AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, N( LATE WIRE NEWS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the - Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:30 a.m. Saturday. i Held By Government In Arizona Kidnaping CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1934 Ecce Amici: Societas honorifica VOL. XLV No. 41 Latina Graecaque ad congressum festivum in honorem omnium disci- Notices pulorum litterarum Graecarum atque Observation of Armistice Day: In I Rcmanarum, Idibus Novembribus, order that faculty and students may hora 8:15, apud hospitium Mulierum1 take part in the observance of Armis- Michiganensium vos libenter invitat. tice Day, classes throughout the Uni- Vestitus cotidianus satis decet. versity will be dismissed between theI hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 m., Outing for Graduate Students: The Monday, Nov. 12. Hospitals, clinics, Graduate Outing Club is going on anI laboratories, libraries, and offices will afternoon walk Sunday, leaving An-j remain open. gell Hall at 3:00. All graduate stu- Report Nazis' Armed i- 1 I Forces In Saar Basin GENEVA, Nov. 9.-UP)-The League of Nations heard again today that German Nazis have armed forces working secretly in the Saar Basin for the territory's annexation to Ger- many. The League's commission govern- ing the Saar advised Geneva that secret police numbering 10,000 are busy terrorizing Saarlanders believed to be opposed to joining Germany, while newspapers and German radio facilities are used to persecute and slander individuals, including priests. Licavoli Sentenced To Life For Four Killings TOLEDO, Nov. 9.-Sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison for his part in four underworld kill- ings, Thomas (Yonnie) Licavoli, erst- while Detroit hoodlum, will be trans- ferred to the State Penitentiary at Columbus tomorrow. Melodramatic precautions were taken to prevent Licavoli from being delivered by gang allies from the county jail here, and he will be heav- ily guarded when he leaves for prison. After a jury had found him guilty Thursday and had recommended that he be spared from the electric chair, Licavoli was sentenced at noon today by Common Pleas Judge John M. Mc- Cabe. T1.~. Protests Against Iiscourtesy By Persia TOLEDO, Nov. 9.-'A)-Sentenced Mincing no words, the United States formally protested to Persia today against the reported discourtesy shown there recently to the two Amer- ican entrants in the England to Aus- tralia air derby. In a note that made no pretense of friendliness, detailing the treatment accorded John H. Wright and John Colndo when they made a forced landing Oct. 23 between Mohammerah and Abadan because of minor engine trouble, the United States said it was "at a loss to understand" the action of the Persian authorities. "The lack of consideration shown to these two American fliers under the exceptionally difficult circum- stances )n which they were placed has made a'most unfavorable impression in the United States," said the note. Forecast Closer Bond Between The Americas BUENOS AIRES, Nov. 9.-(P) - Diplomats and press today joined in prophesying that the Democratic sweep in the United States elections would mean tighter trade bonds be- tween the American continents. The news that several American en- voys were heading for home to confer with President Roosevelt awakened the special interest in diplomatic circles, where it was believed the chief topic discussed in Washington would be new ways to improve trade rela- tions. fames J. Reed Again Lashes Administration KANSAS CITY, Nov. 9. - (P) - The Roosevelt administration is in for further onslaughts from the fiery tongue of James J. Reed, the former Missouri senator, indicated in an in- terview on his seventy-third birth- day today. Asked what would happen to the New Deal in the light of Tuesday's election, the sturdy Democratic critic of the administration replied: "You are asking me what is going to happen in a lunatic asylum three months from now." Believe RatificationOf Seaway Treaty Is Near WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. -UP) - St. Lawrence Seaway treaty ratifica- tion appeared high on the Adminis- tration's legislative agenda today as President Roosevelt revealed negotia- tions already have been opened with Canada looking toward slight changes in the pact. The President also made it plain that regardless of the treaty's fate, Chicago, in his opinion, would get no more water by diversion from Lake Michigan. With the added strength gathered in Tuesday's election there appeared little doubt that the treaty would go through as Mr. Roosevelt desired. Trio Filled In Jackson At Railroad Crossing JACKSON. Nov. 9 -W)-Dr . J.TB dents whp are interested should meet! Notice: The chrysanthemums are on the steps at that time. The groupI in full flower at the Botanical Gar- will be back in time for supper. There dens. During daylight hours, includ- will probably be a ball game of some ing Sunday, visitors are welcome. sort as part of the outing. To the Members of the University Michigan Dames: The Study Group Council: The next meeting of the Uni- will hold its next meeting at theI versity Council will be held on Mon- League Monday, Nov. 12, at 8:00 p.m. day, Nov. 12, in Room 1009 Angell Mr. Otto W. Haisley, Supt. of Hall at 4:15 p.m. Schools, will talk on modern condi- Louis A. Hopkins, tions in Russia. All Students' wives Secretary. are invited. Women Students Attending the Monday Evening Drama Section- Ohio-Michigan Football Game: Faculty Women's Club: Regular meet- Women students wishing to attend ing Monday, Nov. 12, at the home of the Ohio-Michigan football game are Mrs. Willard Olsen, 1202 Olivia Ave., required to register in the Office of at 7:45. Assisting the hostess will be the Dean of Women. Mrs. R. H. Holmes, Mrs. Carl Burk-j A letter of permission from par- lund, and Mrs. H. M. Dorr. The pro-I ents must be received in the Dean of gram will be given by the new mem- of Women's Office not later than bers of the section. Thursday, Nov. 15. If a studen't wish- es to go otherwise than by train Harris Hall: Sunday evening there special permission for such mode of ill be a regular student meeting in travel must be included in the par-' Tht ent's letter.Hall a seven oclocTe to ent' leter.for discussion will be, "The Functions Graduate women are invited to of the Sermon," and Prof. Howard register in the office. Byri Fox Bacher, Mumford Jones of the English De- BysisFnxBanofeWom, n partment will be the leader. All stu- AssisItant Dean of Women dents are cordially invited. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at five o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no extra charge. Cash in advance-11cp erreading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. Telephone rate - 15c per reading line fog one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line -2 lines daily, one month .. .. .. .. ........ ...........8c 4 lines E.0.D., 2 months........3c 2 lines daily, college year ........ic 4 lines E.O.D., college year ......7c 100 lines used as desired..........9c 300 lines used as desired......8c 1,000 lines used as desired....:....7Ic 2,000 lines used as desired ........6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add Me per lineetoeabove rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 71 point type. LAUNDRY STUDENT Hand Laundry. Prices rea- sonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006 9x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 4x NOTICE FINANCE CO. offers bargains in re- possessed and repurchased cars. Many 1934 cars with low mileage included. We will trade and extend convenient terms. Open evenings. 311 W. Huron. Ph. 2-3267. lox LOST AND FOUND LOST: LAST WEEK-END, MASONIC DIAMOND PIN SET. LIBERAL RE- WARD. PHONE 7738. - HELP WANTED ATTENTION University Men: Be- cause of Christmas business can use 2 men between 4 and 6 afternoons and all day Saturday. Phone 8419 Saturday morning, Nov. 10, between 8 and 12 for appointment. WANTED: Salesman experienced in selling Real Silk Hosiery. Call at 214 Michigan Theatre Bldg., Sat- urday morning, Nov. 10, between 10 and 12. FOR RENT - HOUSES TO RENT: Very desirable 6-room house with sunroom. On Cambridge Court. Call 6841. FOR RENT - ROOMS TO RENT: Pleasant first-floor two- room apartment with shower. Heat and water furnished. Call 6841. -Associated Press Photo The department of justice tightened its grip on Oscar H. Robson (left), night club cperator held in Tucson, Ariz., as a suspect in the June Robles kidnaping mystery, by raising his bond from $50,000 to $100,000. Other arrests in the case were predicted. Robson's arraign- ment, on charges of sending a $15,000 ransom note through the mails to the girl's father, was set for November 22. WANTED WANTED: MEN'S OLD AND NEW suits. Will pay 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 dol- lars. Phone Ann Arbor 4306. Chi- cago Buyers. Temporary office, 200 North Main. 7x PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES Call the Kempf Music Studios for artistic piano tuning. Terms rea- sonable. Phone 6328. 1x Registration: All students interest- ed in securing positions after grad- uation in February, June, or August, will meet in Natural Science Auditor- ium, Monday, Nov. 12, at 4:15. This is for both seniors and graduate stu- dents in the various schools and col- leges of the University. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Academic Notices Anthropology 105: Ancient Civilza- tions of Middle America will meet in Room 225 Angell Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 13, at 1 p.m. History 11, Lee. II: Midsemester at 10, Tuesday, Nov. 13. Mr. Reinchen- bach's Sections will meet in New- berry Aud.; M. Wheeler's section in G Haven Hall; all others in 103 Ro- mance Language Building. Economics 171: Examination Mn- day' No. 12; t 1 p.m. in the follow- ing 'room: A-K, room C Haven Hall; L-Z room B Haven Hall. Sociology 51: The Monday, Friday ten o'clock sections of Messrs. Holmes, Angell and Fuller will not have the mid-semester examination on Mon- day, Nov. 12, as planned, but on Fri- day, Nov. 16, instead. Events Today Swimming Test - Women Stu- dents: The Average Swimming Test will be given at the Union Pool Sat- urday morning at 9. Girls interested in trying the test, sign up in Bar- bour Gymnasium, Office 15. Congregational Student Fellow- ship: A dance will be given in the Church parlors, from 8:30 to 12:00. All Congregational students are in- vited. Coming Events Economics Club: There will be a meeting at the Michigan Union on Monday, Nov. 12. Mr. A. Smithies, of the Department of Economics, will talk on "The Business Cycle Theory," at 7:45 p.m. Graduate Education Club: Meet- ing on Monday evening, Nov. 12, at 7:00 in the Graduate Library of the University Elementary School. Dr. Yoakum will speak on the subject, "Research in Education." All per- sons taking graduate work in educa- tion are cordially invited. Refresh- ments will be served. Alpha Epsilon Mu: Social and busi- ness meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday in the Russian Tea Room of the League. Members will get individual suppers in the cafeteria and carry trays across the hall for the meeting. Tau Beta Pi: The examination of pledges will take place Tuesday, Nov. 13, 7:30 p.m., Room 335 West Engi- neering Building. Bring equipment as previously directed. Vulcans: Supper meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday in the tower room of the Union. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m. Church School, 11:00 a.m. Kinder- garten, 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayers and Sermon by the. Rev. Henry Lewis; 7:30 p.m. Choral Evensong and Ad- dress by the Rev. William D. Orr. Methodist Episcopal Church: Sun- day, 9:45 a.m. -- Starting today, there will be a new Sunday School Class for young men and women of college age. Dr. Roy W. Burroughs is the teacher. All those interested are1 asked to meet at the left of the pul- pit in the church auditorium at thisa time.1 10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship Service. Dr. C. W. Brashares' sub- ject is "Peace." This is the sixth in a series of sermons entitled "What We Want." Stalker Hall for Methodist Stu- dents and Their Friends of College Age: Sunday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. - The Young Woman's Christian Associa- tion is having its Annual Fellowship Prayer Service and Tea. There will be special music and readings. Wom- Students Wrack Psychology N By RALPH W. HURDI BEM ZEF YAT DEH QAC BOF They are called nonsense syllables, and to 62 students talking psychology 33 they are causing weekly periods of acute mental fatigue and anguish. These and equally enigmatic syl- lables are being employed by Dr. George Meyer of the psychology de- partment in the experiment he is now conducting on memory. During the experiment, which will extend throughout the semester, Dr. MeyerI plans to use more than 650 different nonsense syllables in testing the memorizing ability of the students. The subjects spend one afternoon a week in the psychology laboratory. On two electrically-driven drums mounted in the laboratory a white paper belt is revolved. The nonsense syllables are printed on the belt in rows of three. The subjects can ob- serve the syllables through a partition -K-,Uk , . A-16 , Brains ver Professors Lecture! ro Detroit Bankers mnsense Syllables - s At the request of a number of De- that opens up in front of the anterior troit bankers, several members of the drum. business administration school aret They repeat the rows of syllables heading a series of lecture-discussionr aloud for two revolutions of the belt, groups which are designed to enlight- and then are given ten minutes in en bankers on the currency, credit, which they are not supposed to think banking and related aspects of the of the syllables. Then the subject is New Deal. The meetings are held given a succession of test syllables to once a week in the board room oI observe, and the extent to which he the National Bank of Detroit. can associate these syllables with Those men who are giving talks the other two in the original belt is are Prof. Robert G. Rodkey, Prof. recorded. Leonard L. Watkins, Prof. Herbert Dr. Meyer plans to run through F. Taggart, Prof. William A. Paton, 54 series of nonsense syllable belts Prof. Charles L. Jamison, and Dean, for each subject. The results of the Clare E. Griffin. experiment are expected to be an im- Subjects will include banking re- portant contribution of the knowl- forms, deposit insurance, price levels, edge of memory processes'now in ex- cost accounting, stock exchange con- istence.-E trol, and the part played by the gov- The interest displayed in the experi- emnent in business. ment by the 62 psychology students participating in it is not purely aca- -==------ -_-- demic. Ten hours spent in the ex- perimental work may be substituted .. M A JE for one of the three theses required each semester in the course. MATINEES NIGHTS CHILDREN 30c 40c IOc Congregational Church: Service of ._Come nnver to the Maj - ROME, Nov. 9 --A')- The wheels of Benito Mussolini's new corporative state start turning tomorrow. A reform designed to tear out the roots of parliamentary government, the state in which industry, com- merce, business and the professions are to make their own laws will be formally set up by Il Duce himself. LONELY? DATELESS? Be Blue No Longer - GENTS CO.EDS - Meet Your Man CAMPUS DATE BUREAU Cupid's Official Helper Informat an at 621 So. Division St. Between 5.- 6 O'clock or Call 2-1864 IL DUCE SETS UP NEW STATE .:. rTIC -:- I 6:00 p.m. Roger Williams Guild, I Storting Today Shows at 2 - 3:20 - 7:00- 9:00 - the Wiggs have moved in ou'll get a hearty welcome e party en students, both foreign and Amer- meeting at Guild House. Prof. wi- ican, are especially invited. Liam E. Doty, of the School of Music, 4:00 p.m. -The World Friendship will speak on, "The Philosophy of Circle members will meet for an in- Jesus." A social hour and refresh- formal discussion on Labor Prob- ments will follow. lems as they appear in various coun- - its Mr Weslev McCranev will be chairman. Foreign and American students are cordially invited to par- ticipate. 6:00 p.m.-Wesleyan Guild Wor- ship Service. "Nationalism versus, Internationalism," is the topic chosen by the guest speaker, Mr. Kermit Eby. Refreshments and a social hour fol- low. Unitarian Church: Sunday evening Devotional service. Rev. H. P. Mar- icy will speak on "Peace With Honor" - a review of the book by A. A. Milne. Liberal Students' Union meets at 7:30. Prof. Preston James of the Geography' department - "A Skeptic Looks at War and Peace." First Baitist Church and Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, 10:45 a.m. Mr. Sayles will speak on "The Min- istry of Reconciliation." 12:00 Noon Student class at Guild House; Mr. Chapman leading a discussion on "Jesus and the Christian Religion." Congregational Student Group: On Sunday - evening the Congregational Symphony Orchestra, under the di- rection of Thor Johnson, will present a program, of unusual merit. The music for the evening's entertain- ment will consist mostly of symphonic compositions based on folk songs and ballads from the mountains of West- ern North Carolina. Two movements from Lamar Stringfield's "Southern Mountain Suite" (Mountain Song - Cripple Creek) will be played by the orchestra. Also there will be group singing of several genuine folk songs and ballads from the mountains. This program is designed especially to feature symphonic music that has been influenced by folklore. worship at 10:30. Mr. Heaps will continue the series on the Old Testa- j ment, speaking on "The Pillar of Salt." Prof. LeRoy Waterman will give the lecture on "The Evolution of Re- higion." His subject will be "Religious Revivals - the Prophets." Presbyterian Student Appoint- ments - Sunday: 9:30 - Student Classes at the Church House. 10:45 - Morning Worship. "The Unknown Soldier Talks It Over." Dr. Wm. P. Lemon. 5:30 - Social Hour and Supper. 6:30 - Student Forum. "A Wom- and are they having fun! and an invitation to join1 Yl th an Looks at War." J. Bush, Detroit. Mrs. Benjamin PETERSBURG, Ind., Nov. 9 -(AP)- Four men were injured, one critically, when five boxes of dynamite, each containing 50 pounds, exploded to- day at a strip mine near Cato. I MATINEES 30c INGS CHILDREN Ends T c Oc Show at 2- onight S:27 - 7 -9 EVEN E4 PA 15c TO 6 -25c AFTER 6 'W'HITNEY Daily 1:30 - 11 P.M. Now A RIOT OF FUN! ester Morris Marion Nixon "EMBARRASSING MOMENTS" Extra A COMEDY "Women Haters" IL MIRIAM HOPKINS in "THE RICHEST GIRL IN THE WORLD" "Rolland In Tulip Time" PETE SMITH MICHIGAN vs. Color Novelty ODDITY MINNESOTA TOMORROW HLCN H1AYES will touch your heart as she lives the drama of a girl who fought, alone, against the world that sought to take her man away! wrho Celebrated stage star who delayed her screen career to play ,Mrs Wiggs" The American actress best suited for this beloved role! W.C.FIELDS as C. Chesterfield Stubbins, Miss Hazy's mail-order soul-mate! He brings joy to you, and disaster to Miss Hazy's dreams of love! ZASIU PITTS Perfect as the fluttery Miss Hazy who gets a husband for a two-cent stamp...and pays too much at that! KENT TAYLOR as Lucy Olcott and Bob Redding, the favorite lovers of all American fiction { N 4- 25c ti edn EVE e tiff 6 after - RY DAY tinuous LOWELL THOMAS I i I UII And this Swell Surrounding Program III