PAGE SIX T HE MICHMIAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6,1934 Eugene Elliott Speaks On WJR SundayNight' Thatcher-Sias Act Topic O f Public Instruction Official's Address Eugene B. Elliott of the State De- partment of Public Instruction spoke Sunday night over Station WJR on "The Distribution of State Aid Through the Thatcher-Sias Act." Mr. Elliott explained that the ginners class in social dancing meets at 7:30 p.m., Michigan League ball- room. Kappa Phi - Methodist Girls' Club meeting at Stalker Hall at 5:00 p.m. Pledges will please meet at 4:45. Miss Mary Lunny is in charge of the pro- gram for the evening. Douglas Welch, recording secre- tary of the Union, a member of the committee preparing a constitution of student government, will speak on "The Problem of Student Govern- ment" at the regular weekly meeting of the National Student League at 8 p.m., Room 302, at the Union. All are invited. Thatcher-Sias Act is a law which Vanguard Club: Mrs. Roy W. Sel-i provides a method for distributing lars, who has spent the summer visit- $15.000,000 of state aid annually to in. various parts of the Soviet Un- Michigan public schools. This money ion, will speak on the subject, "The is obtained from the present sales tax, Russian Paradox," at 8 p.m., Mich- liquor revenues, and the general fund. igan Union. All members of the or- "The amount of aid which will be ganization are urged to come and available this year is of immediate visitors are cordially invited. concern," Mr. Elliott said. "An esti- The Bibliophiles of the Faculty mate of the amount of money for dis- Worms' Club will have the first tribution during the school year shows meeting of the year' at 2:30 at the that from 10 to 11 million dollars may home of Mrs. F. R. Finch, 1619 South be expected for the schools from the University Avenue sales tax, liquor revenues, and the general fund, provided the proposed gasoline and weight tax amendments Coming Events to the State Constitution are defeated Juniors, School of Education: The by the voters today." junior class of the School of Educa- Mr. Elliott declared that should the tion will hold an organization meet- proposed amendments carry, from five ing for the purpose of electing class to six million dollars will be cut off officers on Wednesday, Nov. 7, from the retail sales tax, which naturally 4:30 to 5:00 o'clock in Room 2436, would drastically affect the appro- University Elementary School. Training meetings will be held be- fore assembly. Professor A. D. Moore will speak in the Assembly. Impor- tant for allmembers to be on time to the circles. The regular Tuesday eve- ning group will meet tonight at 7:15 in 214 West Engineering Bldg. Phi Sigma meeting Wednesday, Nov. 7, 8 p.m., Room 2116 N. S. Dr. Jean D. Arnold will speak on "Gari- baldi: The Garden of the Thunder God." Dues for the coming year are to be paid at this meeting. Lunehcn for Graduate Students on Wednesday, Nov. 7, at 12 o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League. Cafeteria service. Professor Joln H. Muyskens of the Speech Department will speak in- formally on "The Mother Tongue." Forestry Club: "Forestry in the National Parks" will be the subject of a talk by Professor Allen before the Forestry Club on Wednesday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 2039, Natural Science Building. This talk should be of interest to all forestry students. Freshman Glee Club: Regular re- hearsal Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Music Rooms at the Union. Please be prompt. Dues must be paid then. Faculty Womens' Club, Music Sec- tion: There will be a meeting at 6:30 Wednesday evening, at the home of the chairman, Mrs. L. M. Simes, 1002 Baldwin Ave. A potluck supper will be served, after which there will be a business meeting and an informal program under the direction of Mrs. Walter F. Hunt. Membership in the Section is not limited, and anyone wishing to join at this meeting will pleasecall Mrs. Sanford Meech, 21885. The A.A.U.W. Adult Adjustment Group will meet in the Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan League at 7:30, w priation for welfare purposes. He ex- plained that since there will be little or no money in the general fund not otherwise appropriated, the schools would receive less than half of ' the expected 10 or 11 million dollars through the Thatcher-Sias Act. Mr. Elliott went on to explain that the popular appeal for limiting the gasoline tax is misleading, since it is very probable that any reduction in the tax would sooner or later be re- placed by an increase in the price of gasoline. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued fiora Page 2) Physics Colloquium: Professor D. Alpha Nu meets Wednesday, Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., in the Alpha Nu room, fourth floor of Angell Hall. The sec- ond of the series of pledge debates will be the feature of the program. The question for debate is: Resolved, That Hitler's economic and political policies should be condoned in the eyes of the world. All pledges must be present. Anyone desiring to give a try-out speech will be heard after the meeting. Political Science Club will meet in the Michigan League at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 7. Dr. Pollock will address the group, taking as his sub- ject "An Interpretation of Yester- day's Elections." All political science ' concentrates are urged to attend. Wednesday evening, with Dr. Alvalyn Woodward a hostess. }Where To Go Motien Pictures: Whitney, "I Give My Love" with Paul Lukas; Wuerth, "She Loves Me Not" with Bing Cros- by; Majestic, "Outcast Lady" with Constance Bennett; Michigan, "The Count of Monte Cristo" with Robert, Donat and Elissa Landi. Lectures: Lloyd C. Douglas, "The Flight to Freedom," 8:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Dancing: Hut Cellar, Den Cellar. M. Dennison will speak on "The Po- English Journal Club will meet Fri- tential Energy Functions of Poly- day, Nov. 9, in the League. Business atomic Molecules" at 4:15 p.m., Room meeting at 4 p.m. Program open to 1041, East Physics Bldg. All inter- the public at 4:15. Subject: "The ested are cordially invited to attend. Economic Interpretation of Litera- ture." The discussion will be led by Women's Research Club: Second Samuel Kliger and Morris Greenhut. meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m., Room Graduate students in English not now 3024 of the Museums Building. Dr. members of the club are asked to Miriam Durell, Superintendent of give their names to a member, or to Nurses at the University Hospital the secretary, Prof. H. M. Jones, 3218 will be the speaker. Angell Hall. Sigma Rho Tau: Regular meeting The Junior Research Club meets Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2082 N. S. Dr.NF i tm n N. R. F. M4aier of the Department of- Psychology will speak on "Studies in Cortical Destruction and Its Effect on Animal Behavior." This will be followed by a business meeting and the election of new members. Adelphi House of Representativ will meet i its room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall at 7:30 p.m. Any men who have been accepted for membership and were unable to at- come. There will be a debate on the question: Resolved that a lottery sys- tem as a means of raising revenue oUt of the should be adopted in the United States. An open discussion will fol-, low the debate. Every one is invited So m ethin to attend. Wool and Fancy SCARFS Knitted & Plain NECKWEAR Also Novelties C HAS. DOUKAS CUS'TOM TAILORING 1319 South University tors. something ordinary- p BETTER sian picture 5541 Pi Lambda Theta meeting at 7:30 in the Pi Lambda Theta Room, U.E.S. Christian Science Organization: There will be a meeting of this Or- ganization tonight at 8 o'clock in the Chapel of the Women's League Build- ing. Students, alumni, and faculty members of the University are cor- dially invited to attend. Archery Meeting for Men, Michigan Union,, Room 3N4, 7:30 p.m. Every-! one interested in archery is urged to attend. University Men and Women: Be- for your Eno Dial II i i UR NEW ROUGH DRY for you to have your Sh This new service gives you finished laundry on Shirts, Handker- chiefs and Socks. ready to wear. You Underwear and Pajamas are washed and dried cannot afford to send your laundry out of the Y Laundry Service makes city at these low prices. it possible PRICE. 4 Price per Pound. ( Minimum Bundle - 50c ) Sox xtra,;air Handkerckiefs, Exi Sirts, Extra . Era loC 2c irts laundered at this LOW 0.Ic ls Er, I- N Full Dress Shirts not included in this Service SAMPLE BUNDLE 319 East Huron Established 1890 ' 3 6 3 2 2 1 SHIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS PAIRS OF SOX SUITS UNDERWEAR BATH TOWELS PAJAMA SUITS FINISHED SERVICE WASHED -- DRIED FOLDED READY TO WEAR N TOTAL COST 92c For This New ROUGH DRY SERVICE, Call any of the following Laundries: HITE SWAN LAUNDRY KYER LAUNDRY Phone 4117 Phone 4185 I W - ~ . -~ U I! I