'i t""'"" ""'W The Weather 'artly cloudy today; tomor- in xnin r~ldin c ith P Y 46F 4iltr atl& ati Editorials William Clements: Friend Of darning ... In Convention Assembled . row ncreasnig ciouainess, wizn possible showers. VOL. XLV. No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1934 PRICE FIVE CENTS Li*tchfield El-ected To 1-Hop Post Washtenaw 'Wins Two To O~ne Victory In junior' Class Elections Mw a d Elected TO (lass PresidtencyI Chase's Illness Causes Lecture Postponement Because of a severe attack of laryngitis, Stuart Chase, eminent author and economist, will not be able to deliver his scheduled lec- ture at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.% Officials of the Oratorical As- sociation announced that he will lecture on the same subject, "The Elconomy of Abundance," at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, instead. Tickets already purchased for the lecture will be honored on the new date. . Mr.Chase was stricken with laryngitis in Chicago and, accord- ing to W. Colston Leigh, agent for his lectures, can scarcely speak. His physician absolutely forbade his lecturing before next week. The admission price for the lec- ture will be the same, 75 cents for main floor seats in the central section, and 50 cents for all other seats. Fraternity Victors . Independents In College Of EngineeringO Recording their second consecutive landslide victory in the class elections of the literary college, the forces of the Washtenaw-Coalition party swept to an easy victory yesterday when they doubled the number of votes cast for the Fraternity-Independent fac- tion. Officials of the Undergraduate Council and student organization of the Union stated that it was the heaviest vote cast in recent years in the literaryecollege election. Russell Coward, Theta Xi, and Washtenaw-Coalition candidate, was named to the presidency of the class over Philip Van Zile, Delta Kappa Epsilon, who was the Fraternity-In- dependent nominee, by a count of 258 to 119. Edward Litchfield, Trigon, was elected J-Hop chairman by a margin of 119 votes over his oppo- nent, James Eyre, independent. Hazel Hanlon, Alpha Chi Omega, Ruth Rich, Delta Delta Delta, and Benjamin Chagrin, Phi Sigma Delta, were chosen vice-president, secretary, and treasurer, respectively, over Louise French, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alison Tennant, Alpha Phi, and John Perkins, Beta Theta Pi. Win Committee Posts The four Washtenaw-Coalition party nominees for J-Hop committee positions, William R. Dixon, Kappa Sigma, Helen Zeck, Mosher-Jordan independent, Dorothy Roth, Pi Beta Phi, and Irving Levitt, Kappa Nu, were all elected. They were opposed on the Frater- nity-Independent ticket by Jean See- ley, Kappa Alpha Theta, Robert Rog- ers, Psi Upsilon, Joel P. Newman, Phi Beta Delta, and Betty Cavender, Helen Newberry independent. In the engineering college the Fra- ternity-Independent party won all nine offices by topheavy majorities over the New Deal slate. Nelson Drou- lard, Theta Xi. was elected class pres- ident over Richard James, Alpha Delta Phi, by 'a 75 to 10 margin. Robert Reed-Hill, Theta Xi, was named vice-president, Lawrence Da- vid, independent, secretary, and Al- bert Hartsig, independent, treasurer. Reed-Hill was unopposed, and the de- feated candidates for secretary and treasurer were James Goodrich, in- dependent, and William DaLee, Alpha Chi Sigma; respectively. Drennan, Chapman On Council Sheldon Drennan, Alpha Delta Phi, and Marvin Chapman, Alpha Sigma Phi, were elected to positions on the honor council over Richard Joslin, Alpha Delta Phi, and William Eason, independent. Foster Campbell, Phi Gamma Delta, Charles Frick, Sigma Nu, and Charles Marschner, Delta Upsilon, were the Fraternity-Independent candidates who were elected to positions on the J-Hop committee. They were opposed on the New Deal ticket by Harold Hertz, Rupert Bell, and Eason. The election for the president of the junior law class proved to be the closest of the day. Stephen Clink defeated Mennen Williams by one vote. Three recounts were necessary to determine the winner. John S. Black won the vice-presi- dential position from Allan Schmalz- riedt, Hugh Jones was elected secre- tary over Charles Chapman, Patrick Quealy was chosen treasurer over Gil- bert Rubenstein, and William Bagby defeated H. Tracy Maas for the J-Hop committee position. Only Five Vote Only five juniors voted in the pharmacy school, balloting unani- mously in favor of Robert Kraft, for president, Don E. Franck, for vice- president, Belle Staman, for secre- tary, and Florence Hartstuff, for treasurer. In the business administration school students elected Clarence Vi arkham, president, Cyril Gross, vice-president, Mary Gaylord, secre- tary, Robert Olson, treasurer, and Harold Nixon, J-Hop committeeman. Education school juniors chose IAnnual Press Club Meetingo Begins Today Address Of Welcome Will Be Given By Ruthven At Banquet In Union1 The University Press Club of Mich- igan will open its 16th annual con- vention in Ann Arbor this morning with newspapermen from all parts of Michigan in attendance. Registra- tion for the convention will take place from 9 a.m. until noon at the Union. Marlen Pew, editor of "Editor and Publisher," one of the leading jour- nalistic trade magazines, will speak at the convention banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom. Mr. Pew's subject will be "The Newspaper and the New Order." He will be preceded by President Alexander G. Ruthven, who will deliv- er the address of welcome to the visit- ing newspaper men, continuing a cus- tom that has been practiced at the convention banquets of the last few years. The afternoon session today, which. will begin at 2 p.m., will be devoted to a symposium on economic trends in the United States. Prof. Max Handman, of the economics depart- ment, will be the first speaker at this session, and will discuss "The Economist's Dilemma." Prof. Margaret Elliott, also of the economics department, will follow Professor Handman, her subject be- ing "Organized Labor and the NRA." The next speaker will be Professor E. B. Stason of the Law School, who will lead a discussion on "The Bar and the Press." Jacob L. Crane, a member of the Illinois Planning Commission, will conclude the afternoon session with an address on "State Planning." Russian Chorus, Appearing Here For Third Time Hildebrandt Is Promoted To Chairmanship New Mathematics H e a d Received Education At UniversityOfChicago Given A.B. Degree When 17 Years Old Started Career H e r e In 1909 As InstructorlIn EngineeringSchool The appointment of Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt by the Board of Re- gents to the position of chairman of the department of mathematics was announced yesterday by Dr. Frank E. Robbins, assistant to the President of the University. The decision as to the appointment, made upon the recommendation of the literary college Executive Com- mittee and after consultation with faculty members of the mathematics department, came too late for the last meeting of the Regents, and a ballot had to be taken by letter and tele- phone to determine the result. Professor Hildebrandt, who is 46 years of age, was considered a child prodigy, receiving his A.B. degree from the University of Chicago at the age of 17. The following year he took his M.A. from the same insti- tution, and in 1910 was the recipient of a Ph.D. degree, also from the Uni- versity of Chicago. He first came to the University of Michigan in 1909, as an instructor of mathematics in the School of Engi- neering. He has been in the liter- ary college ever since his department was centralized in this school, be- coming an assistant professor in 1914, an associate professor in 1920, and a full professor in 1923. Well known among his professional' associates as a distinguished mathe- matician, Professor Hildebrandt! served from 1924 to 1926 as vice-presi- dent of the American Mathematical Society. Earlier distinctions include membership in Phi Beta Kappa and' Sigma Xi. Services A r e Arranged For Former Regent' Final arrangements for funeral services for Former Regent William L. Clements, who died late Tuesday night at his home in Bay City, at the age of 73 years, were completed last night. Services will be held at 11 a.m. to- morrow at his residence in Bay City, while burial will take place at 3:30 p.m. in the Forest Hills Cemetery' here. Friends are requested to omit flowers. He was the donor and founder of. the William L. Clements Library of American History, which contains documentary factual history of the early years of this country. Mr. Clements also served three terms, a period of 24 years, on the University Board of Regents. He has given materials and prop- erty valued at more than $20,000,000 to the University. Mr. Clements is survived by his widow, Mrs. Katherine Fisher Cle- ments, one sister, Mrs. Ida Clements Wheat of Ann Arbor, and two chil- dren, Mrs. Harry Finkenstaedt of De- troit, and W. Wallace Clements of New York. MeIigan Is Only State To esist New Deal Tidal Wave; Con gress I T9 Be Split On Economic Issues H ge* ortcDlgtinI b & *d I n l yt nNC o n v . e s a l g - e - A Only2 DemocratsI new division in Congress along eco- Ritchie Appears Defeated In Race For Maryland Governorship DETROIT, Nov. 7. -UOP) -Mich- igan stood alone in the nation tonight in its thorough renunciation of New Deal candidates. I An almost complete tabulation of the votes cast in Tuesday's general election disclosed that a Republican United States senatpr has been re- tained, a Republican governor has been named to succeed a Democratic executive, four Democratic congres- sional seats have been seized by the once-more majority Republican party and the Democratic majority in the legislature evidently has been upset. In addition the Republicans elected two and possibly three state officers below governor. A close contest re- mained to be settled to determine whether a Republican or Democrat will assume the office of Secretary of State next January. Only a few hun- dred votes separated Orville E. At- wood, Republican candidate, and Maj.-Gen. Guy M. Wilson. Democrat. Two Democra Survive Two Democratic state officers ap- peared to have surviVed the Repub- lican upheaval. Theyi were Theodore I. Fry, state treasurer, and John K. Stack, Jr., auditor-general. An almost final tally of the vote showed that Secretary of State Frank D. Fitzgerald defeated Arthur J. Lacy, Democrat, for the governorship by around 70,000 votes. 'Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. beat-'°Frxank A. Pie- ard, his Democratic opponent for United States senator, by more than 50,000. Thomas Reed, of Shelby, was chosen lieutenant governor over Al- len E. Stebbins, Democratic incum- bent. Harry S. Toy, prosecutor of Wayne county, was named attorney- general, defeating Patrick H. O'Brien, Democratic incumbent. Lacy Asks Co-Operation With Fitzgerald's lead above 50,000, Lacy sent him a telegram of congrat- ulations and requested that all cit- izens co-operate with the Republican! executive-elect in the interest of good government. Fitzgerald said that he will keep his pledges to the citizens of the state. United States Senator James Couz- ens, Republican, after the result of the election was known, made a speech before the Optimist Club in Detroit in which he said, "the thing for every- one to do is show continued faith in President Roosevelt's policies, abun- dant partisanship and aid the pro- gram." The swing of votes that finally shat- tered the two-year-old reign of the Democrats was violent. Early returns indicated an almost certain victory for the Democrats as outstate Re- publican majorities failed to measure{ up to expectations. ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 7.- (Y) - The Farmer-Labor party, Gov. Floyd B. Olson said tonight, has a mandate from the people of Minnesota to put' into effect its far-flung public own- ership program, designed to achieve a co-operative commonwealth. nomic rather than party lines, re- gardless of whether there is a realign- ment of parties themselves, was fore- shadowed by the Democratic sweep in the off-year election. With the Senate almost three- fourths Democratic, the 'aisle which has separated the party seats for many years will be largely obliterated, figuratively as well as literally. The disregard of party lines which marked the voting on so many issues at the last session, will, in the opin- ion of most observers here, become even more apparent in the new Con- gress. This will come, many believe, not only because of the unwieldy major- ity on the Democratic side, but be-, Fitzgerald, Vandenberg Are Elected As G.O.P. Regains State Upheaval Leaves I XT a rsTT'rrrtrrT xT-r ., n f5l A cause the thin Republican ranks will be made up about half by senators who have frequently voted with the administration in the past. With the party lineup apparently destined to remain about the same in the House, there will not be the noticeable change there that is as- sured in the Senate. But even in! the House there has been a weeding out of some of the outstanding Re- publican stalwarts and many changes in personnel among the Democrats. Maintenance of the Democratic majority in the House, and therefore of the power of the speakership, will add zest to the contest for that post, vacated by the death of the late Speaker Rainey. The increased size of the Demo- cratic majority will bring little change in its leadership. E Will Continue Sale Of Gargoyle On Campus Sale of the November issue of the Gargoyle which appeared for the first time yesterday, will be continued today, Joseph E. Horak, Jr., '35, business manager, an- riounced last night. The magazine will be sold by staff salesmen at important points throughout the campus. An ex- ceptionally large sale of the issue was reported by Horak. Roosevelt Sees Commendation Of His Policies HYDE PARK, N. Y., Nov. 7 -(P)- President Roosevelt, happy at the mandate of the people to carry on his New Deal, turned his full atten- tion today to public affairs. The President made no comment on the returns from the general elec- tions, but Postmaster General James A. Farley, who talked to him by tele-' phone from New York City, said he was "overjoyed with the returns throughout the nation.,, There was no doubt about the en- thusiasm over the result, but Mr. Roosevelt already was thinking about the White House and the nation's problems. He will go to Washington by special train tonight and will be at his desk Thursday. Government leaders held a con- viction that the end of the campaign will lead to a more normal progress of administration activities. The President, beyond any doubt, has a well developed picture of national' conditions after a summer and fall of study, while politics were bubbling. One Proposed Amendment Is Given Approval DETROIT, Nov. 7 -(P)- One of the six proposed amendments to the state constitution submitted to the voters in Tuesday's election appeared likely to be approved and another was within striking distance as the tabu- lation of votes continued tonight. The proposal to make the election of judges non-partisan had 285,462 yes and 253.998 no votes when 1,831 of the state's 3,451 precincts had been counted. Huge Democratic DelegationIs Forerunner Of New Alignment City Vote Aids Republicans In County Victory' Michener Defeats Lehr As Washtenaw'County Is Swept By G.O.P. With the entire G.O.P. slate given varying majorities in Washtenaw county, final returns drifting in yes- terday showed that Ann Arbor had taken the lead in the decisive victory which county Republicans scored in, Tuesday's election. Outstanding among the Republi- can victories here was the return to Congress of Earl C. Michener of Adrian, who, running against Rep. John C. Lehr of Monroe, won by a 3,000 vote majority. Rep. Lehr de- feated Michener two years ago. The entire Republican slate of state officers was indorsed by Washtenaw county, only one township and the fourth and fifth Ann Arbor wards going for Democratic candidates. Andres Leads Ticket Led by Sheriff Jacob Andres, all G.O.P. county candidates were swept into office. Harry H. Atwell, county clerk, only Democrat to win a county position in 1932, was defeated after a close fight by Supervisor Emmett Gibbs of Superior Township. Andres received a majority of more than 8,500 over his Democratic rival, Owen A. Steffe. Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, who won over Arthur Lehman by a vote of 11,182 to 9,089, is the only Washtenaw county prosecutor ever to be chosen for a third term. Redmond M. Burr of Ann Arbor was swept into the State Legislature over George Ennen of Ypsilanti by more than a 5,000 majority, while State Senator Andrew L. Moore of Pontiac defeated Mrs. Christine Mc- Donald of Washtenaw Road by a lead which well, exceeded 4,000. Home Rule Supported Here Though it appeared probable that only the amendment providing for a Inon-partisan election of judges would be successful out of the six submitted, Ann Arbor voted its approval of amendment number four, providing for county home rule. This amend- ment was defeated by Washtenaw! county as a whole, and its strong vote here was believed to be due in a large measure to support from the Univer- sity faculty. State Street Sophs Name Candidates IeIocrats ,am contro Of 22 States For First Time In History Reed, Fess Beaten In Senatorial Race Stock M a r k e t Rises As Result Of Balloting Is Announced (By Associated Press) The electoral storm which tore states from Republican anchorages of long standing bade fair Wednes- day night to give the Democrats com- plete and solid control --hitherto un- precedented-of the governorships, senatorial and House delegations in 22 states. It left Republicans with but the- narrow margin of one Senate seat sep- arating them from complete loss of four other states - Idaho, Nebraska, Rhode Island and South Dakota. Of the senators from these states only Jesse H. Metcalf, of Rhode Island, could' be counted as a standpat Re- publican. Landmarks Lifted The full sweep of the balloting lift- ed out of the Senate such Republican landmarks as David A. Reed, of Penn- sylvania, and Simeon IE. Fess, of Ohio, the one regarded as the symbol of conservatism, the other a.long time Republican leader and chairman of that Party's National Committee in the days of Herbert Hoover. The victory which left Democrats jubilant found Republicans calling the New Deal a disease which must run its course. Markets, after a marked ab- sence of enthusiasm on the part of stocks, responded in strightly fashion before the closing gong. Brisk buying lifted stocks. Wheat topped the dollar a bushel level. Cash corn rose to the highest premium it had claimed in a number of years. The Democrats had elected 25 sen- ators, seizing nine seats held by Re- publicans. The G.O.P. had elected five. The 43 holdover Democrats give that party a two-thirds majority for the first time since pre-Civil War days. Democrats Lead, 3-1 In the representative races, the Democrats had elected 295, the Re- oublicans 92, the Progressive seven ind the Farmer-Labor two. Demo- :rats had captured 23 Republican :eatsand the Republicans 17 Demo- ,ratic seats. As the debris began to clear after he savage Democratic onslaught, it ecame certain that Democrats would nave a topheavy Senate majority with 37 seats. The nine states which ousted Re- oublicans to give their desks to Dem- )crats were Connecticut, Indiana, Mlaryland, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and West Virginia. NEW YORK, Nov. 7.- ( )--With ;he Democrats in complete control of ;he state for the first time since the 'Bull Moose" split of 1912, reappor- ionment of congressional, state and assembly districts was regarded as al- anost a certainty tonight. "I was always for a sound reappor- ionment," Gov.. Herbert H. Lehman said in discussing policies consequen- tial to his re-election, "and that is one Df the things I intend to take up this win ter." For years, the Democrats have sought reapportionment, but the Re- publicans have always blocked it in the legislature. BALTIMORE, Nov. 7. - (P) - Gov. Alfred C. Ritchie, Maryland's cele- brated Democratic governor, who has had a long tenure in the state house, appeared destined for defeat tonight, as his Republican opponent, Harry W. Nice, rolled up a lead of 3,000 votes with only a few scattered precincts remaining untabulated. The vote in 1,328 out of 1,376 pre- cincts was: Nice -234,549; Ritchie -231,400. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 7. - (AP) - A smashing New Deal victory straight down the ticket completed the rout to- night of Republicans from control of their Keystone state for the first time in more than a half century. On top of a stunning defeat of the stalwart Senator David A. Reed, Re- publicans were toppled from the gov- ernorship, other state offices, several congressional seats, and control of the Will As To' Present Folk Dance Encore To Concert Be Given Nov. 19 When Serge Jaroff leads the Don Cossack Russian Male Chorus in its. Choral Union Series program Nov. 19 in Hill Auditorium, it will mark the third time that this unusual organi- zation hasappeared before Ann Ar- bor concert-goers. Twice before in Choral Union con- certs, Nov. 20, 1930, and Jan. 13, 1932, this group has thrilled local audi- ences.gWhensthey appearainaHill Auditorium this season they will be presenting one of the more than a hundred performances included on their tour of America this year. The tour, which began Oct. 7, covers the more important cities of the United States and Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific. At the pres- ent time, the organization is traveling westward from the Pacific coast to fulfill an'" engagement in Chicago, Saturday. In addition to the formal program{ of folk songs, church music, and soldief songs, Mr. Jaroff will lead his .forces in several interesting encore numbers. One of these the Chorus has always wanted to do in Ann Ar- bor, but on past occasions it has had to be omitted because the floor of the Hill Auditorium stage has been too highly polished. Practical Purpose Of Religion Described By Alfred L. Klaer EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third of a series of articles explaining the re- ligious opportunities available for stu- dents at the University. The series is being run in conjunction with a con- certed effort of religious organizations on the campus to advise the student body of their activities. Other articles in the series will appear each day this week. By THE REV. ALFRED LEE KLAER (Campus Minister. Presbyterian Church) Creativity is religion's central field. The problem of understanding and making an adjustment to one's self, to the social order which supports and makes possible rich individual experience, and to the material world of which we are also a part, is a very practical problem. Our attempt to solve this problem is what most of on religion, is that it should help this generation fashion an adequate goal for itself. Youth holds that religion should lead to a creative conscious- ness of its organic possibilities, and! to a dynamic awareness of all pres- ent limitations to an abundant life. The Kingdom of God is within each one of us. The urge to look after. our own best interests and to create and support the kind of social situa- tion which best conserves these per- sonal interests is instinctive. The' quest for the more abundant life is rooted in original nature. Each variety of religion with its individual solution, like everything else, must be judged by its fruits.! Because religion is such a practical matter iiiii ,armnn4c m n i nn . n P~r , '