEETINGS T. Hawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Alumni Association, to- morrow will attend a meeting of the University Club of Saginaw. At the same time Emory Hyde, president of the association, and Coach Benny Oosterbaan will attend the annual football smoker of the Toledo Club. Seniors if you wish something out of the ordinarry - Something BETTER for your Ensian picture Dial 5541 Established 1890 319 EAST HURON The local chapter of Scabbard and Blade, national R.O.T.C. honoraryr society, yesterday named Theodore C. Argue, '35E, as delegate and Don- ald W. Lyon, '35A, as alternate to the society's national convention, to be held at the University of Cincinnati Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week. Argue and Lyon will leave for Cin- cinnati tomorrow. The present convention, the nine- teenth, marks the thirtieth year of the society's history. SOCIAL DANCING Toe, tap, acrobatics. Taught daily. Terrace Garden Studio. Wuerth Theatre Bldg..Ph. 9695 Ii \ Open evenings. 4 ,owr AlASHAIRMLAS ENCDS week-Day Mat. iSc to 6. T G" after 6. -TONIG HT Sunday, ZSc All Day I . ,: - . i -'1 I 15c TO 6-- 25c AFTER 6 WHITNEY Daily 1:30 - 11 P.M. ,,Lst Day CHESTER MORRIS "EMBARRASSING MOME NTS" Tomorrow .® . , _ .,--. -om MAJESTIC -: - MATINEES7 30c "MRS. PA 3RANDFATHE MusicalI EVENINGS CHILDREN ENDS TON IGHT 40c l c Shows at 2:00 - 3:20 - 7:00 - 9:00 A BELOVED STORY AND GRAND COMEDY W IGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH" witn ULI NE LORD - W. C. FIELDS - ZASU PITTS ER'S CLOCK" "RHYTHM IN LATEST METRO Revue THE BOW" NEWS * *TOMQRROW* NOW PLAYING Matinees 30c --Nights 40c Shows at 2 - 3:23 - 7 - 9 ar in a new giorious romantic triumph, as the wife who had to fight for her man in Sir James M. Barrie's celebrated stage play WoNA KNOW~ 1 a a ' ' TWO FEATURES VERA BROWN'S 1f GRACE BRADLEY BRUCE CABOT Ent A Ilbc4? Ili 11 AW I i i