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November 03, 1934 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1934-11-03

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. IL Y3 GEiEf ad

More Than
Many Couples G
Attend Formal
Dance At Union
Music Supplied By Ferde
Grofe's Orchestra; Late
Permission Granted
A brilliant crowd made up of well
over 700 people was on hand last
night at the Union to welcome the
first student formal of the present
school year. Ferde Grofe's band,
well-known broadcasting orchestra,
played for the dancers.
The grand march, a tradition with
nearly all the large dances of the year,
was eliminated this year. Dancing
was continuous from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m.,
special late permission having been
granted to women attending.
Use Mink Trim
George P. W. Wanty, '3, co-chair-
man of the dance, had as his guest
Katherine Riedtyk, '36. Miss Riedtyk
wore a brown satin formal trimmed
with mink. The skirt was panelled
and full at the bottom. The fur >
bound the neck and the drop sleeves."
As accesries, Miss Riedtyk wore
brown slippers and coral and gold x
Ruth Kaser, '35, was the partner of z
Robert Atkins, also a co-chairman of
the dance. Miss Kaser :chose peach g
crepe for her gown. The dress was
cut on simple lines and had for its
sole trimming a rope collar made of
the same material. A brilliant clasp
was the only jewelry she wore.
Florence Kean, guest of Harold
Strickland, the third member of the
central committee, wore a flame-
colored taffeta, specked with silver Wi
dots. The skirt flared into ruffles apprac
below the knees and ruffles of the to confi
material were used as shoulder deco- be the
Allen McCombs, '35, president of
the Union, had as his guest Ruth Cil
Bradner, '36. Miss Bradner selected
a tunic dress, of bright blue crepe
shot with silver threads. Two large I
flowers at the shoulder were the only
Among other campus women at- In the r
tending were Rosanna Manchester, which co
who wore white crepe, trimmed with Lydia Me
brilliants, Mary Margaret Campbell that the
in ice-blue satin with the new halter is of part
neckline, and Betty Van Winkle in The son
white uncut velvet with insets of sil- little Jim
ver lame in the waist, the most
Lola Campbell wore a distinctive the play.
dress of powder blue velvet, and Dor- brother at
othy Corson also chose velvet. Miss clean shir
Corson's dress was black with bands O'Neil, a
of white lapin outlining the neckline I of Tappa
and sleeves. Barbara Miller selected is the so
a lovely white crepe gown, with a O',eil.
short cape trimmed with white ostrich BuJi
feathers. Virginia Eaglesfield was also But Jim
seen in white crepe. brothers a
A becoming shade of chartreuse for the t
green crepe was selected by Dorothy O'Neils ar
Imlay, and with it she wore a match- garet, 12,
ing jacket. Jane O'Ferrall also wore all take t
green, though in a darker shade. Her in the ten
dress was accented by a stunning gold The big
belt. Betty Anne Beebe wore black acting goe
with an unusual vestee of white. Sue ter of Pro
Calcutt and Marie Metzger both se- er. Six y
lected black velvet, part of ti
Doris Everett wore light blue crepe, is evicted
and Betty Greve was seen in white took a little
crepe with straps of brilliants. k ines hear
but anyon
Large Crowd week-endd
also plays
Attends First school chil
ment on t
lea At League Jaw

An attendance of over 200 testi- ri
fied to the success of the first under- W
graduate tea given yesterday by the
League. It was the first of a series Gi
of monthly teas, designed to provide
a social meeting-place for all women
on campus.T
Al Cowan's orchestra played for Two lao
dancing, and a program of stunts to the Mic
was presented, including songs by a a gift from
vocal trio and a mind-reading exhibi- lars from J
tion by Delta Delta Delta sorority The vas






O The


inger Rogers Confir lis Engagement Rumor

Mrs. Ruthven Au
To Entertain

n Arbor Children's Theatre Sorority Pledge
Provides Audience ExpverienceI For, nals To Be

University Club Whe Ethe OHNSON and ven Tonioht
_ _i st eMr icnG vnRu s s e ll M c C ra c k e n firs t c o n c e iv e d Dc snP a
The Ann Arbor group of the Uni-1 the idea of a Children's Theatre for
versity of Michigan Club for women Ann Arbor, they had as one of theirIformal Dance Will Be
will open a busy season of activities prime reasons for the formation of Held By Betsy Barbour
on Nov. 9 at a tea at the home of such a group the purpose of present-
Mrs. Alexander Ruthven. President ing to the children of Ann Arbor Dormitory
} Ruthven will speak at this meeting. plays which were as carefully work-
About 1200 graduates of the Uni- ed out as those done for an adult Six sorority houses have arranged
versity now living in Ann Arbor are audience. In all public schools chil- for pledge formals tonight and sev-
eligible for membership in the club dren have an opportunity of work- oral fraternities are entertaining th
and of this number 255 are active. ing in dramatics themselves, but it informal dances
The officers are Mrs. A. O. Lee, presi- was felt by these two that the posi-
dent; Mrs. Walter F. Colby, vice- tion of a member of the audience Collegiate Sorosis is honoring its
president; Mrs. Otto Guthe, secretary- was unfortunately lacking from any pledges at the annualspledge fomal
treasurer; Ms. Leslie A. Wikel, mem- school work.e tonight. Mary Robinson, '36, is 'in
bership chairman; Mrs. Edward L. It was to provide in the first place, charge of the party, and Jane O'Fer-
beruiecshpeincipr h Anr all, '7,isrrangingth deia
Adams. hospitality chairman; and "n audience experience for the Ann tions. Floyd Gale's orchestra will play
Mrs. Theodore Hornberger, publicity Arbor children that Miss McCormick and Dr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Beebe
chairman. and Mr. McCracken decided on the and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ellerby
The aims of the organization are Children's Theatre project last year. will attend as chaperones.
to back scholarships and fellowships There were other reasons however, Alpha Chi Omega will entertain
for students. Last year it selected which were back of the organization with a pledge formal also. Marjorie
three Ann Arbor students entering of the theatre. It was felt that it Oostdyk, '35, is the chairman for the
the University as the recipients of the was necessary to find a project for dance. Dr. and Mrs. John V. Fopeano
Regents' Scholarships. The group the undergraduate women on campus and Prof. and Mrs. Frank R. Finch
gave a $100 scholarship for senior which would afford practical expe- RUSSELL McCRACKEN will be guests of the sorority house.
women, $100 to the emergency fund rience yet at the same time would Janice Rice, '35, is arranging for
I for needy students, and $50 to assist I benefit the comunity. -
in the expenses of the Alumni Council' Is Women's Project sidered in making the lines of the th edg formal t eveniat.the
~Pi Beta Phi sorority this .evening, Mr.
office. The imaginative theatre was the story fit in with the mood of its wit- and Mrs. A. E. White and Mr. and
To raise the funds for these various answer to this problem. All man- nesses. Mrs. Sigmund K. Proctor are to
prcjects different steps are taken. agement is done by women, working In "The Adventures of Tom Saw- chaperone. Al Cowan's orchestra will
Last year a quilt tea was held. Plans this year under a committee headed yer" the sets are used to carry out provide the music.
for this year's scheme are not yet by Sue Calcutt, '35. The chairman this imaginative scheme. "The Em- Fall decorations will be the motif
completed. of the project is a member of the peror's New Cloak," will be able to at the Delta Delta Delta sorority
The second meeting of the season League Council and has at the pres- take this attitude one step farther. when that house entertains with its
will be held in December at Martha ent time working under her 60 under- The Chinese formal stage.will be used pledge and initiation formal tonight.
Cook. It will be a musicale and tea. graduate women. for the play. On this stage, the cur- Myra Adkinson, '35, is making the ar-
Another meeting will be held the last Difficulty arises however, in find tain is never lowered, either for scene rangements for the dance. Jim Hos-
of May at the home of Mrs. H. B. ing perfect vehicles for work in this shifts or end of acts. Property men mer's orchestra is to provide the
Earhart. Last year this meeting was imaginative theatre. To have a local do the actual work of setting up the music, and Prof. and Mrs. Horace
a garden party. enterprise that was artistic, and still stage directly before the audience. King, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Highbie
one that would appeal to the audience Added to this oriental atmosphere and Mrs. Thomas Anderson will
the theatre was planned for, was one chaperone.
Scarves Of Every of the arduous tasks those working the play. The whole show will be The members of Kappa Delta have
on the plays had to solve. planned to honor their pledges with
A P lr danced from beginning to end. Only aformal dance also; Josephine Ke-
TyI reP~ ulrWrites Script percussion instruments will be used a horm3,idtech anilK
Mr. McCracken started this fall to in th'e orchestra but they will be re- o d i chairman, and Bill
Fo School Wear fix that problem. The script select- sponsible for maintaining the rythm Mr . and his orchestra will play.
ed e eet for the fis hwrano stn Prof. and Mrs. L. J. Carr, Mr. and
ed for the first show was not satis- of the actors. What is called in Mrs Robert Wuerful and Mrs. Mary
The recent drop of the mercury in factory, with the results that he Wagnerian Operas the leit motif will Tullerwillrchaperon the pledge for-
New York City sent women of all ages wrote' his own scenario for 'The Ad- be used by this group. When the mal at the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.
ventures of Tom Sawyer" which will Emperor is to appear on the stage, Theresa Mackey, '37, is makihg the
scurrying for scarves in the stores offbepsetdb th ChlrnsTrsaMcy,3,ismkgte
the shopping district. The kinds that be presented by the Children's certain percussion sounds will be plans.
they bought are appropriate for stu- Theatre Nov. 16 and 17. employed; when the princess appears, An informal dance has been sched-
dents here and are so different from The second play which will be given bells will be rung. uled at Betsy Barbour Dormitory
past seasons, not to mention their by the group is a modern play, based Aside from the rhythm of the play, for this evening. Bettina Rightmire,
attractiveness on the legend of "The Emperor's w(Continued on Page 6) '36, is the chairman for the party.
Clothes." Kathleen Murphy, Grad.,
Long scarves, worn ascot fashion, a Hopwood prize winner like Mr. Mc-
of English cashmere in soft shades': Cracken, has written the script which
of maroon, blue, tan, a deep forest will be used.
green, or a luscious orange proved In writing these versions, the play-
useful as well as decorative under wrights had to think primarily of
tweed coats. Another kind of logwa children like on the stage. To Il \ Y~~~~
yar from Ausika hich combine a child when he attends a "play" the GDB O
colors of blue and white in length- work connotes to him the same mean-
ing as when used at home or at
wise stripes. This is grand forin aswe usdahoeoatI________________________________________
w hr n for school. He is not the stiff audience

--Associated Press Photo
hen Ginger Rogers of stage and screen was asked about her
ching marriage to Lew Ayres, also a film star, she did not hesitate
rm the report. The wedding is to take place Nov. 10 cr 11. It will
second marital venture for each.
dren Pla vImortant Roles
r J(
n ProductionOf 'Street Scene'
ealistic play, "Street Scene," John Silberman, '35, is the Italian
ncludes its run tonight at professor who makes a living by
ndelssohn Theatre, the part teaching violin and piano lessons to
children play in the story children living in the district. When
icular importance. the police take over the .tenement
of the heroine in the story, after the murder, little Jeannie Hay
mie Maurant, is probably is taking a violin lesson and is forced
important child's part in to stay with the police. Jeannie is,
He is the 15-year-old ten and is a pupil at Angell School.
the age when neckties and She is the daughter of Mrs. Rosemary
ts mean little to him. James Hay who lives on Geddes Avenue.
member of the ninth grade The third ana final performance of
nschool takes this role. He; this Pulitzer prize play will be held
n of Prof. and Mrs. J. M. tonight. The box office will be open
after 10 a.m. today to accommodate
O'Neil is not without his those wishing reservations for this

nd sisters even on the stage, last showing of Street SceneNew ChinChukker Is Popular
ree other children of the The chin-chukker variety or ti-
*e also in the play. Mar- '
Richard, 9, and Hugh, 1 Womens Social Society angular scarf is finding favor in wool
he parts of children living To Entertain At League plaids or brown and yellow, black
bmnt.and green, and solid color wools of
:gest bouquet -for juvenile Beta Kappa Rho, social society for brown, yellow, and a grand tanger-
women living in private homes, will ine shade. Chin-chukkers have so
.s to Maria Gelder, .ugh- hold a party at 8:30 p.m. tonight in completely transformed the necklines
A. and Mrs. Paul H. Geid- the Alumnae Room of the League. of Fifth Avenue shoppers that a
ears old, Mamia plays the Games will be played, and refresh- throat without that bright dash of
he daughter whose family ments served. color seems almost strange. The
from the tenement. It' Dorothy Mittelstaedt '36 social proper way of wearing them is to tie
rtsch:irman, is in charge, assisted by them in a square knot at the back or
d in the back of the theatre, crac Gray, '37 and Genevieve Wil- to'sling the knot to the front, cow-
i~e who saw the play last IGi Gay, ad eevev I boyfsin
idn't miss a word she saidat kowski, '35. All non-affiliated women Oy fashion.
oded r brother Thomsid in Private homes are invited to attend. Liberty silks in large squares are
s.' older brother, Thomas, the most satisfactory types for ad-
one of the parts of theHK justable purposes and the English
dren who pass by the tene- PHI KAPPA SIGMA colors in handblocked patterns prove
heir way to their classes. Phi Kappa Sigma will hold a closed irresistible. One scarf shown was of
--- ___________ Itea as a celebration of the Mich- cherry red and silver grey center pat-
igan-Minnesota game. Adelphi, Sor- errrednditv yble
S osis. Kappa Alpha Theta and Chi in, bordered with navy blue.
1 ' ' ' u Omega sororities and Sigma Alpha Bright Colors Smart
Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, and Chi Speaking of colors, the smartest
o Vases A s Phi fraternities have been invited. thing is to contrast all kinds of
There will be dancing and refresh- I strange shades, such as coral with
ments. Chaperones will be Dr. and a black dress, rust with green, tang-
t To Leagune Mrs. Maurice McGarvey. erine with blue. The important thing
being to give color by contrast.




of the adult theatre-goers, but he
becomes a part of the play itself. No
realistic theatre for him. The villains
are booed, their heroines are attrac-
tive, lines are thrown directly to
the audience to the great delight of
the children, and the plot is given
to the audience behind hand backs.
In short, they delight in an artificial
theatre, in all the melodrama -'that
goes with it.
Use Unusual Sets
Children must have a plot and sets
which appeal to the imagination of
those witnessing it; the whole must'
have a picturesqueness appealing to
the story-book mind of the child. It
is this attitude which must be con-
comes in deep striking shades of red,
green, and blue with white polka-dots
in graduated sizes.
Square Scarves Shown
The squares measure a yard and
an eighth on each side and drape
magnificently. Colors in these run
the gamut of pastels. One combina-j
tion was a soft coral, white and greyj
in four-inch squares; another mixed
green, yellow and brown in the soft-
est of shades.
Contrasts of material as well as of
color are important this season. Vel-
vet scarves worn with wool or silk
dresses are an excellent combination.

It's a love match, both singles
and doubles! Everyone's flocking
to the University Fashion Shop for
a new sweater. There are "singles"
in that increasingly
popular "gold" - '
warmly wooly. And
"doubles" , are still
holding their own
. . . one we particu-
larly liked was an
oddly striking combi-
nation of olive green9
underneath and rust n
outside . . . in
brushed wool. Add
to your list of weird hosiery names
. . . Friar's Brown . . . quite the
newest shade, too, for daytime
and evening.
Miss 1935 will be a sirenish sort
of person according to all reports
but if you want to out-Cleo
Cleopatra look in at the Elizabeth
Dillon Shop. We saw a sleeved
formal in black silver-cloth knit
that surpasses our wildest hopes
it has a decolletege line and
long, snug-fitting sleeves. Another
lush bit was a scarlet velvet tunic
over a black satin dress with a
Franciscan cord belt . . . likewise
very smart!

For those in - between - classes
doldrums go to the Parrot and be
revived! It's another away day but
excitement in the booths will be
just as high as if you were sitting
j in the cold, cold stadium. Of
course you can hear the games .. .
every second of it and you won't
miss a bit of the atmosphere . . .
except for a bit of sleet or a fine
coating of ice. And if you're in a 3
o'clock tear . . . the Parrot is the
place for you . .. every single day!
One hundred strokes a night
with a stiff brush was the advice
of our grandmothers . . . not for
punitive purposes but purely for
beautification. At
Calkins - Fletcher's
we found what
looked like just
an ordinary harm-
less brush but it's
called "Stranzit"
and seems to do
wonders with unruly locks. They
also have a tricky little nail-
brush with a high-flung handle
that can't slip. And have you seen
the Drum gift box? It has a lip-
tick, compact, and a petite bottle
of perfume . . . the box alone is
a big attraction.

quer vases were presented
higan League yesterday as
n 18 former Barbour scho-
es were personally brought j

BETA THETA PI Fifth Avenue windows are also
Beta Theta Pi held initiation for showing the lovely French velvet
Calvin Stetson, '37, Milford, Conn. scarves in long and square sizes. The
and John Parks, '37, Caro, Thurs- long ones are particularly fitted for
day, Nov. 1. street wear. One beautiful variety

and Mosher Hall. Jean Greenwald, from Nippon Dy Y. Kumizawa, gen
'37, and Marion Wiggin, ,35, were in eral secretary of the Japanese Y.M.-
charge. C.A. in north America and executive
Among the women attending were secretary of the Japanese Chamber
Julie Kane, J.G.P. chairman, Betty .of Commerce in New York City, who
Hill, chairman of Assembly Banquet was returning to this country after
and Betty Aigler, president of Pan- a stay in his fatherland.
hellenic eThe letter of presentation that ac-
The League Board attended al- I companied the gift from the former
most en masse, including Maxine Michigan students is as follows: "The
Maynard, Hilda Kirby, and Ann Os- former Barbour Scholars of Japan
borne, who was in general charge of present these two lacquer vases to
the tea. Others seen on the dancej the Women's League, for though
floor were Edith Zerbe, Mary Potter, many of us have been at Michigan
Louise Sprague, Genevieve Wilkowski, when the Women's League was still
Grace Snyder, and Margaret Mustardonly a longed-for dream, some of us
Eileen Layr airginia Hugg Betty have been fortunate enough to look
Ewith pride on the building and to
Anne Beebe, Betty Chapman, and enjoy its privileges."
Huth Rowell were also seen. After giving a list of the donors,
the letter closes with, "We hope that
I these vases may be used in some cor-
a h r 1T Go Iner of your beautiful building." Dean
Where oI G Alc
Alice Lloyd, in announcing the arrival
of the gift said that each one of the

Claim 7,400 Livesa Year
In an effort to reduce the hazard of aquatic sports-
Each Spring, the local Red Cross conducts training
courses in Life Saving with experts from National
Headquarters in charge. Many students take
advantage of this opportunity to become Life Saving
Experts and Life Guards. The continuance of this
service depends upon your contributions.



Mid ii ain


Mi inesota

We don't know who'll win bute. t4o know
Our Hot Sundaes - Sodas - Malted Milks
and Toasted Sandwices

Motion Pictures: Majestic, "Out-
cast Lady" with Constance Bennett;
Michigan, "365 Days in Hollywood"

Japanese women who had a part in its
presentation is doing outstanding
work in Japan at the present time,
and that they all were highly success-



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