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November 08, 1934 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-08

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tions to the speakers that they held closely to the
ideals of journalism.
These men, who play such a large part in the
moulding of public opinion in the urban and coun-
try districts of the State, have achieved their posi-
tions not through education alone but also by keep-
ing a constant ear to the ground for the events of
the day. Most of the editors who will come to the
convention are middle-aged. They have seen some
of their philosophies smashed to bits in the past
few years, but it is doubtful whether any of them
have become completely disillusioned.
This year the editors of the State who will meet
in Ann Arbor are to hear Marlen Pew, Henry Suy-
dam, William E. Sweet, and Jacob L. Crane, and
many of the outstanding members of the Univer-
sity faculty. Unionism in journalism, the national
crime problem, and government planning are prom-
fnent among the subjects that will be discussed.
Unless these journalists have lost some of the
zest that they brought with them to preceding
conventions, exchange of ideas following the ad-
dresses will be sharp and to the point - important
to journalism and to the public as well.
The Right
R EMEMBER that famous "what one
person out of a party of six stranded
on the desert would you save and why" question
that raged in psuedo-intellectual circles a few years
ago? It was propounded by the late Thomas Alva
Edison in one of his contests to find "the bright-
est American boy, and for a time no one could move
in the best society unless he or she had a pat
We heard indirectly the other day that Charles
Edison, son of the inventor, has revealed that the
"right answer was no answer at all.
College educators and men of similar high cal-
ibre take time out once in awhile to remind us
that we go to school to learn good thinking habits,
not to imbibe all the "right answers." A casual
acquaintance with a good many college courses
would fail to reveal any very concrete evidences
of that attitude in the conduct of the courses.
We've seen plenty of exams where we knew there
was no one "right answer," but at that late hour
we never could be quite sure whether the prof.
knew it, too.
Campus Opinion
Letters published In this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request Contributors are asked to
be brief, the editor reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words.
Misses Sweet Tranquility
To the Editor:
The present administration is loudly acclaiming
its accomplishments, but how closely does this
touch the sentiments of the American citizen?
The Roosevelt regime started on its course by a
loud blowing of trumpets and really accomplishing
one or two really constructive measures. I refer to
the national bank moratorium. Indeed, the new
group in Washington won the favor of the whole
country. "The new administration is certainly put-
ting the country on its feet; the country would
have passed into a state of civil war if the Repub-
licans had remained in control but a few days
more," was the general attitude of the country at
that point. However, I am still wondering if the
Republican group would not have taken control as
well as did the new party. Although the moratorium
was logical and sensible, the question is still
whether the fundamental principles of the New
Deal have really benefitted the country in general,
whether the new ideas and general spirit of the
nation are better than those which probably would
have followed had the Republicans' remained in
The core of the Democrat's policy is the so-called
New Deal. One of the fundamental points of the
New Deal is that of relieving the situation of the
working man. I am in accord with this principle,
but at the same time I believe Roosevelt and his
followers have overshot their mark. In the attempt
to better the laborer's cause they have tampered

with a machine that has managed to do a sizeable
amount of damage. I mean the labor unions. It is
apparent to every unbiased American how unsuc-
cessful the New Deal has been in this respect, and
how it has slowed up recovery.
If the Republicans had retained their position, I
am confident that this situation would never have
arisen. In their program of recovery the Repub-
licans undoubtedly would have aided the laborer
in obtaining higher wages and better hours, but I
believe they would have tempered their mercy
with common sense and would not have carried
things as far as did the Democrats.
At present the country in general does not know
which way to turn. Many times, recently, have the
questions been asked, "Is our country heading for
socialism? What are the possibilities of civil war?"
With these questions in mind the country certainly
could not be in a tranquil and optimistic state of
mind over the New Deal. I have often heard the
opinion expressed that the country would be in a
much less precarious position if the Republicans
had remained in office with their non-radical and
more conservative platform.
-Horace E. Allen, '36.
Soviet Film Art
To the Editor:
The appearance of the Soviet film, "Mother," on
campus affords a chance to judge the new culture
springing up in Russia. The drama, dance, and
music is denied us because of expense and diffi-
culties of production. The movie is easy and cheap
to obtain. But the movie will play an increasingly
important role in art as television is perfected.
The production of American films has been a



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Here's a story of a clever Dartmouth Univer-
sity student who wished to get home a few days
early for vacation. The boy sent his family a
telegram asking whether he should come home
by the way of Toronto or straight home. "Come
straight home," the family tersely wired. With
this in his possession the student obtained the
dean's agreement that he should linger no
longer in college.
A professor of economics at the University of
Maryland was rather indignant when he arrived
late and found that the class had walked out, for
"they could easily see I was coming because I left
my hat on the desk." A strange sight greeted him
the next day upon his entrance to the class room.
The room was empty except for a hat on every
You dance lovers, here is an ideal All-Amer-
ican dance band picked by a student at the
University of Southern California. It includes
Paul Whiteman, Glenn Gray, Isham Jones,
Duke Ellington, Eddie Duchin, Paul Tremaine,
Hal Kemp, with Ben Bernie as Quarterback
and Rudy Vallee as the vocalist.
Boys don't start the western movement in too
great numbers, but here is a bit of news ,from
the University of Kansas. An editorial describes
a campus dance as a "conquest." And furthermore
"No savage tribe ever used the dance to show
off its women more obviously or effectively than
does this modern college."
"Dear Mr. Bernard:
This poetic date discussion
Full of wit and repercussion
Seems to me no cause for pique:
It's all a matter of technique!
The dating bureau has again made its appear-
ance, this time at the University of Wisconsin
where some enterprising students are charging
10 cents a date to provide bashful, or lazy young
swains with girls to fit the most exacting specifica-
tions. If the dating bureau can't produce such a
girl, the money is refunded.
President Angell of Yale says that a histor-
ical novel is like a bustle . . . It's a fictitious
tale based on stern reality.
A Washington

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THE EXTENT to which those "reassurances" as
to "New Deal" aims and purposes, so eagerly
sought by business, have .been forthcoming re-
cently has been rather startling. If one pauses to
check all the indications - and is not too much
troubled by the fact that the Congressional elec-
tions might have had something to do with
the timing of the various reassuring gestures-it
begins to look like a definite and well-rounded ad-
ministration drive.
It goes deeper than even direct presidential word
to the bankers' convention and elsewhere. To back
up Mr. Roosevelt's assertion that legitimate bus-
iness profit is the unchanging motivating force
behind his economic plans come concrete evidences
that his chief "New Deal" lieutenants are ordering;
their efforts accordingly. Even TVA, the great
Roosevelt-Norris "socialistic" experiment, joins in,
buying cement by the millions of barrels instead
of making it at an estimated lower cost:.
** * *
THE GOVERNMENT'S, perhaps the world's big-
gest industry, the Federal emergency relief
administration, blossoms out with its contribution
to quiet business shudders. Its food processing
operations to distribute surpluses to the hungry,
a major sore point to most business conventions re- -
flected in resolutions denouncing "government
competition" with private enterprise, take on an-
other hue.
The White House hands out figures on that bus-
iness showing tens of thousands of carloads of
freight added to paving traffic, a mountain of tin
bought in the market. Director Hopkins, in and
out of season, resists every suggestion of relief
expedients in made work that involves government
competition with industry.
The treasury puts in with a new ruling on na-
tional bank industrial and commercial loans de-
signed to ease credit by permitting an 80 per
cent risk under certain circumstances of co-opera-
tion with the reconstruction finance corporation.
On the heels of reassuring addresses to business
gatherings, Donald Richberg, the new presidential
executive officer for policy-making purposes, is
elevated to new authority as chief "New Deal" co-
ordinator. The President finds it possible to decree
return of Federal pay to a pre-depression normal
on the prospects of rtising prices and values.
NO WONDER Dr. Moley, reporting on his self-
apointed task "as an editor" of contacting
business on its "New Deal" fears, finds evidence
of a renewal of business faith in Ro'osevelt pur-
poses. No wonder the investment bankers follow
the lead of the bankers' association and name a
"liaison" committee to "co-operate" with Roosevelt
recovery efforts.
Looking' ahead to the next Congress, all this
would suggest a minimum of new moves for gov-
ernment management -of business to be expected
with White House sponsorship. The "New Deal"

No detective work is needed in locating the dealer
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There, local dealers are listed beneath the trade
marks of many advertised products--such as Philco,
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increase sales.
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men to increase the value : .M
of telephone service.






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