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November 10, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-10

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i rl




Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
R-Sociattd (f*letsiate gras.
-s1934 0eieeP et1935
The Associated Press is exclusively' entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
.NIGHT EDITORS: Paul J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
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WOMEN'SeASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Ges,
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Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H.
Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard
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shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob
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Robert Cummins, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman,
Raymond Goodman, Morton Mann.
Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
Helen Diefendorf, Marian Donaldson, Elaine Goldberg,
Betty Goldstein, Olive Griffith, Harriet Hathaway; Ma-
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grad, Jewel Wuerfel.
Telephone 2-1214
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
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Shapland, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
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Paula Joerger, Mary Lou .Hooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper.

Why Completely
n coimunicado?.. .
leaders are sore irked.
The head cheerleader -he's the one with the
block M on his sweater - told us that of all
the schools in the Big Ten, Michigan has about the
worst cheering section. He further reports that
most of the cheerleaders suspect that the Pontiac
Schol for the Deaf and Dumb has enrolled a very
large extension class at Ann Arbor.
For the past two years they have tried to or-
ganize a cheering section that would be a note-
worthy feature of, game week-ends. They tried
the California system of using cards, then yellow
and blue mittens. This year we noticed that they
have had printed huge cloth streamers with the
name of the yell on it so that practically everybody
in the Stadium could know what cheer they wanted.
All to little avail.
We believe that the general attitude of the stu-
dent body toward a losing but fighting football
team is excellent. The student body is still attend-
ing the games. But as far as cheers are concerned
they certainly must be classed as weak sisters.
The Band has had only one bona fide occasion to
play "The Victors" and needs the practise. The
Maize and Blue has been stepped on pretty hard
this fall but is still coming back for more, so it
would be interesting to see what happened if the
Michigan stands let out a cheer that could be
heard on the field of battle.






1, ,1





Ca mpus Opinion


" . . i


Dead, Dormant,
Or Unborn?...

L IBERALISM, though it yet speak-
eth, is dead."
A negative debating team from Oxford and Cam-
bridge did its best to disprove that resolution
last Monday night, but its best was not enough
to keep an affirmative McGill University squad
from gaining the decision.
Liberalism is dead and buried in both the eco-
nomic and political, national and international
fields, McGill men declared. Amid a general com-
plex of fear, political bureaucracy at home and
economic nationalism are gripping the world.
Even in our own country and in the college field,
liberals - those few who yet speak -look upon
such events as the ousting of five U.C.L.A. students
for communistic leanings "and attempting to de-
stroy the university" and find it not good.
Better teams than Oxford-Cambridge would have
a pretty hard time proving that liberalism has
life today. The average man is more interested in
economic security, and the state is seeking pre-
paredness as a buffer against war. On many sides
democratic institutions have given way to dic-
Some might be inclined to think, however, that
liberalism is more a thing of the future than of the
past - that it has never really lived except in iso-
lated cases.
When the present is gloomy the past always looks
a lot rosier. If you can believe that no crisis has
ever been as stark as the existing one, you may
bask in the holy martyrdom of being able to take
it like no one else ever could.
So it is that when gazing into the past we are
apt to become a bit short-sighted and take liberal-
ism speaking for liberalism actually living. Liberal-
ism has spoken in almost all ages, but, practically,
it has seldom found its way into being. In America
today frequent speeches by "1.00 per cent Amer-
icans" are sufficient to keep a lot of persons
under the illusion that they are living in a free
All this is based on the definition of liberalism
which the debaters apparently agreed upon: that it
involves freedom from bureaucratic control; or
spiritual freedom, free individualism, and the un-
fettered right of self-expression for all mankind.
Did liberalism in that sense have its inception with
the Reformation and the Renaissance and flourish1
for four centuries under the impetus of the bour-
geoisie? McGill debaters believed that it did. Did

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
The Gauntlet Is Down
To the Editor:
May I suggest that the young lady who wrote
the article on "Sisterly Love" might perhaps be on
the "wrong side of the fence?" Perhaps she has
had an unfortunate experience in relation to soror-
ities, but does that necessarily mean that in all in-
stances sororities are a huge failure? I am inclined
to disagree.
I, too, lived in a dormitory; I, too, moved into a
sorority house and lived with girls whom I knew
hardly at all; I, too, have leftmy "dorm friends"
but, nevertheless, I am very happy. And I am the
type of person whQ is highly sensitive and who
finds it very hard to warm up to people. In our
house, it can be safely said that not one girl is
unhappy because of the fact that she has sorority
Any girl of this modern generation living in
the environment that a modern University such as
ours produces should have enough intelligence
and enough foresight to make inquiries concerning
the character of her prospective sorority sisters and
pledges. Granted that the girl has made these
necessary'inquiries; granted that she is satisfied
with that which she has learned. Is it the fault
of the sorority if she cannot then adapt herself?
No, adaptability is the keynote to adjustment in
any society. If she has not the ability to adapt
herself toga sorority after she has foundiout that
everything in the sorority is to her liking, then
she has only herself to blame.
I am willing to challenge the writer of "Sisterly
Love"; I am willing to wager that if a vote were
taken among sorority women, the outcome of this
vote would show that the majority of women in
sorority are there, and remain there, because they
are happy, not because they are unhappy.
-Another One Who Should Know.
As Others See It
Rah-Rah: Michigan vs. Columbia
ANY REMAINING vestige of doubt that the Lion
had made the grade was dispelled yesterday.
Those puny souls who advocate de-emphasis of
football, malcontents who scream for greater stress
on intramural sports, disrupters who have sat by
glumly while Columbia rose in the gridiron firma-
ment can run for the sewer now.
And those timid souls who described the Rose
Bowl game as a publicity venture and the epitome
of overemphasis had better shiver in silence from
now on.
For next seron Columbia's gladiators will play
the Michigan eleven, standard-bearer of the Big
Ten, long a power in the Middle West.
That's sump'n, we guess.,
-Columbia Spectator.
Let's Go Hobo
AT KANSAS we once had a famous Hobo Day.
There are still some students on the Hill who
remember Old Doc Yak selling his pep, the student
beggars who lined the sidewalks, the blacked-out
teeth in the mouths of once beautiful girls, the
corn cob pipes and1 black eyes, and the Hobo
Varsity held in Robinson Gymnasium.
This famous Hobo Day was a day for the stu-
dents, for pep, for school spirit, tradition, and for
good clean fun. Perhaps there was some rowdi-
ness, but not enough of a truly harmful nature
to really be troublesome.
Hobo Day served to help every student blow off
some of the energetic steam which always accum-
ulates in young men and women.
-University Daily Kansan.
It has been nroven at the Masschusetts Tnstiite

A class in English poetry at the University of
Maryland was given the task of writing four
lines of dramatic poetry. The results were var-
ious, and selecting the verse of an unusually
bright student, the professor read:
"A boy was walking down the track,
The train was coming fast,
The boy stepped off the railroad track
To let the train go past."
"The verse is very well done," said the pro-
fessor, "but it lacks drama. Try it again and
make it more dramatic." Whereupon in a sur-
prisingly short time, the ambitious student pro-
duced the following verse:
"A boy was walking down the track,
The train was coming fast,
The train jumped off the railroad track
To let the boy go past."
With all this talk about cutting at various
schools, the University of Illinois, to avoid misun-
derstanding, comes forth with an announcement
that the roll MUST be taken, although the pro-
fessors use their discretion about the number of
cuts allowed. A recent disappearance of a student,
whose absence was not discovered for several days,
because class rolls were not accurate, caused the
check-up on the regulation.
Here's a squib sent in by N.N.L. a sophomore.
Love is like an onion -
You taste it with delight
And when it's gone you wonder
What ever made you bite.
A certain professor at the University of Illinois
was speaking against the use of cosmetics, and
in the course of this speech he made the fol-
lowing statement:
"The more I come in contact with this sub-
stance, the less I like it."
Here's a crack coming from another col-
umnist, Walter Winchell. (Yes, he's good too.)
He says that New York is where they burn
scandal at both ends.
Duke football players who are waiters at a girls
dormitory are "snubbing" the co-eds because of
their table manners. Even though they haven't
gone on strike by refusing to wait on table, the
athletes will neither speak to a dormitory co-ed
nor dance with her.
A professor at the University of Missouri was
perplexed when a student in his history class
stated that Benedict Arnold was a janitor. He
asked the writer of the paper and received the
following answer:
"The book says that after his exile he
spent the rest of his life in abasement."
A Washington
ONLY A DULL EYE could fail to perceive that
the "American revolution of 1932" is still "re-
volting," with accelerating force. It is a revolution
of ballets, not bullets, but a revolution neverthe-
less - a turning away from long beaten paths of
national policy now sanctioned by a double re-
cording of sovereign popular will more compelling
than any force of arms.
The answer of the American voter to any who
would disagree with the trend of administration
policy can be read in the figures of the Senate elec-
tion majorities, of the governorship contests, even
in the never static House returns.
OBSERVE THAT, in Vermont, Delaware, and
New Jersey, the verdict on the Roosevelt New
Deal written in senatorial and gubernatorial elec-

tions, seemed practically unanimous. What solace
can its opponents find in the fact that here and
there a Republican, a Progressive or a Farmer-
Laborite carries the New Deal banner with what-
ever shadings and reservations? In House contests
traditions of an off-year "backswing," hoary with
age, went down before the New Deal onslaught.
"When you are licked, you are licked," says Re-
publican Chairman Fletcher with a candor all the
more refreshing because behind his remark must
have lain recognition of the personal consequences
implicit in such a licking..
His chairmanship and commission to direct the
party campaign in accordance with that strange
national committee creed employed in lieu of a
platform, was born of a desperate effort for har-
mony. It was an attempt somehow to bridge the
gap between party segments that stand on the two
far sides of the wide New Deal pathway. It carried
no one to victory.
THE PLAIN EVIDENCE of the results, only more
convincingly driven home by meager excep-
tions, is that definitely standing against the New
Deal was all but political suicide on election day.
And that fact, which election aspirants of all
parties, to whom vote-seeking is a highly practical
business, will not overlook, is a totally new factor
to be reckoned with when the new Congress con-
venes with its overwhelming New Deal maiorities


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The Fellowship of
Liberal Religion

State and Huron Streets
November 11, 1934
5:00 P.M.-Afternoon Service.
Mr. Marley will review the book
by A. A. Milne.
7:30 P.M. - Student Discussion,
"A Skeptic Looks at War
and Peace"
By Professor Preston James of the
Geography Department
First Methodist
Episcopal Church
State and Washington
Charles W. Brashares, Minister
November 11, 1934
9:45 A.M.-- College Age Class for
young me and women in the
Church Auditorium. Dr. Roy v
Burroughs is the teacher.
10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship service:

Hillel Foundation
Corner East University and Oakland
Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
November 11. 1934
11:15 A.M. -Morning service in the
Michigan League Chapel. Sermon
by Dr. Bernard Heller-
"What the Hillel Founda-
tion Contributes to the
University Campus"
2:30 P.M. - Class on Jewish Ethics
led by Mr. Hirsh Hootkins.
8:00 P.M. - General meeting of the
organized independent Jewish stu-

Zion Lutheran

Washington at Fifth Avenue
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
November 11, 1934
9:00 A.M.-Bible school; lesson topic.
"The Christian Citizen."
10:30 A.M.-Service with sermon on,
5:30 P.M. - Student fellowship and
6:45 P.M.-Dr. Ruthven will address
the Student Club.
7:30 P.M. -- Holy Communion
St. Paul's Lutheran
(Missouri Synod)
West Liberty and Third Sts.
Rev. C. A. Brauer, Pastor
November 11, 1934
9:30 A.M.-Sunday School
9:30 A.M.-The Service in German.
10:45 A.M The Morninf' Wnrhin-






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