The Weather
Fair Tuesday; probably show-
ers Wednesday, colder extreme
west, warmer southeast portion.
A6V 4k*
The New Deal Comes
Down To Us ...
Faculty Ward bn Trial .
Paradise Regained .
All Parties
By136 Lits
Definite S pl i t Admitted
By State Street Ranks
On Eve Of Election
All Colleges Will
Ballot Tomorrow
Eyre, Litchfield N a m e d
Candidates F o r J-Hop
A complete realignment of campus
political parties in the junior class
of the literary college was imminent
last night as officials of all factions
prepared to make their final cam-
paign drives for the chairmanship of
the J-Hop and the four class offices.
Rumors that the State Street party
had split over a candidate for the
J-Hop chairmanship and would not
present a State Street ticket in Wed-
nesday'stelection were corroborated
last night.
As a result the so-called progressive
fraternities of the old State Street
faction have organized the Frater-
nity-Independent party; while the re-
maining houses in that political group
are g7ot revealing their plans for the
In the event that the conservative
houses of what was formerly the
State Street party decide to enter a
slate in the balloting, it will be the
first time in recent years that there
has been a third party in the J-Hop
Parties Announce Slates
Officers of the Washtenaw-Coali-
tion faction, declaring themselves to
be "the only organized fraternity, sor-
ority, and independent party" have
announced the make-up of their ticket
as has the Fraternity-Independent
James Eyre, independent, and Phil-
ip Van Zile, Delta Kappa Epsilon,
will head the Fraternity-Independent
slate as candidates for the J-Hop
chairmanship and class presidency,
Louise French, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma, as the vice-presidential nominee,
Alison Tennant, Alpha Phi, as the
candidate for secretary, and John
Perkins, Beta Theta Pi, as the nom-
inee for treasurer, complete the list
of Fraternity-Independent candidates
for offices.
To Elect Committees
In addition to the chairmanship
and the traditional offices, members
of the class will vote for four J-Hop
committee positions. The Fraternity-
Independent party has nominated
Jean Seeley, Kappa Alpha Theta,
Robert Rogers, Psi Upsilon, and Joel
Newman, Phi Beta Delta, for these
posts. A second girl, who will represent
Helen Newberry dormitory, will be
named later for the fourth committee
The Washtenaw-Coalition ticket
will be headed by Russell Coward,
Theta Chi, for president, and Edward
Litchfield, Trigon, for J-Hop chair-
man. The other nominees for class
offices are Hazel Hanlon, Alpha Chi
Omega, for vice-president, Ruth Rich,
Delta Delta Delta, for secretary, and
Benjamin Charin, Phi Sigma Delta,
for treasurer.
Candidates for the J-Hop commit-
tee positions on this slate are Helen
Zeck, Mosher-Jordan independent,
Dorothy Roth, Pi Beta Phi, Irving
Levitt, Kappa Nu, and William R.
Dixon, Kappa Sigma.
IIAZELTON, Pa., Nov. 5. - OP)
- Three persons were shot to
death and nine others, including
six women, were wounded today
when'machine gun fire swept a
Democratic political parade at
11:30 p.m. today at Kelayres, a
mining village five miles south of
The crowd surged toward a brick
residence from which fire was di-
State. police battled to keep them
from dynamiting the house. The riot
climaxed a year of factional friction
in the little town's politics. The Dem-
ocrats were swinging down Kelayres'
main street, standards waving and red
fires flaring. Suddenly shot blazed
out from both sides of the street,
raking the marchers with a deadly
cross fire. From darkened second floor
windows of the two homes said by
police to be those of Joseph Bruno,
Republican leader, and his nephew,
Pal. canme a rgav of bullets.
Dr. Ruthven Opens
Speaks Here Tonight
Religious Opportunities Here
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of
a series of articles explaining the relig-
ious opportunities available for stu-
dents at the University. The series is
being run in conjunction with a con-
certed effort of religious organizations
on the campus to advise the student
body of their activities.eOther articles
in the series will appear each day this
"The concerted effort that is to
be made to present the advantages of
church affiliation to the students
merits the highest praise. It is sig-
nificant and timely.
"We are in a period when reserves
must be built up and supreme values
grasped by every citizen. Religion
is a superior value. The churches
are here to present the hopes, the as-
pirations, and convictions of the good
and the great who have developed
our civilization, and they are thus im-
portant educational agencies.
"By slow and steady effort our
social development goes on. Every
champion of truth, each discoverer of
a new fact, every leader who goes
wisely to a cross for right as against
wrong, moves mankind nearer to
those goals which religion selects.
Religious education is designed both
to promote spiritual growth and to
purify and freshen ideals.
"I wish the religious groups at
the University of Michigan and the
worship centers in Ann Arbor every
success. It may be proper for me to
suggest to those new to this campus
and community that alliance with the
fellowship in which you have thus far
been trained is good education. Neg-
lect of the sources of faith and the
facilities for religious education when
one takes up new duties or moves
to a strange community can scarcely
be defended as wisdom. While freed-
om is a virtue when widely used, we
are in a University to discipline our-
selves and the spiritual disicplines
are at once the most important and
the most difficult of all man's devel-
opmental processes.
"I hope the proposed statement of
objectives on the part of various
groups may increase the devotion
within each communion. The splen-
did good will which exists between
groups in itself should have spiritual
Both Parties Confident
As They Cornet Plans
For Extensive Elections
Dr. L. Douglas
Will Lecture
Here Tonight
S.C.A. Chicago
Trip Provides
Busy eek"End
Sociology Students View
Underworld District, NBC
Broadcasting Studio
An interesting week-end was spent
in Chicago by students who made the
sociology trip, sponsored by the Stu-
dent Christian Association, accord-
ing to Russell F. Anderson, president.
There they saw the slum area, the
police department, the National
Broadcasting Company studios, the
Social Hygiene clinic, the University
of Chicago. campus, and the under-
world area on a tour conducted by
Dr. Frank O. Beck, practical sociolo-
Most of Saturday was devoted to a
visit to the slums and an inspection
of the police department. Here thy
saw the jails, the daily police line-up
room, the boys' courts, the women's
court, county court, and the psychia-
try laboratory
After this visit, Anderson com-'
mented: "Conditions that are present
in some of our jails today are slightly
better than those that existed in the,
Middle Ages. This trip gave everyone
an insight into the desperate need of
those who live in the slum area."
According to Anderson, the visit to
the studios of the National Broad-
casting Company was one of the most
interesting parts of the trip. The
group was shown some of the largest
individual studios in the country, and
told of the special construction neces-
sary for radio purposes.
On part of the tour the group was
accompanied by Edward Clasbie, head
of the Seven Arts Club of Chicago,
and Dr. Ben Wrightman, head of the
Anarchist Club in Chicago, whose as-
sistance was obtained through Dr.
Several famous spots in Chicago's
underworld were visited, and Dr. Beck
pointed out some of the alleged gang-
sters and their "hangouts."
During the visit to the Social Hy-
giene Clinic the group was addressed
by Dr. Rachelle S. Yarrows, director,
on some of the problems that face
her institution.
Sunday morning the members o.
the group attended chapel at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, where they heard
an address by Dr. Pip Van Duesen
of Columbia University.
Eleanor Peterson, '35, chairman of
the committee in charge of the trip,
announced a series of discussions on
the observations made, to be held at
Lane Hall. The date of the discus-
sion, which will be open to the public,
will be announced later.
Micology Seminar To
Hear Two Faculty Men
Dr. Lewis E. Mehmeyer and Dr.
Smith, of the botany department will
speak at the meeting of the Micology
seminar at 7:30 today in Room 4023
of the Natural Science Building. Both
speakers will describe their experi-
ences at the meeting of the American
Micology Society which was held in
the latter part of August at Seventh
Lake, Adirondack National Park, N.Y.
A discussion of the subject matter
will be held after the talks.
FERA Begins Payment
Of $11,530.40 Today
Payment of FERA checks for
the month of October amounting
University To
Present Varied
Talks On WJR
Carrothers And Hoad To
Be First Speakers On
This Week's Program
University radio programs broad-
cast over Station WJR will begin this
week with a talk by Prof. George E.
Carrothers of the education school
who will speak at 2 p.m. today on
"Educating the Adolescent."
At 9:15 a.m. tomorrow and Thurs-
day the laboratory programs of the
University speech classes will be
At 2 p.m. tomorrow Prof. William
C. Hoad of the engineering college
will speak on "The Sanitary Engi-
neer" as part of the vocational guid-
ance series.
The language series will be con-
tinued at 2 p.m. Thursday by Prof.
Rene Talamon of the' French de-
partment, who will give a reading in
This week's night programs will
be broadcast at 10 and10:15 p.m.
Thursday. The first will be "A Re-
search Discussion of Highways to Fit
Your Pocketbook" by Prof. Walter J.
Emmons of the engineering depart-
ment. The second will be "New Syn-
thetic Products for Clothes and
Houses" by Prof. Alfred H. White of
the engineering college.
At 9:15 a.m. Friday there will be
another laboratory program of the
speech class. Talks on student life
at the University, prepared by the
students, will be broadcast. At 2 p.m.
the first of a series of talks on "Mental
Hygiene of Adolescence," by Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky of the psychol-
ogy department, will go on the -air.
Attendance Figures
Are Up 9 Per Cent
Former Ann Arbor
To Discuss 'The
To Freedom'
Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, formerly pas-
tor of the First Congregational
Church, will speak at 8:15 p.m. today
in Hill Auditorium on "The Flight
to Freedom."
Dr. Douglas held the pastorate here
for seven years, and his sermons al-
ways had capacity audiences. Mrs.
A. D. Tinker, student activities di-
rector of the Congregational Church,
which is sponsoring Dr. Douglas's ap-
appearance, said that crowds at his
sermons became so great that engi-
neers had to be called in to strengthen
the piers supporting the church.
Beside being a lecturer of note,
Dr. Douglas is a widely read author.
His "Magnificent Obsession" is still a
best seller three years after publica-
tion. "Forgive Us Our Trespasses,"
his second work, though not a best
seller, is a very popular book accord-
ing to his publishers. His third novel,
"Green Lights," will be published
sometime this winter.
Dr. Douglas is well known to col-
lege audiences throughout the coun-
try. He has held pastorates in college
towns in Indiana, Michigan, Cali-
fornia, and Washington, D. C. His
services have been in demand for
convocations and commencements for
several years, Mrs. Tinker said. For
seven years he was director of relig-
ious education at Illinois University.
His last pastorate was in Montreal.
This is Dr. Douglas's first return to
Ann Arbor in a speaking capacity
since resigning his pastorate. He will
be introduced by Prof. Edwin C. God-
dard of the Law School and a recep-
tion will be held on the stage. Tickets
for the lecture may be purchased at
Tinker's, Wahr's, the church office
on William St. and at the box office
after 7 p.m. All seats are 50 cents.
Union Stages
Promotions In
R.O.T.C. Corps
Are Announeed
Six Officers Are Named
And 77 Men Advanced
To N.C.O. Posts
In an order published yesterday,
six more officers were named, and 77
men were promoted to non-commis-
sioned officers posts in the Univer-
sity R.O.T.C.
David Clinger-Smith, '35, and Ger-
rit J. DeGelleke, '35A, were appointed
first lieutenants of companies "L"
and "I" respectively. Second lieuten-
ancies were given to James E. Matyi,
'35, Dwight M. Cheever, '35, Robert
J. Pfohman, '35, and Salvatore M.
Tramontana, '35E.
The following juniors were ap-
pointed non-commissioned officers:
regimental master sergeant, W. A.
Neumann; battalion master sergeants,
L. M. Mason, R. E. Mason, and R.
Jagow; regimental staff sergeants, J.
H. Wiles, J. E. Johnson, and H. W.
Underwood; battalion staff sergeants,
R. L. French, C. V. Parker, J. B. Heles,
C. H. Greve, W. M. Travis, A. G.,
Raymond, R. M. Stevens, C. E. Shan-
non, and A. F. Droper; color ser-
geants, J. F. Goodrich, and E. V. King;
first sergeants, R. S. Fox, K. C. Mosier,
P. W. Phillipps, A. M. Hilburger, W.
H. Eason, J. P. Coursey, C. A. Fram-
burg, W. A. McClintic, D. K. Cook, B.
E. Allen, H. J. Gaston, W. W. Crosby,
L. M. Reading, and W. D. Weidner.
Tne 45 men appointed line ser-
geants are: R. J. Auburn, C. G.
Barndt, R. W. Boebel, H. J. Bowman,
W. Bassett, C. L. Brooks, R. M. Burns,
P. Clark, A. H. Cutler, A. F. Donovan,
R. T. Dotts, M. M. Earle, W. E. Eld-
ridge, L. C. Fisher, W. H. Fleming,
G. R. Ginder, C. V. Gross, G. A.
Graves, G. M. Hines, T. W. Heilala,
E. D. Howell, and J. R. Hodgson.
C. F. Haughey, H. J. Jackson, E. W.
Keck, C. Y. Liu, W. I. LaBaw, W. B.
Marsh, John Marks, J. J. Marley, C. E.
Nadeau, P. W. Pinkerton, E. W. Rich-
ardson, H. B. Ritze, T. C. Ross, W. H.
Snair, F. J. Sweet, J. L. Steffenhagen,
C. W. Swartout, G. R. Stewart, E. A.
Stone, R. R. Trengrove, J. H. White,
R. F. Yee, and G. H. Zastrow.
These promotions and appoint-
ments were made by order of Lieut-
Col. Frederick W. Rogers, comman-
dant of the R.O.T.C. regiment, and
were published by Captain W. B. Fa-
riss, adjutant.
Polls Will Be Open
From 7 A.M. To 8 P.M.
Below is given the list of polling
places to be used in today's elec-
tion. The ward precinct polls will
be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
First Ward -Voting room in
basement of City hall.
Second Ward-Ward building
on South Ashley St.
Third Ward - Ward building on
Miller avenue.
Fourth Ward --Voting room in
basement of Armory on Fifth ave-
Fifth Ward -Ward building on
Pontiac Street.
Sixth Ward - Ward building on
Forest avenue.
Seventh Ward, First Precinct -
Ward building on Mary street.
Seventh Ward, Second Precinct
- Voting booth in log cabin in,
Burns Park.
'rofs' WillBecome
Braintrusters Fo r
The NewGargoyle
What is the latest move of the brain
truster? Is he doffing his communist
boots or is he adding pink to the red
already given him by various news-
paper cartoonists? The newest angle
on the college professor in his role
as brain truster is presented on the
cover of the November Gargoyle
which will appear on the campus to-
With the new "Garg," our old friend
of the cartoons takes on a new aspect
that should fire the hearts of ad-
ministrationists. Butthe cover is only
a small part of the numerous fea-
tures which have been combined in
the coming issue.
For the first time in the history of
the publication, color will be used on
two pages instead of one in the mag-
azine. Appearing in caricature will be
four prominent members of the fac-
ulty, as well as a popular member of
play production. There will be more
than the usual number of cartoons
and jokes, as well as the various pop-
ular departments. New features have
also been added.
Large Throng
Turns Out To
A defeated Varsity football squad
was greeted by more than 1,000 loyal
students and townspeople late Sun-
day afternoon at the Michigan Cen-
tral Railroad Station upon their re-
turn. from the Minnesota game at
When the train bearing the team,
c o a c h e s, managers, cheerleaders,
trainers, and part of the band ar-
rived at 5:30 p.m., the platform of
the station was crowded with local
supporters, and the street in front of
the depot was jammed with parked
Most of the assembled crowd had
waited two hours for the arrival of
the train, which was originally ex-
pected at 3:30 p.m. At that time there
were nearly 2,500 enthusiastic rooters
gathered on the platform.
A large portion of that crowd re-
mained at the station until 4:30 p.m.
when it was reported that the train
would be delayed another hour. Scat-
tered showers further diminished the
ranks of the supporters.
However, when the train appeared
in the station, a cheer went up from
the crowd. Because of the fact that
a large portion of the Varsity band
had remained in Chicago there was
no parade up State Street from the
'36 Engineer Party
Names Candidates
Announcement of the nominees for
the junior offices of the engineering
school by the Fraternity-Independent
party was made late yesterday.
Nelson Droulard was nominated for
the position of president. For vice.-
president Bob Reed-Hill was named;
for secretary, Larry David; for treas-;
urer, Al Hartsig.
The two candidates named for the
Honor Council were Sheldon Drennen
and Bill Eason. Foster Campbell,
Chuck Marschner, and Chuck Frick
were named to candidacy for the J-
Hop committee.
Voters Will Ballot On 19
Different Offices In The
County, State, And U.S.
Close Battle Seen
For Higher Posts
Total Registrations In City
About 14,000; A Large
Vote Expected
Traditionally a stronghold of Mich-
igan Republicanism Washtenaw
county will ballot today for nine
county officers, six members of the
Stateadministration, and senators
and representatives in both Congress
and the State legislature.
Approximately 14,000 voters are
registered in Ann Arbor, City Clerk
Fred C. Perry reported yesterday.
Perry said he expected a total vote
in the city of more than 11,000. Other
districts in the county outside the city
are expected to return nearly an equal
number of ballots.
Both Democrats and Republicans
were publicly claiming victory for
their local and state-wide tickets, al-
though impartiAl observers predicted
that the Republican county candi-
dates would win a majority of the
local positions, at least.
Close Battle Seen
The contests for governor, U. S.
Senator, and representative for the
second congressionaldistrict, which
includes Ann Arbor, are being fought
'ut largely on the basis of support or
disapproval of the New Deal, and this
factor may lower the usually strong
support which Republican candidates
are given in county balloting.
In the 1932 congressional election,
Rep. John. C Lehr, the Democratic .
incumbent, was elected on a wave of
Roosevelt enthusiasm which gave him
a decisive victory over the Republican
-andidate, Earl C. Michener, who is
again Lehr's opponent. Lehr's margin
was gained outside Washtenaw
2ounty, however, as local votes were
split practically even between the two
The two major gubernatorial can-
didates, Republican Frank D. Fitz-
gerald, present secretary of state, and
Arthur J. Lacy, prominent Detroit
attorney, have both appeared in Ann
Arbor during the campaign. All in-
lications point to an even battle be-
tween them in Washtenaw county.
Fitzgerald's running mate, Sen. Ar-
;hur H. Vandenberg, has not cam-
)aigned in the local district, although
'rank A. Picard, his Democratic oppo-
nent and former head of the Liquor
Control Commission, was here with
Vote On Six Amendments
With the submission of six consti-
tutional amendments to the voters, a
record vote for off-year elections is
xpected. Only one amendment ap-
oears to be favored by the majority
f the State'spress,uthe provision
which would enable county govern-
ment reorganization.
This, the fourth amendment on the
ballot, is in part the wot of two mem-
bers of the University political science
department, Professors Arthur W.
Bromage and Thomas H. Reed, mem-
bers of the sub-committee which
drafted the amendment.
Amendments two and three, the
first relating to. taxes on gas and oil
and the second to the weight tax on
automobiles, have been subject to the
widest condemnation. Opponents
claim that large gas and oil com-
panies wold be freed from taxation
which other industry pays, and that
the schools would suffer a serious loss
of revenue.
Complete results of the balloting for
county, State, and national office-
holders to be held today will appear
in the regular issue of The Daily to-
morrow morning. Significant results
in all other states will also appear in
this issue.
R. H. Upson Injured
By Auto Collision
Ralph H. Upson, local aeronautical
engineer, and a former member of
the faculty, was one of three men in-
jured when William B. Stout's stream-
lined Ford experimental model be-
came involved in an automobile acci-
The official attendance figures for Annual Open
the first semester which were yester-
day put at 9,005, showing a gain of '
nine per cent over those of last year, H o se Ton* b
show that registration was greatest in
the literary college with 4,734 enroll-
ing, and that the engineering college Three Thousand Expected
was second with 1,360.
The total number of men is 6,496, To Attend For Program
an increase of 9.2 per cent over last Of Entertainment
year's figures, and the total number
of women is 2,504, a gain of 8.4 per T U
cent. The Uon will play host to the en
Attendance at the 1934 Summer tire student body, both men and
Session reached 3,272, the official re- women, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. to-
port shows. The graduate school, for night on the occasion of the annual
the first semester, has an enrollment fall open house, which includes a pro-
of 1,050.
Attendance figures for other schools gram of exhibitions and entertain-I
and colleges are as follows: College ments arranged and sponsored by the
of Architecture, 187; School of Med- student organization.
icine, 468; Law School, 539; College Arrangements have been made to
of Pharmacy, 65; School of Dentistry, accommodate approximately 3,000
177; School of Education, 235; School students for the three-hour program,
of Business Administration, 110; according to James Cook, '36, chair-
School of Forestry and Conservation, man of the house committee.
51; School of Nursing, 139; School of A group of swimmers from the Var-
Music, 175.EAgruofsimrfrmteV -
Music,____7__. sity squad will present an exhibition
of swimming and diving at 8 p.m.
Forty Receive Bids To in the natatorium. Derland Johnston,
P Phi Society 36. and Ben F. Grady, '36Ed., will
rmn I.apy give a stunt diving demonstration
Invitations to membership in Phi which they have already presented
Kappa Phi, senior honorary society, in New York City.
have been sent to forty members of Dancing will also begin at 8 p.m.
the senior class. The invitations were in the ballroom with the regular
issued yesterday and a prompt reply Union orchestra, under the direction
is requested in order that certificates of Bob Steinle, furnishing the music.
and keys may be obtained in time for The bowling match between a se-
initiation. lected women's team headed by Dr.
Don CossackRussian Chorus
Outgrowth Of A Prison Camp
The Don Cossack Russian Male
Chorus, consisting of 26 expatriated
former officers of the Russian Im-
perial army, will be heard for the
third time in Ann Arbor when they
presentthe third concertof the
Choral Union series Nov. 19.
Their program will consist of soldier
songs, church music, and war songs.
The group was organzed in 1923
in a prison camp near Constantinople
fellow prisoners but among their cap-
Later, when they were freed, they
secured temporary employment as a
church choir. Shortly thereafter they
were called upon for public perform-
ances and although expatriated from
their native Russia, they were soon
touring throughout Europe and later
elsewhere in the musical world. At the
present time, they have nearly 3,000