r The Weather Mostly cloudy and colder Sat- urday; snow flurries in extreme north in morning. Sunday fair. C., r 1ria Iait Editorials Dead, Dormant, Or Unborn ... Why Completely Incommuni- cado? .. VOL. XLV. No. 42 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1934 r PRICE FIVE CENTS Pollock Declares German Press Is, Hitler Mouthpiece Scores Nazi Newspapers In Talk Before Press Conference People Ignorant Of Important Matters Meeting Of Editors To Be Concluded At Morning Session New French Premier The German press has become a news organ of the Nazis, and is now one of the principal factors in re- ducing the people of that country to complete acceptance of the orders and political philosophy of Der Fueh- rer, and absolute ignorance of inter- national and national matters affect- ing them, declared Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science depart- ment yesterday to the afternoon ses- sion of the University Press Club of Michigan, "The newspapers have become the publicity agent of the Nazi party," he explained. "That is how the German people have been so easily convnced that the Nazi movement is so won- derful.' One Side Of Scene "One impression which one cannot fail to carry away, when looking at one side of the German scene, is the complete psychological regeneration of the German people," said Profes- sor Pollock. The people are cheer- ' ful, confident, hopeful; they have regained their self-respect. He told the gathering that this summer he noticed less unemployment, and the "almost complete absence of any dis- tress," and said that the undoubted respect for authority and the love of country which has been re-aroused is what is carrying the country through its extreme crisis." Other Side On the other side of the picture, Professor Pollock pointed out, the economic policy of Germany isicarry- ing the people to ruin. Dr. Schacht, their financial dictator, is forced to play a waiting game, with the hope that he can restore a favorable com- mercial standing with the world at large, at present withheld from Ger- many. In this respect Professor Pollock condemned the policies of discrimina- tion and terrorism which have isolated Germany from the rest of the world, and have undone all that had been accomplished by Bruening and Stresemann to restore post-war Ger- many to a position of respect in the eyes of the world. He especially deplored the ruin of the German universities wrought by t h e government's discrimination against intellectual leaders who were not 100 per cent Nazis, and the des- truction of Germany's leadership of intellectual and scientific leadership by this move. Complete Censorship Returning to the power of the press, he spoke of the complete censorship of all information in Germany, and especially of the creation of a unique governmental structure, "The Min- istry of Propoganda and Pulic En- lightenment," which has been estab- lished in Germany under the leader- ship of "the genius of mob psycholo- gy, Dr. Goebbels." Other changes in governmental structure and method which he mentioned as commendable were the change to executive-minded rather than legislature-minded gov- ernment, the abolition of the useless states, and the complete monopoly of one party, united with the state,1 in time of crisis. "Nothing New" Discussing the political philosophy of the Nazi party, Professor Pollock remarked that no point of it was in any way new to the history of political thought. First in the platform came a campaign against the Jews, painted by the Nazis as a corruptors of Ger- man blood and character. The Jews, he stated, were used by the Nazis as scape goats to be blamed for the ruin of post-war Germany. Next on the party, credo stands au- thoritarianism, or the "Fuehrer Prin- zip," in which the line of authority comes not from the people to the government, but from the govern- ment to the people, while the respon- sibility is one from the bottom to the top, and not the opposite, he said. But although Hitler's movement is based on the autocratic principle, R.O.T.C. Has Gone Practical-Old Lids And Spurs Are Out No longer will the egg-shaped hats of former years decorate our future generals' craniums, it was revealed yesterday as the new R.O.T.C. uni- forms arrived. A new, cadet-style cap has been ordered, corresponding in color with the much deeper hue of this year's uniforms. The jingling of martial spurs will also be absent this year, as boots are out, and slacks are in. Oxfords have replaced the long, and generally uncomfortable, leather cases of former years. Another missing feature will be the solicitude with which the cadet offi- cers have heretofore guarded their own bright, new sabres. The mili- tary science department has an- nounced its intent to provide sabres for the officers, thus eliminating the need for disturbingly hauling them in and out of philosophy courses and lab sections. *Truly an era of clanking has come to an end, but the new officers may still decorate their brawny and pad- ded chests with many shining medals, the rattling of which may be some consolation. Rumor has it that thesej new coats are fully equipped with medal supports across each chest. Dr. Bruce Is Appointed To Federal Po s t Dr. James D. Bruce, vice president in charge of University relations and director of the department of post graduate medicine, has been ap- pointed by President Roosevelt to membership on the medical advisory committee. This group is to serve in connection with the federal conimit- tee on economic security of the indi- vidual. Dr. Bruce is one of 11 men who has been selected to assist the com- mittee formed by Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins; he will act in the capacity of medical advisor. Among the other members are included rank- ing officers of such organizations as the American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians and the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Bruce will leave here Tuesday to attend a combined meeting of Miss Perkins' committee and all the ad- visory groups. At that time, President Roosevelt will outline his plans and will describe the goals that he desiresE to attain. The advisory groups will then meet on Thursday and Friday' Picard Begs For Harmony Within Party Believes Democratic Loss Caused By Dissension In a Own Ranks States Lacy, Abbott Must Stop Talking Quarrels Among Leaders Prevented Showing Of United Front (By Associated Press) Frank A. Picard, defeated Demo- cratic candidate for the United States Senate, today addressed a plea for peace to his party in general, and in particular to Judge Arthur J. Lacy, defeated nominee for governor, and Horatio J. Abbott, Michigan's Demo- cratic national committeeman. "My advice to Lacy and Abbott is that they should stop talking," Pic- ard said at his home i Saginaw. "We I were defeated because of quarrels inx our own ranks during the past six I months. If we had shown a united front, we would have carried Mich- igan." Picard's statement came after Ab- bott had charged the Democratic de- feat to the "brazen effrontery of a group of self-seekers headed by Mr. Lacy," and after Lacy, in a long state- ment, replied that the party could be rehabilitated by shelving Abbott and his friends. Blames Dissension Picard attributed his own defeat largely to dissension within the party, although he added that "to win by a majority of about 44,000 is not a vic- tory for a Republican senator in Mich- igan, a man who has been at Wash- ington for six years, who is a presi- dential possibility, and who straddled on the New Deal." He said he had worked for two months before the election to restore harmony to Mich- igan Democracy, and would continue his efforts. Abbot's attack to which Picard re- ferred was to the effect that Lacy "succeeded in disrupting the Demo-' cratic party in the state and alienat- ed the support of thousands of loyal Democrats and many thousands of independent voters who otherwise would have voted the Democratic ticket - especially if it were headed a by Gov. William A. Comstock, whoI was entitled to the nomination." Lacy Flays Abbott Conference Will Lead Wisconsin's Invasion Win Today Wolverines, Badgers PIERRE ETIENNE FLANDIN Pierre Flandin, Nlew Premier, StatesPolicy Programi Includes Fight Against Depression And Unenmployment PARIS, Nov. 9 -(A")- Pierre Etien- ne Flandin, newest "truce" premier, promised the Nation tonight to fight the depression, while aged Gaston Doumergue went back into the re- tirement from which he was called to rescue France from Civil War. Flandin's program, with which he hoped to win the backing of France's watching millions, included these im- portant points: 1. Continuation of the policy of political truce inaugurated when Feb- ruary's bloody Stavisky riots scared politicians into agreement. 2. A fight against poverty and unemployment. 3, Economy in government. 4. Rapid adoption of the 1935, budget. 5. Strengthening of the authority1 of the State. Compromises on Constitution His program, in general, resem- bled Doumergue's. There was, how- ever, one important difference. Doumergue gave constitutional re- vision prominent place. He insisted that his plan, which would have stripped the Senate of power to dis- solve the Chamber and given it to the President and Premier, should be voted before the budget. On this rock his ship of state was wrecked, for the powerful Radical Socialists, headed by Vice Premier Edouard Herriot, re- fused to support him. Flandin's program relegates con- stitutional revision to secondary place, with the result that his government is assured of an adequate majority when it faces the Chamber of Depu- ties Tuesday. Flocking to his support today were the Radical Socialists, who got eight portfolios in the government as against the six they held under Dou- mergue; the Republican Federation; the Popular Democrats; the Social Republicans; the Republicans of the Left and the Radical Left. In the Senate, as well, the majority of political factions have adopted resolutions favorable to the new gov- ernment. The cabinet took the oath from President Albert Lebrun at midnight. Political counsellors had advised haste lest an interim without gov- ernment provoke disorders. The min- istry was the ninety-seventh since the foundation of the Republic and the eighteenth of the present legis- lature. Committeemen Are s onAssist Visitors Committeemen of the student or- ganization of the Union will be sta- Both Seek Their First -Associated Press Photos CAPT. JACK BENDER OF WISCONSIN to discuss means of accomplishing the Lacy's rejoinder was that "Abbott aims of the President. now seeks to distract attention from fthe well-known fact that he has dis- credited himself and his party by his OVy Made Member own misconduct and his greedy grab- bing for patronage, power and per- Of N.Y. Academy sonal advantage." Lacy referred spe- cifically to what he termed Abbott's Dr. Frederick G Novy dean of the "crude efforts" to raise campaign Dr.Fredei ckG. Nhvyben otefunds, his resignation from the office Medical School, has been elected an of collector of internal revenue and honorary member of the New York charged Abbott with doing the party Academy of Medicine, further injury by seeking vainly to Dr. Novy had not been informed of have himself appointed minister to the intended action of the Academy, Canada. This Abbott denied. which met Thursday night. He did{A prediction that "half a million not receive any notification of the Democrats in Michigan" will rally be- action until late yesterday, hind Gov. Comstock two years hence Besides his work as dean, Mr. Novy was made in a post-election state- is the head of the bacteriology de- ment by W. Alfred Debo, former partment, and as a research worker chairman of the state central commit- and teacher has contributed a great tee and apostle of the old-line school deal to the field. of Democracy in the state. Ten Prisoners Escape From Devil's Isle; Tell Of Odyssey 250 Ushers At Purdue Game To Curb Drinking IOWA CITY, Nov. 9 -(P)- Nearly 250 ushers of the University of Iowa and Purdue football game tomorrow. will be made special deputies in a special attempt to curb drinking at] the stadium, Sheriff Don McComas said today. "This action was taken because of numerous reports of open drinking at the stadium during the Minnesota game Oct. 27," the sheriff asserted. He said that while the deputies will not have the authority to make ar- rests, they probably will be instructed to remove from the stadium any per- sons found drinking.i Farley Requiem Is Admonishedl B Vandenberg Michigan Senator And Borah Remind Chairman, Of LargeG.O.P. Vote WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 -(A')- The Farley requiem for the Republican party impelled Senator Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) to admonish him to-' day: "pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Senator Borah (Rep.,Ida.) seconded; his Michigan colleague, reminding the Democratic. national chairman that the G.O.P. popular vote reached 12,000,000 Tuesday, despite the Newa Deal wave. Also contributing to the post-elec- tion flurry of political diagnosis, Ray- mond Moley - a presidential adviser -wrote in "Today": "The Democrat who talks glibly of the end of the Republican party is simply ignoring the facts."r His views, penned apparently before the election, discounted the likelihood of strong left or right parties rising in this country.gThe Democratic party, as he analyzed it, will retain p.ower for some time to come while the Republican remains a formidable opposition. An element of danger for the Demo- crats was seen by Senator Lewis of Illinois, meanwhile, in the size of its majority in the new Congress. He; cautioned care against bloc conflicts to "avoid the bitter experience of past administrations." His statement sounded like some of those coming now from Republican liberals, in that it demanded a G.O.P. reorganization "upon new principles, guided by the leaders." As it stands he said. "a new volit- Final Rites For W. Lo Clements Are Observed Former Regent Buried In Forest Hills Cemetery Here Final rites for William Lawrence Clements, donor and founder of the William L. Clements Library of Amer- ican History and for 24 years a Re- gent of the University, were observed' in Bay City yesterday morning. They were followed by interment in Forest Hills Cemetery here. Administrative officials of the Uni- versity, former business associates,{ and members of Chi Psi fraternity, with which Mr. Clements was af- filiated while on the campus, attended the burial ceremony. President Alexander G. Ruthvenj and Mrs. Ruthven, Dr. Randolph G. Adams, director of the William L. Clements Library, Regent and Mrs. Junius E. Beal, Herbert G. Watkins, and members of the library staff at- tended the services in Bay City. The William L. Clements Library was closed yesterday in honor of the memory of its donor and founder. Six members of Chi Psi fraternity, including George Duffy, '35, John Fischer, '34, William Davis, '35, Rob- ert Hill, '35, Donald Nichols, '35, and William Oliver, '37, served as active pallbearers at the cemetery. Mr. Clements died suddenly late Tuesday night at his home in Bay City at the age of 73 years, Head Of Relief IFund Promises ' aInvestigio ns WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. - (P)- Harry L. Hopkins, relief administra- tor, tonight promised Senator Borah Idaho's Republican ind'ependent, "quick action" if the latter would fur- nish "particulars" to substantiate his charges of "shameful waste" in the handling of relief funds. Just back from the West, Borah stirred the capital with an election aftermath demand for an inquiry into the handling of the hundreds of mil- lions in funds for the needy. "Everyone wants to see those who need relief get relief," said Borah, "but millions never reach those who need it. The amount expended before it gets to those in need is appalling." Borah today coupled his assertions I of "waste" with an inference that Coach Spears Brings A Squad Of Thirty-Three; Mostly Sophomores Two Teams Crippled By Previous Games Oliver, Triplehorn, Ellis, Beard, Definitely Unable ITo Play Today By ARTHUR W. CARSTENS Beaten in its first three Big Ten games, Michigan today will attempt to climb out of the Conference cellar with a victory over Wisconsin. The 'Badgers, too, will be seeking their first win against a Conference oppo- nent. Coach "Doc" Spears brought a squad of 33 players, mostly soph- omores, from Madison yesterday in !ime to hold a light drill in the Sta- dium. Spears indicated that his team would depend on a tricky attack to score against the heavier Wolverines and excluded reporters from the Sta- dium drill while his deceptive forma- tions were given a final polishing. Coach Harry Kipke's squad spent the afternoon on Ferry Field running signals and working on defense in dummy scrimmage. Ticket Manager Harry Tillotson estimated that a crowd of 30,000 would be on hand for the game if the wea- ther is propitious. This number may be cut to 20,000 if it rains before game time. Both Teams Handicapped Both teams go into the game handicapped by injuries. The Wol- verines haven't recovered from the 'hysical punishment they took at Minneapolis while several Wisconsin players were injured as the Cardinal tnd White took a 7 to 0 beating from LTorthwestern. The squad of 33 players that Spears )rought to Ann Arbor is composed argely of sophomores and five of these will be in the starting lineup his afternoon. One of these sopho- mores, Lynn Jordan, is the outstand- ng offensive threat in the Badger 'ackfield. Jordan passes, punts and runs from his position at left half. Other soph- >mores on the starting list are Null, left end; Christianson, left tackle, Kummer, left guard; and Jankowski, Fullback. An ankle injury to Paul Jen- 3en, regular right tackle, has neces- sitated the use of Captain Jack Ben- ier at that position. Kummer, early n the season, had taken the starting issignment at left guard away from !is captain. Pacetti Outstanding Guard Mario Pacetti, right guard, is the man whom Spearsrhopes will be play- ng in Michigan's backfield most of he afternoon. Pacetti is a veteran who has been outstanding all year. Wisconsin hasn't scred on a Big- Ten opponent in two games but has won two non-Conference encounters. They defeated South Dakota State, 28 'o 7, and eked out a 3 to 0 victory over Marquette with a field goal in the last few minutes of play. In the last three games they have been shut- out, 14 to 0 by Purdue, 19 to 0 by Notre Dame, and 7 to 0 by Northwestern. While Michigan has been beaten by larger scores and has won only one game the Wolverines rule as slight favorites today. No Experienced Reserves Kipke finds himself with virtually no experienced reserves available since Russ Oliver, Howard Triplehorn, Joe Ellis and Chet Beard are definitely out of the game. The same team that started against Minnesota will take the field for the opening kickoff to- day, but many of these, too, =will be nursing injuries inflicted by the Gophers. The coach announced yesterday that Chris Everhardus, sophomore brother of last year's star, will get the first call at halfback if Regeczi or Aug have to leave the game. George Bolas will replace Jennings at quarter, if necessary. LINEUPS Wisconsin Pos. Michigan Null ............I E....... Patanelli Christianson .....LT....... Viergever Kummer.......LG.....Hildebrand Pohl ..........C. ...........Ford Pacetti ......... RG...... Borgmann Bender (C) .....RT..... (C) Austin Haukedahl .....RE .......... Ward Dehnert .........QB.......Jennings ARUBA, Nov. 9 -(p)- Ten es- caped prisoners from the French pen- al colony of Devil's Island put to sea; at daybreak today from San Nicolas Bay, through the generosity of the American and English colonies. They had been provided with a twenty-five-foot sailboat equipped with an auxiliary gasoline motor and a supply of gasoline sufficient for 400 miles travel by the use of motor alone. Furthermore they were given a the mainland. The 10 men plunged into the water, which is infested with sharks and barra cudas-- the savage fish which have ended many Devil's Island escape attempts - and swam until they all met. Then, in a group, they swam on to board the canoe. They put the canoe owner ashore on the mainland, obtained a little sup- ply of food and water, and started off for Trinidad. For 32 days they traveled under the blazing sun of the tropics. At month's provisions, clothes, tobacco, the end of 27 days, the water gave and sufficient money to help them out. Two days later they ate the last toward a new start in life. of their food. The escaped convicts were headed Then along carne the freighter by Jean Duvernay. They fled the which gave them new supplies and penal colony more than two months they pushed on to Trinidad. ago in a canoe in which they spent In Trinidad they rested 30 days, 32 days at sea before they were en- then obtained another craft and set countered by a British freighter. out again. For 12 days they were Two boats went down under them buffeted about and soaked by rain, in the course of their odyssey. They a squalls until their boat was crushed could regard their present transporta- on a coral reef at Curacao. tion as comparative luxury. Kindly folk there took them in and Al ?41,r ..- t , 1 - - L ..~ I - - - - t r