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November 06, 1934 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-06

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k. .d


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CITY EDITOR ........................JOHN IEALt
WOMEN'S EDITOR .....................ELEANOR BLUM
NIGHT EDITORS: Pal J. Elliott, John J. Flaherty, Thomas
E. Groehn, Thomas H. Kleene, David G. Macdonald,
John M. O'Connell, Robert S. Ruwitch, Arthur M. Taub.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Marjorie Western, Joel Newman,
Kenneth Parker, William Reed, Arthur Settle.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Barbara L. Bates, Dorothy Gies,
Florence Harper, Eleanor Johnson; Ruth Loebs, Jo-
sephine McLean, Margaret D. Phalan, Rosalie Resnick,
Jane Schneider, Marie Murphy.
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Clark, Clinton B. Conger, Sheldon M. Ellis, William H.
Fleming, Robert J. Freehling, Sherwin Gaines, Richard
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shall Shulman, Donald Smith, Bernard Weissman, Jacob
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Dorothy Briscoe, Maryanna Chockly, Florence Davies,
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WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Mary Bursley, Margaret Cowie,
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Shapand, Betty Simonds, Grace Snyder, Margaretta
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Paula Joerger, Mary LouHooker, Jane Heath, Bernar-
dine Field, Betty Bowman, July Trosper.
The New Deal
Comes Down To Us...
THE NEW DEAL comes back to the
people today. Everywhere in the
United States citizens will cast ballots which in
all practicality will state "I aprove" or "I dis-
approve." That the people are able to do this is an
unoratorical but complete repudiation of the only
argument advanced by the Republican party in the
pre-election campaign. The Republican party has
said the New Deal is Russian, but in Russia only
Communists vote, while here God-fearing Repub-
licans are on a voting equality with the Democrats.
The Republican party has said that the New Deal
stifles criticism as the German Nazis do, but in
Germany no outspoken criticism of that darling
of the angels, Herr Hitler, is allowed, while here
the opposition has been granted sufficient rope to
indulge in the most outlandish denunciations.
Every bugaboo created by the Republican high
command to catch the fools and puzzle the wise
is slain by today's one simple and traditional act
of the American electorate.
The Roosevelt Administration will be victorious,
of course. Not even Republican chieftains, returned
from their wars for saving the liberty of private
exploitation to the confessional of the jug and eve-
ning slippers, will deny that fact. In the House of
Representatives the Democrats will quite likely
have a two-thirds majority. In the Senate they will
not only hold their own but should gain from
three to six seats. This is not all, however. In
many cases the elected Republicans will have
squeezed through not because they opposed the
New Deal, as Chairman Henry Fletcher begged
them to do, but because they have claimed all or
part of the New Deal for their own. Even that
august palladin of American virtue, Senator Arthur
Vandenberg, has not been adverse to picking up a
new deal idea here and there in his travels. The

triumph of the New Deal is complete.
This certain victory is, it seems to us, natural.
For the New Dealers deserve the people's support
on the basis of two splendid accomplishments.
First, they met an overpowering governmental and
economic crisis with courage, honor, and intelli-
gence. Second, they have proceeded in their legis-
lation with the great body of the public, rather
than special interests in that public, ir ,mind. They
have not always been successful. Sometimes 'they
have been silly. Sometimes their conceit has been
annoying. Sometimes their reckless use of un-
checked adjectives has been a poor substitute for

Faculty Ward
On Trial.. .
ANN ARBOR has a famous "faculty
ward," the seventh, which has
v-ted 4 to 1 in favor of the Republican Party in
,ast elections. Even though it is not possible to tell
how, individuals vote, the preponderence of fac-
ilty and faculty families has given the seventh
ward vote a flavor that it kept even in the 1932
The obvious disapproval which faculty men have
ahown for many government acts under the New
Deal in interviews, in classrooms, and in confi-
dential discussions might seem amply sufficient to
kcep them in their traditional Republican position
in the elections today.
For only one reason might one doubt the out-
come. Educators have clamored for years for a
;lace in the governmental sun, and under the
New Deal they have been called to aive or ad-
visory posts as never before. A dozen Michigan
faculty men alone are in the Federal and State
government today. The "brain trust" is famous
-or infamous.
If Ann Arbor's "faculty ward" sticks to its
Republican guns today, it'll be rather hard to make
its members out the radicals they are claimed in
some quarters to be. If the seventh swings to the
New Deal, then indeed may the Chicago Tribune
throw up' its hands and fear for the future of the
Regained .. .
P INCETON MEN didn't care espe-
cially for some of the publicity at-
tendant upon Bing Crosby's musical effort, "She
Loves Me Not," which had its setting on the Prince-
ton campus. Michigan has been fortunate in escap-
ing the crass portrayal of college life that movie
magnates have fixed on other schools.
But if Coach Harry Kipke happened to tune in
Sunday night to a certain network drama spon-
sored by a nationally-known skin lotion concern,
he probably felt like bashing in the front of his
Michigan and California, so the story went, were
about to engage in one of the intersectional classics
of the year. As the coast town rang with "The
Victors" and "The Varsity," Michigan's young all-
America coach, "Joe Walsh," was confiding to his
wife that the Wolverines.didn't have a chance.
A local gambling ring wasn't so sure of that,
and they were willing to let Walsh have ten grand
to protect their interests. When Joe refused to play
ball with them, they doped his 'breakfast coffee
and kept him away from the game.
From there on the .action became constantly
more stirring. Mrs. Walsh sat on the Michigan
bench, told the boys to use "old 55," sent in a new
line to repulse a last minute California drive,
threatened to kiss the players when they eked out
a 7-to-3 win. After the game, Mrs. Walsh said she
had done her part by praying.
So that's the way we look to the world !


They are talking about the professor of English
at the University of Illinois who forgot his text
book. He sent one of the students in the office
after it, forgot he sent him out, and marked him
"A stall in the cIassroom," says P.L.K., a
junior, "is worth two in the barn."
When Bette Davis. screen star, r- turned to her
alma mater, Cushing Academy, to watch its foot-
ball game with a rival football team. she promised
to reward every touchdown by giving the player
who carried the ball a kiss. Two of the young
huskies received two kIses apiece when the school
unexpectedly won 34 to 0. I suggest Coach Kipke
get in touch with Harlow or Garbo before the
Wisconsin and Ohio State games.

Your last opportunity to get your
Iictures in the 'Ensian will I)e
Sa tu-rdaDecember 1st.
al Yur Appoimet This
60 hchle, e , OrSp/



Here is a contribution received today
"Elmer the Grea4."


I'd like to be a big shot
Down here at college;
I'd like to get a three point
Have a lot of knowledge.
I'd like to be a big shot
Get my share of "cut"
I'd like to have a new joke
When they talk on smut.
I'd like to be a big shot
Chairman of big things;
.I'd like to be a big shot
Although there may be a crying need for beer
on some of the larger campuses, statistics show that
at the University of Illinois the "coke" still reigns
supreme. In some campus "hangouts" the ratio
is one beer to nine "cokes." It is believed that the
great demand for beer was only temporary, and has
subsided as the novelty has worn out. At Harvard,
where the fight for beer was bitter, it has been
found that the average consumption amounts to
only one bottle in three weeks for each person.
In one of the English courses at Cornell Uni-
versity, a professor was holding forth in a dis-
cussion of various types of writing. He had dis-
pensed with the Asiatic style, that of inflation
and lack of force, He narrated on the Attic
writers, those with untold energy and com-
pression, and then turned to our modern era.
"Where would you put Sinclair Lewis' writ-
ing?" he asked one of his students.
The sage student thought for a moment and
then answered doubtfully, "I'd guess I'd put
his in the Attic."

Merit In The Merit System

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following letter to The
Daily, prompted by an editorial on the subject and
considerable misunderstanding among undergraduate
women concerned, is written by Maxine Maynard. '35,
president of the League. It is presented here in full.
To The Editor:
Merit points or as they used to be called, activity '
points, have been for a long time a misunderstood
matter. The system is complicated, and a brief ex-1
position of its purpose, its accomplishments and t
an explanation of such things as permanent and i
temporary points; points given to houses forJ
tea attendance; and points given to the more re-
sponsible positions, might help in clearing up the
The League installed an activity point system
several years ago to record in some specific and
definite manner the extra-curricular accomplish-
ments of women students, to encourage more
women to enter activities in which they were inter-
ested, and to limit the too-active woman from en-
tering more than she had time to efficiently handle.
This year with the adoption of the merit system
of appointments for the chairmanships of the
Leagug.e Council and the major women's activities
co-ordinated with it, activity points came to be
called merits and needed more than ever a definite
place in the system.
Its function in the system is to allocate to
women, merits for activity work; to catalogue the
qualifications, interests, and accomplishments of
all women. Such records are invaluable in the selec-
tion of students to fill responsible and important
positions, in the recommendations to honor so-
cieties, and in the recommendations made by the
University and the Dean of Women's office at
graduation. If there are to be extra-curricular
activities, and if the leaders of these activities
are to be chosen on the merit system, then, in view
of the large number of women on campus, some-
method of keeping track of the qualifications of
the women interested must be set up. Political
methods of selection are inadequate; and appoint-
ments made on the "I think this girl is grand" sys-
tem are inefficient and often unfair. The only way
ii can be done with the maximum of effectiveness
and the minimum of bias is by the merit system
based on some enumeration of merits.
This does not mean however that a woman
with the most merits is automatically selected to
head some activity; the story of how she won those
merits also enters in. And in this connection
some explanation of how certain merits are al-
lotted seems in order. Women do not get merits for
attending League teas; the affiliation of that
woman, be it sorority or zone, gets the nerits ac-

of which do not extend throughout the school year
and do not entail so much responsibility. Perma-
nent merits are those given to an activity the
duties of which extend practically throughout the
school year and do entail a great deal of respon-
sibility and leadership. For example, temporary
merits are given to such activities as chairman-
ships of minor committees, such as dance com-
mittees, Panhellenic Ball, and Banquet Commit-
tees; ushering; minor parts in dramatics; work on
candy booths. Permanent merits are given to of-
ficers of the League, chairmen of the League stand-
ing committees; members of the committees who
work throughout the year; the women's editor of
The Daily; the presidents of Panhellenic and As-
sembly; the chairman of the candy booth, who
works all year.
A word about the merits given to freshmen for
Orientation lecture attendance: each freshman
who has attended all of the lectures gets one per-
manent merit, which is given, not so much as an
inducement to her attendance, but as a recognition
of her interest in a cultural and social activity.
As has been explained more merits - and usually
the permanent merits go to the women who hold
responsible positions, positions which require qual-
ities of leadership, efficiency, and the ability for
hard and sustained work. There is no "wholesale
distribution" of merits, merits are given to those
who earn them, and given in carefully worked out
percentages; that is, for example, the women's
editor of The Daily gets nine points; the president
of the League, ten; the president of W.A.A. gets
nine. Other specific positions are allotted certain
specific merits.
The merits don't mean anything in themselves;
that is a fallacy into which many persons naturally
fall. They are just a means of statistically record-
ing and checking the number of activities in which
a woman participates. They are the only tangible
record we have of the activity history of an indi-
vidual from the time she enters until she grad-
We insist that activities are not all-important;
but they have a definite part in the social life of
everyone. They teach living and working with other
individuals; they help each person to learn to think
practically and usefully, to apply book knowledge;
and what is most important they teach responsi-
bility and self-reliance.
-Maxine Maynard.
Co-eds - can you manipulate a can opener? Are
you reasonably intelligent? Are you a possesso

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